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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter NTA NEET SET 99 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterNTA NEET SET 99
Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An electron is at ground state of the H atom. The minimum energy required to excite the H atom into the second excited state is

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  2. A proton and an `alpha` particle accellerated throught the same potential differenc e enter a region of uniform magnetic field normally if the radius of the proton orbit is 10 cm ten radius of `alpha` particle is

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  3. Two identiacal masses are as shown in figure. One is thrown upwards with velocity 20 m/s and another is just dropped simultaneously.
    If the collision between them is elastic, find the time interval between their striking with ground

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  4. Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 4 kg are connected by a spring of negligible mass and placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. An impulse gives a velocity of `14 m//s` to the heavier block in the direction of the lighter block. The velocity of the centre of mass is

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  5. When a ceiling fan is switched off, its angular velocity reduces to 50% while it makes 36 rotations. How many more rotations will it make before coming to rest?(Assume uniform angular retardation)

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  6. Force between two identical charges placed at a distance of `r` in vacuum is `F`.Now a slab of dielectric constant 4 is inserted between these two charges . If the thickness of the slab is `r//2`, then the force between the charges will becomes

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  7. The current I in the given circuit is

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  8. In the circuit shown the ideal ammeter A reads a current of `I_1` , A . Now the source of e.m.f . and the ammeter are physically interchanged , i.e. . the source is out between B and C and the ammeter between A and B . The ammeter now reads a current of `I_2` A . Then -

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  9. The electric field strength in N `C^(-1)` that is required to just prevent a water drop carrying a change `1.6 xx 10^(-19)` C from falling under gravity is (g = 9.8 m `s^(-2)` , the mass of water drop = 0.0016 g )

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  10. A capacitor is made of a flat plate of area A and a second plate having a stair-like structure as shown in the diagram . The capacitance of the arrangement is -

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  11. In the given circuit the reading of voltmeters `V_1 andV_2` are 300 volt each . The reading of the voltmeter `V_3` and ammeter A are respectively

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  12. One conducting U tube can slide inside another as shown in figure, maintaining electrical contacts between the tubes. The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the plane of the figure. If each tube maoves towards the other at a constant speed v. Then the emf induced in the circuit in terms of B, l and v where l is the width of each tube will be

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  13. A satallite of mass `m`, initally at rest on the earth, is launched into a circular orbit at a height equal to the the radius of the earth. The minimum energy required is

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  14. Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the `n^(th) `power of distance. Then the time period of a planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be proportional to-

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  15. Three rods are made from the same material and having the same cross-sectional area and length have been joined as shown in the figure.

    The left end and right end are kept `0^@C and 100^@C` , respectively . The temperature of the junction of three rods will be

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  16. The value of the current `I_1,I_2 and I_3` flowing through the circuit given below is

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  17. Pressure `P`, Volume `V` and temperature `T` of a certain material are related by the `P=(alphaT^(2))/(V)`. Here `alpha` is constant. Work done by the material when temparature changes from `T_(0)` to `2T_(0)` while pressure remains constant is :

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  18. If a distance of 40 cm at an axial position of a dipole, the ''magnetic potential'' (analogous to electric potential) is `2.4xx10^(-5)"J A m"^(-1)` then the magnetic moment of the dipole is

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  19. An ionized gas contains both positive and negative ions . If it is subjected simultaneously to an electric field along the ` +x` - direction and a magnetic field along the ` +y` - direction and the negative ions towardws `-y` - direction

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  20. A particle moves along a straight line `OX`. At a time `t` (in seconds) the distance `x` (in metre) of the particle is given by `x = 40 +12 t - t^3`. How long would the particle travel before coming to rest ?

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  21. A piece of marble is projected from the earth's surface with a velocity of `50 m s^(-1)` . 2 s later , it just clears a wall 5 m high. What is the angle of projection ?

