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Complete Solutions to Molecular Basis Of Inheritance of chapter MOLECULAR BASIS OF INHERITANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSMolecular Basis Of Inheritance
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What does A and B represent in the given representation ?

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  2. In DNA strand, the nucleotides are linked together by

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  3. In a DNA molecule, the phosphate group is attached to carbon______ of the sugar residue of its own sucleotide and carbon____ of the sugar reside of the next nucleotide by ______ bonds.

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  4. Which of the following shown the correct positions of the phoshate (P), sugar (S) and base (B) molecules in the given line diagrams representing the structure of DNA?

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  5. DNA as an acidic substance present in nucleus was first identified by ______ in 1869, he named it as _________

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  6. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

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  7. Watson and Crick (1953) proposed DNA was based on
    (i) X-ray diffraction studies studies of DNA dne by Wilkins and Franklin
    (ii) Chargaff's base equivalence rule
    (iii)Griffith's transformation experiment
    (iv) Meselson and Stahl's experiment.

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  8. If a double stranded DNA has 20% of cytosine, what will be the percentage of adenine in it ?

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  9. In one polyncleotide strand of a DNA molecule the ratio of `A+T//G+C` is `0.3`. What is the `A+G//T+C ` ratio of the entire DNA molecule ?

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  10. If the sequence of bases in one strand of DNA is ATGCATGCA, what would be the sequence of bases on compiementary strand ?

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  11. Refer to the given figure

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  12. Given figure represents the DNA double helix model as proposed by Waston and Crick (1953). Select the option that shown correct measurements of A, B and C.

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  13. The given flow chart represents the flow of genetic information between biomolecules. Identify the processes A,B,C and D and select the correct option.

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  14. Synthesis of DNA from RNA is explained by

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  15. Histone proteins are

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  16. What does the given diagram represent ?

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  17. The structure in chromatin seen as 'beads-on' string' when viewed under electron microscope are called

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  18. Refer the given figure of nucleosome and select the option that correctly identifies the parts A,B and C.

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  19. Read the following satements and select the correct option.
    Loosely packed and light stained region of chromation are called as heterochromatin.
    (ii) Densely packed and dark stained region of chromatin are called as euchromatin.
    (iii) A typical nucleosome contains 200 bp of DNA helix.

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  20. Find out the wrong statement about heterochromatin.

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  21. The year 2003 was celebrated as the `50^(th)` anniversary of discovery of

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  22. The proces of transformation is not affected by which of the following enzymes?
    A. Dnase ,B. Rnase
    c. Peptidase , D. Lipase

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  23. To prove that DNA is the genetic material, which radioactive isotopes were used by Hershey and Chase (1952) in their experiments?

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  24. if the DNA of a virus is labelled with `32_(P)` and the protein of the virus is labelled with `.^(32p)` and the protein of the virus is labelled with `^(35)S`, after transduction which molecule (s) would be present inside the bacterial cells ?

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  25. RNA is the genetic material in

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  26. Which of the following criteria should be fulfilled by a molecule to act as a genetic material?
    (i) It should be able to replicate.
    (ii) It should be structurally and chemically stable.
    (iii) It should be able to ndergor slow mutations.
    (iv)It should be able to express itself in the form of 'Mendelian characters'

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  27. Select the correct statements out of the following .
    (i)Both DNA and RNA are able to mutate.
    (ii)RNA being unstable , mutates at a faster rate.
    (iii)RNA shows catalytic properties.
    (iv)Presence of uracil (U) at place of thymine (T) confers additional stability to RNA.

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  28. Match column I and II and select the correct option from the given codes.

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  29. Which one among the following was the first genetic material ?

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  30. Which of the following life processes is evolved around RNA ?

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  31. Which of the following statement are incorrect ?
    (i)RNA act as a genetic material as well as a catalyst.
    (ii)RNA is more stable than DNA
    (iii)RNA has evolved from DNA

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  32. Chemically, RNA is (i)_____ reactive and (ii)_____ stable as compared to DNA.

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  33. Which of the following phenomena was experimentally proved by Meselson and Stahl?

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  34. First experimental proof for semi-conservative DNA replication was shown in

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  35. Select the correct match of enzyme with its related function.

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  36. Other than DNA polymerase, which of the following enzymes involved in DNA synthesis ?

