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Complete Solutions to MCQ (LEVEL-II) of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions62
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A pendulum suspended from ceiling of a train has a time period T, when the train is at rest. When the train is accelerating with uniform acceleration 'a', the period of oscillation will

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  2. A mass m is suspended to a spring of length L and force constant k. The frequency of vibration is v. The spring is cut into two equal parts and each half is loaded with same mass m. The new frequency v' is given by :

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  3. A particle is executing S.H.M., with the length of its path as as 8 cm. At what displacement from the mean position half the energy is kinetic and half is potential ?

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  4. Two weightless springs have force constants `k_(1)` and `k_(2)` and connected in series. The combination is loaded with m, the time period of oscillation is :

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  5. A body is executing S.H.M. with period 12 s. The time it takes in traversing a distance equal to half its amplitude is :

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  6. A sphere of brass is suspended to a vertical spring and oscillates with frequency f'. The ball is now immersed is non-viscous liquid whose density is `(1)/(10)` th of density of brass. If the sphere remains vibrating in the liquid the frequency f now will be :

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  7. A U-tube contains a non-viscous liquid up to a height of 20 cm in each of the column. It is pressed in one of the columns and then released. The liquid executes a S.H.M. of period :

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  8. A mass M is suspended from a light spring. An additional mass m added displaces the spring further by a distance x. Now the combined mass will oscillate on the spring with a period :

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  9. In arrangement shown in Fig., if the block of mass 'm' is displaced and then released the frequency of oscillation is given by :

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  10. A particle executes S.H.M. with an amplitude of 2 cm. When the particle is at 1 cm from the mean position the magnitude of tis velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time period in second is :

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  11. A S.H.M. is given by `y=5[sin(3pit)+sqrt(3)cos(3pit)]`. What is the amplitude of the motion if y is in metres ?

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  12. A mass 'M' is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released. It execuutes S.H. oscillations of period T. When mass is increased by 'm', the period becomes `(5)/(4)` T, the ratio `(m)/(M)` is :

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  13. A simple pendulum having length l cm and mass mg is suspended between two plates having a uniform electric field E as shown. The bob is given a charge of q coulombs. The time period T of its vibration is :

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  14. In the above question, if the direction of the field is reversed and is from B to A and `g gt(Eq)/(m)`, then the period is :

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  15. A body executes S.H.M. under the influence of one force and has a period `T_(1)` second and the same body executes S.H.M. with period `T_(2)` second when under the influence of another force. When both forces act simultaneously and in the same direction, then the time period of the same body is :

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  16. A mass m is suspended to a spring of length L and force constant k. The frequency of vibration is v. The spring is cut into two equal parts and each half is loaded with same mass m. The new frequency v' is given by :

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  17. Two bodies A and B of mass 1 kg and 2 kg are soldered to two ends of vertical spring of force constant 400 N/m. A being at the upper end and B resting on a table. A is now compressed and then released. The freq. of osillation is :

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  18. Energy is constantly fed to a spring oscillator of force constant `225pi^(2)" Nm"^(-1)` and attached mass 0.01 kg at a frequency of 50 cycles per s. Will the resonance be achieved ?

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  19. The time period of pendulum at temperature `t_(1)^(@)C` is `T_(1)` s. Its time period at `t_(2)^(@)C` is `T_(2)` s. If coefficient of linear expansion of material of pendulum is `alpha`, then increase in time period is :

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  20. If the potential energy of a harmonic oscillator in its resting position is 500 erg and total energy is 1500 erg when the amplitude is 5 cm what is the force constant if its mass is 200 gm ?

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  21. A particle starts S.H.M. from the mean position as shown in the Fig. below. Its amplitude is A and its time period is T. At one time its speed is half that of the maximum speed. What is this displacement ?

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  22. A simple pendulum oscillates in a verticle plane. When it passes through the mean position,the tension in the string is 3 times the weight of the pendulum bob. What is the maximum angular displacement of the pendulum of the string with respect to the vertical ?

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  23. When an oscillator completes 100 oscillations its amplitude reduces to `(1)/(3)` of its initial value. What will be its amplitude, when it completes 200 oscillations ?

