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Complete Solutions to WB JEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 1: SINGLE OPTON CORRECT TYPE 1 MARK) of chapter OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 2%, then the time period

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  2. A particle starts with S.H.M. from the mean position as shown in the figure. Its amplitude is A and its time period is T. At any instant, its speed is half that of the maximum speed. What is the displacement of the particle at the that point?

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  3. The bob of simple pendulum having length 1, is displaced from mean position to an angular position o with respect to vertical. If it is released, then velocity of bob at equilibrium position is

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  4. When an oscillator completes 100 oscillations its amplitude reduced to 1/3 of initial value. What will be its amplitude, when it completes 200 oscillations?

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  5. In the figure `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` are identical springs. The oscillation frequency of the mass m is f. If one spring is removed, the frequency will become

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  6. A simple pendulum has a time period `T_(1)` when on the earth's surface and `T_(2)` when taken to a height R above the earth's surface where R is the radius of the earth. The value of `T_(2)//T_(1)` is

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  7. The displacemeent of a particle is given at time t by `x = A sin(-2omega t) + B sin^(2)omegat`. Then,

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  8. Vibrating tuning fork of frequency v is placed near the open end of a long cylindrical tube. The tube has a side opening and is fitted with a movable reflecting piston. As the piston is moved through 8.75 cm, the intensity of sound changes from a maximum to minimum, if the speed of sound is 350 m/s. Then v is

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  9. A hospital uses an ultrasonic scanner to locate tumours in a tissue. The operating frequency of the scanner is 4.2 MHz. The speed of sound in a tissue is 1.7 km/s. The wavelength of sound in the tissue is close to

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  10. A transverse wave is represented by the equation `y = y sin (2pi)/lambda (vt -x)` For what value of `lambda` , is the maximum particle velocity equal to two times the wave velocity?

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  11. Two stationary sources each emitting waves of wavelength `lambda` , an observer moves from one source to another with velocity u. Then number of beats heard by him is

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  12. A wave travelling in positive x-direction with a=0.2 m/s. Velocity = 360 m/s. and `lambda` = 60 m, then correct expression for the wave is

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  13. Two vibrating tuning forks produce waves given by`y_(1) = 4sin 500 pit` and `y_(2) = 2sin 506 pit` . Number of beats produced per minute is

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  14. Two springs are joined and attached to a mass of 16 kg. The system is then suspended vertically from a rigid support. The spring constant of the two springs are `K_(1)` and `K_(2)` respectively. The period of vertical oscillations of the system will be:

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  15. The equation of a progressive wave can be given by `y = 15 sin(660pit - 0.02 pix)` cm. The frequency of the wave is

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  16. Two stretched strings have lengths 1 and 21 while tensions are T and 4 T respectively. If they are made of same material the ratio of their frequency is

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  17. When sound is produced in an aeroplane with a velocity of 200 m/s horizontally its echo is heard after `10sqrt(5)` seconds. If velocity of sound in air is 300 `ms^(-1)` the elevation of aircraft is

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  18. Two turning forks of frequencies `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` produces n beats per second. If `n_(2)` and n are known, `n_(1)` , may be given by

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  19. A car moving with a velocity of 36 km/h crosses a siren of frequency 500 Hz. The apparent frequency of siren after passing it will be

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  20. The function `sin^(2)(omega t)` represents

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  21. A spring of force constant k is cut into three equal parts. The force constant of each part would be

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  22. A particle is executing linear simple harmonic motion of amplitude A. At what displacement is the energy of the particle half potential and half kinetic?

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  23. The equation of a progressive wave is`y = 4 sin (4pit - 0.04 x + pi/3)` where x is in meter and t is in second. The velocity of the wave is

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  24. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of length / suspended from the roof of a vehicle, which moves without friction down an inclined plane of inclination `alpha` , is given by

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  25. The displacement of a particle in S.H.M. varies according to the relation`x = 4(cos pi t + sin pit)` . The amplitude of the particle is

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  26. A plane progressive wave is given by, `y =2 cos 6.284 (330 t -x)`. What is the period of wave?

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  27. What is the phase difference between two simple harmonic motions represented by `x_(1) = A sin(omega t + pi/6)` and `x_(2) = A cos (omegat)`?

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  28. The frequency of the first overtone of a closed pipe of length `l_(1)` is equal to that of the first overtone of an open pipe of length `l_(1)` . The ratio of their lengths `(l_(1) : l_(2))` is

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  29. Atrain approaching a railway platform with a speed of 20 `ms^(-1)` starts blowing the whistle. Speed of sound in air is 340 `ms^(-1)` . If the frequency of the emitted sound from the whistle is 640 Hz, the frequency of sound to a person standing on the platform will appear to be

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  30. The first and second resonating lengths of a resonance tube are 17 cm and 55 cm. The end-correction is given by

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