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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE - 2 (C.W) of chapter MAGNETISM AND MATTER of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions42
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A magnetised wire is bent into an arc of a circle subtending an angle `60^(@)` at its centre. Then its magnetic moment is X. If the same wire is bent into an are of a circle subtending an angle `90^(@)` at its centre then its magnetic moment will be

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  2. A magnet of length `2L` abd moment `'M'` is axially cut into equal halves `'P'` and `'Q'`. The piece `'P'` is bent in the form of semi circle and `'Q'` is attached to it as shown. Its moment is

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  3. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `'M'` is bent in the form of an arc which makes angle `60^(0)`. The percentage change in the magnetic moment is

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  4. At two corners `A` and `B` of an equilateral triangle `ABC`, a south and north pole each of strength `30Am` are placed. If the side of the triangle is `1m`. The magnetic induction at `C` is

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  5. A bar magnet of magnetic moment `3.0 A-m^(2)` is placed in a uniform magnetic induction field of `2xx10^(-5)T`. If each pole of the magnet experiences a force of `6xx10^(-4)N`, the length of the magnet is

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  6. The magnetic induction at a distance `'d'` form the magnetic pole of unkown strength `'m'` is `B`. If an identical pole is now placed at a distance of `2d` from the first pole, the force between the two poles is

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  7. Two identical north poles each of strength `m` are kept at vertices `A` and `B` of an equilateral triangle `AbC` of side a. The mutual force of repulsion between them has a magnitude of `F`. The magnitude of magnetude at `C` is

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  8. Two magnets of magnetic moments `M` and `sqrt3M` are joined to form a cross `+`. The comnination is suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field. In the equilibrium position, the angle between the magnetic moment `sqrt3M` and the field is

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  9. The rate of change of torque `'tau'` with deflection `theta` is maximum for a magnet suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field of induction `B` when `theta` is equal to

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  10. The couple acting on a bar magnet of pole strength `2 Am` when kept in a magnetic field of intensity `10 A//m`, such that axis of the magnet makes an angle `30^(0)` with the direction of the field is `80xx10^(-7)Nm`. The distance between the poles of the magnet is

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  11. A bar magnet with poles `25cm` apart and pole strength `14.4 Am` rests with its center on a frictionless pivot. If it is held in equilibrium at `60^(0)` to a uniform magnetic field on induction `0.25 T` by applying a force `F` at right angles to its axis `10cm` from the pivolt, the value of `F` in newton is (nearly)

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  12. Two magnets of moments `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` are rigidly fixed togetherat their centres so that their axes are inclined to each other. This system is suspended ibn a magnitude field of induction `'B'` so that `M_(1)` makes an angles `theta_(1)` and `M_(2)` makes an angles `theta_(2)` with the field direction and unlike poles on either side of the field direction. The resultant torque on the rigid system is

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  13. A short magnet placed with its axis making an angle with a uniform external magnetic field of induction `B` experiences a torque `(tau)`. If the magnet is free to rotate, which orientation would correspong to its stable and unstable equilibrium.

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  14. Two short bar magnets of equal dipole moments 'M' each are fastened perpendicular at their centers as shown in figure. The magnitude of the magnetic field at 'P' at a distance d from their common centre as shown in figure is

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  15. The small magnets each of magnetic moment `10 A-m^(2)` are placed end-on position 0.1 m apart from their centres. The force acting between them is

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  16. The ratio of magnetic fields on the axial line of a long magnet at distance of `10cm` and `20cm` is `12:5.1.` The length of the magnet is

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  17. Two short magnets `AB` and `CD` in the `X-Y` plane and are parallel to `X-`axis and the co-ordinates of their centres respectively are `(0,2)` and `(2,0)`. Line joining the North-South poles of `CD` is opposite to that of `AB` and lies along the postive `X-`axis. The resultant field induction due to `AB` and `CD` at a point `P(2,2)` is `100xx10^(-7)T`. When the poles of the magnet `CD` are reversed, the resultant field induction is `50xx10^(-7)T`. If the dipole comes to stable equilibrium at an angle of `30^(0)` with this field, then ,magnitude of the other field is

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  18. Two identical short bar magnets, each having magnetic moment `M`, are placed a distance of `2d` apart with axes perpendicular to each other in a horizontal plane. The magnetic induction at a point midway between them is

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  19. Magnetic inducton at a point on the axial line of a short bar magnet is `B` towards east. If the magnet is turned through `90^(0)` in clock wise direction, then magnetic induction at the same point is (Neglect earth's magnetic field)

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  20. A magnetic dipole is under the inflluence of two magnetic fields having an angle of `120^(0)` between them. One of the fields has a magnitude `1.2xx10^(-2)T`. If the dipole comes to stable equilibrium at an angle of `30^(0)` with this field, then magnitude of the other field is

