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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter 3D - COMPETITION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
KC SINHASolved Examples
Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Show that the three lines drawn from the origin with direction cosines proportional to (1,-1,1),(2,-3,0) and (1,0,3) are coplanar

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  2. Prove that the two lines whose direction cosines are given by the relations `pl+qm+rn=0 and al^2+bm^2+cn^2=0` are perpendicular if `p^2(b+c)+q^2(c+a)+r^2(a+b)=0` and parallel if `p^2/a+q^2/b+r^2/c=0`

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  3. The direction cosines of two lines satisfying the
    conditions `l + m + n = 0 and 3lm - 5mn + 2nl = 0`
    where l, m, n are the direction cosines.
    The value of `(l-m)^2+(m-n)^(2)+(n-l)^(2)` is

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  4. If the direction cosines of two lines given by the equations `p m+qn+rl=0 and lm+mn+nl=0`, prove that the lines are parallel if `p^2+q^2+r^2=2(pq+qr+rp)` and perpendicular if `pq+qr+rp=0`

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  5. Prove that in a tetrahedron if two pairs of opposite edges are perpendicular, then the thrid pair is also perpendicular.

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  6. If `P, Q, R, S are (3, 6, 4), (2, 5, 2), (6, 4, 4), (0, 2, 1)` respectively. The projection of PQ on RS is ….......

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  7. Find the length and direction cosines of a line segment whose projection on the coordinate axes are 6,-3,2.

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  8. Show that the four points `(0, -1, 0), (2, 1, -1), (1, 1, 1) and (3, 3, 0)` are coplanar. Also, find equation of plane through them.

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  9. findthe equationof the plane passing through the point `(alpha, beta, gamma)` and perpendicular to the planes `a_1x+b_1y+c_1z+d_1=0 and a_2x+b_2y+c_2z+d_2=0`

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  10. Find the equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes `4x-5y-4z=1 and 2x+y+2z=8 ` and the point (2,1,3).

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  11. If the plane `ax+by=0` is rotated about its line of intersection with the plane `z=0` through an angle `alpha` then prove that the equation of the plane in its new position is `ax+by+-(sqrt(a^(2)+b^(2)) tan alpha)z=0`.

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  12. Find the reflection of the plane `ax+by+cz+d=0` In the plane `a'x+b'y+c'z+d'=0`.

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  13. Find the distance between the parallel planes `2x-y+3-4=0\ a n d\ 6x-3y+13=0.`

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  14. Find the plane which bisects the obtuse angle between the planes `4x-3y+12z+13=0 and x+2y+2z=9`

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  15. Find the equation of the planes bisecting the angles between planes `2x+y+2z=9 and 3x-4y+12z+13=0`

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  16. Find the locus of a point, the sum of squares of whose distance from the planes `x-z=0,x-2y+z=0a n dx+y+z=0i s36` .

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  17. If `P` is any point on the plane `l x+m y+n z=pa n dQ` is a point on the line `O P` such that `O P.O Q=p^2` , then find the locus of the point `Qdot`

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  18. A variable plane passes through a fixed point `(alpha,beta,gamma)` and meets the axes at `A ,B ,a n dCdot` show that the locus of the point of intersection of the planes through `A ,Ba n dC` parallel to the coordinate planes is `alphax^(-1)+betay^(-1)+gammaz^(-1)=1.`

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  19. A variable plane at constant distance p form the origin meets the coordinate axes at P,Q, and R. Find the locus of the point of intersection of planes drawn through P,Q, r and parallel to the coordinate planes.

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  20. A variable plane which remains at q constant distance `3p` from the origin cut the coordinate axes at `A ,\ B ,\ Cdot` Show that the locus o the centroid of triangle `A B C` is `x^(-2)+y^(-2)+z^(-2)=p^(-2)dot`

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  21. A point `P` moves on a plane `x/a+y/b+z/c=1.` A plane through `P` and perpendicular to `O P` meets the coordinate axes at `A , Ba n d Cdot` If the planes through `A ,Ba n dC` parallel to the planes `x=0,y=0a n dz=0,` respectively, intersect at `Q ,` find the locus of `Qdot`

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  22. about to only mathematics

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  23. Let `A_(xy), A_(yz), A_(xz)` be the area of the projection of a plane area A on the `xy, yz, zx` plane respectively. Then `A^2=`

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  24. Through a point `P(h,k,l)` a plane is drawn at righat angle to `OP` to meet the coordinate axes in `A,B` and `C`. If `OP =p` show that the area of `/_\ABC` is `p^5/(2hkl)`

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  25. Find the distance of the point (1, 0, -3) from the plane `x-y-z=9` measured parallel to the line `(x-2)/(2)=(y+2)/(3)=(z-6)/(-6)`.

