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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter 3D - COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHAExercise
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Show that the plane `ax+by+cz+d=0` divides the line joining `(x_1, y_1, z_1) and (x_2, y_2, z_2)` in the ratio of `(-(ax_1+ay_1+cz_1+d)/(ax_2+by_2+cz_2+d))`

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  2. If the centroid of a triangle with vertices `(alpha, 1, 3), (-2, beta, -5) and (4, 7, gamma)` is the origin then `alpha beta gamma` is equal to …..........

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  3. Show that `(-1/2,2,0)` is the circumacentre of the triangle whose vertices are `A (1, 1, 0),B(1, 2, 1) and C (-2, 2, -1)` and hence find its orthocentre.

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  4. `A (3,2,0) , B (5,3,2)C (-9,6,-3)` are three points forming a triangle. AD, the bisector of angle BAC meets BC in D. Find the coordinates of the point D.

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  5. Find the coordinate of the foot of the perpendicular from `P(2,1,3)` on the line joinint the points `A(1,2,4) and B(3,4,5)`

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  6. If O be the origin and OP makes an angle of `45^0` and `60^0` with the positive direction of x and y axes respectively and OP=12 units, find the coordinates of P.

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  7. Find the angles of `/_\ABC` whose vetices are `A(-1,3,2),B(2,3,5) and C(3,5,-2)`.

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  8. Find the projection of the line segment joining (2,-1,3) and (4,2,5)` on a line whidh makes equal to angle with coordinate axes.

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  9. The projection of a directed line segment on the coordinate axes are `12,4,3`. Find its length and direction cosines.

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  10. Find the direction cosines of as perpendicular from origin to the plane `vecr.(2hati-2hatj+hatj)+2=0`

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  11. Find the Cartesian equation of the plane `vecr.(2hati-3hatj+5hatk)=1`.

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  12. Find the vector equation of the plane ` vec r=(1+s-t) hat i+(2-s) hat j+(3-2s+2t) hat k` in non-parametric form.

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  13. Find the angle between planes `vecr.(veci+vecj)=1 and vecr.(veci+veck)=3`.

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  14. Prove that the planes `12x-15y+16z-28=0, 6x + 6y -7z- 8= 0` and `2x + 35y-39z + 12 = 0` have a common line of intersection.

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  15. Find the angle between the planes `x-y+2z=9 and 2x+y+z=7`.

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  16. Show that the origin lies in the interior of the acute angle between planes x + 2y + 2z = 9 and 4x - 3y + 12z + 13 = 0. Find the equation of bisector of the acute angle.

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  17. The plane `x/a+y/b+z/c=1` meets the co-ordinate axes in the point A, B, C respectively. Find the
    area `triangle ABC.`

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  18. A (1, 0, 4), B (0, −11, 3), C (2, −3, 1) are three points and `D` is the foot of perpendicular form `AonB Cdot` Find the coordinates of `Ddot`

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  19. about to only mathematics

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  20. A line with cosines proportional to `2,7-5` drawn to intersect the lines `(x-5)/3=(y-7)/-1=(z+2)/1 ; (x+3)/-3=(y-3)/2=(z-6)/4` .Find the co- ordinates of the points of intersection and the length intercepted on it.

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  21. Find the image of the point (2,-3,4) with respect to the plane `4x+2y-4z+3=0`

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  22. Projection of line `(x+1)/2+(y+1)/(-1)=(z+3)/4` on the plane `x+2y+z=6;` has equation `x+2y+z-6=0=9x-2y-5z-8` b. `x+2y+z+6=0,9x-2y+5z=4` c. `(x-1)/4=(y-3)/(-7)=(z+1)/(10)` d. `(x+3)/4=(y-2)/7=(z-7)/(-10)`

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  23. Prove that the straight lines `x/alpha=y/beta=z/gamma,x/l=y/m=z/n and x/(a alpha)=y/(b beta)=z/(c gamma)` will be co planar if `l/alpha(b-c)+m/beta(c-a)+n/gamma(a-b)=0`

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  24. Find the equation of the line through point `(1,2,3)` and parallel to plane `x-y+2z=5,3x+y+z=6`

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  25. The shortest distance between the straighat lines through the point `A_1=(6,2,2) and A_2=(-4,0,-1)` in the directions `1,-2,2 and 3,-2,-2` is
    (A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 9

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  26. Find the points on the lines `(x-6)/3=(y-7)/(-1)=(z-4)/1 and x/(-3)=(y-9)/2=(z-2)/4`. Which are nearest to each other.