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  21. A short bar magnet is placed with its south pole facing geographic south and the distance between the null point is found to be `16 cm`. When the magnet is turned pole to pole at the same place then the distance between the null points will be

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  22. A bar magnet is placed with its North pole pointing North. Neutral point is at a distance `'d'` from the center of magnet. The net magnetic induction at the same distance on the axial line of the magnet is

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  23. A bar magnet is placed with its North pole pointing North. Neutral point is at `12 cm`. Another magnet is now placed on the first magnet, then the neutral point is found to be at `8 cm`. The ratio of their magnetic moments is

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  24. The period of a thin magnet in a magnetic field is `2s`. It is cut into four equal parts by cutting it along length and breadth. The period of each of them in the same field is

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  25. A bar magnet suspended in magnetic meridian executes oscillations with a time period of `2` sec in the earth's horizontal magnetic field of `24` microtesla. When a horizontal field of `18` microtesla is produced opposite to the earth's field by placing a current carrying wire, the new time period of magnet will be:

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  26. Two bar magnets are bound together side by side and suspended. They swing in `12s` when their like poles are together and in `16s` when their unlike poles are together, the magnetic moments of these magnets are in the ratio

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  27. A short bar magnet is oscillating in a magnetic field and its time period is `2` seconds. If another piece of brass of double meoment of inertia be placed over that magnet the time period of that combination in that field is

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  28. When two identical bar magnets placed one above the other, such that they are mutually perpendicular and bisect each other. The time period oscillation in a horizontal magnetic field is `4` seconds. If one of the magnets is removed the time period of the other in the same field `(2^(1//4)=1.189)`

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  29. A bar magnet suspended freely in uniform magnetic field is vibrating with a time period of `3` seconds. If the initial field strength is `2T`. Then the final field strength, for which time period becomes `4` seconds is

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  30. A short bar magnet of magnetic moment `2Am^(2)` and moment of inertia `6xx10^(2)kgm^(2)` is freely suspended such that the magetic axial line is in the direction of magnetic meridian. If the magnet is displaced by a very small angle `(3^(0))`,the angular acceleration is `-x10^(-6)rad//sec^(2)` (Magnetic induction of earth's horizontal field `=4xx10^(-4)T`).

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  31. The period of oscillation of a magnet at a place is `4`seconds. When it is remagnetised, so that the pole strength becomes `1//9th` of initial value, the period of oscillation in seconds is

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  32. The magnetic needle of a vibration magnetometer makes `12` oscillations per minute in the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field. When an external short bar magnet is placed at some distance along the axis of the needle in the same line it makes `15` oscillations per minute. If the poles of the bar magnet are inter changed, the number of oscillations it takes per minute is

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  33. The magnetic needle of a `V.M.M` completes `10` oscillations in `92`seconds. When a small magnet is placed in the magnetic meridian `10cm` due north of needle with north pole towards south completes `15` oscillations in `69`seconds. The magnetic moment of magnet

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  34. A magnetic needle has a frequency of `20` oscillations per minute in the earth's horizontal field. When the field of a magnet supports the earths horizontal field, the frequency increases to `30` oscillations per minute. The ratio of the field of the magnet to that of the earth is

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  35. A thin iron rod is cut into `10` equal parts parallel to its length. The intensity of magnetisation of each piece will be…..

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  36. The dipole moment of each molecule of a paramagnetic gas is `1.5xx10^(-23) amp xx m^(2)`. The temperature of gas is `27^(@)` and the number of molecules per unit volume in it is `2xx10^(26)m^(-3)`. The maximum possible intensity of magnetisation in the gas will be

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  37. A paramagnetic sample shows a net magnetisation of `8Am^-1` when placed in an external magnetic field of `0*6T` at a temperature of `4K`. When the same sample is placed in an external magnetic field of `0*2T` at a temperature of `16K`, the magnetisation will be

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  38. The angle of dip at a place is `40.6^(@)` and the intensity of the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field `V=6xx10^(-5)` Tesla. The total intensity of the earth's magnetic field `(I)` at this place is

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  39. The correct value of dip angle at a place is `45^(@)`. If the dip circle is rotated by `45^(@)` out of the meridian, then the tangent of the angle of apparent dip at the place is

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  40. A compass needle oscillates 20 times per minute at a place where the dip is `45^@` and 30 times per minute where the dip is `30^@`. Compare the total magnetic field due to the earth at the two places.

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  41. The real angle of dip, if a magnet is suspended at an angle of `30^(@)` to the magnetic meridian and the dip needle makes an angle of `45^(@)` with horizontal, is:

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  42. At a place the value of `B_(H)` and `B_(V)` are `0.4xx10^(-4)T` and `0.3xx10^(-4)T` respectively. The resultant earth's magnetic field is

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EXERCISE - 2 (C.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETISM AND MATTER of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12