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  22. A `0.2 kg` object at rest is subjected to a force `(0.3hati-0.4hatj) N`. What is its velocity vector after `6 sec`

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  23. A cricket baal of mass 0.25 kg with speed 10 m/s collides with a bat and returns with same speed with in `0.01` s. The force acted on bat is

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  24. This binding energy per nucleon for the parent nucleus is `E_(1)` and that for the daughter nuclei is `E_(2)`. Then

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  25. The binding energies per nucleon for deuteron (`._1H^2`) and helium (`._2He^4)` are `1.1 MeV` and `7.0 MeV` respectively. The energy released when two deutrons fuse to form a helium nucleus (`._2He^4`) is……..

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  26. A stretched string of length ` 1 m` fixed at both ends , having a mass of `5 xx 10^(-4) kg` is under a tension of `20 N`. It is plucked at a point situated at `25 cm` from one end . The stretched string would vibrate with a frequency of

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  27. A particle executing SHM has a maximum speed of `0.5ms^(-1)` and maximum acceleration of `1.0ms^(-2)`. The angular frequency of oscillation is

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  28. If the work function for a certain metal is `3.2 xx 10^(-19)` joule and it is illuminated with light of frequency `8 xx 10^(14) Hz`. The maximum kinetic energy of the photo-electrons would be
    `(h = 6.63 xx 10^(-34) Js)`

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  29. For a certain metal `v = 2 v_(0)` and the electrons come out with a maximum velocity of `4 xx 10^(6)` m/s . If the value of ` v = 5 v_(0)` , then maximum velocity of the photoelectrons will be

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  30. A small ball of density `rho` is immersed in a liquid of density `sigma(gtrho)` to a depth `h` and released. The height above the surface of water up to which the ball will jump is

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  31. A body of density d is counterpoised by Mg of weights of density `d_1` in air of density d. Then the true mass of the body is

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  32. Refractive index of glass with respect to medium is `(4)/(3)`. If `v_(m) - v_(g) = 6.25 xx 10^(7)` m/s., then velocity of light in medium is

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  33. The refractive index of a material of a plano-concave lens is `5/3`, the radius of curvature is 0.3 m. The focal length of the lens in air is

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  34. Two uniform thin rods each of mass M and length I are placed along X and Y-axis with one end of each at the origin. M.I. of the system about Z-axis is

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  35. A soild cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 0.2 m is rotating about its owm axis without friction with an angular velocity of 3 rad `s^(-1)` . Angular momentum of the cylinder is

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  36. The given electrical network is equivalent to :

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  37. In a reverse biased diode, when the applied voltage changes by `1V`, the current is found to change by `0.5muA`. The reversebiase resistance of the diode is

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  38. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of oxygen and 4 moles of argon at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational modes , the total internal energy of the system is

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  39. If the speed of light c, acceleration due to gravity (g) and pressure (p) are taken as the fundamental quantities then the dimension of gravitational constant is

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  40. Light of wavelength 600 nm is incident normally on a slit of width 0.2 mm. The angular width of central maxima in the diffraction pattern is

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  41. Two coherent beams of wavelength `5000 Å` reaching point would individually produce in intensities 1.44 and 4.00 units . If they reach there together, the intensity is 10.24 units . Calculate the lowest phase difference with which the beams reach that point.

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  42. In a resonance tube, using a tuning fork of frequency `325 Hz`, the first two resonance lengths are observed at `25.4 cm` and `77.4 cm`. The speed of sound in air is

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  43. A sinusoidal wave with amplitude `y_(m)` is travellling with speed `V` on a stgring with linear density `rho`. The angular frequency of the wave is `omega`. The following conclusions are down. Mark the one which is correct.

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  44. Displacement x ( in meters ) , of a body of mass 1 kg as a function of time t, on a horizontal smooth surface , is given as `x = 2 t^2` Then work done in the first one second by the external force is

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  45. A spring, which is initially in its unstretched condition, is first stretched by a length x and then again by a further length x. The work done in the first case is `W_(1)` and in the second case is `W_(2)`.

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PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA NEET SET 99 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12

All Exercises from NTA MOCK TEST Class 12 PHYSICS NTA NEET SET 99