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Complete Solutions to Section I - Solved Mcqs of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
OBJECTIVE RD SHARMASection I - Solved Mcqs
Number Of Questions48
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The degree of the differential equation `x=1+((dy)/(dx))+1/(2!)((dy)/(dx))^2+1/(3!)((dy)/(dx))^3+.............` (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) not defined

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  2. The order and degree of differential equation of all tangent lines to parabola `x^2=4y` is

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  3. The differential equation of the rectangular hyperbola whose axes are the asymptotes of the hyperbola, is

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  4. The differential equation of all ellipses with centres at the origin and the ends of one axis of symmetry at `(pm1,0)`, is

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  5. Let F be the family of ellipse whose centre is the origin and major axis is the y-axis. Then the differential equation of family F is

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  6. The differential equation of the family of parabola with focus at the origin and the x-axis an axis, is

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  7. The differential equation of all conics whose centre lie at the origin is of order

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  8. The differential equation of all conics whose axes coincide with the coordinate axes, is

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  9. The degree of the differential equation satisfying
    `sqrt(1-x^(2))+sqrt(1-y^(2))=a(x-y)`, is

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  10. The order of the differential equation whose general solution is given by `y=(C_(1)+C_(2))sin(x+C_(3))-C_(4)e^(x+(C_(5))`, is

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  11. The degree and order of the differential equation of the family of all parabolas whose axis is x-axs are respectively

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  12. The differential equation of all parabolas whose axis are parallel to the y-axis is (a) `( b ) (c) (d)(( e ) (f) d^(( g )3( h ))( i ) y)/( j )(( k ) d (l) x^(( m )3( n ))( o ))( p ) (q)=0( r )` (s) (b) `( t ) (u) (v)(( w ) (x) d^(( y )2( z ))( a a ) x)/( b b )(( c c ) d (dd) y^(( e e )2( f f ))( g g ))( h h ) (ii)=C (jj)` (kk) (c) `( d ) (e) (f)(( g ) (h) d^(( i )3( j ))( k ) y)/( l )(( m ) d (n) x^(( o )3( p ))( q ))( r ) (s)+( t )(( u ) (v) d^(( w )2( x ))( y ) x)/( z )(( a a ) d (bb) y^(( c c )2( d d ))( e e ))( f f ) (gg)=0( h h )` (ii) (d) `( j j ) (kk) (ll)(( m m ) (nn) d^(( o o )2( p p ))( q q ) y)/( r r )(( s s ) d (tt) x^(( u u )2( v v ))( w w ))( x x ) (yy)+2( z z )(( a a a ) dy)/( b b b )(( c c c ) dx)( d d d ) (eee)=C (fff)` (ggg)

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  13. Find the differential equation of all the circles which pass through the origin and whose centres lie on y-axis.

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  14. The differential equation for the family of curves `x^(2)-y^(2)-2ay=0`, where a is an arbitrary constant, is

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  15. The equation of the curve in which the portion of the tangent included between the coordinate axes is bisected at the point of contact, is

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  16. The solution of the differential equation `x=1+x y(dy)/(dx)+(x^2y^2)/(2!)((dy)/d)^2+(x^3y^3)/(3!)((dy)/(dx))^3+ i s` (a) `( b ) (c) y=1n(( d ) x (e))+c (f)` (g) (b) `( h ) (i) (j) y^(( k )2( l ))( m )=( n ) (o)(( p ) (q)1nx (r))^(( s )2( t ))( u )+c (v)` (w) (c) `( d ) (e) y=logx+x y (f)` (g) (d) `( h ) (i) x y=( j ) x^(( k ) y (l))( m )+c (n)` (o)

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  17. If the solution of the differential equation
    represents a circle, then the value of 'a' is

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  18. Integral curve satisfying `y'=(x^2+y^2)/(x^2-y^2)`, has the slope at the point (1,0) of the curve equal to

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  19. The solution of the differential equation `(xy^4 + y) dx-x dy = 0,` is

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  20. The solution of the differential equation `(x+y)(dx-dy)=dx+dy`, is

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  21. Solution of the differential equation

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  22. If a an arbitrary constant, then solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+sqrt((1-y^(2))/(1-x^(2)))=0` is

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  23. A curve having the condition that the slope of the tangent at some point is two times the slope of the straight line joining the same point to the origin of coordinates is a/an

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  24. The orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves an `a^(n-1)y = x^n` are given by (A) `x^n+n^2y=constant` (B) `ny^2+x^2=constant` (C) `n^2x+y^n=constant` (D) `y=x`

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  25. The orthogonal trajectories of the family of circles given by `x^2 + y^2 - 2ay = 0`, is

