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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 39 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 39
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of these animals are placed in the same family but do not have the same genus ?

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  2. In the following table ' X " is formed by the division or branching of 'Y ' which one is an exception ?
    `{:(,'X','Y'),(A,"Arteriole","Artery"),(B,"Capillary","Arteriole"),(C,"Venule","Vein"),(D,"Renal Artery","Aorta"):}`

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  3. The plant depicted in the following diagram which reproduces asexually through leaves is

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  4. The proportion of assimilated energy consumed in respiration is highest in

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  5. While studying an autosomal recessive disorder in a family . It was noted that husband and wife both did not suffer from disease but their fathers had the disease. What is the probability that the couple will have a girl child without the disorder ?

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  6. Which of these apes is smaller in size ?

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  7. A flowering plant with scutellum in its seeds has

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  8. Which of these characters selected by Mendel are located on the same chromosomes ?

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  9. Observe the picture below and state the name the of the scientist/s who performed this experiment ?

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  10. Hybrid breeding have led to the development of several high yielding varieties that are

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  11. Which of the following statements given in the option is correct ?

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  12. In hydrarch succession , the stage which comes immediately after submerged free - floating plant stage is

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  13. In a two - celled pollen grain in angiosperms, the large cell with irregular nucleus

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  14. The unit to measure productivity is

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  15. Reserpine , the active chemical produced by Rauwolfia vomitoria is used in the treatment of

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  16. Which of these vehicles emission standards has been implemented throughout India since 2017 ?

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  17. Mendel 's inheritable 'factors ' influences

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  18. A plant that is heterozygous for two genes was selfed. A total of 1000 seeds were collected. Find out the total number of seeds heterozygous for the first gene and homozygous for the second gene.

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  19. The mediastinum is a space

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  20. In a plant , the color of grains is controlled by 3 genes located on separate chromosomes. Gene 'C' and 'R' independently do not form any color, but when together , they impart greenish - brown color to the stem, while the grains remain colourless. In presence of an additional allele 'A' the stem as well as grains become violet . In a trihybrid cross, what phenotypic ratio is expected in grains ?

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  21. The normal glomerular filtration rate in humans is

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  22. Three biodiversity hotspots of India are

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  23. The ' greenhouse effect ' results in

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  24. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease . In an island having a population of 200 people, 98 people suffer from cystic fibrosis. How many people are carried of this disease ?

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  25. In polygounm ,

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  26. "Constant environment promote niche specialization and lead to greater species diversity." This statement is true for

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  27. In which of these points did Darwin believe?

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  28. Resource partitioning was shown by

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  29. In most of the following plants , seeds does not contain any remnant of

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  30. A color - blind man marries a woman who is carrier for hemophilia . Which of the following is true for their progenies ?

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  31. Select the CORRECT statements regarding periplaneta americana.
    I. A ring of 6-8 blind tubules called hepatic or gastric caeca is present at the junction of foregut and midgut.
    II. The lower lip is called labium and the upper lip is called the labrum.
    III. Tegmina are mesothoracic wings that are opaque, leathery, and dark.
    IV. It has a vision known as a mosaic vision with more resolution but less sensitivity.

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  32. Which of these statements about Taq polymerase used during PCR is not correct ?

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  33. Which of the structures are found in photosynthetic prokaryotes ?
    I. Mesosomes
    II. Cellulose wall
    III. Ribosomes
    IV. Chloroplasts

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  34. Some of the molecular found in animal tissue are grouped into three lists.
    I. glucose , cholesterol, triglycerides, water
    ii. glucose , antibodies, adenine , phospholipids
    iii. hemoglobin, carbon dioxide, mRNA , monosaccharides
    Which lists include one or more molecules that always contain nitrogen atoms ?

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  35. In the structure of pro - insulin in humans disulphide bonds exist between

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  36. In the process of meiosis, there are two sequential cycles of nuclear and cell division. How many cycles of DNA replication are required in meiosis ?

