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Complete Solutions to Exercise 6g of chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Divide 16 into two parts such that the sum of their cubes is minimum.

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  2. If `x+y=1` then find the maximum value of the function `xy^2`

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  3. Find two number whose sum is 100 and the sum of twice of first part and square of the second is minimum.

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  4. Find two numbers whose sum is 12 and the product of the square of one part and the 4th power of other is maximum.

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  5. Divide 15 into two parts such that product of square of one part and cube of other is maximum

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  6. (i) The two sides of a rectangle are x units and (10 - x) units. For what value of x, the area of rectangle will be maximum?
    (ii) Prove that a rectangle, whose area is constant has minimum perimeter if it is a square.

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  7. Show that the triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a given circle is an equilateral triangle.

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  8. If the surface area of an open cylinder is ` 100 cm^(2)`, prove that its maximum volume will be `1000/(3sqrt(3pi) cm^(3)`.

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  9. (i) The base of an open rectangular box is square and its volume is ` 256 cm^(3)`. Find the dimensions of this box if we want to use least material for construction:
    (ii) A window is in the form of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle. Its perimeter is 40m. Find the dimensions of this window from which maximum light can admit.

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  10. An open tank of square base is to be constructed which has a given quantity of water. Prove that for least material used for the construction of tank, the depth will be half of the width of tank.

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  11. The base of a cuboid is square and its volume is given. Show that its total surface will be minimum, if it is a cube.

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  12. Find the maximum are of the isosceles triangle inscribed in the ellipse `("x"^2)/("a"^2)+("y"^2)/("b"^2)=1,` with its vertex at one end of major axis.

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  13. The volume of a closed square based rectangular box is 1000 cubic metre. The cost of constructing the base is 15 paise per square metre and the cost of constructing the top is 25 paise per square metre. The cost of constructing its sides is 20 paise per square metre and the cost of constructing the box is Rs. 3.Find the dimensions of box for minimum cost of construction.

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  14. Show that height of the cylinder of greatest volume which can be inscribed in a right circular cone of height h and semi vertical angle is one-third that of the cone and the greatest volume of cylinder is `4/(27)pih^3tan^2alphadot`

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  15. The sum of perimeter of a square and circumference of a circle is given. Prove that the sum of their areas will be minimum when the side of square is equal to the diameter of the circle.

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  16. A square-based tank of capacity 250 cu m has to bedug out. The cost of land is Rs 50 per sq m. The cost of digging increases with the depth and for the whole tank the cost is Rs `400 xx (depth)^2`. Find the dimensions of the tank for the least total cost.

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  17. The stiffness of a beam of rectangular cross-section varies as the product of the breadth and square of the depth. What must be the breadth and depth of the stiffest beam that can be cut from a leg of diameter 'd'?

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  18. The expenditure on fuels in running a train varies as the square of its speed measured in km/hr and it is Rs. 48 per hour at the speed of 16 km/hr. If the constant expenditure is Rs. 300 per hour find the best speed of the train economically.

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  19. The combined resistance of two resistors `R_(1) and R_(1)" is given by "1/R=1/R_(1)+1/R_(2)," where "R_(1)+R_(2) = C` (constant ), show that R is maximum when `R_(1)= R_(2)`.

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  20. Prove that the area of right-angled triangle of given hypotenuse is maximum when the triangle is isosceles.

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  21. A wire of length 28 m is to be cut into two pieces. One of the pieces is to be made into a square and the other into a circle. What should be the length of the two pieces so that the combined area of the square and the circle is minimum?

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Exercise 6g questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of NAGEEN MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12