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  37. Refer to the given steps of DNA strands
    (i) Exposure of DNA strands
    (ii) Synthesis of RNA primer
    (iii) Activation of deoxyribonucleotides
    (iv) Chain formatiion
    (v) Base pairing
    (vi) Proof reading and DNA repair ltviigt DNA polynerase attaches at Ori site
    Select the correct sequence of DNA replication.

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  38. Which of the following figures correctly represents the replication fork formed during DNA replication ?

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  39. Select the incorrect statement regarding DNA replication.

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  40. Which of the following differences are incorrect between leading and lagging strands of DNA ?

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  41. DNA replication takes place at ________ phase the cell cycle.

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  42. The process of copying genetic information from one strand of DNA to RNA is termed as ________ .

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  43. The given flow chart shows central central dogma reverse .

    Enzymes used in processes A, B and C are respectively

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  44. The enzyme DNA dependent RNA polymerase catalyses the polymerisation reaction in ________ direction .

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  45. What would be the base sequence of RNA transcript obtained from the given DNA segment ?
    5' - G C A T T C G G C T A G T A A C-3` Coding strand of DNA
    3' - C G T A A G C C G A T C A T C A T T G-5' Non - coding strand of DNA

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  46. If the sequence of bases in coding strand of DNA is ATTCGATC, then the sequence of bases in mRNA will be

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  47. If the sequence of bases in DNA is GCTTAGGCAA then the sequence if bases in its transcript will be

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  48. Given diagram represents the components of a transcription unit. Select the correct answer regarding it .

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  49. Transcription unit

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  50. During transcription, the site of DNA molecule at which RNA polymerase binds is called

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  51. Polycistronic mesenger RNA (mRNA) usually occurs in

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  52. The given figure represents the process of transcription in bacteria.

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  53. Refer to the given diagram. What does it represent ?

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  54. In transcription in eukaryotes, heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA)is transcribed by

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  55. Menthyl guanosine triphosphate is added to the 5' end of hnRNA in a process of

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  56. Select the correct statements regarding the process of transcription in eukaryotes.
    (i) The strand of dsDNA which takes part in transcription process is called as coding strand.
    (ii) The enzyme RNA polymerase can catalyse polymerisation only in one direction i.e. ,`5' rarr 3'` .
    (iii) An unusual nucleotide methyl guanosine triphosphate is added to the 5' end of hnRNA during capping.
    (iv) During tailing process, adenylate residues (200-300) are added at 3' end in a template independent manner.

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  57. In eukaryotes, the process of processing of primary transcript involves

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  58. Match column I and II and select the correct option from the given codes.

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  59. Identify A, B, C and D in the given diagram of mRNA.

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  60. The fully processed hnRNA is called as (i)____ and is transproted out of the (ii)____ into the (iii) ____ for translation.

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  61. Refer to the given sequence of steps and select the correct option.

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  62. The three codons which result in the termination of polypeptide chain synthesis are

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  63. Match column I and II and select the correct option from the given codes.

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  64. Amino acids which are specified by single codons are

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  65. `mRNA overset(AUG UUU AUG C CU GUU UCU UA A)to`
    Polypeptide Met-Phe-Met-Pro-Val-Ser
    Nucleotide sequence of the DNA strand from which this mRNA was transcribed is

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  66. `mRNA overset(AUG UUU AUG C CU GUU UCU UA A)to`
    Polypeptide Met-Phe-Met-Pro-Val-Ser
    Which codons respectively code for proline and valine amino acids in the given polypeptide chain, respectively ?

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  67. Which out of the following statement is incorrect ?

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  68. Some amino acids are coded by more than one codon, hence the genetic code is

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  69. Read the following statements.
    (i) One codon codes for only one amino acid.
    (ii) Some amino acids are coded by more than one codon.
    (iii) The sequence of triplet nitrogenous bases in DNA of mRNA coresponds to the amino acid sequence in the polypeptide chain.
    Give , suitabel terms for the characteristics of 'genetic code' as per the above statements.

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  70. The mutations that involve addition, deletion or substitution of a single base pair in a gene are referred to as

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  71. Sickle cell anemia results from a single base substitution in a gene, thus it is an example of

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  72. Select the incorrect matched pair.

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  73. Identify the labels A, B, C and D in the given structure of tRNA and select the correct option.

