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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (WB JEE WORKOUT) CATEGORY 3 : One or More than One Option Correct Type (2 Marks) of chapter WORK, POWER, ENERGY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEEXERCISE (WB JEE WORKOUT) CATEGORY 3 : One or More than One Option Correct Type (2 Marks)
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following is//are conservative force (s) ?

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  2. A vehicle is driven along a straight horizontal track by a motor which exerts a constant driving force. The vehicle starts from rest at `t=0` and the effects of friction and air resistance are negligible. If the kinetic eneryg of the vehicle at time t is E and power developed by the motor is P, which of the following graphs are correct?

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  3. A man of mass m is standing on a stationary flat car of mass M. The car can move without friction along horizontal rails. The man starts walking with velocity v relative to the car. Work done by him

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  4. When a bullet is fired from a gun

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  5. A body of mass `1kg` is taken from infinity to a point P. When the body reaches that point, it has a speed of `2ms^-1`. The work done by the conservative force is `-5J`. Which of the following is true (assuming non-conservative and pseudo-forces to be absent).

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  6. A massless platform is kept on a light elastic spring as shown in figure. When a small stone of mass 0.1 kg is dropped on the pan from a height of 0.24 m, the spring compresses by 0.01m. From what height should the stone be droppped to cause a compression of 0.04m in the spring ?

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  7. The potential energy `U` in joule of a particle of mass `1 kg` moving in `x-y` plane obeys the law`U = 3x + 4y`, where `(x,y)` are the co-ordinates of the particle in metre. If the particle is at rest at `(6,4)` at time `t = 0` then :

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  8. A block of mass 2 kg is hanging from a light, smooth pulley through a light string. The kinetic energy of block increased to 16 J in 2 s by applying a constant force F on one end of upper string. Then

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  9. A particle of mass `m` (starting at rest) moves vertically upwards from the surface of earth under an external force `overset(to)(F)` which varies with height `z` as `overset(to)(F)= (2- alpha z) m overset(to)(g)` where `alpha` is a positive constant. If H is the maximum height to which particle rises. Then

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  10. A particle moves along x-axis whose potential energy versus x-coordinate graph is shown in the given figure. At x = 0, the particle is released form rest. Two potential wells A and B are shown in the figure. Then,

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EXERCISE (WB JEE WORKOUT) CATEGORY 3 : One or More than One Option Correct Type (2 Marks) questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, POWER, ENERGY of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12