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Complete Solutions to MCQ (Level -I) of chapter ATOMS, MOLECULES AND NUCLEI of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If an electron in any hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit `n_(i)=3` to an orbit with level `n_f= 2,` the frequency of the emitted radiation is :

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  2. In the given diagram, the energy levels of hydrogen atom have been shown along with some transitions marked A, B, C, D and E. The transition A, B and C respectively represent :

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  3. The speed of electron in the first Bohr orbit is `C/(137)`, where C is speed of light in free space. The speed of electron in the 2nd Bohr orbit will be:

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  4. The ratio (in S.I. units) of magnetic dipole moment to that of the angular of electron of mass m kg and charge e coulomb in Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom is :

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  5. An `alpha` -particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through `180^@` by a fixed uranium nuclous. The distance of closest approach is of the order:

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  6. When Z is doubled in an atom, which of the following statements are consistent with Bohr's theory?

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  7. A light with an electric field `E = 165 [sin (22 xx 10^(15)t) + sin(pi lt 10^(14)t) Vm^(-1)` where t is in seconds, falls on a metal of work function 2 eV. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectron is `(h=4.14 xx 10^(15)eV.S)`

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  8. Mosley's law for characteristic X-rays `1/lambda=R (z-b)^(2) (1/n_(1)^(2)-1/n_(2)^(2))` is Which of the following statements is/are correct?

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  9. The flux of a `alpha`-particle at `2^@` is 1 x 10°, calculate the flux of `alpha-` particle at angle `60^(@)`.

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  10. `""_(92)U^(238)` decays to a stable nucleus of `""_(82)Pb^(206)` In this process

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  11. An electron in a `H_2` atom makes a transition from `n_(1) to n_(2)`. The time period of electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. Then ratio of `n_(1)" to "n_(2)`:

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  12. The velocity of an electron in the second orbit of ten times ionised sodium atom (Z=11) is v. The velocity of electron in its fifth orbit is:

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  13. Find radius of electron in first orbit when hydrogen atom in ground state is excited by mean of light of =975Å

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  14. The radius of the smallest electron orbit in the hydrogen like atom is `(0.51 xx 10^(-10))/(4)`m, then it is :

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  15. The difference in frequencies of series limit of Lymen series and Balmer series is equal to the frequency of the first line of the :

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  16. The wavelength of `K_(alpha)` line from an element of atomic number 51 is `lambda`. From another element wavelength of `K_(alpha)` line is `4lambda`. What is the atomic number of the second element ?

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  17. The area of the electron orbit for the ground state of hydrogen atom is A. Then what will be area of the electron orbit corresponding to the first excited state?

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  18. Wavelength of radiations emitted, when an electron jumps from a state A to C is 2000 Å and it is 6000 Å, when the clectron jumps from state B to state C. Wavelength of the radiations emitted, when an electron jumps from state A to B will be:

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  19. Half-life of a substance is 20 minutes. What is the time between 33% decay and 67% decay ?

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  20. Electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from `n_1" to "n_2`, where `n_1 and n_2` are principal quantum numbers of two states. Assuming Bohr's model to be valid, time period of clectron in the `n_1` state is found to be eight times the time period in the final state. Then possible values of principal quantum numbers `n_1 and n_2` are:

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  21. At a given time there are 25% undecayed nuclei in a sample. After 10 seconds number of undecayed nuclei reduces to 12-5%. Then mean life of the nuclei will be about:

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  22. Number of fission required in one second to attain a power level of 1 MW in an atom bomb will be:

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  23. When a -particle of energy 3.5 MeV approaching gold nucleus, it undergoes scattering by `180^@,` then distance of closest approach is :

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  24. If scattering angle `theta` and impact parameter b are related to each other by the relation `b=(Z e^(2) cot ""theta/2)/(4pi epsi_(0) (1/2 mv^(2)))` then angle of scattering for zero impact parameter will be

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  25. A dust particle of mass `10^(-6)` gm moves between two walls separated by 1.0 mm. If speed of the particle is `10^(-4)ms^(-1)` then nth state of the particle will be :

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  26. Angular momentum of an electron in an excited hydrogen atom having energy -3.4eV is :

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  27. Binding energy per nucleon of `""_(8)^(16)O" is (given : mass of " ""_(8)^(16)O=16.000000 a.m.u.)`

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  28. Fraction of the element decayed during its mean life will be:

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  29. Nuclear reactor in which luranium-235 is used as fuel, uses 2 kg of uranium-235 in 30 days. Then power output of the reactor will be (given : Energy released per fission =185 MeV):

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  30. A neutron causes fission in `""_(92)U^(235)` producing `""_(40)Zr^(97), Te^(134)` and some neutrons. What is at no. of Te and how many neutrons are released?

