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Complete Solutions to WB JEE Previous Years Questions of chapter MAGNETIC EFFECT OF CURRENT of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEWB JEE Previous Years Questions
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A current of 1A is flowing along positive x-axis through a straight wire of length 0.5m placed in a region of a magnetic field given by `vec(B)= (2 hat(i) + 4hat(j))`T. The magnitude and the direction of the force experienced by the wire respectively are

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  2. An equilateral triangle is made by uniform wires, AB, BC, CA. A current I enters at A and leaves from the mid point of BC. If the lengths of each side of the triangle is L, the magnetic field B at the centroid O of the triangle is

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  3. A galvanometer having internal resistance `10 Omega` required `0.01` A for a full scale deflection. To convert this galvanometer to a voltmeter of full scale deflection at 120 V, we need to connect a resistance of

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  4. A proton of mass m and charge q is moving in a plane with kinetic energy E. if there exists a uniform magnetic field B, perpendicular to the plane motion. The proton will move in a circular path of radius

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  5. Two particles X and Y having equal charges, after being accelerated through the same potential difference, enter a region of uniform magnetic field and describe circular paths of radii `R_1 and R_2,` respectively. The ratio of masses of X and Y is

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  6. An electron enters an electric field having intensity `vec(E )= (3 hat(i) + 6hat(j) +2 hat(k)) Vm^(-1)` and magnetic field having induction `vec(B)= (2 hat(i) + 3hat(j))` T with a velocity `vec(V)= (2 hat(i) + 3hat(j)) ms^(-1)`. The magnitude of the force acting on the electron is (Given `e= -1.6 xx 10^(-19)C`)

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  7. The magnetic field due to current in a straight wire segment of length L at a point on its perpendicular bisector at a distance `r ( r gt gt L)`

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  8. The magnets of two suspended coil galvanometer are of the same strength so that they produce identical uniform magnetic fields in the region of the coils. The coil of the first one is in the shape of a square of side a and that of the second one is circular of radius `(a)/(sqrtpi)`. When the same current is passed throught the coils, the ratio of the torque experienced by the first coil to that rxperienced by the second one is

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  9. A proton is moving with a uniform velocity of `10^(6)m.s^(-1)` along the Y-axis, under the joint action of a magnetic field along Z-axis and an electric field of magnitude `2xx10^(4)V.m^(-1)` along the negative X-axis. If the electric field is switched off, the proton starts moving in a circle. The radius of the circle is nearly (given: `(e)/(m)` ratio for proton `~~10^(8)^(-1)`)

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  10. A proton of mass 'm' moving with a speed v (`lt lt c`, velocity of light in vaccuum) completes a circular orbit in time 'T' in a uniform magnetic field. If the speed of the proton is increased to `sqrt2v`, what will be time needed to complete the circular orbit?

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  11. A uniform current is flowing along the length of an infinite, straight, thin, hollow cylinder of radius 'R'. The magnetic field 'B' produced at a perpendicular distance 'd' from the axis of the cylinder is plotted in a graph. Which of the following figure looks like the plot?

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  12. A circular loop of radius 'r' of conducting wire connected with a Voltage source of zero internal resistance produces a magnetic field 'B' at its centre. If instead, a circular loop of radius '2r' made of same material, having the same cross section is connected to the same voltage source, what will be the magnetic field at its centre?

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  13. To which of the following quantities, the radius of the circular path of a charged particle moving at right angles to a uniform magnetic field is directly proportional?

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  14. An electric current I enters and leaves a uniform circular wire of radius a through diametrically opposite points. A charged paricle q moving along the axis of the circular wire passes through its centre at speed v. The magnetic force acting on the particle when it passes through the centre has a magnitude

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  15. A current 'I' is flowing along an infinite, straight wire, in the positive Z-direction and the same current is flowing along a similar parallel wire 5m apart, in the negative Z-direction. A point P is at a perpendicular distance 3m from the first wire and 4m from the second. What will be magnitude of the magnetic field `vec(B)` at P?

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  16. A square conducting loop is placed near an infinitely long current carrying wire with one edge parallel to the wire as shown in the figure. If the current in the straight wire is suddenly halved, which of the following statements will be true? ''The loop will..''

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  17. A long conducting wire carrying a current I is bent at `120^(@) `( see figure). The magnetic field B at a point P on the right bisector of bending angle at a distance d from the bend is
    `(mu_(0)` is the permeability of free space)

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  18. A light charged particle is revolving in a circle of radius 'r' in electrostatic attraction of a static heavy particle with opposite charge. How does the magnetic field 'B' at the centre of the circle due to the moving charge depend on 'r' ?

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  19. If E and B are the magnitudes of electric and magnetic field respectively in some region of space, then the possibilities for which a charged particle may move in that space with a uniform velocity of magnitude v are

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  20. A stream of electron and protons are directed towards a narrow slit in a screen the intervening region has a uniform electric field E vertically downwards and a unifrom magnetic field B out of the plane of the as shown then

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  21. A coil carrying electric current is placed in uniform magnetic field

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  22. Two long parallel wires separated by 0.1m carry currents of 1A and 2A respectively in opposite directions. A third current carrying wire parallel to both of them is placed in the same plane such that it feels no net magnetic force. It is placed at a distance of

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WB JEE Previous Years Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC EFFECT OF CURRENT of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12