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  37. Spirometer is useful in assessment of all the following pulmonary functions except

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  38. Which of these statements about protein synthesis are NOT correct ?
    I. During transcription, mRNA synthesized from DNA nucleotides to have the same sequence of nucleotides as the DNA strand on which it was made.
    II. During transcription , tRNA is synthesized from RNA nucleotides and carries codons that are complementary to the sequence of nucleotides on the DNA strand on which it was made.
    III. During translation, mRNA is synthesized from RNA nucleotides to have the complementary sequence of nucleotides to that. Of the DNA strand on which it was made .
    IV. During translation ribosomes move on mRNA from '5' and '3' one codon at a time .This is called translocation

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  39. Select the option that was not used in Green revolution.

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  40. Lacunae are present in

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  41. Observe the following messenger RNA :

    Due to a mutation , the guanine nucleotide in the sixth position is replaced by an adenine nucleotide. What will be the correct effect on the sequence of amino acids due to this mutation ?

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  42. The prokaryote that is credited with construction of the first recombinant DNA by linking an antibiotic resistance gene with its native plasmid is

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  43. Which parts of a cell contain ribosomes ?
    I. Chloroplast
    II. Mitochondrion
    III. Nucleus
    IV. Cytoplasm

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  44. The diagrams show the structures of two amino acids, each of which has two amine `(-NH_2)` Group .

    A peptide bond is formed between the two amino acids. Which groups could from the peptide bond ?

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  45. The following statements describe events during the mitotic cell cycle. What is the correct of these events in the mitotic cell cycle ?
    I. chromosomes migrated to opposite poles of the spindle.
    II. Chromosomes arrange themselves at the equator of the spindle.
    III. Chromosomes condense and the number membrane disappears .
    IV. Centromeres divide.

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  46. The graph shows the oxygen dissociation curves of haemoglobin from two species of mammals, s and T .

    Which statements could explain the difference in the oxygen dissociation curves of species S and species T ?
    I. Species T has higher haemoglobin concentration in its red blood cells than species S.
    II. The haemoglobin in species T has a lower affinity for oxygen than the haemoglobin in species S.
    III. Species T may be living at a higher altitudes than species S.

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  47. Which of these statements about centrioles is correct ?

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  48. Which of these is the correct function of enzymes/ Protein used in DNA replication ?

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  49. Which of the following is part of bioprocess engineering ?

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  50. How many of the following elements have a greater percentage weight in the human body than percentage weight in in the earth crust ?
    ( Sulphur, sodium, oxygen, Nitrogen, carbon, Hydrogen, Megnesium, silicon, and calcium )

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  51. Match the organisms given in column l with their common names given in column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

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  52. Which of the following statements regarding digestive glands is correct ?

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  53. Which of the following statements regarding joints is incorrect ?

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  54. With respect to their function identify the odd one from the cranial nerve given below.

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  55. In human female, second polar body is formed in the ovum

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  56. Which of these pairs of hormones are not antagonistic in their action ?

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  57. Which of the following statements are incorrect
    I. A rapid decline in the death rate is the only reason for the population explosion.
    II. The marriageable age decided by the government is 18 years for females and 21, years for males.
    III. An ideal contraceptive is the one that reduced the sexual drive of the user .
    IV. The ' one child norm has mostly been adopted by people living in rural areas.

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  58. How many of the following are diseases that can be caused by bacteria ?
    Typhoid , Pneumonia , Malaria , Amoebiasis Ascariasis , Filariasis , Common cold

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  59. The viruses which are excellent candidates for speciens - specific , narrow spectrum, insecticidal applications are

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  60. Which of the following is the correct combination of the class of vertebrates and properties exhibited by it?

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  61. Which of the following correlations are incorrect?

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  62. Observe the given diagram of the sectional view of testis.

    Which of the following statements about the above diagram is correct?