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  31. Find the Q value of the reaction.
    `""_(1)H^(2)+""_(3)Li^(6) to ""_(1)H^(1)+""_(3)Li^(7)`
    The rest mass of `""_(1)H^(2)=2.01410 a.m.u.`
    `""_(3)Li^(6)=6.01513 a.m.u.`
    `""_(3)Li^(7)=7.01601 a.m.u.`
    `""_(1)H^(1)=1.00783 a.m.u.`

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  32. In the fusion reaction `""_(1)H^(2)+ ""_(1)H^(2) tp ""_(2)He^(3) +""_(0)n^(1)`, douteron, helium and the neutron have masses 2.015 a.m.u., 3.017, and 1-009 a.m.u. respectivoly. Find the total energy released if 1 kg of deuterium undergoes complete fusion :

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  33. 90% of a radioactive sample is left undisintegrated after time I has elapsed, what percentage of initial sample will decay in a total time 2t:

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  34. Calculate the specific activities of `Na^(24) and U^(235)` nuclides whose half lives are 15 hrs and `7.1 xx 10^8 yrs :`

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  35. The B.E of `""_(10)Ne^(20)` is 160.6 MeV. Find its atomic mass. The rest mass of proton =1.007825 a.m.u. and that of neutron =1.008665 a.m.u :

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  36. The activity of a radioactive substance reduces to `(1)/(32)` of its initial value in `22.5 xx 10^9 yrs.` Find its disintegration constant :

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  37. There is a sample containing 16g of radioactive material, the half-life of which is 2 days. What is the amount of sample left after 32 days:

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  38. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half life 2 hours emits radiations of intensity, which is 64 time the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is:

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  39. The binding energy per nucleon for deuteron `(""_(1)^(2)H)" helium "(""_(2)^(4)He)` are 1.1MeV and 7.0 MeV. The energy released when deuterons fuse to form a helium nucleus is:

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  40. The radioactivity of given sample of whisky due to tritium (half life = 12 yrs) was found to be only 3.125% of that measured in a recently purchased bottle marked "10 yrs old". By how many years ago sample must have been prepared ?

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  41. A count rate meter is used to measure the activity of a given sample. At one instant meter shows 2400 counts/min. One hour later the count drops to 300 counts per minute. What is half life of the sample ?

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  42. If 10% of a radioactive material decays in 5 days, then amount of original material left after 20 days is approximately :

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  43. The atomic mass of `""_(7)N^(15)` is 15.000108 a.m.u. and that of `""_(8)O^(16)` is 15.994915 a.m.u. If mass of proton is 1-007825 a.m.u., then the minimum energy provided to remove the least tightly bound proton is :

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  44. The end product of the decay of `""_(90)^(232)Th is ""_(82)^(208)Pb.` The number of alpha and beta particle emitted are, respectively.

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  45. A radioactive element X with a half life of 2 hours decays giving a satble element Y. After a time t, the ratio of X to Y atoms is 1 : 7, then time t is :

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  46. The counting rate observed from the radioactive source at t= 0 second was 1600 counts/sec and t= 8 sec, it was 100 count/sec. The counting rate per sec at t =6 sec will be:

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  47. Find the half life of uranium, given that `3.23 xx 10^(-7)gm` of radium is found per gm of uranium in old minerals. The atomic weight of uranium and radium are 238 and 226 and half life of radium is 1600 years :

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  48. What is the mass of 1 curie of `""_(27)C^(60)` ? Half life of `""_(27)C^(60)` is 5.25 years:

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  49. Over what distance in free space will the intensity of a 5eV neutron beam be reduced by a factor one half ?

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  50. If `3 xx 10^(-9)` kg of radioactive `""_(79)Au^(200)` has an activity 58.9 Ci, then half life period of `Au^(200)` is:

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  51. The decay constant for the radioactive isotope `""^(57)Co" is "3 xx 10^(-8) s^(-1).` The number of disintegrations taking place in a milligram of pure `""^(57)Co` per second is :

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  52. The given diagram indicates the energy levels of a certain atom. When the system moves from 2E level to E, a photon of wavelength 2 is emitted. The wavelength of photon produced during its transition from 4E/3 level of E is:

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  53. Atomic mass number of an element is 232 and its atomic number is 90. The end product, of this radioactive element is an isotope of lead `(""_(82)^(208)Pb)`. The number of alpha and beta particles emitted is :

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  54. At any instant, the ratio of the amount of radioactive substance is 2: 1. If their half-lives be respectively 12 and 16 hours then after two days, what will be the ratio of the substances ?

