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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 53 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 53
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The arteries differ from veins in having :

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  2. Find out the incorrect statements :
    (1) Blue-green alga is a prokaryotic cell.
    (2)WBC is amoeboid in shape.
    (3) Mycoplasma is the largest cell.
    (4) Microbodies are cell organelles.
    (5) Prokaryotes do not exhibit a wide variety of shapes.

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  3. Read the following statements ( A-C ) about the human heart :
    A. The SA node is a specialized mass of cardiac tissue present in the lower-left corner of the right atrium close to the AV septum.
    B. The body has the ability to alter the heart rate, cardiac output but not stroke volume.
    C. The end of the T- wave in ECG marks the end of the systole.
    How Many statements is /are correct from the above?

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  4. George palade observed granular structure under electron microscopy which is composed of

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  5. Select incorrect statements.
    1. Diplotene stage is not recognized by the dissolution of the synaptonemal complex.
    2. Recombination nodules contain a recombinase enzyme.
    3 . Interkinesis is generally short - lived .
    4. In anaphase II separation of homologous chromosomes ( bivalents ) separate to opposite poles.

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  6. Which of the following statements is not correct for most common type of nephrons of human kidney ?

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  7. Every chromosome essentially has a primary construction or the ...... , on the sides of which disc shaped structures called .... are present

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  8. Trypsinogen is activated into trypsin by an enzyme .......X...... Secreted by .......Y...... Choose the option which correctly describes 'X' and 'Y'

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  9. A cell divides when its karyocytoplamic index or karyoplasmic index

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  10. The 5th thoracic vertebra is

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  11. Observe and identify the given structure.

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  12. What is the number of carbon atoms which the palmitic acid and arachidonic acid contain (including carboxyl carbon )?

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  13. Identify the labelings i, ii , and iii in the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve .

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  14. In the primary structure of protein

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  15. Which of the following connections are not true about the special creation theory of the origin of life ?

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  16. Three of the following statements about enzymes are correct, which one is wrong ?

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  17. Find the correct match in the following:

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  18. Which of the following plant cells show totipotency ?

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  19. Arrange the following places in increasing order of bird diversity.
    (i) New York
    (ii) India
    (iii) Greenland
    (iv) Columbia

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  20. Match the following column I with column II :

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  21. Which of the following set of animals are triploblastic, true coelomates with open type circulatory system ?

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  22. Which cross leads to the production of the mule ?

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  23. Which of the following statements is correct about cyclostomata ?

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  24. Which of the following is not under broadly utilitarian reasons for conserving biodiversity?

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  25. Which of the following contraceptive method has high rate of failure ?

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  26. Which metal inactivates a catalytic converter ?

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  27. The given diagram represents

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  28. How many of the following statements are correct ?
    1. Good ozone is found in the stratosphere.
    2. UV radiation having a lower wavelength than UV -B is almost completely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere.
    3. UV - B causes snow blindness and cataract.
    4. dB is a unit to measure the thickness of ozone.

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  29. Under favorable conditions, somatic cells store food materials, which become thick- walled structures and are called as

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  30. Reducing sugars are

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  31. The following graph shows the range of variation among population members for a trait determined by multiple genes.

    If this population is subject to stabilizing selection for several generations, which of the distribution is most likely to result ?

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  32. All the events of the menstrual cycle stop and there is no menstruation during pregnancy is due to

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  33. Under unfavourable condition many zooplnkton species in lakes and ponds enter

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  34. Read the statements given below :
    (i) The first movements of the foetus and appearance of hair on the head are usually observed during 5th months of pregnancy.
    (ii) The structural and functional unit between developing embryo and the maternal body is called the umbilical cord .
    (iii) At puberty , in female both ovaries contain about 60,000 –80,000 primary follicles .
    Choose the correct statement from the above .

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  35. A place , which used to be rocky and barren, has now turned into a lush green forest . The plant succession of the area is

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  36. Which one of the following pair of reproductive organs does not show homology between males and females ?

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  37. In a pond ecosystem , the shape of a pyramid of number is

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  38. A man is suffering from a severe disease which includes symptoms like chills , fever and cough. On close inspection, it is found his fingernails have turned blue. An x-ray of his lungs showed an accumulation of fluid in them. Which of the following pathogens in the causative agent for this disease ?

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  39. Consider the following statements conerning food chains
    (i) Removal of 80% tigers from an area resulted in greatly increased growth of vegetation
    (ii) Removal of most of the carnivores resulted in an increased population of deers
    (iii) The length of food chains is generally limited to 3 - 4 trophic levels due to energy loss
    (iv) The length of food chains may vary from 2 to 8 trophic levels
    Which two of the above statements are correct?

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  40. Which of the following is the correct option for decreases order of concentrations of different types of antibodies which are produced in our body ?