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  26. Find he equation of the plane passing through (1,2,0) which contains the line`(x+3)/3=(y-1)/4=(z-2)/(-2)`

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  27. Find the equation of the plane through the line `(x-x_1)/l_1=(y-y_1)/m_1=(z-z_1)/n_1` and parallel to the line `(x-alpha)/l_2=(y-beta)/m_2=(z-gamma)/n_2`

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  28. Find the equation of the projection of the line `(x-1)/(2)=(y+1)/(-1)=(z-3)/(4)` on the plane `x+2y+z=9`.

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  29. Find the the image of the point `(alpha, beta, gamma)` with respect to the plane `2x+y+z=6`.

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  30. Do the lines `(x+3)/(-4)=(y-4)/1=(z+1)/7 and (x+1)/(-3)=(y-1)/2=(z+10)/8` intersect? If so find the point of intersection.

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  31. Show that the lines `(x-3)/2=(y=10/(-3)=(z+2)/1 and (x7)/(-3)=y/1=(z+7)/2` are coplanar. Also find the equation of the plane containing them.

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  32. Are the lines `3x-2y+z+5=0=2x+3y+4z-4 and (x+4)/3=(y+6)/5=(z-1)/(-2)` coplanar. If yes find their point of intersection and equation of the plane which they lie.

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  33. Find the equation of a line which passes through the point (1, 1, 1) and intersects the lines `(x-1)/(2)=(y-2)/(3)=(z-3)/(4) and (x+2)/(1)=(y-3)/(2)=(z+1)/(4)`.

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  34. Find the equation of the line which passes thorugh the point `P(alpha, beta, gamma)` and is parallel to the line `a_1x+b_1y+c_1z+d_1=0, a_2x+b_2y+c_2z+d_2=0`

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  35. Equation of line of projection of the line `3x-y+2z-1=0=x+2y-z-2` on the plane `3x+2y + z = 0` is:

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  36. Find the equation of the plane which passes through the line of intersection of the planes `a_1x+b_1y+c_1z+d_1=0 and a_2x+b_2y+c_2z+d_2=0` and which is parallel to the line `(x-alpha)/l=(y-beta)/m=(z-gamma)/n`

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  37. If the planes `x-cy-bz=0, cx-y+az=0 and bx+ay-z=0` pass through a line, then the value of `a^2+b^2+c^2+2abc` is

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  38. Find the length of the shortest distance between the lines `(x-1)/2=(y-4)/3=(z+1)/(-3) and (x-4)/1=(y-3)/3=(z-2)/2`

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  39. Prove that the shortest distance between any two opposite edges of a tetrahedron formed by the planes `y+z=0, x+z=0, x+y=0, x+y+z=sqrt(3)a is sqrt(2)a`.

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  40. Find the equation of the sphere touching the four planes `x=0,y=0,z=0 and x+y+z=1` and lying in the octant bounded by positive coordinate planes.

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  41. The plane `x/a+y/b+z/c=1` meets the coordinate axes at A,B and C respectively. Find the equation of the sphere OABC.

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  42. Find the equation of a sphere which passes through `(1,0,0)(0,1,0)a n d(0,0,1),` and has radius as small as possible.

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  43. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points `(2,1,0),(5,0,1)` and `(4,1,1)`.

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  44. If P is the point (2,1,6) find the point Q such that PQ is perpendicular to the plane `x+y-2z=3` and the mid point of PQ lies on it.

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  45. A parallelepiped S has base points A, B, C and D and upper face points `A', B', C' and D'`. The parallelepiped is compressed by upper face `A'B'C'D'` to form a new parallelepiped T having upper face points `A'', B'', C'' and D''`. The volume of parallelepiped T is 90 percent of the volume of parallelepiped S. Prove that the locus of `A''` is a plane.

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  46. A plane is parallel to two lines whose direction ratios are (1,0,-1) and (-1,1,0) and it contains the point (1,1,1).If it cuts coordinate axes at A,B,C then find the volume of the tetrahedron OABC.

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  47. Two planes` P_1 and P_2` pass through origin. Two lines `L_1 and L_2` also passingthrough origin are such that ` L_1` lies on `P_1` but not on `P_2, L_2` lies on `P_2` but not on `P_1 A,B, C` are there points other than origin, then prove that the permutation `[A', B', C']` of `[A, B, C]` exists. Such that: (a) A lies on L1, B lies on P1 not on L1, C does not lie on P1 . (b) A lies on L2, B lies on P2 not on L2, C' does not lies on P2.

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  48. Find the equation of the plane containing the line `2x+y+z-1=0, x+2y-z=4` and at a distance of `1/sqrt(6)` from the point (2,1,-1).

