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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (WB JEE WORKOUT) CATEGORY 2 : Single Option Correct Type (2 Mark) of chapter WORK, POWER, ENERGY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEEXERCISE (WB JEE WORKOUT) CATEGORY 2 : Single Option Correct Type (2 Mark)
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A body of mass `6kg` is under a force which causes displacement in it given by `S= (t^(2))/(4)` maters where `t` is time . The work done by the force in `2` sec is

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  2. A body is moved along a straight line by a machine delivering constant power . The distance moved by the body is time `t` is proptional to

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  3. If the kinetic energy of a body changes by 20%, then its momentum would change by

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  4. If `r` is the interatomic distance, `a` and `b` are positive constants, `U` denotes potential energy which is a function dependent on `r` as follows :
    `U=(a)/(r^(10) )-(b)/(r^(5))`.
    The equilibrium distance between two atoms is

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  5. IF a particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal circle of radius r with a centripetal force `(-(K)/(r^(2)))` , then its total energy is

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  6. A particle of mass m moves along a circular path of radius r with a centripetal acceleration `a_n` changing with time t as `a_n=kt^2`, where k is a positive constant. The average power developed by all the forces acting on the particle during the first `t_0` seconds is

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  7. If momentum is increased by 20%, then kinetic energy increases by

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  8. An engine can pull four coaches at a maximum speed of `20ms^-1`. The mass of the engine is twice the mass of every coach. Assuming resistive forces to be proportional to the weight, approximate maximum speeds of the engine, when it pulls `12` and `6` coaches, are

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  9. A particle which is constant to move along the `x- axis` , is subjected to a force in the same direction which varies with the distance `x` of the particle from the origin as `F(x) = -Kx + ax^(3)` . Hero `K` and `a` are positive constant . For `x ge 0`, the fanctional from of the patential every `U(x) of the particle is

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  10. The displacement x of a particle at time t moving under a constant force is `t=sqrtx+3`, x in metres, t in seconds. Find the work done by the force in the interval from `t=0` to `t=6` second.

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  11. A particle A of mass `10//7kg` is moving in the positive direction of `x-axis`. At initial position `x=0`, its velocity is `1ms^-1`, then its velocity at `x=10m` is (use the graph given)

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  12. A system consists of two identical cubes, each of mass `3kg`, linked together by a compressed weightless spring of force constant `1000Nm^-1`. The cubes are also connected by a thread which is burnt at a certain moment. At what minimum value of initial compression `x_0` (in cm) of the spring will the lower cube bounce up after the thread is burnt together?

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  13. A vertical spring with force constant `k` is fixed on a table. A ball of mass `m` at a height `h` above the free upper end of the spring falls vertically on the spring , so that the spring is compressed by a distance `d`. The net work done in the process is

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  14. A particle of mass `m` moves with a variable velocity v, which changes with distance covered x along a straight line as `v=ksqrtx`, where k is a positive constant. The work done by all the forces acting on the particle, during the first t seconds is

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  15. A body of mass m was slowly pulled up the hill by a force F which at each point was directed along the tangent of the trajectory. All surfaces aresmooth. Find the work performed by this force.

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EXERCISE (WB JEE WORKOUT) CATEGORY 2 : Single Option Correct Type (2 Mark) questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, POWER, ENERGY of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12