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Complete Solutions to Assertion & Reasoning of chapter CAPACITANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NARAYANAAssertion & Reasoning
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The strength of electric filed in the charged and isolated capacitor is decreased when the dielectric slab is inserted.
    When the dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of a charged capacitor, electricfield produced due to induced charged, opposite to the external field.

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  2. If temperature is increased, the dielectric constant of a polar dielectric decreases whereas that of a non-polar dielectric does not change significantly
    The magnitude of dipole moment of individual polar molecule decreases significantly with increase in temperature.

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  3. The heat produced by a resistor in any time `t` during the charging of a capacitor in a series circuit is half the energy stored in the capacitor by that time.
    Current in the circuit is equal to the rate of increase in charge on the capacitor.

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  4. A dielectric is inserted between the plates of an isolated fully-charged capacitor. The dielectric completely fills the space between the plates. The magnitude of electrostatic force on either metal plate decreases, as it was before the insertion of dielectric medium.
    Due to insertion of dielectric slab in an isolated parallel plate capacitor (the dielectric completely fills the space between the plates), the electrostatic potential energy of the capacitor decreases.

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  5. If the potential difference across a plane parallel plate capacitor is doubled then the potential energy of the capacitor is doubled then the potential energy of the capacitor becomes four times under all conditions
    The potential energy `U` stored in the capacitor is `U=(1)/(2) CV^(2)`, where `C` and `V` have usual meaning.

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  6. Assertion: A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential difference `100 V`, and disconnected from the voltage source. A slab of dielectric is then slowly inserted between the plates. Compared to the energy before the slab was inserted, the energy stored in the capacitor with the dielectric is decreased.
    Reason: When we insert a dielectric the plates of a capacitor, the induced tend to draw in the dielectric into the field (just as neutral). we resist this force while slowly inserting the dielectric, and thus do negative work on the system, removing electrostatic energy from the system.

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  7. The energy stored gets reduced by a factor gets reduced by a factor `'K'` when the battery is disconnected after charging the capacitor and then the dielectric is introduced.
    The energy stored in the capacitor increases by a factor `'k'` when a dielectric is introduced between the plates with the battery present in the circuit.

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  8. Assertion. A metallic shield in the form of a hollow shell, can be built to block an electric field.
    Reason. In a hollow spherical shell, the electric field inside is not zero at every point.

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  9. When two spheres carrying same charge but a different radii are connected by a conducting wire, the charge flows from smaller sphere to large sphere.
    Smaller sphere is at high potential when equal charges are imparted to both the spheres.

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  10. Two capacitors are connected in parallel to a battery. If a dielectric medium is inserted between the plates of one of the capacitors then the enegry stored in the system will increase.
    On inserting dielectric medium between the plates of a capacitors, its capacity increases.

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  11. When a charged capacitor is discharged through a resistor, heat is produced in the resistor
    In charging a capacitor, energy is stored in the capacitor.

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  12. A capacitor of capacitance `C` is connected across a battery of potential difference `V`. The energy stored in the capacitor is `(1)/(2) CV^(2)`
    The energy supplied by the battery is `(1)/(2) CV^(2)`.

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  13. Two metal plates each of area A form a parallel plate capacitor. Now one plate is displaced. Up, then the capacitance of capacitor decreases.
    Due to displacing on plate, the overlapping area decreases, capacitance `C =(epsilon_(0)A)/(d)` decreases.

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  14. Two plates of a parallel plate capacitor are drawn apart, keeping them connected to a battery. Next the same plates are drawn apart from the same initial condition, keeping the battery disconnected, then the work done in both cases are same.
    Capacitor plates have same charge in both cases and displacements of plates in both cases are also same.

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  15. Two metallic plates placed side by side form three capacitors.
    The infinity and first face of first plate is one capacitor, the second face of first plate and first face second plate forms second capacitor and the second face of second plate and infinity forms the third capacitor, but the capacitance of first and third capacitance are extremely small.

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  16. The energy stored gets reduced by a factor gets reduced by a factor `'K'` when the battery is disconnected after charging the capacitor and then the dielectric is introduced.
    The energy stored in the capacitor increases by a factor `'k'` when a dielectric is introduced between the plates with the battery present in the circuit.

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Assertion & Reasoning questions and complete solutions for chapter CAPACITANCE of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12