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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE - 1 (C.W) of chapter MAGNETISM AND MATTER of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions52
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The geometric length of a bar magnet is `24cm`. The length of the magnet is

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  2. The magnetic moment of a magnet is `3.6xx10^(-3)A.m^(2)`. Its pole strength is `120`mili amp.M`. Its magnetic length is

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  3. Two magnets have their lengths in the ratio `2:3` and their pole strength in the ratio `3:4`. The ratio of their magnetic moment is

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  4. The length of a magnet is `16 cm`. Its pole strength is `250 milli.amp.m`. When it is cut into four equal pieces parallel to its axis, The magnetic length, pole strength and moments of each piece are: (respectively)

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  5. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `M_(1)` is axially cut into two equal parts. If these two pieces are arranged perpendiucular to each other, the resultant magnetic moment is `M_(2)`.
    Then the vale of `(M_(1))/(M_(2))` is

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  6. The resultant magnetic moment for the following arrangement (non coplanar vectors)

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  7. The resultant magnetic moment for the following arrangement is

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  8. A magnet of magnetic moment `M` and length `2l` is bent at its mid-point such that the angle of bending is `60^(0)`. The new magnetic moment is.

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  9. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is bent in shape such that all the parts are of equal lengths. Then new magnetic moment is

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  10. A thin "bar" magnet of length `'l'` and magnetic moment `'M'` is bent at the mid point so that the two parts are at right angles. The new magnetic length and magnetic moment are respectively

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  11. Three magnets of same length but moments `M,2M` and `3M` are arranged in the form of an equilateral triangle with oppositive poles nearer, the resultnat magnetic moment of the arrangement is

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  12. A "bar" magnet of moment `M` is cut into two identical pieces along the length. One piece is bent in the form of a semi circle. If two pieces are perpendicular to each other, then resultant magnetic moment is

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  13. A magnetic pole of pole strength `9.2Am`. Is placed in a field induction `50xx10^(-6)` tesla. The force expericenced by the pole is

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  14. The magnetic induction at distance of `0.1m` from a strong magnetic pole of strength `1200 Am` is

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  15. If area vector `bar(A)=3bari+2barj+5bark m^(2)` flux density vector `bar(B)=5bar(i)+10bar(j)+6bar(k)(web//m^(2))`. The magnetic flux linked with the coil is

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  16. `P` and `Q` are two unlike magnetic poles. Induction due to `'P'` at the location of `'Q'` is `B`, and induction due to `'Q'` at the location of `P` is `B//2`. The ratio of strength of `P` and `Q` is

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  17. Two north poles each of pole strength `m` and a south pole of pole strength `m` are placed at the three corners of an equilateral triangle of side a. The intensity of magnetic induction field strength at the centre of the triangle is

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  18. The pole strength of a horse shoe magnet is `90Am` and distance between the poles is `6 cm`. The magnetic induction at mid point of the line joining the poles is,

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  19. The force acting on each pole of a magnet when placed in a uniform magnetic field of `7A//m` is `4.2xx10^(-4)N`. If the distance between the poles is `10 cm`, the moment of the magnet is

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  20. An iron specimen has relative permeability of `600` when placed in uniform magnetic field of intensity `110 amp//m`. Then the magnetic flux density inside is……tesls.

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  21. A magnetic needle of pole strength `'m'` is privoted at its centre. Its `N-`pole is pulled eastward by a string. Then the horizontal force required to produce a deflection of `theta` from magnetic meridian `(B_(H) "horizontal componet of earths magnetic field")`

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  22. Two identical "bar" magnets are jouned to form a cross. If this conbination is suspended freely in a uniform field the angles made by the magnets with field direction are respectively

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  23. A "bar" magnet of length `16 cm` has a pole strength of `500` milli amp.`m`. The angle at which it should be placed to the direction of external magnetic field of induction `2.5` gauses so that it may experience a torque of `sqrt(3)xx10^(-5)Nm` is

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  24. A "bar" magnet is at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. The couple acting on the magnet is to be one fourth by rotating it from the position. The angle of rotation is

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  25. A "bar" magnet of moment `bar(M)=hat(i)+hat(j)` is placed in a magnetic field induction `vec(B)=3hat(i)+4hat(j)+4hat(k)`.
    The torque acting on the magnet is

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  26. A "bar" magnet of magnetic moment `1.5J//T` is aligned with the direction of a uniform magnetic field of `0.22 T`. The work done in turning the magnet so as to align its magnetic moment opposite to the field and the torque acting on it in this position are respectively.

