Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter ALGEBRA OF VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A point O is the centre of a circle circumscribed about a triangle ABC. Then,
    `O vec A sin 2 A + O vec B sin 2 B + O vec C sin 2 C ` is equal to

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  2. The vectors `2 hati + 3 hatj , 5 hati + 6hatj and 8 hati + lambda hatj ` have their initial points at (1, 1). The value of `lambda` so that the vectors terminate on one straight line, is

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  3. If ` 4 hati + 7 hat j + 8 hatk, 2 hati +3 hatj + 4 hatk and 2 hati + 5 hatj + 7 hatk ` are the position vectors of the vertices A, B and C respectively of triangle ABC . The position vector of the point where the bisector of angle A meets BC, is

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  4. If ` vec a\ ` is a non zero vecrtor iof modulus ` vec a\ a n d\ m` is a non zero scalar such that `m a` is a unit vector, write the value of `mdot`

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  5. D, E and F are the mid-points of the sides BC, CA and AB respectively of `Delta ABC` and G is the centroid of the triangle, then `vec(GD) + vec(GE) + vec(GF) = `

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  6. If `veca, vecb, vecc` are the position vectors of the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose orthocenter is at the origin, then

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  7. If P, Q, R are three points with respective position vectors `hati + hatj, hati -hatj and a hati + b hatj + c hatk .` The points P, Q, R are collinear, if

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  8. Let ABC be a triangle, the position vectors of whose vertices are respectively `7 hatj + 10 hatk , -hati + 6 hat j + 6 hatk and -4 hati + 9 hatj + 6 hat k . " Then, " Delta ABC ` is

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  9. If ` vec a = hati + 2 hatj + 2 hat k and vec b = 3 hati + 6 hatj + 2 hat k ` then the vector in the direction of ` vec a ` and having mgnitude as `|vec b|` is

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  10. `veca , vec b , vec c ` are non-coplanar vectors and ` x vec a + y vec b + z vec c = vec 0` then

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  11. The vector ` vec c `, directed along the internal bisector of the angle between the vectors `vec c = 7 hati - 4 hatj - 4hatk and vecb = -2hati - hatj + 2 hatk " with " |vec c| = 5 sqrt(6),` is

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  12. A, B have vectors ` vec a , vec b ` relative to the origin O and X, Y divide ` vec(AB)` internally and externally respectively in the ratio `2:1` . Then , `vec (XY)=`

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  13. If a vector ofmagnitude 50 is collinear with vector `vecb = 6 hat i - 8 hat j-15/2 hat k` and makes an acute anlewih positive z-axis then:

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  14. The vector ` vec c `, directed along the internal bisector of the angle between the vectors `vec c = 7 hati - 4 hatj - 4hatk and vecb = -2hati - hatj + 2 hatk " with " |vec c| = 5 sqrt(6),` is

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  15. Let ` vec a , vec b ,vec c ` are three non- coplanar vectors such that
    `vecr_(1)=veca + vec c , vecr_(2)= vec b+vec c -veca , vec r_(3) = vec c + vec a + vecb, vec r = 2 vec a - 3 vec b + 4 vec c. `
    If `vec r = lambda_(1)vecr_(1)+lambda_(2)vecr_(2)+lambda_(3)vecr_(3)`, then

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  16. If ` vec a, vec b , vec c ` are three non- coplanar vectors such that ` vec a + vec b + vec c = alpha vec d and vec b +vec c + vec d = beta vec a, " then " vec a + vec b + vec c + vec d ` to equal to

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  17. `veca, vecb ,vecc` are three non zero vectors no two of which are collonear and the vectors `veca + vecb` be collinear with `vecc,vecb+vecc` to collinear with `veca` then `veca+vecb+vecc` the equal to ? (A) `veca` (B) `vecb` (C) `vecc` (D) None of these

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  18. Let `alpha, beta, gamma` be distinct real numbers. The points with position vectors `alpha hati + beta hatj +gamma hat k , beta hati + gamma hatj +alpha hat k , gamma hati +alpha hatj + beta hatk`

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  19. The points with position vectors `60hati+3hatj,40hati-8hatj, 40hati-8hatj,ahati-52hatj` are collinear iff (A) `a=-40` (B) `a=40` (C) `a=20` (D) none of these

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  20. If the points with position vectors `10 hat i+3 hat j ,12 hat i-5 hat j` and `a hat i+11 hat j` are collinear, find the value of `adot`

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  21. If C is the middle point of AB and P is any point outside AB, then

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  22. The median AD of the triangle ABC is bisected at E and BE meets AC at F. Find AF:FC.

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  23. In a trapezium ABCD the vector `B vec C = lambda vec(AD).` If `vec p = A vec C + vec(BD)` is coillinear with `vec(AD)` such that `vec p = mu vec (AD),` then

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  24. If `vec x` and `vec y` are two non-collinear vectors and ABC is a triangle with side lengths a,b and c satisfying (20a-15b)`vec x` + (15b-12c)`vec y` + (12c-20a)`vec x xx vec y` is:

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  25. If D, E, F are respectively the mid-points of AB, AC and BC respectively in a ` Delta ABC, " then " vec (BE) + vec(AF) =`

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  26. Forces `3 O vec A , 5 O vec B ` act along OA and OB. If their resultant passes through C on AB, then

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  27. If `ABCDEF` is a regular hexagon with `vec(AB) = veca` and `vec(BC)= vecb,` then `vec(CE)` equals

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  28. If A, B, C are vertices of a triangle whose position vectors are `vec a, vec b and vec c` respectively and G is the centroid of `Delta ABC, " then " vec(GA) + vec(GB) + vec(GC),` is

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  29. Let `vec a=hati -2 hatj + 3 hatk, vec b = 3 hati + 3 hatj -hat k and vec c=d hati + hatj + (2d-1) hat k ." If " vec c` is parallel to the plane of the vectors `veca and vec b, " then " 11 d =`

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  30. If G is the intersection of diagonals of a parallelogram ABCD and O is any point, then ` O vecA + O vec B + O vec C + vec (OD) = `

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter ALGEBRA OF VECTORS of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12