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Complete Solutions to WBJEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 1 : Single Option Correct Type ) of chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEWBJEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 1 : Single Option Correct Type )
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. An electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of energy 12.75 eV. How many diggerent spectral lines can one expect when the electron make a downward transition

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  2. If the electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit with level `n_(1)=2` an orbit with level `n_(2)=1`. The emitted radiation has a wavelength given by

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  3. In an inelastic collision an electron excites a hydrogen atom from its ground state to a M-Shell state. A second electron collides instantaneously with the excited hydrogen atom in the m-Shell state and ionizes it. At leas how much energy the second electron transfors to the atom is the M-shell state?

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  4. Two elements A and B with atomic numbers `Z_(A)` and `Z_(B)` are used to produce charateristic X-rays with frequencies `v_(A)` and `v_(B)` respectively. If `Z_(A):Z_(B)=1:2,` then `v_(A):v_(B)` will be

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  5. The total energy of eletcron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is `-13.6 eV`. The kinetic enegry of an electron in the first excited state is

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  6. Radius of the first orbit of the electron in a hydrogen atom is `0.53 Å` . So, the radius of the third orbit will be

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  7. Energy of the electron in `nth` orbit of hydrogen atom is given by `E_(n) =-(13.6)/(n^(2))eV`. The amount of energy needed to transfer electron from first orbit to third orbit is

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  8. The ratio of the speed of the electrons in the ground state of hydrogen to the speed of light in vacuum is

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  9. When the wave of hydrogen atom comes from infinity into the first then the value of wave number is

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  10. In which of the following systems will the radius of the first orbit (n=1) be minimum?

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  11. Which of the following atoms has the lowest ionization potential ?

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  12. Energy levels `A, B, C` of a certain atom corresponding to increasing values of energy i.e., `E_(A) lt E_(B) lt E_(C)`. If `lambda_(1), lambda_(2), lambda_(3)` are the wavelengths of radiations correspnding to the transitions `C` to `B, B` to `A` and `C` to `A` respectively, which o fthe following statements is correct?

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  13. Calculate the minimum wavelength of X-rays produced by an X-ray tube operating at 30 kV.
    `h=6.6 times 10^(-27) erg-sec]`

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  14. A sample of hydrogen atom gas contains `100 "atom"`. All the atoms are excited to the same `n^(th)` excited state. The total energy released by all the atoms is `(4800)/(49) Rch` ( where `Rch=13.6eV`), as they come to the ground state through various types of transitions, Find

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  15. The ratio of wavelength of the lest line of Balmer series and the last line Lyman series is:

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  16. An energy of `24.6 eV` is required to remove one of that electrons from a neutal helium atom. The enegy (in `eV`)required to remove both the electrons from a netural helium atom is

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  17. If the atom`(_100)Fm^(257)` follows the Bohr model the radius of `_(100)Fm^(257)` is `n` time the Bohr radius , then find `n` .

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  18. A free atom of iron emits `K_alpha` X-rays of energy 6.4 keV. Calculate the recoil kinetic energy of the atom. Mass of and iron atom `= 9.3 xx 10 ^(-26) kg`.

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  19. One increasing the operating voltage in a x-ray tube by `1.5` times, the shortest wavelength decreases by `26 "pm"`. Find the original value of operating voltage.

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  20. Characteristic X-rays of frequency `4.2xx10^18` Hz are produced when transitions from L-shell to K-shell take place in a certain target material. Use Mosley's law to determine the atomic number of the target material. Given Rydberg constant `R =1.1xx10^7 m^(-1)`.

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  21. Monochromatic radiation of wavelength `lambda` are incident on a hydrogen sample in ground state. Hydrogen atoms absorb the light and subsequently emit radiations of 10 different wavelength . The value of `lambda` is nearly :

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  22. If a hydrogen atom emit a photon of energy `12.1 eV` , its orbital angular momentum changes by `Delta L. then`Delta L` equals

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  23. An electron in hydrogen atom jumps from `n_(1)` state to `n_(2)` state, where `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` represent the quantum number of two states. The time period of revolution of electron in initial state is 8 times that in final state. Then the ratio of `n_(1)" and "n_(2)` is

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  24. In Rutherford's scattering experiment , 60 particles were scattered per min for `theta_1 = 90^@`. How many particles will be scattered per min for `theta_2 = 60^@` ?

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  25. A beam of fast moving alpha particles was directed toward a thin film of gold.
    The parts `A^('), B^(')" and "C^(')` of the transmitted and reflected beams corresponding to the incident parts A, B and C of the beam are as shown in the diagram. The number of alpha particle in

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  26. Calculate the impact parameter of a 5 MeV particle scattered by `90^(@)`, when it approach a gold nucleus (Z=79).

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  27. The approximate value of quantum number `n` for the circular orbit of hydrogen of `0.0001 nm` in diameter is

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  28. The product of linear momentum and angular momentum of an electron of the hydrogen atom is proportional to `n^(x)`, where x is

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  29. In hydrogen atom, if the difference in the energy of the electron in `n = 2` and `n = 3` orbits is `E`, the ionization energy of hydrogen atom is

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  30. What is the radius of iodine atom (at no. `53`, mass number `126`)?

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WBJEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 1 : Single Option Correct Type ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12