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  27. Find the coordinates of the points where the shortest distance between the lines `(x-12)/(-9)=(y-1)/4=(z-5)/2 and (x-23)/6=(y-19)/4=(z-25)/(-3)` meets them.

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  28. A variable plane moves in such a way that the sum of the reciprocals of its intercepts on the three coordinate axes is constant. Show that the plane passes through a fixed point.

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  29. The equations of motion of a rocket are `x=2t, y=-4t and z=4t`, where time `t` is given in seconds, and the coordinates of a moving point in kilometres. What is the path of the rocket ? At what distance will be the rocket from the starting point `O(0, 0, 0)` in 10 s ?

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  30. If the system of equations `x=c y+b z` `y=a z+c x` `z=b z+a y` has a non-trivial solution, show that `a^2+b^2+c^2+2a b c=1`

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  31. Let PQ be the perpendicular form `P(1,2,3)` to xy-plane. If OP makes an angle theta with the positive direction of z-axis and OQ makes an angle `phi` with the positive direction of x-axis where O is the origin show that `tantheta=sqrt(5)/3 and tanphi=2`.

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  32. about to only mathematics

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  33. The graph of the equation `x^(2)+ y^(2) =0` in the three dimensional space is

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  34. If a point moves so that the sum of the squars of its distances from the six faces of a cube having length of each edge 2 units is 104 units then the distance of the point from point (1,1,1) is (A) a variable (B) a constant equal to 7 units (C) a constant equal to 4 uinits (D) a constant equal to 49 units

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  35. Prove that the points `O(0,0,0), A(2.0,0), B(1,sqrt3,0) and C(1,1/sqrt3,(2sqrt2)/sqrt3)` are the vertices of a regular tetrahedron.,

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  36. Show that the angle between two diagonals of a cube is `cos^(-1)sqrt(1/3)dot`

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  37. The equation `vecr=lamda hati+muhatj` represents the plane
    (A) x=0 (B) z=0 (C) y=0 (D) none of these

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  38. The vector ` vec c `, directed along the internal bisector of the angle between the vectors `vec a = 7 hati - 4 hatj - 4hatk and vecb = -2hati - hatj + 2 hatk " with " |vec c| = 5 sqrt(6),` is

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  39. The equation of the plane containing the line `2x+z-4=0 nd 2y+z=0` and passing through the point (2,1,-1)` is (A) `x+y-z=4` (B) `x-y-z=2` (C) `x+y+z+2=0` (D) `x+y+z=2`

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  40. The locus represented by `xy+yz=0` is a pair of

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  41. The acute angle between the planes `5x-4y+7z=13` and the y-axis is given by
    (A) `sin^-1(5/sqrt(90))`
    (B) `sin^-1((-4)/sqrt(90))`
    (C) `sin^-1(7/sqrt(90))`
    (D) `sin^-1(4/sqrt(90))`

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  42. The points `A(1,1,0),B(0,1,1),C(1,0,1) and D(2/3, 2/3, 2/3)` are
    (A) coplanar (B) non coplanar (C) vertices of a paralleloram (D) none of these

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  43. The equation of the parallel plane lying midway between the parallel planes `2x-3y+6z-7=0 and 2x-3y+6z+7=0` is
    (A) `2x-3y+6z+1=0`
    (B) `2x-3y+6z-1=0`
    (C) `2x-3y+6z=0`
    (D) none of these

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  44. The equation of the righat bisector plane of the segment joining (2,3,4) and (6,7,8) is (A) `x+y+z+15=0` (B) `x+y+z-15=0` (C) `x-y+z-15=0` (D) none of these

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  45. The angle between the plane `3x+4y=0` and z-axis is (A) `0^0` (B) `30^0` (C) `60^0` (D) `90^0`

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  46. If the points `(-0,-1,-2),(-3,-4,-5),(-6,-7,-8) and (x,x,x)` are non coplanar then x is (A) `-2` (B) `0` (C) `3` (D) any real number

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  47. The equation of the plane through the point (1,2,-3) which is parallel to the plane `3x-5y+2z=11` is given by (A) `3x-5y+2z-13=0` (B) `5x-3y+2z+13=0` (C) `3x-2y+5z+13=0` (D) `3x-5y+2z+13=0`

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  48. The equation of any plane parallel to x-axis (A) `ay+cz+b=0, a^2+b^2+c^2=0` (B) `x=a` (C) `ay+cz-bx=0, a^2+c!=0` (D) none of these

