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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions74
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)=x^2/y^2` is

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  2. The general solution of the differential equaiton `(1+y^(2))dx+(1+x^(2))dy=0`, is

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  3. The order of the differential equation of all circle of radius r, having centre on y-axis and passing through the origin, is

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  4. Write the order of the differential equation whose solution is `y=acosx+b s in\ x+c e^(-x)dot`

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  5. The solution of the equation `(dy)/(dx)=(x+y)/(x-y)`, is

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  6. Writhe the order of the differential equation of the family of circles of radius `rdot`

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  7. The differential equation of all circles in the first quadrant which touch the coordiante axes is of order

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  8. The differential equation whose solution is `(x-h)^2+ (y-k)^2=a^2` is (a is a constant)

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  9. The differential equationy `y (dy)/(dx)+x=a` (a is any constant) represents

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  10. The differential equation of displacement of all "Simple harmonic motions" of given period `(2p)/n,` is

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  11. The differential equation of family of curves whose tangent form an angle of `pi/4` with the hyperbola `xy=C^2` is

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  12. The differential equation of all parabolas whose axis are parallel to the y-axis is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) (f) d^(( g )3( h ))( i ) y)/( j )(( k ) d (l) x^(( m )3( n ))( o ))( p ) (q)=0( r )` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) (v)(( w ) (x) d^(( y )2( z ))( a a ) x)/( b b )(( c c ) d (dd) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ))( h h ) (ii)=C (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) (h) d^(( i )3( j ))( k ) y)/( l )(( m ) d (n) x^(( o )3( p ))( q ))( r ) (s)+( t )(( u ) (v) d^(( w )2( x ))( y ) x)/( z )(( a a ) d (bb) y^(( c c )2( d d ))( e e ))( f f ) (gg)=0( h h )` (ii) (d) `( j j ) (kk) (ll)(( m m ) (nn) d^(( o o )2( p p ))( q q ) y)/( r r )(( s s ) d (tt) x^(( u u )2( v v ))( w w ))( x x ) (yy)+2( z z )(( a a a ) dy)/( b b b )(( c c c ) dx)( d d d ) (eee)=C (fff)` (ggg)

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  13. Find the curve for which the length of normal is equal to the radius vector.

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  14. The differential equation of all parabola having their axis of symmetry coinciding with the x-axis is

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  15. The equation of a curve passing through `(2,7/2)` and having gradient `1-1/(x^2)` at `(x , y)` is (a) `( b ) (c) y=( d ) x^(( e )2( f ))( g )+x+1( h )` (i) (b) `( j ) (k) x y=( l ) x^(( m )2( n ))( o )+x+1( p )` (q) (c) `( d ) (e) x y=x+1( f )` (g) (d) None of these

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  16. The equation of the curve through the point `(1,0)`, whose slope is `(y-1)/(x^2+x)`

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  17. The slope of a curve at any point is the reciprocal of twice the ordinate at that point and it passes through the point(4,3). The equation of the curve is:

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  18. A partical moves in a straight line with a velocity given by `(dx)/(dt)=x+1` (x is the distance described). The time taken by a particle to traverse a distance of 99 metres, is

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  19. If `dy/dx=e^(-2y) and y=0` when `x=5,` then the value of x for `y=3` is

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  20. The equation of curve passing through origin and satisfying the differential equation `(1 + x^2)dy/dx + 2xy = 4x^2` , is

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  21. The slope of the tangent at `(x , y)` to a curve passing through `(1,pi/4)` is given by `y/x-cos^2(y/x),` then the equation of the curve is (a) `( b ) (c) y=( d ) (e)tan^(( f ) (g)-1( h ))( i )(( j ) (k)log(( l ) (m) (n) e/( o ) x (p) (q) (r))( s ))( t )` (u) (v) `( w ) (x) y=x (y) (z)tan^(( a a ) (bb)-1( c c ))( d d )(( e e ) (ff)log(( g g ) (hh) (ii) x/( j j ) e (kk) (ll) (mm))( n n ))( o o )` (pp) (qq) `( r r ) (ss) y=x (tt) (uu)tan^(( v v ) (ww)-1( x x ))( y y )(( z z ) (aaa)log(( b b b ) (ccc) (ddd) e/( e e e ) x (fff) (ggg) (hhh))( i i i ))( j j j )` (kkk) (d) none of these

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  22. If `phi (x)=phi '(x)` and `phi(1)=2`, then `phi(3)` equals

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  23. If f(x), g(x) be twice differentiable functions on [0,2] satisfying `f''(x) = g''(x)` ,`f'(1) = 2g'(1) = 4` and `f(2) = 3 g(2) = 9`, then `f(x)-g(x)` at x = 4 equals (A) 0 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 2

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  24. The curve in which the slope of the tangent at any point equal the ratio of the abscissa to the ordinate of the point is

