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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE-1 (H.W) of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions43
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A coil of 200 turns `8cm^2` area is placed in external magnetic field of 0.4 Tesla (S.I) in such a way that its area vector makes an angle `60^@` with the field direction. Calculate magnetic flux through the coil (in weber)

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  2. The magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of a loop of area `0.5 m^2` is 0.6 T . Calculate the magnetic flux through the loop (in weber)

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  3. The magnetic field in a certain region is given by
    `vecB=(4hati+2hatj-3hatk)` tesla. How much magnetic flux passes through the loop of area `0.2 m^2` in this region if the loop lies flat in xy plane ?

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  4. A coil and a magnet moves with their constant speeds 6 m/sec and 2 m/sec respectively, towards each other, then induced emf in coil is 18 mV. If both are move in same direction , then induced emf in coil

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  5. The radius of a circular coil having 100 turns is 5 cm .its plane is normal to the magnetic field. The magnetic field changes from 2T to 10 T in 3.14 sec. The induced emf in coil will be

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  6. A short magnet is allowed to fall along the axis of a horizontal metalic ring. Starting from rest, the distance fallen by the magnet in one second may be

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  7. Magnetic flux in a circuite containing a coil of resistance `2Omega`change from `2.0Wb` to `10 Wb` in `0.2 sec`. The charge passed through the coil in this time is

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  8. A coil of self inductance 4H carries a 10 A current. If direction of current is reversed in 2 sec, then induced emf in it

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  9. For a coil having L=4 mH , current flow through it is `I=t^3.e^(-t)` then the time at which emf becomes zero

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  10. A conducting ring of radius 2 metre is placed in an uniform magnetic field B of 0.01 Tesla oscillating with frequency 200 Hz with its plane at right angles to B . What will be the induced electric field ?

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  11. When the wire loop is rotated in the magnetic field between the poles of a magnet the frequency of emf is

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  12. An inductor of 5 henry and a resistance of 20 ohm are connected in series with a battery of 5 volt. The initial rate of change of current is

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  13. A solenoid is 3 m long and its inner diameter is 4.0 cm . It has three layers of windings of 2000 turns each and carries a current of 2.0 amperes. The magnetic flux for an cross-section of the solenoid is nearly

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  14. The current in ampere in an inductor is given by `I=4t^2+6t` where is in s. The self induced e.m.f in it is 20 mV. The self inductance of the coil t=0

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  15. The magnetic flux linked with a coil , in Webers, is given by the equation `phi=4t^2+3t+5` . Then the magnitude of induced emf at t=2s will be

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  16. In a magnetic field of 0.08 T, area of a coil changes from `101 cm^2` to `99cm^2` without changing the resistance which is `5 Omega`. The amount of charge that flows during this period is

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  17. The magnetic flux `phi` (in weber) in a closed circuit of resistance `10 Omega` varies with time t ( in second) according to equation `phi=5t^2-6t +2`. The magnetic of induced current at t = 0.5 s is

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  18. A field of strength `8 xx 10^4//pi` ampere turns / meter acts at right angles to the coil of 500 turns of area `10^(-2) m^2` . The coil is removed from the field in 0.2 second. Then the induced e.m.f in the coil is

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  19. A coil has 4000 turns and `500 cm^2` as its area. The plane of the coil is placed at right angles to a magnetic induction field of `4 xx 10^(-5)` web/`m^2`. The coil is rotated through `180^@` in 0.5 seconds. The average emf induced in the coil, in milli volts, is

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  20. A square loop of side 44 cm is changed to a circle in time 0.5 sec with its plane normal to a magnetic field 0.6 T. The emf induced is

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  21. A coil of 1500 turns and mean area of `500 cm^2` is held perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of induction `2 xx 10^(-4)` T . The resistance of the coil is 40 ohms. When the coil is rotated through `180^@` in the magnetic field in 0.2 seconds the average electric current (in mA) induced is

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  22. A closed coil with a resistance 2R is placed in a magnetic field. The flux linked with the coil is `phi .if the magnetic field is suddenly reversed in direction , the charge that flows through the coil will be

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  23. A coil of area `10cm^2` and 10 turns is in magnetic field directed perpendicular to the plane and changing at a rate of `10^8 gauss//s`. The resistance of coil is `20Omega`. The current in the coil will be