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  27. The work done in turning a magnet of magnetic moment 'M' by an angle of `90^(@)` from the meridian is 'n' times the corresponding work done to turn it through an angle of `60^(@)`, where 'n' is given by

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  28. A "bar" magnet of moment `4Am^(2)` is placed in a nonuniform magnetic field. If the field strength at poles are `0.2 T` and `0.22 T` then the maximum couple acting on it is

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  29. A magnet of length `10 cm` and pole strength `4xx10^(-4)Am` is placed in a manetic field of induction `2xx10^(-5)weber m^(-2)`, such that the axis of the magnet makes an angel `30^(0)` with the lines of induction. The moment of the couple acting on the magnet is

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  30. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `2Am^(2)` is free to rotate about a vertical axis passing through its centre. The magnet is released from rest from east-west position. Then the KE of the magnet as it takes N-S position is

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  31. A bar magnet of length `10cm` and pole strength `2 Am` makes an angle `60^(0)` with a uniform magnetic field of induction `50T`. The couple acting on it is

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  32. The magnetic induction field strength at a distance `0.3 m` on the axial line of a short bar magnet of moment `3.6 Am^(2)` is

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  33. A magnet of length `10 cm` and magnetic moment `1Am^(2)` is placed along the side of an equilateral triangle of the side `AB` of length `10 cm`. The magnetic induction at third vertex `C` is

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  34. The length of a magnet of moment `5Am^(2)` is `14cm`. The magnetic induction at a point, equidistant form both the poles is `3.2xx10^(-5)Wb//m^(3)`. The distance of the point form either pole is

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  35. A pole of pole strength `80 Am` is placed at a point at a distance `20cm` on the equatorial line from the centre of a short magnet of magnetic moment `20 Am^(2)`. The force experienced by it is

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  36. A short bar magnet produces manetic fields of equal induction at two points one on the axial line and the other on the equatorial line. The ratio of their distance is

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  37. Two short bar magnets with magnetic moments `8Am^(2)` and `27Am^(2)` are placed `35cm` apart along their common axial line with their like poles facing each other. The neutral point is

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  38. A short magnetic needle is pivoted in a uniform magnetic field of induction `1T`. Now, simultaneously another magnetic field of induction `sqrt3T` is applied at right angles to the first field, the needle deflects through an angle `theta` where its value is

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  39. Two magnetic poles of pole strength `324 milli amp.m.` and `400 milli amp m` are kept at a distance of `10cm` in air. The null point will be at a distance of ……`cm,`on the line joining the two poles, from the weak pole if they are like poles.

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  40. With a standard rectangular bar magnet, the time period in the uniform magnetic field is `4 sec`. The bar magnet is cut parallel to its length into `4` equal pieces. The time period in the uniform magnetic field when the piece is used (in sec) (bar magnet breadth is small)

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  41. A bar magnet of moment of inertia `1xx10^(-2)kgm^(2)` vibrates in a magnetic field of induction `0.36xx10^(-4)` tesla. The time period of vibration is `10s`. Then the magnetic moment of the bar magnet is `(Am^(2))`

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  42. Two bar magnets placed together in a vibration magnetometer take `3` seconds for `1` vibration. If one magnet is reversed, the combination takes `4` seconds for `1` vibration. Find the ratio of their magnetic moments.

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  43. A bar magnet of length `'I'` breadth `'b'` mass `'m'` suspended horizontally in the earths magnetic field, oscillates with period `T`. If `'I'm,b` are doubled with pole strength remaining the same, the now will be

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  44. The time period of a vibration magnetometer is `T_(0)`. Its magnet is replaced by another magnet whose moment of inertia is 3 times and magnetic moment is `1//3` of the initial magnet. The time period now will

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  45. A magnetic needle is kept in a uniform magnetic field of induction `0.5xx10^(-4)` tesla. It makes `30` oscillaitons per minute. If it is kept in a field of induction `2xx10^(-4)` tesla. Then its frequency is

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  46. A magnet is suspended horizontally in the earth's field. The period of oscillation in the place is `T`. If a piece of wood of the same moment of inertia as the magnet is attached to it, new period of oscillation would be

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  47. A magnet freely suspended makes `20` vibrations per minute at first place and `30` vibrations per minute at another place. If the value of `B_(H)`at first place is `0.27` tesla. The value of `B_(H)` at other place is

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  48. A magnet has a dimensions of `25cmX10cmX5cm` and pole strength of `200` milli ampm The intensity of magnetisation due to it is

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  49. The mass of iron rod is `110g`, its magnetic moment is `20Am^(2)`. The density of iron is `8g//cm^(3)`. The intensity of magntization is nearby

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  50. Relative permeability of iron is 5500, then its magnetic susceptibility will be

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  51. A specimen of iron is uniformly magnetised by a magnetising field of `500Am^(-1)` . If the magnetic induction in the specimen is `0.2Wbm^(-2)`. The susceptibility nearly is

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  52. The magnetic susceptibility of a rod is `499`. The absolute permeability of vacuum is `4pixx10^(-7)H//m`. The absolute permeability of the material of the rod is

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EXERCISE - 1 (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETISM AND MATTER of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12