Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 32 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Ratio of moles of foraldehyde obtained in the reaction (1) and reaction(2).
Following conversion can be done in four steps using four reagents one after the other. These four reagents are listed below with some other reagents.
Write the number of must suited reagent, in order you want to use them and present the four digit number in OMR sheet.For example if you want to use (1) than (2) than (3) than (4) fill 1234 in OMR sheet.
Sum of molecular mass of iodides produced in following reaction is :
If answer of part ( a) is x, part ( b) is y and part ( c) is z then present sum of x+y+z in the OMR sheet. For example : if answer of ( a) is 12, ( b) is 13 and (c ) is 3 you will fill 0028 in OMR sheet.
(a) Number of orgsnic products obtained in more than 5% yield.
(b )Number of moles of HI consumed.
(c )Number of moles of
( d) Number of fraction which can be obtained on fractional distillation of organic product from mizture of products.
Write answer of part a, b, c and d in the same order and present the four digit number as answer in OMR sheet. For example : If all these answers are 9 then fill 9999 in OMR sheet.
Among various alkyl halide which one is the most reaction towards
Find out the number of 1-2 shifts during the conversion of
How many out of the following reagents will change 1- propanol into propanaldehyde?
(a )
(b )TsCl / DMSO +
(c ) P.C.C(pyridinium chloro chromate)
(d ) Bendict solution
(e )Red hot Cu tube
( f)
( g)
( h)
How many moles of Grignard's reagent will be consumed per mole of following compound?
Number of moles of Grignard reagent consumed per mol.
Number of mole of Grignard comsumed per mol in given molecule.(When grignard reagent is in excess)
How many number of moles of R-MgX consumed per mol for one mole of following compound ?
How many alkyl chlorides would yield 3-methyl -pentane on conversion into the absolute ethanol?
How many alkyl chlorides (without considering steroisomers ) would yield 2-methyl-butane on conversion into the Grignard reagent followed by treatment with absolute ethanol ?
The number of moles of Grignard reagent comsumed per mol of the compound
If 'X' liters of ethene would be produced when 2.62 gm of vinyl magenesium bromide is treated with 224 ml of ethyne at STP. Then what is the value of "1000X" ?
How many monochloro compounds will give 1-butene on treatment with Mg/ether followed by
How many moles of Grignard readent can react with one mole of following compound?
4.6 g of a polydric alcohol was treated with an excess of methyl magnesium bromide to produce 3.36 liter of
Calculate number of molecules of Grignard reagent consumed by 1 molecular of following compound.
Number of RMgX consumed per molecule with the following reactant :
(a ) PhCHO ( b)
( c) (d)
Wright answer of part a, b, c, and d in the same order and present the four digit number as answer in OMR sheet. For example : If all these answer are 9 then fill 9999 in OMR sheet.
How many transition states are formed during formation of major product in above reaction ?
Total number of 1,2-shift's during formation of major product is :
Total possible (a ) -Total possible (b ) is ?
Degree of unsaturation of A is :
Total how many organic product (s) will be formed when 4-methylcyclohexoxy-3-methylcyclohexane is hydrolysed ?
How many ketones having molecular weight = 100 will react with
How many chiral compounds of formula
(Number of organic product formed.)
Number of chiral carbon formed in the major product.
Write sequence of reagents used to convert pentane into3-pentanol.
(3) alc. KOH
(4) dil.
Consider all possible isomeric ketones including stereoisomers of relative molar mass of 100. All these isomers are independently reacted with
The number of hydroxy groups in Q is :
SUBJECTIVE TYPE questions and complete solutions for chapter ALCOHOL, ETHER AND EPOXY of GRB CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12