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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ( STANDARD LEVEL ) of chapter STATIONARY WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. At a certain instant a stationary transverse wave is found to have maximum kinetic energy. The appearance of string at that instant is

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  2. Sound waves of frequency `660 Hz` fall normally on a perfectly reflecting wall. The shortest distance from the wall at which the air particles have maximum amplitude of vibration is ……………… meters.

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  3. The equation of standing wave is `y=0.1cos(pix)sin(200pit)`. What is the frequency of the wave?

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  4. The equation of stationary wave along a stretched string is given by `y=5 sin ((pix)/(3)) cos 40 pi t `, where x and y are in cm and t in second. The separation between two adjacent nodes is

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  5. A stationary sound wave has a frequency of 165 Hz. If the speed of sound in air is 330 m/s , then the distance between a node and the adjacent antinode is

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  6. Fine the wrong statement from the following :
    The equation of a stationary wave is given by `y= 6 cos ((pi x)/(5)) sin (40 pix)`,where y and x are in cm and t is in second. Then for the stationary wave,

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  7. Stading waves are produced by the superposition of two waves give by `y_(1) 0.4 sin 2pi ((t)/(0.6)-(x)/(0.3)) and y_(2)=0.4 sin 2 pi ((t)/(0.6) +(x)/(0.3))` where all the quantities are expressed in SI units. What is the amplitude of a particle at `x=0.5m` ?

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  8. A wave frequency `100 Hz` travels along a string towards its fixed end . When this wave travels back after reflection , a node is formed at a distance of `10 cm `from the fixed end . The speed of the wave (incident and reflected) is

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  9. The equation of standing wave along a sonometer wire is given by `y=2A cos ((2pi x)/(lambda)) sin omega `t.
    This represent a standing wave having the origing as

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  10. For a stationary wave, `t = 8 sin ((pix)/(20)) cos (50 pit)`. What is the distance between two successive antinode ?

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  11. A stationary wave is incident on a rigid wall. If the velocity of the wave is 40 cm and the frequency is 120 Hz. Then the distance between the wall and the first antinods is

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  12. A standing wave with a number of loops is produced in a stringe fiex at both ends. In this case

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  13. The equation of a stationary wave is given by `y=0.5 cm cos (2pi x) sin (100 pit)`. The distance between its successive nodes and antinods is

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  14. A standing wave is given by `y=5"sin" (pi x)/(20) cos 40 pit`, where x and y are in cm and t is in second. What is the minimum distance between a node and the adjacent antinode ?

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  15. A vibrating string is tied at its two ends. The equation of the wave produced on the string is given by `y= cos (2 pi t) sin (2pi x)`
    What is the lenghts of the string,f it is in the fundamental node of vibration ?

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  16. A standing wave is represeneted by `y=asin (100t)cos (0.01)x`, `t` in second and `x` is in metre. Velocity of wave is

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  17. In stationary wave the

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  18. Stationary waves of frequency 300 Hz are formed in a medium in which the velocity of sound is 1200 metre / sec . The distance between a node and the neighbouring antinode is

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  19. The phase at different in a stationary wave are

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  20. A wave representing by the equation `y = a cos(kx - omegat)` is suerposed with another wave to form a stationary wave such that point `x = 0` is a node. The equation for the other wave is

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  21. The transverse displacement of a string (clamped at its both ends ) is given by `y(x,t)=0.06sin(2pix//3)cos(120pit).`
    All the points on the string between two consecutive nodes vibrate with

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  22. The stationary wave`y = 2a sin kx cos omega t` in a closed organ pipe is the result of the superposition of `y = a sin (omega t - kx)`

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ( STANDARD LEVEL ) questions and complete solutions for chapter STATIONARY WAVES of MARVEL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12