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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When ever the flux linked with a coil changes, then

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  2. Whenever the magnet flux linked with a coil changes, then is an induced emf in the circuit. This emf lasts

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  3. A magnet is moved towards a coil (i) quickly (ii) slowly, then the induced e.m.f. is

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  4. The law of electromagnetic induction have been used in the construction of

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  5. When a rate of change of current in a circuit is unity, the induced emf is equal to

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  6. A bar magnet is dropped along the axis of copper ring held horizontally. The acceleration of fall is

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  7. An annular circular brass disk of inner radius `'r'` and outer radius `'R'` is rotating about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with a uniform angular velocity `'omega'` in a uniform magnetic filed of induction `'B'` normal to the plane of the disk. The induced emf between the inner and outer edge of the annular disk is

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  8. Consider the situation shown in the figure. If the current `I` in the long straight conducting wire `XY` is increased at a steady rate then the induced `e.m.f`.'s in loop `A` and `B` will be

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  9. The direction of the induced `e.m.f.` is determined by

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  10. A wire moves with a velocity `''v''` through a magnetic field and experiences an induced charge sepration as shown. Then the direction of the magnetic field is

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  11. An electric potential difference will be induced between the ends of the conductor shown in the figure, if the conductor moves in the direction shown by

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  12. A horizontal straight conductor when placed along south-north direction falls under gravity, there is

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  13. Two circular, similar, coaxial loops carry equal currents in the same direction. If the loops are brought nearer, what will happen?

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  14. A long conducting wire `AH` is moved over a conducting triangular wire `CDE` with a constant velocity `v` in a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` directed into the plane of the paper. Resistance per unit length of each wire is `rho`. Then

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  15. A square coil `ACDE` with its plane vertically is released from rest in a horizontal uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` of length `2L` . The accelaration of the coilis

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  16. A conducting wire frame is placed in a magnetic field which is directed into the paper. The magnetic field is increasing at a constant rate. The direction of induced current in wire `AB` and `CD` are

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  17. A rectangular loop of wire with dimensions shown in figure is coplanar with a long wire carrying current `'I'`. The distance between the wire and the left side of the loop is `r`. The loop is pulled to the right as indicated. What are the directions of the induced current in the loop and the magnetic forces on the left and right sides of the loop when the loop is pulled ?

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  18. The four wire loops shown figure have vertical edge lengths of either `L, 2L` or `3L`. They will move with the same speed into a region of uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` directed out of the page. Rank them according to the maximum magnitude of the induced emf greatest to least.

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  19. A rod lies across frictionless rails in a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` as shown in figure. The rod moves to the right with speed `V`. In order to make the induced emf in the circuit to be zero, the magnitude of the magnetic field should

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  20. An electron moves on a straight line path `Y Y'` as shown in figure. A coil is kept on the right such that `Y Y'` is the plane of the coil. At the instant when the electron gets closest to the coil (neglect self-induction of the coil)

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  21. In figure, there is conducting ring having resistance `R` placed in the plane of paper in a uniform magnetic field `B_(0)`. If the rings is rotating in the plane of paper about an axis passing through point `O` and perpendicular to the plane of paper with constant angular speed `omega` in clockwise direction, then

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  22. In the space shown a non-uniform magnetic field `vec(B) = B_(0)(1+x)(-hat(k))` tesla is present. A closed loop of small resistance, placed in the `x y` plane is given velocity `V_(0)`. The force due to magnetic field on the loop is

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  23. Two identical cycle wheels (geometrically have different number of spokes connected from center to rim. One if having `20` spokes and the other having only `10` (the rim and the spokes are resistance less). One resistance of value `R` is connected between centre and rim. The current in `R` will be

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  24. `AB` and `CD` are fixed conducting smooth rails placed in a vertical plane and joined by a constant current source at its upper end. `PQ` is a conducting rod which is free to slide on the rails. A horizontal uniform magnetic field exists in space as shown in figure. If the rod `PQ` is released from rest then,

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  25. Three identical coils `A,B` and `C` carrying currents are placed co-axially with their planes parallel to one another. `A` and `C` carry current as shown in figure `B` is kept fixed while `A` and `C` both are moved towards `B` with the same speed. Initially, `B` is equally separated from `A` and `C`. The direction of the induced current in the coil `B` is

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  26. Two identical conductors `P` and `Q` are placed on two friction less rails `R` and `S` in a uniform magnetic field directed into the plane. If `P` is moved in the direction shown in figure with a constant speed, then rod `Q`

