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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (LEVEL-I) of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions79
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Dimensions of `1 // (mu_(0) epsilon_(0))` is:

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  2. Electromagnetic waves are produced by:

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  3. An electric field `vecE` and a magnetic field `vecB` exist in a region. The fields are not perpendicular to each other :

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  4. Consider the following two statements regarding a linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave :
    (A) the electric field and the magnetic field have equal average values.
    (B) the electric energy and the magnetic energy have equal average values.

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  5. Speed of electromagnetic wave is the same :

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  6. For television broadcasting, the frequency employed is normally:

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  7. Speed c of e.m. waves through vacuum is equal to :

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  8. If there were no atmosphere, the average temperature on the surface of the earth would be:

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  9. The frequency of e.m. wave which is best suited to observe a particle of radius `3 xx 10^(-4) cm` is of the order of :

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  10. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations has the smallest wavelength ?

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  11. Ifg`V_(g), V_(x)` and `V_(m)` are the speeds of gamma rays, X-rays and microwaves respectively in vacuum, then :

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  12. The oscillating electric and magnetic field vectors of an electromagnetic waves are oriented along :

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  13. The wavelength of microwaves is:

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  14. If `mu_(0)` be the permeability and ko the dielectric constant of a medium , its refractive index is given by :

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  15. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequency, in the range of

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  16. The amplitude of electric and magnetic fields related to each other are :

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  17. The phase and orientation of the magnetic vector associated with electromagnetic oscillations differ respectively from those of the corresponding electric vector by :

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  18. Which of the following is the infrared wavelength ?

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  19. Maxwell's equations describe the fundamental laws of :

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  20. The frequencies of X-ray, `gamma`-rays and ultraviolet rays are respectively a, b, and c. Then :

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  21. The velocity of light in vacuum can be changed by changing :

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  22. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to electromagnetic waves in an isotropic medium?

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  23. Which of the following have zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave ?

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  24. Displacement current goes through the gap between the plates of a capacitor when the charge of the capacitor :

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  25. Ozone layer above earth's atmosphere will:

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  26. Which of the following pairs of space and time varying `vecE` and `vecB` fields would generate a plane electromagnetic wave travelling along the Z-direction ?

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  27. The area of Television telecast is made twice, the height of antenna will be changed as:

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  28. The frequency of visible light is of the order of:

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  29. Which of the following wavelengths falls in X-rays region?

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  30. In electromagnetic wave, the average energy density is associated to:

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  31. In X-ray tube the accelerating potential applied at the anode is V volt. The minimum wavelength of the emitted X-rays will be :

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  32. A magnetic field is produced by :

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  33. A compass needle is placed in the gap of a parallel plate capacitor. The capacitor is connected to battery through a resistance. The compass needle :

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  34. A free electron is placed in the path of plane electromagnetic wave. The electron will start moving:

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  35. The energy contained in a small volume through which an electromagnetic wave is passing oscillates with:

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  36. Which of the following can be expressed in coulomb :

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  37. The sound waves after being converted into electrical waves are not transmitted as such because :

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  38. The process of superimposing signal frequency (i.e. audio wave) on the carrier wave is known as:

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  39. In an amplitude modulated wave for audio-frequency of `500 "cycles" // "second"`, the appropriate carrier frequency will be:

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  40. The conduction current in ideal casc through a circuit is zero when charge on capacitor is:

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  41. When capacitor is connected to the circuit, the current when key is pressed, is:

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  42. Radio frequency is generated with:

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  43. According to Maxwell's hypothesis, a changing electric field gives rise to :

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  44. In an apparatus, the electric field was found to oscillate with an amplitude of `18 V // m`. The magnitude of the oscillating magnetic field will be :

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  45. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of:

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  46. X-rays are produced by jumping of:

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  47. Which one is not an e.m. wave.

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  48. The wavelength of X-rays lies between:

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  49. The penetrating power of X-ray increases with the increase in its :

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  50. The production of X-rays is a phenomenon for the conservation of:

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  51. X-rays travel in space with the velocity of:

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  52. The shortest wavelength of X-rays emitted from an X- ray tube depends upon :

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  53. The voltage applied across an X-rays tube is nearly equal to :

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  54. X-rays and `gamma`-rays of same energies are distinguished by their :

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  55. X-rays are not used for radar purposes, because they are not :

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  56. Hydrogen atom does not emit X-rays because :

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  57. The energy of X-rays photon is `3.3 ×x 10^(-16) J`. Its frequency is :

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  58. The wavelength of ultraviolet rays is of the order of:

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  59. The wavelength of infrared rays is of the order of:

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  60. The minimum frequency `v_("min")` of continuous X-rays is related to the applied pot. diff. V as :

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  61. A gold leaf electroscope is charged and the leaves are observed to diverge by a certain amount. A beam of X-rays is allowed to fall upon the electroscope for a short period. The leaves would :

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  62. Which of the following have zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave ?

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  63. An electromagnetic wave propagating along north has its electric field vector upwards. Its magnetic field vector point towards.

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  64. Which one of the following is INCORRECT statement in the transmission of electromagnetic waves

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  65. Infrared radiation was discovered in 1800 by

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  66. The wavelength of the matter waves is independent of

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  67. A. The wavelength of microwaves is greater than that of UV-rays.
    B. The wavelength of IR rays is lesser than that of UV- rays.
    C. The wavelength of microwaves is lesser than that of IR rays.
    D. Gamma rays has shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.

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  68. A signal emitted by an antenna from a certain point can be received at another point of the surface in the form of

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  69. Approximate height of ozone layer above the ground is

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  70. Which scientist experimentally proved the existence of electromagnetic waves

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  71. Frequency of a wave is `6 xx 10^(15)` Hz. The wave is

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  72. The region of the atmosphere above troposphere is known as

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  73. Which of the following electromagnetic waves have minimum frequency

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  74. Which of the following shows greenhouse effect

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  75. Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by

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  76. Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature as in evident by :

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  77. Which of the following are not electromagnetic waves ?

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  78. Which of the following radiations has the least wave- lengths ?

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  79. An electromagnetic wave of v = 3MHz passes from vacuum into dielectric medium with `epsilon = 4.0 epsilon_(0)`. Then :

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