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  24. The time period of a particle in simple harmonic motion is 8 second. At t = 0 it is at the mean position. The ratio of the distances travelled by it in the first and second is :

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  25. Statement-I : In simple harmonic motion, the motion is 'to and fro' and periodic.
    Statement-II : Velocity of particle is `v=w sqrt(r^(2)-x^(2))` where x is displacement and r is amplitude.

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  26. Statement-I : Resonance is a special case of forced vibrations in which frequency and nature of vibration of the body is same as the impressed frequency and amplitude of forced vibration is maximum.
    Statement-II : The amplitude of forced vibration of a body increases with an increase in the frequency of the externally applied periodic force.

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  27. Statement-I : In S.H.M., the velocity is maximum when acceleration is minimum.
    Statement-II : Displacement and velocity of S.H.M. differ in phase by `pi//2`.

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  28. Statement-I : Energy of a particle excuting simple harmonic motion is entirely potenital energy at the extreme possition.
    Statement-II : Particle at extreme position is at rest.

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  29. Statement-I : The time period of a simple pendulum on a setellite orbiting the earth is infinite.
    Statement-II : The time period of a satellite `T prop(1)/(g)`

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  30. Paragraph : Two blocks A and B each of mass m are connected by springs each of spring constant K is shown in figure beloe :

    If mass A is displaced to the left and mass B is displaced to the right by same distance and released.
    The time period of oscillation is

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  31. Paragraph : Two blocks A and B each of mass m are connected by springs each of spring constant K is shown in figure beloe :

    If mass A is displaced to the left and mass B is displaced to the right by same distance and released.
    If two masses A and B joined together are pushed towards right by same distance and then released then frequency of oscillation of combined mass is :

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  32. Paragraph : A scientist was asked to find the height of the roof of a dome shaped hall. He took a spherical ball of radius 20 cm which he suspend with the string from the roof of dome. The height of the ball above the ground was 5 cm when suspended. He noted the time of 20 oscillations to be 100 s.
    The time period of the pendulum when suspended from roof is :

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  33. Paragraph : A scientist was asked to find the height of the roof of a dome shaped hall. He took a spherical ball of radius 20 cm which he suspend with the string from the roof of dome. The height of the ball above the ground was 5 cm when suspended. He noted the time of 20 oscillations to be 100 s.
    The length of the string used to suspend the bob of pendulum is :

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  34. Paragraph : A scientist was asked to find the height of the roof of a dome shaped hall. He took a spherical ball of radius 20 cm which he suspend with the string from the roof of dome. The height of the ball above the ground was 5 cm when suspended. He noted the time of 20 oscillations to be 100 s.
    The height of the roof of the dome from the ground is :

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  35. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    The amplitude of SHM is :

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  36. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    The period of oscillation in seconds is :

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  37. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    The maximum value of acceleration is :

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  38. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    If mass of body is 50 g the calculate the total energy of oscillation :

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  39. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    A particle executes simple harmonic motion between `x=-A` and `x=+A`. The time taken for it to go from 0 to A/2 is `T_(1)` and go from A/2 to A is `T_(2)`. Then :

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  40. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    For a particle executing SHM the displacement x is given by x = A sin `omegat`. Identify the graph which represents the variation of potential energy (P.E.) as a function of time and displacement x.

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  41. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    The length of a simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by 21%. The percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is :

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  42. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    The displacement of a particle varies according to the relation X = 4 `(cos pi t+sin pi t)`. The amplitude of the particle is :

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  43. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations `y_(1)=0.1sin(100pit+pi//3)` and y = 0.1 `cos pit`. The phase difference of the velocity of particle 1 with respect to the velocity of particle 2 is :

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  44. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    Starting from origin a body oscillates simple harmonically with a period of 2 s. After what time will its kineti energy be 75% of the total energy.

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  45. A particle of mass 'm' executes simple harmonic motion with amplitude 'a' and frequency v. The average kinetic energy during its motion from the position of equilibrium to the end is :

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  46. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    The displacement of an object attached to a spring and executing simple harmonic motion is given by `x=2xx10^(-2)cos pi t` metres. The time at which the maximum speed first occurs is :

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  47. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    A point mass oscillates along the x-axis according to the law `x=x_(0)cos omegat-(pi)/(4)`. If acceleration of the particle is written as `a=A cos (omega t+delta)`, then

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  48. Paragraph : A particle vibrates in S.H.M. along a straight line. Its velocity is 4 cm/s when its displacement is 3 cm and velocity is 3 cm/s when displacement is 4 cm.
    A body of mass M is suspended by a string of length L. The horizontal velocity v at position A is just sufficient to make it reach the point B. The angle `theta` at which the speed of the bob is half of that at A, satisfies :

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  49. When a particle of mass m moves on the x-axis in a potential of the form `V(x)=kx^(2)`, it performs simple harmonic motion. The corresponding time period is proportional to `sqrt((m)/(k))`. As can be seen easily using dimensional analysis.

