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Complete Solutions to BIOLOGY of chapter NTA NEET SET 56 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 56
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Select the option regarding the tissues that are grouped under the ground tissues?

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  2. Each of these circles represents an animal group. Which one of these options has animal groups which can be depicted by this diagram?

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  3. In mollusks of New York state, which of these experiences gives you a value between 0.1 to 0.2?
    ( S = log of species richness, A = log of Area, C = log of Y- intercept in the species richness area curve)

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  4. The interactions of ligands with protein,

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  5. Which of the following molecule represent the given structure?

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  6. Which combination is correct for the pairing of column I and II ?

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  7. The correct arrangements of cardiac valves from the right side to the left sides is

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  8. Structure common between earthworm and cockroach is
    Or Which one feature is common to leech cockroach and scorpion

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  9. Which of these pairs are incorrectly clubbed together?

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  10. Which type of primer is used the genetic engineering tool -polymerase chain Reaction?

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  11. The nucleus is a significant organelle found in the cell. Read the following statements about the nucleus and select the option that correctly determines the number of false statements.
    (i) The nuclear envelope consists of two parallel membranes having space between them called pericentriolar space.
    (ii) The outer membrane of the nucleus usually remains continuous with the Golgi apparatus.
    (iii) The nuclear matrix or the nucleoplasm contains nucleolus and chromatin.
    (iv) Larger and more numerous nucleoli are present in cells actively carrying out lipid synthesis

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  12. Which of these glands are correctly matched with their embryonic origin and chemical nature of their hormones?

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  13. The alimentary canal of a deceased individual was cut transversely for examination of the arrangement of layers from outside to inside. Select the correct sequence of arrangement for the layers examined.

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  14. Denny ate spinach, salad and mutton curry for lunch. At which of the following trophic levels did Danny function in this food chain?
    (i) Producer
    (ii) Primary consumer
    (iii) Secondary consumer
    (iv) Tertiary consumer

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  15. Determine the sequence for line of descent in human evolution that is most accepted one.

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  16. If the solubility of three nitrogenous wastes is arranged in the ascending order `S_1 lt S_2 lt S_3` and their toxicity levels also arranged in ascending order `T_1 lt T_2 lt T_3` identify the correct option.
    `{:(,"Ammonia","Urea","Uric acid"),(i,S_3T_1,S_2T_3,S_1T_2),(ii,S_2T_2,S_1T_1,S_3T_3),(iii,S_1T_3,S_2T_2,S_3T_3),(iv,S_3T_3,S_2T_2,S_1T_1):}`

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  17. The saliva in the mouth and the tears from the eyes will be included under which category of innate immunity?

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  18. This secondary pollutant has caused significant damage to the beauty of historical monuments like the Taj Mahal and Red fort. Identify the correct match of the responsible pollutant and its characteristics feature.

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  19. Which of the components of human semen are correctly matched with the glands that secrete it ?
    (i) citric acid - prostate gland
    (ii) Fibrinogen - Seminal vesicle
    (iii) prostaglandins - prostate gland
    (iv) Fructose - seminal vesicle

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  20. The thick filament of a myofibril is part of the muscle fibre. Select the incorrect statement regarding it.

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  21. Which combination from the option fill up the blank space a, b, c and d correctly in the table below?

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  22. What is the correct fate of ammonium ions in plants ?

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  23. Following are given sequences of mRNA Identify the one that will not undergo complete translation.

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  24. Which of these properties are seen in Hibiscus rosa - sinensis ?
    (i) Leaves with alternate phyllotaxy
    (ii) Polycarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary
    (iii) Twisted aestivation in petals
    (iv) Basal placentation of ovules

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  25. First action spectrum of photosynthesis based on study of Cladophora was given by -

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  26. Observe the action potential and state the correct events that occur in Phase I and Phase II .

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  27. Observe the picture and state the phenomenon that can be explained by this

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  28. During muscle contraction , hydrolysis of ATP results in a change in the .

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  29. Determine the statement that is not related to sporopollenin .

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  30. Which of the following terms have been grouped correctly ?

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  31. Each one of the following options has a rule regarding a certain animal group and an exception from that group written in brackets . which one is incorrect ?

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  32. P, Q R and S four places in the world as given in the following map. Arrange these places in increasing order of their biodiversity.

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  33. Select the combination that correctly marches the fungi to respective class.


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  34. Match the proteins with their appropriate properties .

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  35. The modern day washing powder have some biological content . Which of the following will be mostly added to the powder as biological content ?

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  36. State which of these statements about blood group (ABO system and Rh system taken together ) is correct.

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  37. The conducting part of the respiratory system is

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  38. Select the correct even from below that is most likely to occur during the three subphases of the interphase of the mitotic cell cycle .

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  39. In bacterial cells ,the outermost layer of the cell envelope can either be a

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  40. Select the symptom that is not shown in Grave's disease.

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  41. Which of the following condition Will inhibit decomposition ?

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  42. Which of the following is not exhibiting convergent evolution ?

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  43. Manu , who is a worker in the dump yard , started experiencing nausea , vomiting , headache and loss of appetite for the past few days , carefully history and examination , his doctor came to the conclusion that he suffers from nickel poisoning. Which is the most likely cause of this poisoning ? .