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  24. A magnetic flux of 500 microweber passing through a 200 turn coil is reversed in `20xx10^(-3)s`. The average induced emf in the coil (in volt) is

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  25. A rectangular coil of `200` turns and area `100 cm^(2)` is kept perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of induction `0.25` tesla. If the field is reversed in direction in `0.01` second, the average induced emf in the coil is

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  26. A coil having an area `2m^(2)` is placed in a magnetic field which changes from `1 Wb//m^(2)` to `4Wb//m^(2)` in an interval of `2` second. The average e.m.f. induced in the coil will be

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  27. A flip coil consits of `N` turns of circular coils which lie in a uniform magnetic field. Plane of the coils is perpendicular to the magnetic field as shown in figure. The coil is connected to a current integrator which measures the total charge passing through it. The coil is turned through `180^(@)` about the diameter. The charge passing through the coil is

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  28. A conductor `AB` of length `l` moves in `x y` plane with velocity `vec(v) = v_(0)(hat(i)-hat(j))`. A magnetic field `vec(B) = B_(0) (hat(i) + hat(j))` exists in the region. The induced emf is

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  29. To measure the field `'B'` between the poles of an electronmagnet, a small test loop of area `1 cm^(2)`, resistance `10 Omega` and `20` turns is pulled out of it. A galvanometer shows that a total charge `2mu C` passed through the loop. The value of `'B'` is

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  30. A thin circular ring of area `A` is perpendicular to uniform magnetic field of induction `B`. `A` small cut is made in the ring and a galavanometer is connected across the ends such that the total resistance of circuit is `R`. When the ring is suddenly sqeezed to zero area, the charge flowing through galvanometer is:

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  31. A short-circuited coil is placed in a time-varying magnetic field. Electrical power is dissipated due to the current induced in the coil. If the number of turns were to be quadrupled and the wire radius halved, the electrical power dissipated would be

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  32. A train is moving towards north with a speed of 25 m/s. if the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field is `0.2 xx 10^(-4)` T, the emf induced in the axle 1.5 m long is

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  33. A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R moves in its to one of tis sides. A magnetic induction B , constant in time and space, pointing perpendicular to and into the plane of the loop exists every where. The current induced in the loop is

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  34. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in a direction perpendicular to its length. A constant, uniform magnetic field exists in space in a direction perpendicular to the rod as well as its velocity. Select the correct statements(s) from the following

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  35. A thin flexible wire of length L is connected to two adjacent fixed points and carries a current I in the clockwise direction, as shown in the figure. When the system is put in a uniform magnetic field of strength B going into the plane of the paper, the wire takes the shape of a circle. The tension in the wire is :

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  36. A coil has an inductance of `0.05 H` and `100` turns and `0.02 A` current is passed through it. Flux linked with coil is

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  37. A current of `2A` is increasing at a rate of `4A//s` through a coil of inductance `2H`. The energy stored in the inductor per unit time is

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  38. The current decays from `5A` to `2A` in `0.01 s` in a coil. The emf induced in a coil nearby it is `30V`. The mutual inductance between the coils is

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  39. A varying current in a coil change from `10A` to `0A` in `0.5 sec`. If the average emf induced in the coil is `220V`, the self inductance of the coil is

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  40. An air cored solenoid is of length 0.3 m, area of cross section `1.2 xx 10^(-3) m^(2)` and has 2500 turns. Around its central section, a coil of 350 turns is wound. The solenoid and the coil are electrically insulated from eachother. Calculate the e.m.f. induced in the coil if the initial current of 3 A in the solenoid is reversed in 0.25 s.

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  41. A solenoid of length 50 cm with 20 turns per cm and area of cross section 40 `cm^(2)` comletely surrounds another co-axial solenoid of the same length, area of cross seciton `25 cm^(2)` with 25 turns per cm. Calculate the mutual inductance of the system.

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  42. The current in a coil is changed from `5A` to `10 A` in `10^(-2) s`. An emf of `50 mV` is induced in coil near by it. The mutual inductance of two coils is

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  43. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed inside a large square loop of wire of side `L(Lgtgtl)`. The loops are co-planer and their centres coincide. The mutual inductance of the system is proportional to

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EXERCISE-1 (H.W) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12