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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter ALGEBRA OF VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `A B C D` is a rhombus whose diagonals cut at the origin `O ,` then proved that ` vec O A+ vec O B+ vec O C+ vec O D+ vec Odot`

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  2. If C is the mid point of AB and P is any point outside AB then

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  3. If sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector; prove that the magnitude of their difference is `sqrt3`

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  4. The non-zero vectors are `vec a,vec b and vec c` are related by `vec a= 8vec b and vec c = -7vec b`. Then the angle between `vec a and vec c` is

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  5. If `ABCDEF` is a regular hexagon [नियमित षट्भुज] with `vec(AB) = veca` and `vec(BC)= vecb,` then `vec(CE)` equals

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  6. If `vec (a )` and `vec (b)` are position vectors ( स्थिति सदिश) of `A` and `B` respectively the position vector of a point `C` on `AB` produced such that `vec(AC)=3 vec(AB)` is

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  7. Let `vec(A)D` be the angle bisector of `angle A" of " Delta ABC ` such that `vec(A)D=alpha vec(A)B+beta vec(A)C,` then

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  8. Let `D ,Ea n dF` be the middle points of the sides `B C ,C Aa n dA B ,` respectively of a triangle `A B Cdot` Then prove that ` vec A D+ vec B E+ vec C F= vec0` .

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  9. G is a point inside the plane of the triangle `ABC, vecGA + vecGB + vecGC=0`, then show that G is the centroid of triangle ABC.

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  10. If the vectors `vec(A) B = 3 hat(i)+4 hat (k) and vec(AC) = 5 hat(i)-2 hat(j)+4hat(k)` are the sides of a triangle ABC, then the length of the median through A is

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  11. Let ABC be a triangle having its centroid its centroid at G. If S is any point in the plane of the triangle, then `vec(SA) + vec(SB)+vec(SC)=`

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  12. If `O\ a n d\ O^(prime)` are circumcentre and orthocentre of `\ A B C ,\ t h e n\ vec O A+ vec O B+ vec O C` equals `2 vec O O '` b. ` vec O O '` c. ` vec O ' O` d. `2 vec O ' O`

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  13. If O is the circumcentre, G is the centroid and O' is orthocentre or triangle ABC then prove that: `vec(OA) +vec(OB)+vec(OC)=vec(OO')`

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  14. Let ABC be a triangle whose circumcentre is at P. If the position vectors of A, B, C and P are `vec(a) , vec(b) , vec(c ) and (vec(a) + vec(b) + vec(c ))/(4) `
    respectively, then the position vector of the orthocentre of this triangle is

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  15. Consider `triangleABC` and `triangleA_1B_1C_1` in such a way that `bar(AB)=bar(A_1B_1)` and `M, N, M_1 ,N_1` be the midpoints of `AB, BC, A_1B_1 and B_1C_1` respectively, then

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  16. Let `A B C D` be a p[arallelogram whose diagonals intersect at `P` and let `O` be the origin. Then prove that ` vec O A+ vec O B+ vec O C+ vec O D=4 vec O Pdot`

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  17. If A, B, C, D be any four points and E and F be the middle points of AC and BD respectively, then `A vec(B) + C vec(B) +C vec (D) + vec(AD)` is equal to

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  18. Given that the vectors `vec(a) and vec(b)` are non- collinear, the values of x and y for which the vector equality ` 2 vec(u) -vec(v)= vec(w)` holds true if `vec(u) = x vec(a) + 2y vec(b), vec(v)= - 2 y vec (a) + 3 x vec(b), vec(w) = 4 vec(a)-2 vec(b) ` are

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  19. Let ` vec a , vec b, vec c` be three non-zero vectors such that any two of them are non-collinear. If ` vec a+2 vec b` is collinear with ` vec c` and `vec b+3 vec c` is collinear with ` vec a` then ` vec a+2 vec b+6 vec c= `

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  20. If ` vec a ,\ vec b ,\ vec c` are three non-zero vectors, no two f thich are collinear and the vector ` vec a+ vec b` is collinear with ` vec c ,\ vec b+ vec c` is collinear with ` vec a ,\ t h e n\ vec a+ vec b+ vec c =`