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  49. The direction ratios of a normal to the plane through `(1,0,0)a n d(0,1,0)` , which makes and angle of `pi/4` with the plane `x+y=3,` are a. `<<1,sqrt(2),>>` b. `<<1,1,sqrt(2)>>` c. `<<1,1,2>>` d. `<>`

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  50. The equation of the plane through the point of intersection of plane `x+2y+3z=4` and `2x+y-z-5` and perpendicular to the plane `5x+3y+6z+8=0` is
    (A) `7x-2y+3z+81=0` (B) `23x+14y-9z+48=0` (C) `51x+15y+50z+173=0` (D) none of these

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  51. The distance of the point `(2,1,-1)` from the plane `x-2y + 4z =9` is

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  52. Verify the following: (5,-1,1),(7,-4,7), (1,-6,10) and (-1,-3,4) are the vertices of a rhombus.

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  53. The angle `theta` the line `vecr=vecr+lamdavecb` and the plane `vecr.hatn=d` is given by (A) `sin^-1((vecb.hatn)/(|vecn||vecb|))` (B) `cos^-1((vecb.hatn)/(|vecb|))` (C) `sin^-1((veca.hatn)/(|veca|))` (D) `cos^-1((veca.hatn)/(|veca|))`

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  54. A straighat line `vecr=veca+lamdavecb` meets the plane `vecr.vecn=p` in the point whose position vector is (A) `veca+((veca.hatn)/(vecb.hatn))vecb` (B) `veca+((p-veca.hatn)/(vecb.hatn))vecb` (C) `veca-((veca.hatn)/(vecb.hatn))vecb` (D) none of these

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  55. The equation of the line through `(1,1,1)` and perpendicular to the plane ` 2x+3y-z=5` is
    (A) `(x-1)/2=(y-1)/3=z-1`
    (B) `(x-1)/2=(y-1)/3=(z-1)/(-1)`
    (C) `(x-1)/2=(y-1)/3=(z-1)/(5)`
    (D) `(x-1)/2=(y-1)/(-3)=z-1`

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  56. Given the line `L: (x-1)/(3) = (y+1)/(2) = (z +3)/(1)` and the plane `pi:x -2y + z=0,` of the following assertions, the only one that is always true is ,

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  57. The reflection of the point `(2,-1,3) ` in the plane `3x-2y-z=9` is
    (A) `(28/7,15/7,17/7)` (B) `(26/7,-15/7,17/7)` (C) `(15/7,26/,-17/7)` (D) `(26/7,17/7,-15/70)`

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  58. The coordinates of the foot of perpendicular form the point `A(1,1,1)` on the lline joining ponts `B(1,4,6) and C(5,4,4)` are
    (A) (3,4,5)
    (B) (4,5,3)
    (C) (3,-4,5)
    (D) (-3,-4,5)

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  59. The equation of the plane thorugh the point `(-1,2,0)` and parallel to the lines `x/3=(y+1)/0=(z-2)/(-1) and (x-1)/1=(2y+1)/2=(z+1)/(-1)` is
    (A) `2x+3y+6z-4=0` (B) `x-2y+3z+5=0` (C) `x+y-3z+1=0` (D) `x+y+3z-1=0`

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  60. Find the shortest distance between the following pairs of lines whose Cartesian equation are: `(x-1)/2=(y-2)/3=(z-3)/4a n d(x-2)/3=(y-3)/4=(z-5)/5`

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  61. The plane x-2y+z-6=0 and the line x/1=y/2=z/3` are related as the line (A) meets the plane obliquely (B) lies in the plane (C) meets at righat angle to the plane (D) parallel to the plane

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  62. If `vecr.(2hati+3hatj-2hatk)+3/2=0` is the equation of a plane and `hati-2hatj+3hatk` is a point then a point equidistasnt from the plane on the opposite side is
    (A) `hati+2hatj+3hatk` (B) `3hati+hatj+hatk` (C) `3hati+2hatj+3hatk` (D) `3(hati+hatj+hatk)`

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  63. Find the line of intersection of the planes `vecr.(3hati-hatj+hatk)=1 and vecr.(hati+4hatj-2hatk)=2`

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  64. For the line `(x-1)/(1)=(y-2)/(2)=(z-3)/(3)`, which one of the following is incorrect?

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  65. If `l_1: (x-5)/3=(y-7)/(-16)=(z-3)/7 and l_2:(x-9)/3=(y-13)/8=(z-15)/(-5)` the (A) `l_1 and l_2` intersect (B) `l_1 and l_2` are skew (C) distance between `l_1 and l_2` is 14 (D) none of these

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  66. If `vecr = hati + hatj + lamda( 2 hati + hatj + 4 hatk ) and vecr (hati + 2 hatj - hatk)=3` are the equations of a line and a plane respectively then which of the following is true ?

