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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter VECTOR ALGEBRA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHASolved Examples
Number Of Questions85
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Classify the following as scalars and vector: 5 seconds

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  2. Classify the following as scalars and vector: 10 kg

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  3. Classify the following as scalars and vector: `40^0`

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  4. Classify the following as scalars and vector: 20 `m/sec^2`

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  5. Classify the following as scalars and vector: 2 meters north west

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  6. Classify the following as scalars and vector: `10^-19` Coulomb`

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  7. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantity: work

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  8. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantity: intensity

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  9. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantity: time period

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  10. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantity: momentum

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  11. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantity: force

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  12. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantity: distance

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  13. Represent graphically a displacement of 40 km, `30o`east of north.

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  14. Represent the following graphically: A displacement of 20 km,`south east

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  15. In the given figure identify the following vectors: equal

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  16. In the given figure identify the following vectors: collinear but not equal

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  17. In the given figure identify the following vectors: cointial

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  18. Answer the following as true or false: Two colliner vectors are always equal in magnitude.

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  19. Answer the following as true or false: Two vectors having same magnitude are collinear

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  20. Answer the following as true or false: Two collinear vectors having the same magnitude are equal

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  21. Answer the following as true or false: `veca and vec-a` are collinear.

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  22. Answer the following as true or false: Zero vector is unique

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  23. If `D` is the mid-point of the side `B C` of a triangle `A B C ,` prove that ` vec A B+ vec A C=2 vec A Ddot`

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  24. In a regular hexagon ABCDEF, prove that `vec(AB)+vec(AC)+vec(AD)+vec(AE)+vec(AF)=3vec(AD)`

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  25. If `D`,`E` and `F` are the mid-points of the sides `BC`,`CA` and `AB` respectively of the `DeltaABC` and `O` be any point, then prove that `OA+OB+OC=OD+OE+OF`

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  26. Let O be the centre of the regular hexagon ABCDEF then find `vec(OA)+vec(OB)+vec(OD)+vec(OC)+vec(OE)+vec(OF)`

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  27. `A B C D E` is pentagon, prove that ` vec A B` + ` vec B C` + ` vec C D` + ` vec D E+ vec E A` = ` vec0`

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  28. In triangle ABC (Figure), which of the following is not true:
    `(A) vec(AB)+ vec(BC)+ vec(CA)=vec0`
    `(B) vec(AB)+ vec(BC)- vec(AC) =vec0`
    `(C) vec(AB)+ vec(BC)- vec(CA)=vec0`
    `(D) vec(AB)+ vec(CB)+ vec(CA)=vec0`

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  29. If `veca and vecb` are the vectors determined by two adjacent sides of a regular hexagon ABCDEF, find the vector determined by the ther sides taken in order. Also find `vec(AD) and vec(CE)` in terms of `veca and vecb`.

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  30. Vectors drawn the origin `O` to the points `A , B and C` are respectively ` vec a , vec b and vec4a- vec3bdot` find ` vec A C and vec B Cdot`

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  31. about to only mathematics

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  32. What is the geometrical significance of the relation `|veca+vecb|=|veca-vecb|`?

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  33. IN any `/_\ABC,` a point `p` is on the side BC. If `vec(PQ)`is the resultant of the vectors `vec(AP)`,` vec(PB)` and `vec(PC)` the prove that `ABQC` is a parallelogram and hence Q is a fixed point.

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  34. If the sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector, then the magnitude of their difference is

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  35. P,Q,R are the points on the sides AB, BC and CA respectively of triangle ABC such that AP:PB=BQ:QC=AR:RC=1:2. Show that PBQR is a parallelogram.

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  36. If O is the circumcentre and P the orthocentre of `/_\ABC`, prove that `vec(PA)+vec(PB)+vec(PC)=2vec(OP)`

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  37. If O is the circumcentre and P the orthocentre of `Delta ABC`, prove that `vec(OA)+ vec(OB) + vec(OC) =vec(OP)`.

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  38. If the position vectors of A and B respectively `hati+3hatj-7hatk and 5 hati-2hatj+4hatk`, then find

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  39. Compute the magnitude of the following vectors. Also mention whether it is a unit vector: `veca=hati+hatj+hatk`

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  40. Compute the magnitude of the following vectors. Also mention whether it is a unit vector: `vecb=2hati-7hatj-3hatk`

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  41. Compute the magnitude of the following vectors. Also mention whether it is a unit vector: `hati/sqrt(3)+hatj/sqrt(3)-hatk/sqrt(3)`

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  42. Write two different vectors having same direction.

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  43. Write two different vectors having same magnitude.

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  44. If `P(-1,2) and Q(3,-7)` are two points, express the vectors `vec(PQ)` in terms of unit vectors `hatiand hatj`. Also find the distance between points P and Q. What is the unit vector in the direction of `vec(PQ)`? Verify that magnitude of unit vector indeed unity.

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  45. Write the direction ratios of the vector ` -> a= hat i+ hat j-2 hat k` and hence calculate its direction cosines.

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  46. If `OP=2hati+3hatj-hatk and OQ=3hati-4hatj+2hatk`, find the modulus and direction cosines of PQ.

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  47. Find the direction cosines of the vector joining the points `A(1,2,-3)a nnB(-1-2,1)` directed from `AtoBdot`

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  48. Show that the vector ` hat i+ hat j+ hat k` is equally inclined to the axes OX, OY and OZ.