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  44. Which of these options doesn't have a pair of diseases caused by organisms of the same genus ?

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  45. Which of these statements about decidua is false?

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  46. Following are given differences between red muscle fibres and white muscle fibres. Which of them is / are incorrect ?

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  47. Observe the following block of cheese which is produced in Emmentral , Switzerland . The depression in this cheese are due to

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  48. Using the tissue sample found at the crime scene, the forensic investigator ran a DNA analysis with four suspects and the results obtained are shown in the below image. Determine the suspect having the highest probability of been present at the crime scene.

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  49. The placentation in carnation flower is correctly displayed by which one of the below diagrams?

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  50. Which of these canals are correctly matched with the organ that they are located in?

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  51. Which of the following organisms follow the graphs I, II and III respectively ?

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  52. Read the given statements carefully and identify the wrong one.

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  53. Tree pea plant P, Q and R each having inflated green pods are allowed to grow under natural conditions. 1000 sees from each plant were collected and there were sown to see the properties of their progenies . The following were the observations :
    `{:(P,Q,R),("1000 have inflated green pods ","242 constricted green pods 758 inflated green pods","741 inflated green pod 259 inflated yellow pod "):}`
    The correct genotypes of these three plants are

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  54. Describe the formation of helobial endosperm.

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  55. Given below is a photographer of a recently extinct animal. Identify the animal and the region where it was found .

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  56. Which statement from below is correct regarding the five kingdom system of classification ?

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  57. Which of these options correctly represents the functions of all these enzymes ?

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  58. During electrophoresis of the digested DNA , the DNA fragment closest to the cathode is

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  59. As compared to the other cells in a mammalian testis, Leydig cells will have more amount of

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  60. Each of these options has a pair of diseases. Which option has one of these diseases is caused due to hypersecretion of a hormone and the other one is caused due to hyposecretion of the same hormone. Which one doesn't have this kind of pair ?

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  61. Which of the following correctly represent the pyramid of biomass in aquatic ecosystem ?

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  62. Which of the following statements is correct about the evolution of dinosaurs ?

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  63. Which of these symptoms is caused by the entry of sporozoites ?

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  64. The female part homologus to the penis is

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  65. Certain events of DNA replication and transcription are listed below . Identify the combination that is incorrect .

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  66. Which of the following correctly depicts the aestivation of petals in the flower of cotton ?

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  67. Match the names correctly with their achievement.

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  68. Which of the following groups of algae belongs to class Rhodophyceae ?

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  69. Raj having genotype AaBBCc for skin colour marries simran having genotype AAbbCc for skin colour . What is the chance that they have a child whose skin colour doesn't match with either Raj's or Simran 's ?

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  70. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding diaphragm , cervical cap, and vaults ?

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  71. Which of the following reaction requires enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase ?

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  72. Which of the following flowers produce assured seed set even in the absence of pollinators ?

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  73. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute , New Delhi has released several vegetable crops that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Which of the following vegetables are not correctly grouped with the nutrient that they have been enriched with ?

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  74. Observe the following pedigree symbol . What does this symbol represent ?

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  75. Select the incorrect statement with respect to cartilage .

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  76. Which of the following describes the position of micropyle and chalaza in an orthotropous ovule ?

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  77. Select the correct pairing .

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  78. Which of the following is correct about pBR322 ?

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  79. Which of the following conclusions about a flower can't be deduced just by observing the floral formula ?

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  80. Which of these algae have a haplo - diplontic life cycle ?

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  81. Read the statements about ethylene given below and select the statements that are correct.
    a. Ethylene is a simple gaseous PGR.
    b. Ethylene breaks seed & bud dormancy.
    c. Ethylene is used to initiate flowering .
    d. Ethylene promotes root growth & root hair formation .

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  82. How many of the following diseases shows inheritance pattern similar to Mendelian factors ?
    Cystic fibrosis , Klinefelter's syndrome, Haemophilia , Down's syndrome , Sickle cell anemia , Colour blindness , Turner's syndrome , Thalassemia , Phenylketonuria

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  83. Identify the given figure .

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  84. The following is strip of MALA- D oral contraceptive pills . Which of these statements about it is true ?

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  85. For entry into the respiratory pathway , fatty acid must convert into

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  86. An angiospermic male plant with 24 chromosomes in its pollen mother cells is crossed with female plant bearing 24 chromosomes in its root cells . What would be the ploidy of embryo and endosperm respectively formed after this cross ?

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  87. Cockroach , a type of insect , has an organ for breaking down the food particles called

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  88. Read the following statements regarding living organisms . How many of the following statements are incorrect ?
    (i) As we go higher from species to kingdom, the number of common characteristics goes on increasing .
    (ii) Lower the taxa m more are the characteristics that the members within the taxon share.
    (iii) Lower the category , greater is the difficulty of determining the relationship to other taxa at the same level.
    (iv) All organisms , including those in plants and animal kingdom , have sub - species as the lowest obligate category

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  89. Which of these statements about transport in plant is incorrect ?

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  90. A woman whose mother is colourblind and father is haemophilic marries a man whose mother is haemophilic and father is colourblind. Which of the following is correct about its progeny?

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BIOLOGY questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 56 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 BIOLOGY NTA NEET SET 56