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Complete Solutions to Recent Competitive Questions of chapter ATOMS, MOLECULES AND NUCLEI of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MODERN PUBLICATIONRecent Competitive Questions
Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The spectrum of an oil flame is an example for

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  2. Assume the graph of sepecific binding energy versus mass number is as shown in the figure. Using this graph, select the correct choice from the following.

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  3. Pick out the correct staternent from the following.

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  4. A radioactive sample `S_1` having the activity `A_1`, has twice the number of nuclei as another sample `S_2` of activity `A_2." If "A_2= 2A_1`, then the ratio of half-life of `S_1` to the half-life of `S_2` is :

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  5. When a neutron is disintegrated to give a `beta`-particle,

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  6. Rutherford's atomic model could account for :

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  7. When an electron jumps from the orbit n =2 to n= 4, then wavelength of the radiations absorbed will be (R is Rydberg's constant)

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  8. The thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen inside the stars is taking place by a cycle of operations. The particular element which acts as a catalyst is :

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  9. The ratio of minimum wavelengths of Lyman and Balmer series will be

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  10. The fraction of the initial mumber of radioactive nuclei which remain undecayed after half of a half-life of the radioactive sample is :

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  11. 1 curie represents

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  12. In the uniform electic field of `E=1 xx 10^(4), NC^(-1)`, an electron is accelerated from rest. The velocity of the electron when it has travelled a distance of `2 xx 10^(-2)m` is nearly `(e/m" of electron " approx 1.8 xx 10^(-11)Ckg^(-1))`

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  13. Decay constants of two radio-active samples A and B are 15x and 3x zospectively. They have equal number of initial nuclci. The ratio of the number of nuclei left in A and B after a time `1/(6x)` is :

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  14. Mass numbr of the elements A, B, C and D are 30, 60, 80 and 120 respectilvely. The specific binding energy of them are 5 MeV, 8.5 MeV, 8 MeV and 7 MeV respectively. Then, in which of the following reaction/s energy released ?
    `1.D. to 2B`
    `2.C to B+A`
    `3.B to 2A`

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  15. The ratio of the magnetic dipole moment to the angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom is :

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  16. The radius of `""_(29)Cu^(64)` nucleus in Fermi is : `("given "R_(0)=1.2 xx 10^(-15)m)`

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  17. In a radioactive decay, an element `""_(z)X^A` emits four `alpha`- particles, three `beta` -particles and eight gamma photons. The atomic number and mass number of the resulting final nucleus are

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  18. A radioactive nucleus has specific binding energy `E_1.` It emits an `alpha` -particle. The resulting nucleus has specific binding energy `E_2`. Then

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  19. A proton and helium nucleus are shot into a magnetic field at right angles to the field with same kinetic energy. Then the ratio of their radii is :

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  20. Light emitted during the de excitation of electron from n = 3 to n = 2, when incident on a metal, photoelectrons are just emitted from that metal. In which of the following de excitations photoelectric effect is not possible ?

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  21. The additional energy that should be given to an electron to reduce its de-Broglie wavelength from 1 mm to 0.5 mm is:

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  22. The ionisation energy of an electron in the ground state of helium atom is 24.6V. The energy required to remove both the electron is :

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  23. Pick out the correct statements from the following:
    I. Electron emission during `beta` -decay is always accompanied by neutrino.
    II. Nuclear force is charge independent.
    III. Fusion is the chief source of stellar energy.

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  24. A nucleus `""_(z)X^4` emits an `alpha` -particle with velocity v. The recoil speed of the daughter nucleus is :

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  25. A radioactive substance emits 100 beta particles in the first 2s and 50 beta particles in the next 2s. The mean life of the samnle ise

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  26. A and B are the two radioactive elements. The mixture of these elements show a total activity of 1200 disintegrations/minute. The half-life of A is 1 day and that of B is 2 days. What will be the total activity after 4 days ? Given, the initial number of atom in A and B are equal :

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  27. The binding energy/nucleon of deuteron `(""_(2)H^(4))` and the helium atom (He) are 1.1 MeV and 7 Mev respectively. If the two deuteron atoms fuse to form a single helium atom, then the energy released is :

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  28. Which of the following spectral series of hydrogen atom is lying in visible region of electromagnetic wave ?

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  29. What is the energy of the electron revolving in third orbit expressed in eV?

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  30. The relation between half-life (T) and decay constant `(lambda)` is:

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  31. A force between two protons is same as the force between proton and neutron. The nature of the force is :

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  32. An `alpha` -particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through `180^@` by gold nucleus. The distance of closest approach is of the order of:

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  33. A radioactive decay can form an isotope of the original nucleus with the emission of particles :

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  34. The half life of a radioactive substance is 20 minutes, The time taken between 50% decay and 87.5% decay of the substance will be

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  35. A nucleus at rest splits into two nuclear parts having radii in the ratio: 1:2. Their velocities are in the ratio:

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  36. What is the wavelength of light for the least energetic photoa emitted in the Lyman series of the hydrogen spectrum. (take hc = 1240 eV nm):

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  37. If an electron in hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit of level n= 3 to an orbit of level n =2, the emitted radiation has a frequency (R= Rydberg constant, c= velocity of light) :

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  38. A sample of a radioactive element whose half-life is 30s contains a million nuclei at a certain instant of time. How many nuclei will be left after 10 s?

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  39. A radioactive substance decays at 1/32 of its initial activity in 25 days. Its half life is :

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  40. The shortest wave lengths of Paschen, Balmer and Lymann series are in the ratio :

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Recent Competitive Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMS, MOLECULES AND NUCLEI of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12