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  49. If `veca=2hati-hatj+2hatk and vecb=-hati+hatj-hatk` calculate `veca+vecb`

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  50. Find the unit vector in the direction of the resultant of vectors `hati-hatj+hat3k, 2hati+hatj-2hatk and 2hatj-2hatk`

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  51. Find a vector in the direction of the vector 5` hat i` - ` hat j` + 2` hat k` which has magnitude 8 units.

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  52. I `|veca|=3 and -4lekle1,` then what can you say about |kveca| ?

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  53. The position vectors of the point P,Q,R and S are respectively `hati+hatj+hatk, 2hati+5hatj, 3hati+2hatj-3hatk and hati-6hatj-hatk`. Prove that the lines PQ and RS are parallel and the ratio of their length is `1/2`

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  54. Show that the points A, B, and C with position vectgors `veca=2hati+4hatj-hatk, vecb=4hati+5hatj+hatk and vecc=3hati+6hatj-3hatk` respectively form the veertices of a righat angled triangle

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  55. A tirangle hs vertices `(1,2,4`),`(-2,2,1) `and `(2,4,-3)`. Prove that the triangle is right angled triangle

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  56. The two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are `2hati+3hatj-5hatk and hati+2hatj+3hatk`. Find the uit vectors along the diagonal of te parallelogram.

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  57. For any two vectors `veca` and `vecb`, we always have `|veca+vecb|le |veca|+|vecb|` [Triangle inequality].

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  58. For any two vectors `veca` and `vecb`, we always have `|veca+vecb|le |veca|+|vecb|` [Triangle inequality].

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  59. For any two vectors `veca and vecb` prove that `|veca-vec|ge|veca|-|vecb|`

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  60. Find the values of x and y so that the vectors `2 hat i+3 hat j`and `x hat i+y hat j`are equal.

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  61. Show that the vectors `2 hat i-3 hat j+4 hat k`and `-4 hat i+6 hat j-8 hat k`are collinear.

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  62. Let `veca=2hati-3hatj and vecb=3hati+2hatj. Is |veca|=|vecb|?` Are the vectors` vec a and vec b` equal?

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  63. If `veca=a_1hati+a_2hatj and vecb=b_1 hati+b_2hatj` are non zero vectors then prove that they are paralel if and only if `a_1 b_2-a_2b_1=0`

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  64. If the points `(2,beta, 3), B(alpha,-6,1) and C(-1, 11,9)` are collinear find the values of `alpha` and `beta` by vector method

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  65. If `veca=2i-hatj+hatk, vecb=hati+3hatj-hatk, vec c=-2hati+hatj-3hatk and vecd= 3hati+2hatj+5hatk,` find the scalars `alpha, beta and gamma` such that `vecd=alphaveca+betavecb+gamma vecc`

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  66. If ` vec A O+ vec O B= vec B O+ vec O C` , prove that `A , B , C` are collinear points.

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  67. Show that the points A, B and C with position vectors `-2hati+3hatj+5hatk, hati+2hatj+3hatk and 7hati-hatk` respectively are collinear

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  68. Prove that the three points `veca-2vecb+3vecc, vec(2a)+3vecb-4vecc and -7vecb+10vecc` are collinear

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  69. Show that the points `A(1,-2,-8) , B(5,0,-2)` and `C(11,3,7)` are collinear, and find the ratio in which `B` divides `AC`.

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  70. Show that the vectors `veca-2vecb+3vecc,-2veca+3vecb-4vecc and - vecb+2vecc` are coplanar vector where `veca, vecb, vecc` are non coplanar vectors

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  71. If `veca, vecb and vecc` are non-coplanar vectors, prove that the four points `2veca+3vecb-vecc, veca-2vecb+3vecc, 3veca+4vecb-2vecc and veca-6vecb+ 6 vecc` are coplanar.

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  72. Show that the vectors
    `hati-3hati+2hatk,2hati-4hatj-hatk and 3hati+2hatj-hatk` and linearly independent.

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  73. Find the position vectors of the points which divide the join of the points `2 vec a-3 vec ba n d3 vec a-2 vec b` internally and externally in the ratio `2:3` .

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  74. `veca` and `vecb` are the position vectors of A,B respectively and C is a point on AB produced such that AC=3 AB. Then the position vector of C is

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  75. Prove analytically that the medians of a triangle are concurrent.

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  76. Show that the points `veca+2vecb+3c,-2veca+3vecb+5vecc and 7veca-vecc` are colinear.

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  77. Let OACB be a parallelogram with O at the origin and OC a diagonal. Let D be the mid-point of OA. Using vector methods prove that BD and CO intersects in the same ratio. Determine this ratio.

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  78. Prove by vector method that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

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  79. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

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  80. Prove that the line segments joints joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of a quadrilateral from a parallelogram.

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  81. Write all the unit vectors in `X Y-p l a n edot`

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  82. If the resultant of two forces is equal in magnitude to one of the components and perpendicular to it direction, find the other components using the vector method.

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  83. The wind is blowing due south with speed of 3m/sec. How fast should a car travel due east in order that the wind shall hasve a speed of 5m/sec relative to the car.

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  84. Let `vec(AB)` be a vector in two dimensional plane with magnitude 4 units. And making an anle of `60^0` with x-axis, and lying in first quadrant. Find the components of `vec(AB)` in terms of unit vectors `hati and hatj`. so verify that calculation of components is correct.

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  85. A girl walks 4 km towards west, and then she walks 3 km in a direction `30^0` east of north and stops. Determine the girls displacement from her initial point of departure.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR ALGEBRA of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12

All Exercises from KC SINHA Class 12 MATHS VECTOR ALGEBRA