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  63. Complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct option for the blanks A,B and C.
    The thymus gland is located between the lungs behind the sternum on the ......A.... Side of the aorta. .....B..... Secreted by the gland plays a major role in the differentiation of T- lymphocytes which provide ......C...... They also promote antibody production which provides.....D....

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  64. A healthy male has got normal sperm count. However, he is unable to inseminate. Which of the following assisted reproductive technology can be best suggested in this case?

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  65. Complete the following sentence by filling in the blanks A and B.
    ....A..... Produced by a yeast .......B..... is used as a blood cholesterol-lowering agent.

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  66. Which of the following part in ear is filled with endolymph ?

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  67. Which of the following option about various types of antibodies is correct?

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  68. Given below are the steps involved in parturition. Arrange them in proper sequence and select the correct option.
    I. The induction of mild uterine contractions is called foetal ejection reflex.
    II. Stronger uterine contractions causing the further release of oxytocin. III. Origination of signals from the fully developed foetus and placenta.
    IV. Release of oxytocin from maternal pituitary
    V. Expulsion of baby from the birth canal

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  69. Read the following statements about cancer . Identify the true and false ones and select the correct option .
    A . Cancer cells lose the property of contact inhibition
    B. The property of metastasis is mostly found in benign tumors .
    C. The transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells occurs only because of chemical agents.
    D. The chemical carcinogen present in tobacco smoke is a major cause of lung cancer.

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  70. In humans, inhibin

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  71. Heterocysts in Nostoc

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  72. Identify the nutrients that are required.
    A. This nutrient helps in the utilization of calcium.
    B. This nutrient is the component of the nitrate radical enzyme.
    C. This nutrient is required for the photolysis of water .

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  73. Which of the following is correct about flowering in rice and wheat plants ?

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  74. In which of the following steps of aerobic respiration of glucose, carbon dioxide is evolved ?
    I. Glycolysis
    II. Link reaction
    III. Krebs cycle
    IV. Election transport system

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  75. During photorespiration, 25% of the carbon is lost in

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  76. Which of these fungi does not have a branched and septate mycelium ?

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  77. Which of the following types of roots are correctly matched with their examples ?
    I. Apogeotropic roots : Rhizophora
    II. Absence of calyptra : Lemna
    III. Velamen containing roots : vanda
    IV. Moniliform roots : portulaca

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  78. Which of the following statements about cycas and pinus is correct ?

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  79. How many of the following properties are seen in the brinjal plant ?
    Legume fruits , alternate phyllotaxy, actinomorphic flower, bicarpellary- syncarpous gynoecium , non - endospermic seeds

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  80. Sclerenchymatous bundle sheath around vascular bundles is seen in

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  81. As we go from periphery to the center of a dicot root , the correct order of tissues that we will encounter is

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  82. The correct sequence of four carbon acids formed during Krebs cycle is

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  83. In photosynthesis, 12 molecules of water are utilised and 6 molecules of water are released while the formation of one molecule of glucose.
    The oxygen atom present in glucose came from

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  84. Read the following information about a phytohormone and them identify it.
    I. They cause fruits like apple to elongate and improve their shape.
    II. They are used to speed up the malting process in the brewing industry.
    III. They are used to convert genetically dwarf plants into tall plants.

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  85. Corn is a modification of

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  86. During the transport of water, the value of which of the following is always negative ?

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  87. Which of these combinations is correct about protozoans ?

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  88. Which of the following scientist's contributions to viruses is correctly matched ?
    I . M.W Beijerinek demonstrated that the extract of the infected plants of tobacco mosaic could cause infection in healthy plants and called the fluid as contagium vivum fluidum (infection living fluid )
    II. W. M. Stanley showed that viruses could be crystallized and crystals consist venom or proteins.
    III.The name virus that means venom or poisonous fluid was given by Dmitri lvanowsky.

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  89. Normally algae show a haplontic life cycle. Polysiphonia and focus are exceptions to this rule. The correct option depicting their classes and life cycles is.

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  90. Given below is plant and two properties of it Which of these options is INCORRECT ?

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 39 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 39