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  21. If `|vec (AO) +vec (OB)| =|vec(BO) + vec(OC)|` , then `A, B, C` form

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  22. If the position vector of these points are `vec(a) -vec(b)+3 vec(c ), 2 vec(a)+3vec(b)-4 vec( c) ,-7 vec(b) + 10 vec(c ) , ` then the three points are

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  23. Three points with position vectors `vec(a), vec(b), vec(c ) ` will be collinear if there exist scalars x, y, z such that

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  24. The position vectors of the vectices A, B, C of a `triangle ABC " are " hati - hat j - 3 hat k , 2 hati + hat j - 2 hat k and - 5 hati + 2 hat j - 6 hat k `
    respectively. The length of the bisector AD of the angle `angle BAC ` where D is on the line segment BC, is

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  25. Consider points A, B, C and D with position vectors `7 hati - 4 hat j + 7 hat k , hati - 6 hat j + 10 hat k , - hati - 3 hatj + 4 hatk and 5 hati - hatj + hatk ` respectively. Then, ABCD is a

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  26. If the vectors `vec(A) B = 3 hat(i)+4 hat (k) and vec(AC) = 5 hat(i)-2 hat(j)+4hat(k)` are the sides of a triangle ABC, then the length of the median through A is

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  27. The sides of a parallelogram are `2 hati + 4 hatj -5 hatk and hati + 2 hatj + 3 hatk `, then the unit vector parallel to one of the diagonals is

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  28. If the points `P( veca + 2 vec b + vec c ), Q (2 veca + 3 vecb), R (vecb+ t vec c ) ` are collinear, where `veca , vec b , vec c ` are non-coplanar vectors, the value of t is

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  29. A vector coplanar with vectors `hati + hatj and hat j + hatk ` and parallel to the vector `2hati -2 hatj - 4 hatk , ` is

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  30. Let co-ordinates of a point 'p' with respectto the system non-coplanar vectors `veca, vecb and vecc` is (3, 2, 1). Then, co-ordinates of 'p'with respect to the system of vectors `vec a+vec b+vec c,vec a-vecb+vec c. vec a+vec b- vec c`

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  31. Suppose that `vec p , vec q and vec r ` non- coplanar vectors in `R^(3)` . Let the components of a vector `vec s " along " vec p , vec q and vec r ` be 4, 3 and 5 respectively. If the components of this vectors `vec s " along " -vec p + vec q + vec r , vec p - vec q + vec r and - vec p - vecq + vec r ` are x , y and z respectively, then the value of `2x-y+z,` is

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  32. If `(x,y,z) ne (0,0,0) and (hati + hatj +3hatk )x + (3 hati - 3 hatj + hatk )y +(-4 hati + 5 hatj ) z` `= a (x hati + y hatj + z hatk ),` then the values of a are

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  33. The vector ` vec a=""alpha hat i+2 hat j+""beta hat k` lies in the plane of the vectors ` vec b="" hat"i"+ hat j` and ` vec c= hat j+ hat k` and bisects the angle between ` vec b` and ` vec c` . Then which one of the following gives possible values of `alpha` and `beta` ?

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  34. If ` vec a ,\ vec b` are the vectors forming consecutive sides of a regular of a regular hexagon `A B C D E F ,\ ` then the vector representing side `C D` is

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  35. In a regualr hexagon ABCDEF, `A vecB = vec a, B vec C = vecb and C vec D = vec c. " Then " A vec E = `

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  36. If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon , then `A vec D + E vec B + F vec C ` equals

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  37. If ` vec a , vec b , vec c and vec d ` are the position vectors of points A, B, C, D such that no three of them are collinear and ` vec a + vec c = vec b + vec d ,` then ABCD is a

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  38. ABCDEF si a regular hexagon with centre at the origin such that `A vec D + E vec B + F vec C = lambda E vec D . " Then, " lambda ` equals

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  39. ABCD is a parallelogram with AC and BD as diagonals. Then, `A vec C - B vec D = `

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  40. If `OACB` is a parallelogram with `vec(OC) =vec a and vec(AB) = vec b`, then `vec(OA)` is equal to

