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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (LEVEL-II) of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on a material surface. The wave delivers momentum p and energy E, then :

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  2. An electromagnetic wave going through vacuum is described by `E=E_(0) sin (kx - omegat)` which of the following `"is" // "are"` independent of the wavelength ?

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  3. The unit of expression `mu_(0) epsilon_(0)` are :

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  4. In an electromagnetic wave the average energy density associated with electric field is :

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  5. Given the wave function (in S.I. units) for a wave to be, `Psi (x,t) = 10^(3) sin pi (3 xx 10^(6) x - 9 xx 10^(14) t)`. The speed of the wave is :

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  6. The electric amplitude of the wave is `5 Vm^(-1)`. The magnetic amplitude of this wave is:

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  7. Dimensions of `epsilon_(0)(d phi_(E))/(dt)` are of :

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  8. The T.V. transmission tower in Delhi has a height of 240 m. The distance up to which the broadcast can be received, (taking the radius of earth to be `6.4 xx 10^(6)` m).

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  9. In a plane e.m. wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of `2.5 xx 10^(10)` Hz and amplitude `480V // m`. The amplitude of oscillating magnetic field will be:

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  10. In question 84, the wavelength of the wave will be :

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  11. If the magnetic monopoles existed then which of the following Maxwell's equations would be modified ?

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  12. If `epsilon_(0)` and `mu_(0)` represent the permittivity and permeability of vaccum and `epsilon` and `mu` represent the permittivity and permeability of medium, then refractive index of the medium is given by :

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  13. In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetising fields are `100 V // m` and `0.265 A // m`. The maximum energy flow is :

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  14. If a source is transmitting electromagnetic waves of frequency `8.2 xx 10^(6)` Hz, then wavelength of the electromagnetic waves transmitted from the source will be :

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  15. Which one of the following groups of electromagnetic waves is in order of increasing frequency?

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  16. An electromagnetic wave going through vacuum is described by:
    `E=E_(0) sin(kx - omega t)`
    `B=B_(0) sin(kx - omega t)`

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  17. A flood light is covered with a fitter that transmits red light. The electric field of the emerging beam is represented by a sinusoidal plane wave
    `E_(x) = 36 sin (1.20 xx 10^(7) z – 3.6 xx 10^(15) t) V // m`
     The average intensity of beam in `"watt" // "(metre)"^(2)` will be :

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  18. A plane electromagnetic wave of wave intensity `6 W // m^(2)` strikes a small mirror of area `39 cm^(2)`, held perpendicular to the approaching wave. The momentum transferred in `kg ms^(-1)` by the wave to the mirror each second will be:

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  19. The intensity of sun light (in `W // m^(2)`) at the solar surface will be:

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  20. In an electromagnetic wave, the average energy density associated with magnetic field is :

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  21. A parallel plate capacitor consists of two circular plates each of radius 12 cm and separated by 5.0 mm. The capacitor is being charged by external source. The charging current is constant and is equal to 0.15 A. The rate of change of potential difference between the plates will be :

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  22. The sun delivers `10^(3) W // m^(2)` of electromagnetic flux to the earth's surface. The total power that is incident on a roof of dimensions `8 m xx 20 m`, will be:

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  23. In Q. 103, the radiation force on the roof will be :

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  24. The average magnetic energy density of an electromagnetic wave of wavelength travelling in free space is given by

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  25. Light waves travel in vacuum along the y-axis. Which of the following may represent the wavefront

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  26. A new system of units is evolved in which the values of `mu_(0)` and `epsilon_(0)` are 2 and 8 respectively. Then the speed of light in the system will be

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  27. The dielectric constant of air is 1.006. The speed of electromagnetic wave travelling in air is `a xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)`, where a is about

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  28. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in free space along 2-axis. At a particular point in space, the electric field along y-axis is `9.3 V m^(-1)`. The magnetic induction (B) along z-axis is

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  29. What is ozone hole

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  30. Which rays are not the portion of electromagnetic spectrum

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  31. Radio waves diffract around building although light waves do not. The reason is that radio waves

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  32. Radio waves and visible light in vacuum have

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  33. TV waves have a wavelength range of 1-10 meter. Their frequency range in MHz is

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  34. Pick out the longest wavelength from the following types of radiations

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  35. Wave which cannot travel in vacuum is

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  36. The range of wavelength of the visible light is

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  37. Which radiation in sunlight, causes heating effect

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  38. Which of the following represents an infrared wavelength

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  39. The speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum depends upon the source of radiation

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  40. The maximum distance upto which TV transmission from a TV tower of height h can be received is proportional to

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  41. Which of the following are not electromagnetic waves

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  42. Ozone is found in

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  43. The electromagnetic waves travel with a velocity

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  44. Which of the following radiations has the least wavelength

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  45. Dimensions of `(1)/(mu_(0) epsilon_(0))`, where symbols have their usual meanings, are :

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  46. The r.m.s. value of electric field of the light coming from sun in `720 N // C`. The average energy density of e.m.f. is :

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