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  49. If the line `(x-4)/(1)=(y-2)/(1)=(z-k)/(2)` lies exactly on the plane `2x-4y+z=7`, the value of k is

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  50. Two systems of rectangular axes have the same origin. If a plane cuts them at distance `a ,b ,ca n dd ,b^(prime),c '` from the origin, then a. `1/(a^2)+1/(b^2)+1/(c^2)+1/(a^('2))+1/(b^('2))+1/(c^('2))=0` b. `1/(a^2)-1/(b^2)-1/(c^2)+1/(a^('2))-1/(b^('2))-1/(c^('2))=0` c. `1/(a^2)+1/(b^2)+1/(c^2)-1/(a^('2))-1/(b^('2))-1/(c^('2))=0` d. `1/(a^2)+1/(b^2)+1/(c^2)+1/(a^('2))+1/(b^('2))+1/(c^('2))=0`

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  51. The shortest distance from the plane `12 x+y+3z=327`to the sphere `x^2+y^2+z^2+4x-2y-6z=155` is

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  52. If the lines `(x-1)/(2)= (y+1)/(3) = (z-1)/(4) and (x-3)/(1)= (y-k)/(2)= (z)/(1)` intersect, then the value of k is

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  53. A line with direction cosines proportional to 2,1,2 meet each of the lines `x=y+a=z and x+a=2y=2z`. The coordinastes of each of the points of intersection are given by
    (A) `(3a,2a,3a),(a,a,2a)`
    (B) `(3a,2a,3a),(a,a,a)`
    (C) `(3a,3a,3a),(a,a,a)`
    (D) `(2a,3a,3a),(2a,a,a)`

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  54. about to only mathematics

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  55. Let the line `(x-2)/(3)=(y-1)/(-5)=(z+2)/(2)` lies in the plane `x+3y-alphaz+beta=0`. Then, `(alpha, beta)` equals

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  56. A line with positive direction cosines passes through the point P(2, – 1, 2) and makes equal angles with the coordinate axes. The line meets the plane 2x + y + z = 9 at point Q. The length of the line segment PQ equals

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  57. The value of k for which the planes `kx+4y+z=0, 4x+ky+2z=0 nd 2x+2y+z=0` intersect in a straighat line is

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  58. Consider the planes `vecr.vecn_1=d_1 and vecr.vecn_2=d_2` then (A) they are perpendiculat if `vecn_1.vecn_2=0` (B) intersect in a line parallel to `vecn_1xxvecn_2 if vecn_1` is not parallel to `vecn_2` (C) angle between them is `cos^-1((vecn_1.n_2.)/(|vecn_1||vecn_2|))` (D) none of these

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  59. Consider three planes `P_(1):x-y+z=1`, `P_(2):x+y-z=-1` and
    `P_(3):x-3y+3z=2`. Let `L_(1),L_(2),L_(3)` be the lines of intersection of the planes `P_(2)` and `P_(3),P_(3)` and `P_(1),P_(1)` and `P_(2)` respectively.
    Statement I Atleast two of the lines `L_(1),L_(2)` and `L_(3)` are non-parallel.
    Statement II The three planes do not have a common point.

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  60. A paragraph has been given. Based upon this paragraph, 3 multiple choice question have to be answered. Each question has 4 choices a,b,c and d out of which ONLYONE is correct. Consider the `L_1:(x+1)/3=(y+2)/1=(z+1)/2 and L_2:(x-2)/1=(y+2)/2=(z-3)/3` The unit vector perpendicular to both `L_1 and L_2` is (A) `(-hati+7hatk+7hatk)/sqrt(99)` (B) `(-hati-7hatk+5hatk)/(5sqrt(3))` (C) `(-hati+7hatk+7hatk)/(5sqrt(3))` (D) `(7hati-7hatk-7k)/sqrt(99)`

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  61. Consider the `L_1:(x+1)/3=(y+2)/1=(z+1)/2 and L_2:(x-2)/1=(y+2)/2=(z-3)/3` The shortest distance betwen `L_1 and L_2` is
    (A) 0 (B) `17/sqrt(3)` (C) `41/(5(3)` (D) `17/sqrt(75)`

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  62. Read the following passage and answer the questions. Consider the lines
    `L_(1) : (x+1)/(3)=(y+2)/(1)=(z+1)/(2)`
    `L_(2) : (x-2)/(1)=(y+2)/(2)=(z-3)/(3)`
    Q. The distance of the point `(1, 1, 1)` from the plane passing through the point `(-1, -2, -1)` and whose normal is perpendicular to both the lines `L_(1) and L_(2)`, is

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter 3D - COMPETITION of KC SINHA ENGLISH of Class 12

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