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Complete Solutions to C.U.Q (INTRODUCTION) of chapter ATOMS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. To explain his theory, Bohr used

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  2. If an electron has an initial velocity in a direction different from that of an electric field, then the path of the electron is

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  3. Electron beam enter an electric field normal to the field. Then their path in the electric field is .

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  4. when the electron in the discharge tube is accelerated to high speed (i.e. comparable with speed of light)

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  5. The discovery of the electrons was a consequence of study of the

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  6. If a proton in an atom and an electron are accelerated through the same potential difference,

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  7. Isotopes are atoms having.

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  8. In a region of space , cathod rays mov along positive `Z-` axis . If and a uniform magnetic field applied along `x-`axis . If cathod rays pass undevited , the direction of electron field will be along

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  9. A electron beam particle is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of V volt. The speed of the particle is

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  10. In `J.J. Thomson`'s method ,electric field of intensity `E`, magnetic field of induction `B` and velocity `V` of the electron were in mutually perpendicular direction . The condition for velocity is

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  11. An electron of mass `m` and charge `e` is accelerated from rest through a potential difference `V` in vacuum. The final speed of the electron will be

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  12. Momentum of a photon of wavelength `lambda` is :

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  13. A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are produced, pointed in the same direction. An electron is projected with its velocity pointing in the same direction. Then,

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  14. When a positively charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field with uniform velocity, its trajectory can be
    `a)` a straight line `b)` a circle `c)` a helix

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  15. The energy of a photon (in ev) of wavelength 5000 Å will be

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  16. An electron is not deflected on passing through a certain region , because

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  17. In Thomson's experiment, when the electron strikes the undeflected spot, then its moves with

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  18. An electron enters perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with a speed of `10^(8) cm//s`. The particle experiences a force due to the magnetic field and the speed of the electron

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  19. A neutron, a proton , an electron and an alpha particle enter a region of constant magnetic field with equal velocities. The magnetic field is along the inward normal to the plane of the paper. The tracks of the particles are labled in the figure. The electron follows ______track and alpha particle follows track________.

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  20. When a charged particle moves through a magnetic field , the quantity which is not affected in the magnetic field is

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  21. A nagatively charge electroscope with zinc disc discharge when irradiated by an ultraviolet lamp. What caused this ?

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  22. The force felt by an electron on entering into a magnetic field is independent of its

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  23. when an electron moves through a magnetic field , its speed will

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  24. The direction of a cathode ray particle passing through a magnetic field can by found by

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  25. Which of the following while in motion cannot be deflected by magnetic field?

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  26. A `beta`-particle enters a magnetic field making an angle of `45^@` with the field lines. The path of the particle is

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  27. An electron and a proton are injected into a uniform magnetic field at right to its direction with the same momentum . Then

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  28. An proton and an electron simultaneously enter into a region in which a uniform magnetic field acts normal to the motion of both the particles. The frequency of revolution of

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  29. You are sitting in a room in which uniform magnetic field is present in vertically downward direction. At the centre of room an electron is projected horizontally with a certain speed. Discuss the speed and path of the electron in this field.

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  30. A charged particle of charge `Q` and mass`m` moves with velocity `v` in a circular path due to transverse magnetic field, B, then its frequency is

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  31. An proton and an electron simultaneously enter into a region in which a uniform magnetic field acts normal to the motion of both the particles. The frequency of revolution of

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  32. Imagine you are sitting in a chamber with your back to one wall. An electron beam, moving horizontally from back wall towards the from wall, is deflected by a strong magnetic field to your right side. What is the direction of the magnetic field?

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  33. Electron beam is made to pass between the poles of a magnet as shown in figure. The effect of magnetic field is

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  34. In which of the following field, cathode rays show minimum deflection

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  35. An oil drop of mass m and charge +q is balanced in vaccum by a uniform electric field of intensity `E`. the direction of this field should be

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  36. An oil drop of mass m and falls through a medium that offers a viscous drag force. F. if the velocity of the drop is constant it means that

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  37. An oil drop of mass m fall through a viscous medium. The viscous drag force. `F` is proportional to the velocity of the drop . At the instant it begins to fall the force that acts on the oil drop is (neglect buoyancy)

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  38. Ground state energy of H-atom is -13.6 eV. The energy needed to ionise H-atom from its second excited state is

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  39. Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition from n=2 to n=1, in atoms and ions given below. The shortest wavelength is produced by

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  40. If the electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit with level `n_(2)=3` to orbit with level `n_(1)=2`, the emitted radiation has a wavelength given by .

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  41. Ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Hydrogen atoms in the ground state are excited by monochromatic radiation of photon energy 12.1 eV. According to Bohr's theory, the spectral lines emitted by hydrogen will be

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  42. The momentum of a photon of energy 1 MeV in kg-m/s, will be

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  43. In a discharge tube ionization of enclosed gas is produced due to collisions between

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  44. If `lambda_(1) and lambda_(2)` are the maximum wavelength limits of Lyman and Balmer series of H atom, `(lambda_1)/(lambda_2)` will be .

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C.U.Q (INTRODUCTION) questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMS of NARAYANA PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12