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Complete Solutions to MCQ (LEVEL-I) of chapter OSCILLATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions71
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A particle of mass m is executing S.H.M. about a point with amplitude 10 cm. Its maximum velocity is 100 cm `s^(-1)`. Its velocity will be 50 cm `s^(-1)` at a distance :

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  2. A.S.H.M. oscillator has period of 0.1 s and amplitude of 0.2 m. The maximum velocity is given by :

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  3. If a hole is drilled along the diameter of the earth and a stone is dropped into it. The stone :

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  4. A pendulum is first vibrated on the surface of earth. Its period is T. It is then taken to the surface of moon where acceleration due to gravity is 1/6th of that on earth. Its period will be :

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  5. The angular frequency of a pendulum is `omega` rad `s^(-1)`. If the length is made one fourth of the original length, the angular frequency becomes :

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  6. A simple pendulum has a pariod T inside a lift when it is stationary. The lift is accelerated upwards with constant acceleration 'a'. The period :

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  7. A simple pendulum is suspended vertically to the ceiling of compartment in a stationary train. If the 'train' is constantly accelerated by acceleration 'a' the angle `theta` which string makes with vertical is :

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  8. An object attached to a light spring oscillates in S.H.M. on horizontal smooth surface. The ratio of maximum P.E. to maximum K.E. is :

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  9. A girl swinging on a swing in sitting position suddenly stands up. The period of swing then will be :

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  10. The equation of mation for a body executing S.H.M. is given by `y=1.5sin(10 pi t+5)`. The frequency is given by :

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  11. The length of the second's pendulum is increased by 0.1%. The clock :

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  12. The maximum acceleration of a body moving in S.H.M. is `a_(0)` and maximum velocity is `v_(0)`. The amplitude is given by :

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  13. The kinetic energy and potential energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion will be equal when its displacement is :
    (amplitude = a) :

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  14. Lissajou's figure obtained by combining x = A `sin oemgat` and `y=A sin(omegat+pi//4)` will be :

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  15. The motion of 10 g mass tied to massless spring is represented by S.H.M. `x=25cos(3t+(pi)/(4))` where x is in cm and t in second, the force constant of the spring is :

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  16. A pendulum bob has a period 24 s. Its velocity 4 s after it has passed the mean position is `6.28" cm s"^(-1)`. The amplitude of its motion is :

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  17. Two pendulums oscillate in S.H.M. with a constant phase difference `(pi)/(2)` but with same amplitudes. The maximum velocity of one is v, the maximum velocity of other will be :

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  18. The potential energy of particle moving is S.H.M. is `(1)/(2)kx^(2)`. If the frequency of the particle is n, the frequency of oscillation of P.E. is :

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  19. A mass of 1 kg is suspended from a spring and has a time period T on the surface of earth. The period at the centre of earth is :

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  20. If the length of second's pendulum is increased by 2%, how many seconds it loses per day ?

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  21. A small body of mass 0.1 kg is undergoing S.H.M. of amplitude 1 metre and period 0.2 s. The maximum force acting on it is nearly :

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  22. A body of mass 1 kg is executing S.H.M. given by `x=6cos(100t+pi//4)` cm, what is its maximum K.E. ?

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  23. A simple pendulum executing S.H.M. has period T and amplitude A. Its speed, when at a distance `(A)/(4)` is :

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  24. A simple harmonic oscillator has an amplitude A and time period T, the time required by it to travel from x = A to `x=(A)/(2)` is :

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  25. Two pendulums have time periods T and `(5T)/(4)`. They start swinging in S.H.M. together. What will be the phase difference between them after the longer has completed one oscillation ?

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  26. A second's pendulum is placed in a space laboratory orbiting round the earth at a height of 3R, where R is the radius of earth. The time period of the pendulum is :

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  27. A particle executes S.H.M. with amplitude 2 cm. At extreme position the force is 4 N. The force acting on it at a position mid-way between the mean and extreme is :

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  28. A horizontal platform executes up and down S.H.M. about a mean position. Its period is `2pi` s. A mass m is resting on the platform, what is the greatest value of amplitude so that the mass 'm' may not leave the platform ?

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  29. A body of 5 kg hangs from a spring and oscillates with a time period of `2pi` s. If the body is removed, the length of the spring will decrease by :

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  30. A block of mass m rests on a platform. The platform is given up and down S.H.M. with an amplitude d. What can be the maximum frequency so that the block never leaves the platform ?

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  31. A spring of force constant k is cut into three equal parts, which are joined in parallel to each other. The force constant of the combination will be :

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  32. The velocity -time graph of harmonic oscillator is shown in the given figure. The frequency of oscillation is :

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  33. The period of oscillation of the mass m suspended by a massless spring, when slightly displaced and let go, is T. The period will be more than T if :

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  34. The maximum speed of a particle executing an S.H.M. is `1" m s"^(-1)` and maximum acceleration is `1.57" m s"^(-2)`. The time period of S.H.M. is :

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  35. A particle undergoes S.H.M. having time period T. The time taken in `(3)/(8)` th oscillation is :

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  36. A body executes S.H.M. with an amplitude A. At what displacement from the mean position is the potential energy of the body is one-fourth of its total energy ?