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  27. An inductor may store energy in

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  28. If `'N'` is the number of turns in a coil, the value of self inductance varies as

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  29. A series combination of `L` and `R` is connected to a battery of emf `E` having negligible internal resistance. The final value of current depends upon

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  30. A circuit contains two inductors of self-inductance `L_(1)` and `L_(2)` in series (Fig) If `M` is the mutual inductance, then the effective inductance of the circuit shows will be

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  31. The coefficient of self inductance and the coefficient of mutual inductance have

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  32. The mutual inductance between a pair of coils each of `'N'` turns is `'M'`. If a current is `'I'` in the first coil is brought to zero in a time `t`, then the avergae emf induced in the second coil is

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  33. A circuit contains two inductors of self-inductance `L_(1)` and `L_(2)` in series (Fig) If `M` is the mutual inductance, then the effective inductance of the circuit shows will be

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  34. In the circuit of Fig. (1) and (2) are ammeters. Just after the key `K` is pressed to complete the circuit, the reading is

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  35. A pure inductor `L`, a capactior `C` and a resistance `R` are connected across a battery of emf `E` and internal resistance `r` as shows in Fig. Switch `S_(W)` is closed at `t = 0`, select the correct altermative (S).

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  36. In the circuit shown in Fig. A conducting wire HE is moved with a constant speed v towards left. The complete circuit is placed in a uniform magnetic field `vec(B)` perpendicular to the plane of circuit inwards. The current in HKDE is

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  37. In which of the following cases the emf is induced due to time varying magnetic feld (induced field emf)? Case I A magnet is moving along the axis of a conducting coil
    Case II A loop having varying area (due to moving jumper) is placed in a magnetic field
    case III The resistance of the coil is changing, which is connected to an ideal battery. case IV a current carrying wire is approaching a conducting ring.

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  38. A closed conducting ring is placed in between two bar magnets as shown in the figure. The pole strength of `M_1` is double that of `M_2` . When the two bar magnets are at same distance from the centre of the ring, the bar magnet `M_1` has given a velocity 2v while `M_2` is given velocity v in the direction as shown in the figure.

    The direction of induced current in the ring as seen from XX from this moment to the moment till bar magnets collide is

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  39. Two identical circular loops of metal wire are lying on a table without touching each other. Loop A carries a current which increases with time. In response, the loop B

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  40. A metallic square loop ABCD is moving in its own plane with velocity v in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to its plane as shown in the figure. An electric field is induced

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  41. Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three situation shown in the figure. Their mutual inductance will be
    , ,

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  42. As shown in the figure, P and Q are two coaxial conducting loops separated by some distance. When the switch S is closed, a clockwise current `I_(P)` (as seen by E) and an induced current `I_(Q1)` flows in Q. The switch remains closed for a long time. when S is opened, a current `I_(Q2)` flows in Q. Then the direction `IQ_(1) and IQ_(2)` (as seen by E) are

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  43. The variation of induced emf `(E)` with time `(t)` in a coil if a short bar magnet is moved along its axis with a constant velocity is best represent as

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  44. An infinitely long cylinder is kept parallel to an uniform magnetic field B directed along positive z-axis. The direction of induced current as seen from the z-axis will be

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  45. The figure shows certain wire segments joined together to form a coplaner loop. The loop is placed in a perpendicular magnetic field in the direction going into the plane of the figure. The magnitude of the field increases with time `I_(1) and I_(2)` are the currents in the segments ab and cd. Then,

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  46. A coil is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, with the plane of the coil parallel to the magnetic lines of force. When a current is passed through the coil it starts oscillating, It is very difficult to stop. But if an aluminium plate is placed near to the coil, it stops. This is due to :

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  47. Which of the following units denotes the electrical inductance ?

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  48. A rod of length l rotates with a small but uniform angular velocity `omega` about its perpendicular bisector. A uniform magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis of rotation. The potential difference between the centre of the rod and an end is

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  49. A rod of length l rotates with a uniform angular velocity omega about its perpendicular bisector. A uniform magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis of rotation. The potential difference between the two ends of the lrod is

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  50. Consider the situation shown in figure. If the switch is closed and after some time it is opened again, the closed loop will show

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  51. A bar magnet is released from rest along the axis of a very long, vertical copper tube. After some time the magnet.

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C.U.Q questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12