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  74. The differences between mRNA amd tRNA are that
    mRNA has more elaborated 3-dimensional structure due to extensive base -pairing
    (ii) tRNA has more elaborated 3-dimensional structure due to extensive base -pairing
    (iii) tRNA is usually smaller than mRNa
    (iv) mRNA bears anticodon but tRNA has codons.

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  75. Amino acid acceptor end of tRNA lies at

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  76. Which RNA carries the amino acids from the amino acid pool to mRNA during protein synthesis?

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  77. During translation , activated amino acids get linked to tRNA. This process is commonly called as

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  78. Refer to the given mRNA segment

    It can be translated completely into a polypeptide. Which of the following codons may correspond with A and B ?

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  79. In a mRNA molecule, untranslated regions (UTRs) are present at

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  80. UTRs are the untranslated regions present on

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  81. Given below are the steps of protein synthesis. Arrange them in correct sequence and select the correct option.
    (i) Codon- anticodon reaction between mRNA and aminoacyl tRNA complex.
    (ii) Attachment of mRNA and smaller sub-unit of ribosome.
    (iii) Charging or aminoacylation of tRNA .
    (iv) Attachment of larger sub-unit of ribosome to the mRNA-tRNA `_("Met")` complex.
    (v) Linking of adjacent amino acids.
    (vi) Formation of polypeptide chain.

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  82. Refer to the given figure

    Select the option which identifies polarity X and Y and DNA sequence coding for serine (P) and the anticodon for the same amino acid (Q).

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  83. Which of the following statement is correct regarding ribosomes ?

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  84. What would happen if in a gene encoding a polypeptide of 50 amino acids, `25^(th)` codon (UAU) is mutated to UA A?

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  85. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),(A."Translation",(i)"Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase"),(B."Transcription",(ii)"Okazaki fragments"),(C."DNA replication",(iii)"RNA polymerase"):}`

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  86. Regulation of gene expression occus at the level of

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  87. During expression of an operon , RNA polymerase binds to

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  88. The sequence of structural genes in lac operon is

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  89. Match column I with II column II and select the correct option from the given codes .
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),(A."Operator site",(i)"Binding site for RNA polymerase"),(B."Promoter site",(ii)"Binding site for repressor molecule"),(C."Regulator gene",(iii)"Codes for protein/enzyme"),(D."Structural gene",(iv)"Codes for repressor molecule"):}`

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  90. The given figure shows lac operon and its functioning. Select the option which correctly labels A, B, X, Y and Z

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  91. Which of the following cannot act as inducer ?

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  92. Inducible operon system usually accurs in (i) ___ pathways. Nutrient moleculses serve as (ii) ______ to stimulate production of the enzymes necessary for their breakdown. Genes for inducible operon are usually switched (iii)_____ and the repressor is synthesised in an (iv)____ form.

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  93. Repressible operon system is usually found in (i)____ pathways. The pathway's end product serves as a (ii) ______ to activate the repressor, turn off enzyme synthesis and prevent overproduction of the end product of the pathway. Genes for this operon are usually switched (iii)_____ and the repressor is synthesised in an (iv)_____ .

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  94. Match column I with II column II and select the correct option from the given codes .
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),(A."Griffith",(i)"Lac operon"),(B."Hershey and Chase",(ii)"Semi-conservative DNA replication"),(C."Meselson",(iii)"Transduction"),(D."Jacob and Monod",(iv)"Transformation"):}`

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  95. Human genome consists of approximately

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  96. Estimated number of genes in human being is

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  97. Which of the following statement regarding 'human genome' is incorrect?

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  98. Select the correct option that correctly fill the blanks i-iv.
    I . Less than (i)____ of genome represents structural genes that code for proteins.
    ii. Chemical substance that binds with repressor and convert it into a non-DNA binding state is (ii)_____.
    III. In prokaryotes, during replication RNA primer is removed by (iii) where as in eukaryotes it is removed by(Iv)______.

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  99. Arrange the various steps of DNA fingerprinting technique in the correct order.
    (i) Separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis.
    (ii) Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases.
    (iii) Hybridisation using labelled VNTR prode.
    (iv) Isolation of DNA .
    Detection of hybridised DNA fragments by auto-radiography.
    (vi) Transferring the separated DNA fragments to nitrocellulose membrane.

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  100. Match column I with II column II and select the correct option from the given codes .

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Molecular Basis Of Inheritance questions and complete solutions for chapter MOLECULAR BASIS OF INHERITANCE of MTG BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12