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  67. The distance of the point `(1,2,3)` form the coordinate axes are A,B and C respectively. `A^2=B^2+C^2`, `B^2=2C^2`, `2A^2C^2=13B^2` which of these hold (s) true?
    (A) 1 only (B) 1 and 3 (C) 1 and 2 (D) 2 and 3

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  68. The direction ratio of the line OP are equal and the length `OP=sqrt(3)`. Then the coordinates of the point P are
    (A) `(-1,-1,-1)` (B) `(sqrt(3),sqrt(3),sqrt(3))` (C) `(sqrt(2),sqrt(2),sqrt(2))` (D) `(2,2,2)`

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  69. A unit vector `hata` makes an angle `pi/4` with z-axis, `if hata+hati+hatj` is a unit vector then `hata` is equal to
    (A) `hati+hatj+hatk/2` (B) `hati/2+hatj/2-hatk/sqrt(2)` (C) `-hati/2-hat/2+hatk/sqrt(2)` (D) `hati/2-hatj/2-hatk/sqrt(2)`

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  70. If the direction ratio of two lines are given by `3lm-4ln+mn=0 and l+2m+3n=0`, then the angle between the lines, is

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  71. If `alpha, beta and gamma` are the angles which a directed line makes with the positive directions of the co-ordinates axes, then find the value of `sin^(2)alpha+sin^(2)beta+sin^(2)gamma`.

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  72. The condition of the lines `x=az+b,y=cz+d` and `x=a_1z+b_1,y=c_1z+d_1` to be perpendicular is
    (A) `ac_1+a_1c+1=0`
    (B) `aa_1+c c_1+1=0`
    (C) `ac_1+b b\'+c c\'=0`
    (D) `aa_1+c c_1-1=0`

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  73. The two lines `x=ay+b,z=cy+d and x=a'y+b', z=c'y +d'` are pendicular to each other if

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  74. The lines `(x-2)/(1)=(y-3)/(1)=(z-4)/(-k) and (x-1)/(k)=(y-4)/(2)=(z-5)/(1)` are coplanar, if

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  75. The diection cosines of two lines are proportional to `(2,3,-6) and (3,-4,5),` then the acute angle between them is (A) `cos^-1{49/36}` (B) `cos^-1 {(18sqrt(2))/35}` (C) `96^0` (D) `cos^-1(18/35)`

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  76. The equation to the striaghat line passing through the points (4,-5,-2) and (-1,5,3) is (A) `(x-4)/1=(y+5)/(-2)=(z+2)/(-1)` (B) `(x+1)/1=(y-5)/2=(z-3)/(-1)` (C) `x/(-1)=y/5=z/3` (D) `x/4=y/(-5)=z/(-2)`

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  77. The distance between the parallel planes `4x-2y+4z+9=0 and 8x-4y+8z+21=0` is (A) `1/4` (B) `1/2` (C) `3/2` (D) `7/4`

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  78. The locus of point such that the sum of the squares of its distances from the planes `x+y+z=0, x-z=0 and x-2y+z=0` is 9 is (A) `x^2+y^2+z^2=3` (B) `x^2+y^2+z^2=6` (C) `x^2+y^2+z^2=9` (D) `x^2+y^2+z^2=12`

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  79. Which of the folloiwng conditions such that the line `(x-p)/l=(y-q)/m=(z-r)/n` lies on the plane `Ax+By+Cz+D=0` is/are correct?
    1. `lp+mq+nr+D=0`
    2. `Ap+Bq+Cr+D=0`
    3. `Al+Bm+Cn=0`
    Select the correct answer using the codes given
    (A) 1 only
    (B) 1 and 2
    (C) 1 and 3
    (D) 2 and 3

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  80. If `veca,vecb,vecc` are three non coplanar vectors then the vector equation `vecr=(1-p-q)veca+pvecb+qvecc` are represents a: (A) straighat line (B) plane (C) plane passing through the origin (D) sphere

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  81. A plane pi makes intercepts 3 and 4 respectively on z-axis and x-axis. If pi is parallel to y-axis, then its equation is (A) `3x-4z=12` (B) `3x+4z=12` (C) `3y+4z=12` (D) `3z+4y=12`

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  82. The equation of the plane passng throuogh (1,1,1) and (1,-1,-1) and perpendicular to `2x-y+z+5=0` is (A) `2x+5y+z-8=0` (B) `x+y-z-1=0` (C) `2x+5y+z+4=0` (D) `x-y+z-1=0`

