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Complete Solutions to WBJEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 2 : Single Option Correct Type ) of chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

MTG-WBJEEWBJEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 2 : Single Option Correct Type )
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following transitions will have highest emission wavelength ?

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  2. An alpha particle of energy `5 MeV` is scattered through `180^(@)` by a found uramiam nucleus . The distance of closest approach is of the order of

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  3. An element of atomic number 9 emits `K_(alpha)` X-ray of wavelength `lamda`. Find the atomic number of the element which emits `K_(alpha)` X-ray of wavelength `4lamda`.

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  4. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm. The smallest wavelength in the infrared region of the hydrogen spectrum (to the nearest integer) is

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  5. The electric potential between a proton and as electron is given by `V= V_(0) ln (r )/(r_(0))` , where`r_(0)` is a constant . Assuming Bohr's model to be applicable , write variation of `r_(n)` with `n,n` being the principal quantum number ?

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  6. Let `A_(n)` be the area enclosed by the `n^(th)` orbit in a hydrogen atom. The graph of `l n (A_(n)//A_(t))` against In `(n)`

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  7. The wavelength of `K_(alpha)` X-rays of two metals `A and B` are` 4 // 1875 R and 1// 675 R`, respectively , where `R` is rydberg 's constant. The number of electron lying between `A and B` according to this lineis

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  8. At what minimum kinetic energy must a hydrogen atom move for it's inelastic headon collision with another stationary hydrogen atom so that one of them emits a photon? Both atoms are supposed to be in the ground state prior to the collision.

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  9. Let `v_(1)` be the frequency of series limit of Lyman series, `v_(2)` the frequency of the first line of Lyman series and `v_(3)` the frequency of series limit of Balmer series. Then which of the following is correct ?

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  10. Electrons with energy `80 keV` are incident on the tungsten target of an X - rays tube , k- shell electrons of tungsten have `72.5 keV` energy X- rays emitted by the tube contain only

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  11. A. How many photons of a tradiation of wavelength `lamda=5xx10^(-7)` m must fall per second on a blackened plate in order to produce a force of `6.62xx10^(-5)`N?
    B. At what rate will the temperature of plate rise if its mass is 19.86kg and specific heat is equal to `2500J(kgK^(-1))`?

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  12. A Bohr's hydrogen atom undergoes a transition `n = 5 to n = 4` and emits a photon of frequency `f`. Frequency of circular motion of electron in `n = 4 orbit is f_(4)`. The ratio `f//f_(4)` is found to be `18//5 m`. State the value of `m`.

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  13. Monochromatic radiation of wavelength `lambda` is incident on a hydrogen sample in ground state. Hydrogen atoms absorb a fraction of light and subsequently emit radiations of six different wavelength . Find the wavelength `lambda`.

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  14. A single electron orbits around a stationary nucleus of charge +Ze. It requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from the `2^"nd"` to `3^"rd"` Bohr orbit. Find atomic number 'Z' of atom .

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  15. A proton has kinetic energy E = 100 keV which is equal to that of a photon. The wavelength of photon is `lamda_(2)` and that of proton is `lamda_(1)`. The ratio of `lamda_(2)//lamda_(1)` is proportional to

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WBJEE WORKOUT (CATEGORY 2 : Single Option Correct Type ) questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC PHYSICS of MTG-WBJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12