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  25. The curve in the first quadrant for which the normal at any point `(x , y)` and the line joining the origin to that point form an isosceles triangle with the x-axis as base is (a) an ellipse (b) a rectangular hyperbola (c) a circle (d) None of these

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  26. The function `f(theta)=d/(dtheta)int_0^theta(dx)/(1-costhetacosx)` satisfies the differential equation (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) df(( f )theta( g )))/( h )(( i ) dtheta)( j ) (k)+2f(( l )theta( m ))=0( n )` (o) (p) `( q ) (r) (s)(( t ) df)/( u )(( v ) dtheta)( w ) (x)-2f(( y )theta( z ))cottheta=0( a a )` (bb) (cc) `( d d ) (ee) (ff)(( g g ) df)/( h h )(( i i ) dtheta)( j j ) (kk)+2f(( l l )theta( m m ))=0( n n )` (oo) (d) `( p p ) (qq) (rr)(( s s ) df)/( t t )(( u u ) dtheta)( v v ) (ww)-2(( x x )theta( y y ))=0( z z )` (aaa)

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  27. The differential equation of all ellipses centred at the origin is

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  28. The differential equation of the curve for which the initial ordinate of any tangent is equal to the corresponding subnormal (a) is linear (b) is homogeneous of second degree (c) has separable variables (d) is of second order

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  29. The equation of the curve whose subnormal is constant is

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  30. The degree of the differential equation
    `y_(3)^(2//3)+2+3y_(2)+y_(1)=0`, is

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  31. The degree of the differential equation satisfying
    `sqrt(1-x^(2))+sqrt(1-y^(2))=a(x-y)`, is

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  32. The order of the differential equation whose general solution is given by `y=(C_1+C_2)cos(x+C_3)-C_4e^(x+4_5),` where `C_1,C_2,C_3,C_4,C_5` , are arbitrary constants, is (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

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  33. The equation of the curve satisfying the differential equation `y^2 (x^2 + 1) = 2xy` passing through the point (0,1) and having slope of tangnet at `x = 0` as 3, is (Here `y=(dy)/(dx)andy_2=(d^2y)/(dx^2))`

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  34. A differential equation associated to the primitive `y=a+b e^(5x)+c e^(-7x)` is (where `y_n` is `n t h` derivative w.r.t. `x)` (a) `( b ) (c) (d) y_( e )3( f ) (g)+2( h ) y_( i )2( j ) (k)-( l ) y_( m )1( n ) (o)=0( p )` (q) (r) `( s ) (t)4( u ) y_( v )3( w ) (x)+5( y ) y_( z )2( a a ) (bb)-20 (cc) y_( d d )1( e e ) (ff)=0( g g )` (hh) (ii) `( j j ) (kk) (ll) y_( m m )3( n n ) (oo)+2( p p ) y_( q q )2( r r ) (ss)-35 (tt) y_( u u )1( v v ) (ww)=0( x x )` (yy) (d) none of these (zz) `( a a a ) (bbb) w h e r e( c c c )` (ddd) y_n reprersents `( e e e ) (fff) n t h (ggg)` (hhh) order derivative.

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  35. Write the order of the differential equation associated with the primitive `y=C_1+C_2e^x+C_3e^(-2x+C_4),\ w h e r e\ C_1, C_2, C-3,\ C_4` are arbitrary constants.

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  36. Obtain the differential equation of the family of circles passing through the point (a,0) and (-a,0).

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  37. The solution of the differential equation `(dy/dx)((d^3y)/dx^3)=3(d^2x)/dy^2 `, is

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  38. The degree and order of the differential equation of the family of all parabolas whose axis is x-axs are respectively

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  39. The differential equation of all parabolas whose axis are parallel to the y-axis is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) (f) d^(( g )3( h ))( i ) y)/( j )(( k ) d (l) x^(( m )3( n ))( o ))( p ) (q)=0( r )` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) (v)(( w ) (x) d^(( y )2( z ))( a a ) x)/( b b )(( c c ) d (dd) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ))( h h ) (ii)=C (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) (h) d^(( i )3( j ))( k ) y)/( l )(( m ) d (n) x^(( o )3( p ))( q ))( r ) (s)+( t )(( u ) (v) d^(( w )2( x ))( y ) x)/( z )(( a a ) d (bb) y^(( c c )2( d d ))( e e ))( f f ) (gg)=0( h h )` (ii) (d) `( j j ) (kk) (ll)(( m m ) (nn) d^(( o o )2( p p ))( q q ) y)/( r r )(( s s ) d (tt) x^(( u u )2( v v ))( w w ))( x x ) (yy)+2( z z )(( a a a ) dy)/( b b b )(( c c c ) dx)( d d d ) (eee)=C (fff)` (ggg)

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  40. The equation of the curve which is such that the portion of the axis of `x` cut off between the origin and tangent at any point is proportional to the ordinate of that point is (a) `( b ) (c) x=y(a-blogx)( d )` (e) (f) `( g ) (h)logx=b (i) y^(( j )2( k ))( l )+a (m)` (n) (o) `( p ) (q) (r) x^(( s )2( t ))( u )=y(a-blogy)( v )` (w) (d) None of these