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  83. The angle between the plane `2x-y+z=6 nand x+y+2z=3` is (A) `pi/3` (B) `cos^-1 1/6` (C) `pi/4` (D) `pi/6`

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  84. `alpha/2, beta/2, gamma/2` are the angle which a line makes with positive x,y,z axes respectively. What is the value of `cosalpha+cosbeta+cosgamma?` (A) 1 (B) `-1` (C) 2 (D) 3

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  85. ABC is a triangle and AD is the median. If the coordinates of A are (4,7,-8) and the coordinates of centroid of triangle ABC are (1,1,1) what are the coordinates of D? (A) `((-1)/2,2,11)` (B) `((-1)/2,-2,11/2)` (C) `(-1,2,11)` (D) (-5,-11,19)`

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  86. If the points `(5,-1,1),(-1,-3,4) and (1,-6,10)` are three vertices of a rhombus taken in order then which one of the following ils the fourth vertex? (A) `(7,-4,11)` (B) `(3,(-7)/2,11/2)` (C) `(7,-4,7)` (D) `(7,4,11)`

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  87. which of the following points is on the line of intersection of planes `x=3z-4,y=2z-3`? (A) `(4,3,0)` (B) `(-3,-4,0)` (C) `(3,2,1)` (D) `(-4,-3,0)`

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  88. The point of intersection of the lines `(x-5)/3=(y-7)/(-1)=(z+2)/1a n d=(x+3)/(-36)=(y-3)/2=(z-6)/4` is a. `(21 ,5/3,(10)/3)` b. `(2,10 ,4)` c. `(-3,3,6)` d. `(5,7,-2)`

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  89. The equation of the line intersection of the planes `4x+4y-5z=12 and 8x+12y-13z=32` can be written as: (A) `x/2=(y-1)/3=(z-2)/4` (B) `x/2=y/3=(z-2)/4` (C) `(x-1)/2=(y-2)/3=z/4` (D) `(x-1)/2=(y-2)/(-3)=z/4`

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  90. If line makes angle `alpha, beta, gamma, delta` with four diagonals of a cube, then the value of `sin^2alpha+sin^2beta+sin^2gamma+sin^2delta` is (A) `4/3` (B) `1` (C) `8/3` (D) `7/3`

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  91. The equation of the plane which makes with coordinate axes, a triangle with its centroid `(alpha, beta , gamma)` is

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  92. The angle between two planes `x+2y+2z=3 and -5x+3y+4z=9` is (A) `cos^-1(3sqrt(2))/10` (B) `cos^-1 (19sqrt(2))/30` (C) `cos^-1 (9sqrt(2))/20` (D) `cos^-1 (3sqrt(2))/5`

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  93. A line makes the same angle `theta` with X-axis and Z-axis. If the angle `beta`, which it makes with Y-axis, is such that `sin^2(beta)=3sin^2theta`, then the value of `cos^(2)theta` is

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  94. Distance between two parallel planes `2x+y+2z=8 and 4x+2y+4z+5=0` is

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  95. If the straight lines `x=-1+s, y=3 -lamdas, z=1+lamdas and x=(t)/(2), y=1+t, z=2-t`, with parameters s and t, respectively, are coplanar, then find `lamda`.

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  96. The intersection of the spheres `x^2+y^2+z^2+7x-2y-z=13a n dx^2+y^2+z^2-3x+3y+4z=8` is the same as the intersection of one of the spheres and the plane a. `x-y-z=1` b. `x-2y-z=1` c. `x-y-2z=1` d. `2x-y-z=1`

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  97. If `angletheta` between the line `(x+1)/(1)=(y-1)/(2)=(z-2)/(2)` and the plane `2x-y+sqrtlamdaz+4=0` is such that `sintheta=(1)/(3)`, the value of `lamda` is

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  98. The angle between the lines `2x=3y=-z and 6x=-y=-4z` is

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  99. If the plane `2ax-3ay+4az+6=0` passes through the mid point of the line joining the centre of the spheres `x^(2)+y^(2)+z^(2)+6x-8y-2z=13 and x^(2)+y^(2)+z^(2)-10x+4y-2z=8`, then `alpha` equals

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  100. The plane `x+2y-z=4` cuts the sphere `x^(2)+y^(2)+z^(2)-x+z-2=0` in a circle of radius

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter 3D - COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12

All Exercises from KC SINHA Class 12 MATHS 3D - COMPETITION