    However, the motion of a particle can be periodic even when its potential energy increases on both sides of x = 0 in a way different from `kx^(2)` and its total energy is such that the particle does not escape to infinity. Consider a particle of mass m moving on the x-axis. Its potential energy is `V(x)=alpha x^(4)(alpha gt 0)` for |x| near the origin and becomes a constant equal to `V_(0)` for `|x|ge X_(0)` (See Fig).
    If the total energy of the particle is E, it will perform periodic motion only if :

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  50. When a particle of mass m moves on the x-axis in a potential of the form `V(x)=kx^(2)`, it performs simple harmonic motion. The corresponding time period is proportional to `sqrt((m)/(k))`. As can be seen easily using dimensional analysis.

    However, the motion of a particle can be periodic even when its potential energy increases on both sides of x = 0 in a way different from `kx^(2)` and its total energy is such that the particle does not escape to infinity. Consider a particle of mass m moving on the x-axis. Its potential energy is `V(x)=alpha x^(4)(alpha gt 0)` for |x| near the origin and becomes a constant equal to `V_(0)` for `|x|ge X_(0)` (See Fig).
    For periodic motion of small amplitude A, the time period T of this particle is proportional to :

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  51. When a particle of mass m moves on the x-axis in a potential of the form `V(x)=kx^(2)`, it performs simple harmonic motion. The corresponding time period is proportional to `sqrt((m)/(k))`. As can be seen easily using dimensional analysis.

    However, the motion of a particle can be periodic even when its potential energy increases on both sides of x = 0 in a way different from `kx^(2)` and its total energy is such that the particle does not escape to infinity. Consider a particle of mass m moving on the x-axis. Its potential energy is `V(x)=alpha x^(4)(alpha gt 0)` for |x| near the origin and becomes a constant equal to `V_(0)` for `|x|ge X_(0)` (See Fig).
    The acceleration of this particle of `|x|gt X_(0)` is :

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  52. Which of the following energy-time graphs represents damped harmonic oscillator.

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  53. The x-t graph of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion is as shown in the figure.
    The acceleration of the particle at `t=(4)/(3)s` is :

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  54. A child is sitting on a swing.Its minimum and maximum heights from the ground are 0.75 m and 2m respectively. Its maximum speed will be :

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  55. Two springs A and B having spring constant `k_(A)` and `k_(B)(k_(A)=2k_(B))` are stretched by applying force of equal magnitude. If energy stored in spring A is `E_(A)` then energy stored in B will be :

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  56. A simple pendulum of length l has a maximum angular displacement `theta`. The maximum kinetic energy of the bob of masss m will be :

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  57. When a mass m is attached to the spring of force constant k, then the spring stretches by l. If the mass oscillates with amplitude l, what will be the maximum potential energy stored in the spring ?

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  58. The angular velocities of three bodies in simple harmonic motion are `omega_(1),.omega_(2),omega_(3)` with their respective amplitudes as `A_(1),A_(2),A_(3)`. If all the three bodies have the same mass and velocity, then :

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  59. The P.E. of a simple harmonic oscillator, when the particle is half way to its end point is :

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  60. A particle executes simple harmonic oscillation with an amplitude a.The period of oscillation is T. The minimum time taken by the particle to travel half of the amplitude from the equilibrium position is :

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  61. Two simple harmonic motions of angular frequency 100 and `1000" rad s"^(-1)` have the same displacement amplitude. The ratio of their maximum acceleratins is :

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  62. Out of the following functions representing motion of a particle which represents SHM :
    (A) `y=sin omega t-cos omegat`
    (B) `y=sin^(3)omegat`
    ( C ) `y=5cos((3pi)/(4)-3omegat)`
    (D) `y=1+omegat+omega^(2)t^(2)`.

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MCQ (LEVEL-II) questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12