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  41. The solution of `(dy)/(dx)=(a x+h)/(b y+k)` represent a parabola when (a) `( b ) (c) a=0,b!=0( d )` (e) (b) `( f ) (g) a!=0,b!=0( h )` (i) (c) `( d ) (e) b=0,a!=0( f )` (g) (d) `( h ) (i) a=0,b in R (j)` (k)

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  42. The solution of the differential equation `y(dy)/(dx)=x-1` satisfying y(1) = 1, is

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  43. The differential equation of the family of circles of fixed radius `r` and having their centres on `y`-axis is:

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  44. The solution of `(d v)/(dt)+k/m v=-g` is (a) `( b ) (c) v=c (d) e^(( e ) (f) (g) k/( h )g( i ) (j) t (k))( l )-( m )(( n ) mg)/( o ) k (p) (q) (r)` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) v=c-( v )(( w ) mg)/( x ) k (y) (z) (aa) e^(( b b ) (cc) (dd) k/( e e ) m (ff) (gg) t (hh))( i i ) (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) v (f) e^(( g ) (h) (i) k/( j ) m (k) (l) t (m))( n )=c-( o )(( p ) mg)/( q ) k (r) (s) (t)` (u) (d) `( v ) (w) v (x) e^(( y ) (z) (aa) k/( b b ) m (cc) (dd) t (ee))( f f )=c-( g g )(( h h ) mg)/( i i ) k (jj) (kk) (ll)` (mm)

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  45. The solution of` y dx-xdy+3x^2 y^2 e^(x^3)` dx = 0 is

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  46. The curve for which the length of the normal is equal to the length of the radius vector is/are (a) circles (b) rectangular hyperbola (c) ellipses (d) straight lines

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  47. The family of curves represented by `(dy)/(dx)=(x^(2)+x+1)/(y^(2)+y+1)` and the family represented by `(dy)/(dx)+(y^(2)+y+1)/(x^(2)+x+1)=0`

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  48. The form of the differential equation of the central conics, is

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  49. The solution of the differential eqaution
    `(x^(2)-yx^(2))(dy)/(dx)+y^(2)+xy^(2)=0`, is

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  50. The solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+(2x)/(1+x^2) y=1/(1+x^2)^2`, is

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  51. The equation of the curve through the point (1,0) which satisfies the differential equatoin `(1+y^(2))dx-xydy=0`, is

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  52. The differential equation of family of curves `x^(2)+y^(2)-2ax=0`, is

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  53. The solution of the differential equation
    `(dy)/(dx)-(tany)/(x)=(tanysiny)/(x^(2))`, is

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  54. The solution of `(dy)/(dx)+2y tanx=sinx,` is

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  55. The solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+(y)/(x)=x^(2)`, is

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  56. The solution of differential equation
    `(1+y^(2))+(x-e^(tan^(-1)y))(dy)/(dx)=0`, is

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  57. Solution of `x(dy)/(dx)+y=xe^(x)`, is

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  58. The tangent at any point `(x , y)` of a curve makes an angle `tan^(-1)(2x+3y)` with x-axis. Find the equation of the curve if it passes through (1,2).

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  59. The integrating factor of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+y=(1+y)/(x)`, is

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  60. The degree of the differential equation corresponding to the family of curves `y=a(x+a)^(2)`, where a is an arbitrary constant is

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  61. The degree of the differential equation of all curves having normal of constant length 'c' is

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  62. The differential equation of the family of ellipses having major and minor axes respectively along the x and y-axes and minor axis is equal to half of the major axis, is

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  63. The degree of the differential equation satisfying the relation `sqrt(1+x^2) + sqrt(1+y^2) = lambda (x sqrt(1+y^2)- ysqrt(1+x^2))` is

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  64. The differential eqaution of the family of curve `y^(2)=4a(x+1)`, is

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  65. Find the equation of the curve in which the subnormal varies as the square of the ordinate.

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  66. Solution of the differential equation `xdy-ydx=0` represents

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  67. The equation of the curve whose subnormal is twice the abscissa, is

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  68. The solution of the differential equation
    `(x)/(x^(2)+y^(2))dy=((y)/(x^(2)+y^(2))-1)dx`, is

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  69. A curve passes through the point (0,1) and the gradient at (x,y) on it is `y(xy-1)`. The equation of the curve is

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  70. The equation of the curve through the point `(1,0)`, whose slope is `(y-1)/(x^2+x)`

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  71. The differential equation for which `sin^(-1) x + sin^(-1) y = c` is given by

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  72. Solution of the differential equation `(dx)/(x)+(dy)/(y)=0` is

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  73. The order of the differential equation of family of circles touching two given circles externally is

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  74. The function `f(x) ` satisfying the equation `f^2 (x) + 4 f'(x) f(x) + (f'(x))^2 = 0`

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12