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  41. If G is the intersection of diagonals of a parallelogram ABCD and O is any point, then ` O vecA + O vec B + O vec C + vec (OD) = `

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  42. Let G be the centroid of `Delta` ABC , If `vec(AB) = vec a , vec(AC) = vec b,` then the `vec(AG),` in terms of `vec a and vec b, ` is

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  43. The position vectors of the points A, B, C are `2 hati + hatj - hatk , 3 hati - 2 hatj + hatk and hati + 4hatj - 3 hatk ` respectively . These points

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  44. If the points with position vectors ` 20 hati + p hatj , 5 hati - hatj and 10 hati - 13 hatj` are collinear, then p =

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  45. If the position vector of a point A is `vec a + 2 vec b and vec a ` divides AB in the ratio `2:3`, then the position vector of B, is

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  46. `veca,vecb` and `vecc` are three non-zero vectors, no two of which are collinear and the vectors `veca+vecb` is collinear with `vecb`, `vecb+vecc` is collinear with `veca`, then `veca+vecb+vecc=`

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  47. If points `A (60 veci + 3vecj ) , B (40 veci - 8 vec j) and C ( a veci - 52 vecj ) ` are collinear then a is equal to

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  48. Let `vec(OA)=hati+3hatj-2hatk and vec(OB)=3hati+hatj-2hatk.` Then vector `vec(OC)` biecting the angle `AOB and C` being a point on the line `AB` is

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  49. If the vector `-hati +hatj-hatk` bisects the angle between the vector `vecc` and the vector `3hati +4hatj,` then the vector along `vecc` is

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  50. If `vec r = 3 hati + 2 hatj - 5 hatk , vec a= 2 hati - hatj + hatk, vec b = hati + 3 hatj - 2hatk` `and vec c=2 hati + hatj - 3 hatk " such that " hat r = x vec a +y vec b + z vec c` then

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  51. Let `vecAB = 3 hati + hatj - hatk and vecAC = hati -hatj + 3hatk` and a point P on the line segment BC is equidistant from AB and AC, then `vec (AP)` is

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  52. The vector ` vec c `, directed along the internal bisector of the angle between the vectors `vec a = 7 hati - 4 hatj - 4hatk and vecb = -2hati - hatj + 2 hatk " with " |vec c| = 5 sqrt(6),` is

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  53. If `A B C D` is quadrilateral and `Ea n dF` are the mid-points of `A Ca n dB D` respectively, prove that ` vec A B+ vec A D` +` vec C B` +` vec C D` =4 ` vec E Fdot`

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  54. Let ABC be a triangle having its centroid its centroid at G. If S is any point in the plane of the triangle, then `vec(SA) + vec(SB)+vec(SC)=`

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  55. If O is the circumcentre, G is the centroid and O' is orthocentre or triangle ABC then prove that: `vec(OA) +vec(OB)+vec(OC)=vec(OO')`

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  56. Let O, O' and G be the circumcentre, orthocentre and centroid of a `Delta ABC` and S be any point in the plane of the triangle.
    Statement -1: `vec(O'A) + vec(O'B) + vec(O'C)=2vec(O'O)`
    Statement -2: `vec(SA) + vec(SB) + vec(SC) = 3 vec(SG)`

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  57. Statement -1 : If `veca and vecb` are non- collinear vectors, then points having position vectors `x_(1) vec(a) + y_(1) vec(b) , x_(2)vec(a)+ y_(2) vec(b) and x_(3) veca + y_(3) vecb` are collinear if
    Statement -2: Three points with position vectors `veca, vecb , vec c` are collinear iff there exist scalars x, y, z not all zero such that `x vec a + y vec b + z vec c = vec 0, " where " x+y+z=0.`

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  58. Statement -1 : If a transversal cuts the sides OL, OM and diagonal ON of a parallelogram at A, B, C respectively, then
    `(OL)/(OA) + (OM)/(OB) =(ON)/(OC)`
    Statement -2 : Three points with position vectors ` veca , vec b , vec c ` are collinear iff there exist scalars x, y, z not all zero such that `x vec a + y vec b +z vec c = vec 0, " where " x +y + z=0.`

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter ALGEBRA OF VECTORS of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12