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  55. The ratio of the largest to shortest wavelength in Balmer series of hydrogen spectra is :

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  56. If 10% of a radioactive material decays in 5 days, then the amount of original material left after 20 days is approximately

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  57. An electron revolves round a nucleus of charge Ze. In order to excite the electron from the state n =2 to n =3, the energy required is 47.2 eV. Then Z is equal to :

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  58. A radioactive nucleus is being produced at a constant rate `alpha` per second. Its decay constant is `lambda`. If `N_(0)` are the number of nuclei at time t =0, then maximum number of nuclei possible are :

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  59. The wavelength of `K_(alpha),` X-rays for lead isotopes `Pb^(208), Pb^(206), Pb^(204)" are "lambda_(1), lambda_(2), and lambda_(3)` respectively. Then :

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  60. A hydrogen atom emits a photon of energy 12.1 eV. Its orbital angular momentum changes by `triangleL`. Then `triangleL` equals :

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  61. Statement I: In a hydrogen atom, if the difference in the energy of the electron between the second orbit and third orbit is E, then the ionisation potential of hydrogen atom will be 3.2 E.
    Statement II: The minimum energy (in eV) electrons must have for all the lines of all the series of `H_2` spectrum to appear when the `H_2` atoms are excited is 10.2 eV.

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  62. Statement I: In fission the percentage of mass converted into energy is 0.1%.
    Statement II : In fusion the percentage of mass converted into energy is 100%.

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  63. Statement I: Nuclear forces' are charge independent.
    Statement II: The nuclear forces act between nucleons only.

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  64. Statement I: In fission reaction : `""_(92)P^(263) to Q^(141)+""_(36)R^(10)+3_(0)n'`.
    The values of a = 56 and b = 119.
    Statement II: The electrons emitted in `beta`-decay have same energy.

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  65. Statement I: Heavy water is preferred over ordinary water in moderator in nuclear reactor.
    Statement II: Average number of neutrons per fission reaction is 2.5.

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  66. When sunlight shines on the atmosphere, mass of `CO_(2)` at an altitude of 75 km undergo natural laser action. The energy levels involved in the action are shown in fig Population inversion occurs between levels `E_2 and E_1`.
    66. The wavelength of sunlight exciting the molecules in laser action is

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  67. When sunlight shines on the atmosphere, mass of `CO_(2)` at an altitude of 75 km undergo natural laser action. The energy levels involved in the action are shown in fig Population inversion occurs between levels `E_2 and E_1`.
    The wavelength at which lasing occurs is

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  68. The energy of an electron in an excited hydrogen atom is -3.4 eV
    The corresponding excited state (n) is

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  69. The energy of an electron in an excited hydrogen atom is -3.4 eV
    The angular momentum of electron is

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  70. A radioisotope with At. wt. 99 has a half-life of 6 hours. A solution with `10^(-12) gm` of this isotope is provided to perum, Then
    Activity of solution in beginning is

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  71. A radioisotope with At. wt. 99 has a half-life of 6 hours. A solution with `10^(-12) gm` of this isotope is provided to perum, Then
    Activity at the end of one hour is

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  72. A doubly ionised lithium atom is `H_2` -like with atomic no. 3. It is excited to produce radiations,
    Wavelength of radiations required to excite the electron in `Li^(++)` from the Ist to Illrd Bohr orbit is

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  73. A doubly ionised lithium atom is `H_2` -like with atomic no. 3. It is excited to produce radiations,
    The spectral lines observed in emission spectrum of the above excited are

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  74. A nuclear reactor generates power at 50% efficiency, by fusion `""_(92)U^(235)` into two canal fragments of `""_(6)Pd^(116)` with the emission of two gamma rays and three neutrons. The average B.E. per particle of `U^(235) and Pd^(116)` is 7.2 MeV and 8.2 MeV respectively.
    The energy released in one fission event is

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  75. A nuclear reactor generates power at 50% efficiency, by fusion `""_(92)U^(235)` into two canal fragments of `""_(6)Pd^(116)` with the emission of two gamma rays and three neutrons. The average B.E. per particle of `U^(235) and Pd^(116)` is 7.2 MeV and 8.2 MeV respectively.
    75. Amount of U235 consumed per hour to produce 1600 mega watt power is

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  76. The half life of radium is 1620 years and its atomic weight is 226 kg per kilomol. The number of atoms that will decay from its 1 g sample per second will be :

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  77. The temperature at which average kinetic energy of an atom in gaseous hydrogen becomes equal to the binding energy of the electron in hydrogen atom, is of the order of

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  78. Which of the following represent `gamma` -decay ?