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  37. A particle of mass 0.1 kg is executing S.H.M. with amplitude 0.1 m. At the mean position its K.E. is `8xx10^(-3)` J. If the intial phase is `45^(@)`. What is the equation of its motion ?

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  38. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the kinetic energy K is given by,
    The maximum value of potential energy is :

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  39. The bob of simple pendulum of length L is released at time t = 0 from a position of small angular displacement `theta`. Its linear displacement at time t is given by :

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  40. The kinetic energy of a particle, executing S.H.M., is 16 J when it is in its mean position. If the amplitude of oscillation is 25 cm, and the mass of the particle is 5.12 kg, the time period of its oscillations is :

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  41. A simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion with a time period T. If the length of pendulum is increased by 21 %, the % increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is :

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  42. An instantaneous displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator is `x=A cos (omegat+pi//4)`. Its speed will be maximum at time :

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  43. A child is sitting on a swing. Its minimum and maximum heights from the ground are 0.75 m and 2m respectively. Its maximum speed will be :

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  44. A particle of mass m, oscillates with SHM between points `x_(1)` and `x_(2)`, the equilibrium position being O. Its P.E. is plotted. It will be as given below in the graph.

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  45. A weightless spring of length 60 cm and force constant `100" Nm"^(-1)` is kept straight and unstretched on a smooth horizontal table and its ends are rigidly fixed. A mass of 0.25 kg is attached at the middle of the spring and is slightly displaced along the length. The time period of the oscillation of the mass is :

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  46. A particle executes S.H.M. with an amplitude of 2 cm. When the particle is at 1 cm from the mean position the magnitude of tis velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time period in second is :

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  47. Two springs A and B having spring constant `k_(A)` and `k_(B)(k_(A)=2k_(B))` are stretched by applying force of equal magnitude. If energy stored in spring A is `E_(A)` then energy stored in B will be :

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  48. When the kinetic energy of the body executing SHM is 1/3 of the potential energy, the displacement of the body is x% of the amplitude, where x is :

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  49. A rectangular block of mass m and area of cross-section A floats in a liquid of density `rho`. If it is given a small vertical displacement from equilibrium it undergoes oscillation with a time period T. Then :

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  50. A bodyy executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E.), the kinetic energy (K.E.) and total energy (T.E.) are measured as a function of displacement X. Which of the following statements is true ?

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  51. The total energy of a particle, executing S.H.M. is :

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  52. The function `sin^(2)(omegat)` represents :

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  53. If a simple harmonic motion is represented by `(d^(2)X)/(dt^(2))+alphax=0` its time period is :

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  54. The bob of a simple pendulum is a spherical hollow ball filled with water. A plugged hole near the bottom of the oscillating bob gets suddenly unplugged. During observation,till water is coming out, the time period of oscillation would :

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  55. The maximum velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion with an amplitude 7 mm is 4.4 m/s. The period of oscillation is :

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  56. A coin is placed on a horizontal platform which under goes vertical simple harmonic motion of angular frequency `omega`. The amplitude of oscillation is gradually increased. The coin will leave contact with platform for the first time :

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  57. A mass hangs at the end of a massless spring and oscillates up and down at its natural frequency f. If the spring is cut at the midpoint and and mass reattached at the end, the frequency of oscillation is :

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  58. Two particles are executing simple harmonic motion. At an instant of time t their displacement are
    `y_(1)=a cos(omegat)`
    and `" "y_(2)=a sin(omegat)`
    Then the phase difference between `y_(1)` and `y_(2)` is:

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  59. Displacement between maximum potential energy position and maximum kinetic energy position for a particle executing S.H.M. is :

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  60. The ratio of kinetic energy of mean position to thhe potential energy when the displacement is half of the amplitude is :

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  61. The equation of a simple harmonic motion is `pi=0.34cos(3000t+0.74)` where x and t are in mm and s respectively. The frequency of the motion is :

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  62. A lift is ascending by acceleration `g//3`. What will be the time period of a simple pendulum suspended from its ceiling if its time period in stationary lift is T?

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  63. A pendulum suspended from ceiling of a train has a time period T, when the train is at rest. When the train is accelerating with uniform acceleration 'a', the period of oscillation will

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  64. Period of oscillation of mass attached to a spring and performing S.H.M. is T. The spring is now cut into four equal pieces and the same mass attached to one piece. Now the period of its simple harmonic oscillation is :

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  65. In case of a forced vibrations, the resonance wave becomes very sharp when the :

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  66. Pendulum after some time becomes slow in motion and finally slopes due to :

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  67. The resultat of two rectangular simple harmonic motions of the same frequency and unequal amplitudes but differing in phase by `(pi)/(2)` is :

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  68. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T in a stationary lift. If the lift moves upward with acceleration of 8g the time period will :

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  69. The particle executing simple harmonic motion has kinetic energy `K_(0)cos^(2)omegat`. The maximum values of the potential energy and the total energy are respectively :

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  70. A simple pendulum performs simple harmonic motion about x = 0 with an amplitude a and time period T.
    The speed of the pendulum at `x=(a)/(2)` will be :

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  71. The period of oscillation of a mass M suspended from a spring of negligible mass is T. If along with it another mass M is also suspended, the period of oscillation will now be :

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MCQ (LEVEL-I) questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12