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  26. If `phi(x)` is a differentiable function, then the solution of the different equation `dy+{y phi' (x) - phi (x) phi'(x)} dx=0,` is

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  27. The solution of the differential equation `y(xy + 2x^2y^2) dx + x(xy-x^2y^2)dy = 0`, is given by

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  28. The equation of the family of curves which intersect the hyperbola xy-2 orthogonally is

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  29. If `x(t)` is a solution of `((1+t)dy)/(dx)-t y=1` and `y(0)=-1` then `y(1)` is (a) `( b ) (c)-( d )1/( e )2( f ) (g) (h)` (i) (b) `( j ) (k) e+( l )1/( m )2( n ) (o) (p)` (q) (c) `( d ) (e) e-( f )1/( g )2( h ) (i) (j)` (k) (d) `( l ) (m) (n)1/( o )2( p ) (q) (r)` (s)

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  30. The solution of differential equation
    `(1+y^(2))+(x-e^(tan^(-1)y))(dy)/(dx)=0`, is

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  31. If `sinx` is an integrating factor of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+P y=Q` , then write the value of `Pdot`

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  32. A function `y=f(x)` has a second order derivative `f"(x)=6(x-1)`. If its graph passes through the point `(2,1)` and at that point the tangent to the graph is `y=3x-5` then the function is

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  33. If `xdy = y(dx + ydy); y(1) = 1 and y(x) > 0`, then what is `y(-3)` equal to?

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  34. Tangent is drawn at any point P of a curve which passes through `(1, 1)` cutting x-axis and y-axis at A and B respectively. If `AP: BP = 3:1`, then,

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  35. Let f be a non-negative function defined on the interval .[0,1].If `int_0^x sqrt[1-(f'(t))^2].dt`=`int_0^x f(t).dt`, `0<=x<=1` and f(0)=0,then

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  36. Solution of the differential equation
    `cosxdy=y(sinx-y)dx, 0ltxlt(pi)/(2)`is

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  37. Let `f:[1,oo]` be a differentiable function such that `f(1)=2.` If `int_1^xf(t)dt=3xf(x)-x^3` for all `xgeq1,` then the value of `f(2)` is

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  38. If `(dy)/(dx)=y+3 and y(0)=2`, then y(ln 2) is equal to

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  39. Consider the differential equation `y^2dx+(x-1/y)dy=0` if `y(1)=1` then `x` is

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  40. The curve that passes through the point `(2, 3)` and has the property that the segment of any tangent to it lying between the coordinate axes is bisected by the point of contact, is given by

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  41. Let I be the purchase value of an equipment and V(t) be the value after it has been used for t years. The value V(t) depreciates at a rate given by differential equation `(d V(t)/(dt)=-k(T-t)` , where `k"">""0` is a constant and T is the total life in years of the equipment. Then the scrap value V(T) of the equipment is : (1) `T^2-1/k` (2) `I-(k T^2)/2` (3) `I-(k(T-t)^2)/2` (4) `e^(-k T)`

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  42. The general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx)+(2)/(x)y=x^(2)`, is

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  43. If y(x) satisfies the differential equation `y'-y tan x=2x and y(0)=0`, then

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  44. A curve passes through the point `(1,pi/6)`. Let the slope of the curve at each point `(x , y)` be `y/x+sec(y/x)` , `x > 0.` Then the equation of the curve is

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  45. Consider the family of all circles whose centers lie on the straight line `y=x` . If this family of circles is represented by the differential equation `P y^+Q y^(prime)+1=0,` where `P ,Q` are functions of `x , y` and `y^(prime)(h e r ey^(prime)=(dy)/(dx),y^=(d^2y)/(dx^2)),` then which of the following statements is (are) true? (a) `( b ) (c) P=y+x (d)` (e) (b) `( f ) (g) P=y-x (h)` (i) (c) `( d ) (e) P+Q=1-x+y+y +( f ) (g)(( h ) (i) y^(( j )prime( k ))( l ) ( m ))^(( n )2( o ))( p ) (q)` (r) (s) `( t ) (u) P-Q=x+y-y -( v ) (w)(( x ) (y) y^(( z )prime( a a ))( b b ) ( c c ))^(( d d )2( e e ))( f f ) (gg)` (hh)

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  46. The sum of the squares of the perpendicular drawn from the points (0,1) and `(0,-1)` to any tangent to a curve is 2. The equation of the curve, is

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  47. The solution of the equation `(2+x)dy-ydx=0` represents a curve passing through a fixed point P, then the area of equilateral triangle with P as one vertex and `x+y=0` as its one side, is

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  48. If `(dx)/(dy)=(e^(y)-x)`, where y(0)=0, then y is expressed explicitly as

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Section I - Solved Mcqs questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12