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  79. A high powered laser beam `(lambda= 630 nm)` with a beam diameter of 0.1 m is aimed at the Moon, `3.8 xx 10^8 m` distant. The beam spreads only because of diffraction, The angular location of the edge of the central diffraction disc is given by `sin theta=(1.22 lambda)/(d)`
    where d is the diameter of the beam aperture. What is the diameter of the central diffraction disc on the Moon's surface ?

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  80. A hydrogen atom and `Li^(++)` ion are both in the second excited state. If `l_(H) and l_(Li)` are the respective electronic moments, and En and EL their respective energies then

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  81. A nucleus with Z =92 emits the following in a sequence `alpha, beta, alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha,beta^(-),beta^(-),alpha,beta^(+),beta^(+),alpha`. The Z of the resulting nucleus is :

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  82. If the atom `""_(100)Fm^(257)` follow the Bohr's model and the radius of `""_(100)Fm^(257)` is n tince the Bohr radius, then find n :

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  83. A 280 days old radioactive substance showe an activity of 6000 dps. 140 days later its acitivity becomes 3000 dps. What was its initial acitivity?

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  84. For sample of `""^(66)Cu,` 7/8 of it decays in 15 min. The half-life of sample is:

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  85. If radius of `""_(13)^(27)Al` is 3.6 Fermi, then radius of `""_(52)^(125)Te` is nearly

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  86. A nuclear transformation is denoted by `X(n,alpha), ""_(3)^(7)Li.` Which of the following is X nucleus ?

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  87. The wavelength of `k_(alpha)` line of X-ray spectrum of an ekonsent of atomic number z = 11 in `lambda`. The wavelength of same time of element of atomic number is z' is `4lambda.` z' is

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  88. If B.B/ nucleon in `""_(3)^(7)Li and ""_(2)He^(4)` nuclic are 5.6 Mev and 7.06 MeV, then in the reaction `p+""_(3)^(7)Li to 2 ""_(2)^(4) He`, energy of proton must be :

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  89. Through what minimum potential must an electron in an X-ray tube be accelerated so that it can produce X- rays with wavelength of 0.050 nm ?

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  90. When `""_(3)^(7)Li` is bombarded by protons, the resultant nuclie is `""_(4)^(8)Be,` then emitted particle is :

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  91. The energy spectrum of `beta`-particle {no. N (E)] as a function of `beta` -energy `[E_(0)]` from radioactive source is :

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  92. Which of the following transitiona in hydrogen atoms emit photons of highest frequency?

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  93. The half-life period of a radioactive element X is same as mean life of another radioactive element Y. Initially they have same no. of atoms, then:

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  94. When a beam of accelerated electrons collides with a target then continuous spectrum of X-rays is emitted. Which wavelength will be absent in the spectrum of X-ray emitted from X-ray tube operated at 40 kV ?

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  95. Some laws processes are given in column I. Match these with the physical phenomena given in column II.

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  96. Statement I: Energy is released when heavy nuclei undergo fission or light nuclei undergo fusion.
    Statement II : For heavy nuclei, binding energy per nucleon increases with increasing Z while for light nuclei it decreases with increasing Z.

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  97. `He^(+)` ions are excited to respective first excited states. Subsequently, H-atoms transfer their total excitation Energy to Het jons collisions). Assume that the Bohr model of atom is exactly valid.
    The quantum number n of the state finally populated in He+ ions is

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  98. `He^(+)` ions are excited to respective first excited states. Subsequently, H-atoms transfer their total excitation Energy to Het jons collisions). Assume that the Bohr model of atom is exactly valid.
    The wavelength of light emitted in the visible region by `He^(+)` ions after collisions with H atoms is

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  99. `He^(+)` ions are excited to respective first excited states. Subsequently, H-atoms transfer their total excitation Energy to Het jons collisions). Assume that the Bohr model of atom is exactly valid.
    The ratio of the kinetic energy of the n= 2 electron for the H atom to that of `He^(+)` ion is

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  100. When a particle is restricted to move along x-axis between x = 0 and x = 4, where a is of nanometer dimension, its energy can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of standing waves with nodes at its ends r = 0 and x= a. The wavelength of this standing wave is related to the linear momentum p of the particle according to the de-Broglie relation. The energy of the particle of mass m is related to its linear momentum as `E= p^2//2m.` Thus, the energy of the particle can be denoted by a quantum number 'r' taking values 1, 2, 3, ... (n = 1, called the ground state) corresponding to the number of loops in the standing wave. Use the model described above to answer the following three questions for a particle moving in the line x=0 to x=a. Take `h=6.6 xx 10^(-34) Js and e=1.6 xx 10^(-19)C`.
    The allowed energy for the particle for a particular value of n is proportional to

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MCQ (Level -I) questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMS, MOLECULES AND NUCLEI of MODERN PUBLICATION PHYSICS (KANNADA ENGLISH) of Class 12