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  41. Swollen placenta with many ovules is present in

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  42. Find the number of correct match in the following :
    I. Cancer : Don't die of ignorance disease
    II. Cocaine : called coke or crack is usually snorted
    III. Charas : Binds to cannabinoids receptors of CNS & GI tract
    IV. Smoking : cause cancer of urinary bladder
    V. Hepatitis B : sexually transmitted disease

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  43. Which of the following is not correct with respect to a part of the flower and its function ?

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  44. The four sketches (A, B, C and D) given below, represent four different types of animal tissues. Which one of these is correctly identified in the options given, along with its correct location and function ?

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  45. Select the incorrect pair.

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  46. Which of the following glands /structure do not participate in excretion in periplaneta americana ?

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  47. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from given codes.
    `{:("Column I" ,,"Column II"),("A. Marginal",,"(i) Sunflower, marigold"),("B. parietal",,"(ii) Pea"),("C Axile",,"(iii) Mustard,Argemone"),("D. Free central",,"(iv) Hibiscus,Argemone"),("E. Basal",,"(v) Dianthus, Primorse"):}`

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  48. Plasma membrane of ...... is known as sarcolemma.

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  49. Haplodiplontic life cycle is observed in

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  50. Read the statements (A- D).
    A. Suture joint is a type of fibrous joint between cranial bones.
    B. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder.
    C. Tetany results in rapid spasms or wild contractions in nerve.
    D. Accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints occurs in gout.
    How many of the above statements are false?

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  51. At the stage of generation of action potential, the axolemma is :

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  52. Select the incorrect statement from the following.

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  53. Select the incorrect statement .

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  54. Family solanaceae and convolvulaceae belongs to the order

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  55. Which of the following hormones stimulates the reabsorption of electrolytes in the kidney ?

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  56. Carbon skeleton produced during respiration is used as precursor for biosynthesis of other molecules in the cell thus respiration is:

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  57. Select the incorrect match .

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  58. How many molecules of carbon dioxide will be produced if two molecules of Acetyl CoA is Completely oxidized in aerobic respiration ?

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  59. Which of the following group represents all beneficial elements ?

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  60. Read the following statements
    A. Zone reticulate form the inner layer of adrenal cortex .
    B. Insulin is a peptide hormone secreted by beta cells of pancreas in pancreatic juice .
    C. Parathormone and thyroxine are antagonistic hormone .
    How many statements are incorrect ?

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  61. Stomata which opens up in night and remains close during day time shows

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  62. Chlorophyll a is absent in which of the following photosynthetic organism

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  63. During photorespiration, the oxygen consuming reaction (s) occur in

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  64. Which one of the following plant hormones is not correctly matched with its function?

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  65. The term used for permanent cells that have reobtain meristematic property to perform cell division is

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  66. The thallus like body of slime mould is called

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  67. Which one of the following organisms is not an example of a unicellular eukaryote?

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  68. The fungi which are used to produce the product which is also the first stable product of TCA cycle belongs to

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  69. The bacterial genome consists of

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  70. Select the incorrectly matched pair.

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  71. UTRs are the untranslated regions present on

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  72. Hershey-Chase experiment successfully proved DNA to be genetic material. The correct sequence of steps followed in this experiment is

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  73. Identify the incorrect match.

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  74. To which of the following parts of a flower, the proximal end of the filament of stamen is attached?

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  75. Mass of cell enclosed within the integuments in ovule is called

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  76. Which of the following is correct about the post-fertilization events in flowering plants?

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  77. Which of the following statement is wrong?

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  78. Which of the following group of plants shows entomophily?

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  79. Choose the correct option with regard to statement A and B.
    A : Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are responsible for converting milk into curd.
    B : LAB creates acidic medium necessary to coagulate and fully digest the milk proteins.

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  80. Mendel selected ___ for his experiment.

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  81. Reasons for Mendel's success was.
    (i) His experiments had a large sampling size, thus greater credibility to the data collected.
    (ii) Use of statistical analysis and mathematical logic
    (iii) Considered many characters at a time.
    (iv) Results are confirmed on the successive generation of test plants.

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  82. Drosophila melanogaster genome consists of

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  83. Genotype of male plant is TT and genotype of female plant is tt. What would be the genotype of endosperm?

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  84. With respect to the ABO group, there are four major blood types becauses this blood group is determined by

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  85. Which one of the following symbols and its representation, used in human pedigree analysis is correct?

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  86. Bioreactors have

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  87. Which of the following is not the application of PCR?
    a. Detection of very low concentration of bacteria or virus.
    b. Detection of mutations in genes in suspected cancer patients.
    c. Amplification of the desired DNA segment.
    d. Detection of antibodies synthesized against pathogens.

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  88. Humulin is a

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  89. How many recombinant therapeutics have been approved for human use all over the world?

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  90. Select the mismatch.

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 53 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 53