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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter SCALER AND VECTOR PRODUCTS OF TWO VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions72
Academic Year2023-24
  1. ` if veca and vecb ` are unit vectors such that ` veca. vecb = cos theta` , then the value of `| veca + vecb|`, is

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  2. If ` veca and vecb` are unit vectors, then the greatest value of `|veca +vecb|+ |veca -vecb|` is

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  3. If the unit vectors ` veca and vecb ` are inclined of an angle ` 2 theta` such that ` |veca -vecb| lt 1 and 0 le theta le pi` then ` theta` in the interval

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  4. Let ` veca and vecb` be two unit vectors and ` alpha` be the angle between them, then ` veca + vecb` is a unit vector , if ` alpha ` =

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  5. If `|veca - vecb|=|veca| =|vecb|=1 ` , then the angle between ` veca and vecb` , is

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  6. Let ` veca and vecb` are two vectors inclined at an angle of ` 60^(@) , If |veca|=|vecb|=2` ,the the angle between ` veca and veca + vecb` is

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  7. Consider a pyamid OPQRS locaated in the first octant ` ( x ge 0, y le 0, z le 0)` with O as origin , and OP an OR along the x-axis and y-axis respectively. The base OPQR of the pyramid is a square with OP=3 . The point S is directly above the mid-point T of the diagonal OQ such that TS=3 , Then , the angle between OQ and OS, is

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  8. If ` veca, vecb ` are unit vertors such that `veca -vecb` is also a unit vector, then the angle between ` veca and vecb` , is

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  9. If ` veca , vecb` are unit vectors such that ` |vec a+vecb|=-1 " then " |2veca -3vecb| =`

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  10. If ` veca, vecb` are unit vectors such that ` |veca +vecb|=1 and |veca -vecb|=sqrt3`, " then " `|3veca +2vecb|=`

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  11. If ` veca and vecb` are unit vectors inclined to x-axis at angle ` 30^(@) and 120^(@)` then ` |veca +vecb|` equals

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  12. If ` veca,vecb, vecc` are three vectors such that
    ` veca + vecb +vecc =vec0, |veca| =1 |vecb| =2, | vecc| =3` , then
    ` veca.vecb + vecb .vecc +vecc + vecc.veca ` is equal to

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  13. Let ` veca , vecb,vecc` be three vectors such that
    ` veca bot ( vecb + vecc), vecb bot ( vecc + veca) and vecc bot ( veca + vecb) , " if " |veca| =1 , |vecb| =2 `,
    ` |vecc| =3 , " then " | veca + vecb + vecc|` is,

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  14. If two out to the three vectors , `veca, vecb , vecc` are unit vectors such that ` veca + vecb + vecc =0 and 2(veca.vecb + vecb .vecc + vecc.veca) +3=0` then the length of the third vector is

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  15. Let `veca , vecb , vecc` be three unit vectors such that ` |veca + vecb +vecc| =1 and veca bot vecb , " if " vecc` makes angles ` delta beta " with " veca, vecb` respectively, then ` cos delta + cos beta ` is equal to

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  16. Let ` veca ,vecb , vecc` be three unit vectors such that angle between ` veca and vecb is alpha , vecb and vecc " is " beta and vecc and veca " is " gamma. " if " | veca. + vecb + vecc| =2` , then ` cos alpha + cos beta + cos beta ` =

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  17. Let ` veca , vecb,vecc` be vectors of equal magnitude such that the angle between ` veca and vecb " is " alpha , vecb and vecc " is " beta and vecc and veca " is " gamma` .then minimum value of ` cos alpha + cos beta + cos gamma` is

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  18. Let ` veca, vecb , vecc` be three vectors of equal magnitude such that the angle between each pair is ` pi/3` . If ` |veca + vecb + vecc| = sqrt6` , " then " `|veca|`=`

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  19. If `|veca|=3,|vecb|= 5 and |vecc|=4 and veca+ vecb + vecc =vec0` then the value of `( veca. Vecb + vecb.vecc)` is equal tio

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  20. Let `O` be the origin, and ` O X x O Y , O Z ` be three unit vectors in the direction of the sides ` Q R ` , ` R P ` , ` P Q ` , respectively of a triangle PQR. If the triangle PQR varies, then the minimum value of `cos(P+Q)+cos(Q+R)+cos(R+P)` is: `-3/2` (b) `5/3` (c) `3/2` (d) `-5/3`

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  21. Angle between vectors ` veca and vecb " where " veca,vecb and vecc` are unit vectors satisfying ` veca + vecb + sqrt3 vecc = vec0` is

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  22. If ` veca +vecb +vecc =vec0, |veca| =3 , |vecb|=5 and |vecc| =7` , then the angle between ` veca and vecb` is

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  23. If ` veca. Vecb and vecc` are unit vectors satisfying ` |veca -vecb|^(2) +|vecb -vecc| ^(2) |vecc -veca| =9 , " then " |2 veca + 5 vecb + 5 vecc| ` is equal to

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  24. The value of 'a' for which the points A, B,C with position vectors ` 2hati - hatj + hatk , hati + 2hatk, hati -3hatj - 5hatk and a hati -3hatj +hatk` respectively are the vertices of a right angled triangle with ` C = pi//2`, are

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  25. If `R^2` if the magnitude of the projection vector of the vecrtor `alphahati+betahatj on sqrt(3) hati+hatj is sqrt(3)` and if `alpha=2+sqrt(3)beta` then possible value (s) of `|alpha|` is /are

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  26. The vactors ` veca = 3hati -2hati + 2hatk and vecb =- hati -2hatk` are the adjacent sides of a parallelogram. Then , the acute angle between ` veca and vecb` is

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  27. If` vece_(1) = ( 1,1,1) and vece_(2) = ( 1,1,-1) and veca and vecb` are two vectors that ` vece_(1) = 2veca +vecb and vece_(2) veca + 2vecb` then angle between `veca and vecb` is

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  28. The values of x for which the angle between the vectors ` veca =xhati - 3hatj-hatk and vecb = 2x hati + x hatj -hatk` is acute, and the angle, between the vector `vecb` and the axis of ordinates is obtuse, are

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  29. The value of x for which the angle between ` veca = 2x^(2) hati + 4x hatj =hatk +hatk and vecb = 7hati -2hatj =x hatk` , is obtuse and the angle between ` vecb` and the z-axis is acute and less than `pi//6`, are

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  30. If `veca,vecb` are two unit vectors such that ` |veca + vecb| = 2sqrt3 and |veca -vecb|=6` then the angle between ` veca and vecb`, is

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  31. For any vector `vecr`,
    ` ( vecr.hati) hati + ( vecr.hatj) hatj + ( vecr.hatk) hatk` =

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  32. For any vector `vecr, (vecr.hati) ^(2) + (vecr.hatj)^(2) + ( vecr.hatk)^(2) ` is equal to

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  33. A vector of magnitude 4 which is equally inclined to the vectors `hati +hatj,hatj +hatk and hatk +hati`, is

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  34. Forces of magnitudes 5 and 3 units acting in the directions ` 6hati + 2hatj + 3hatk and 3 hati - hati +6hatk` respectively act on a particle which is displaced from the point ( 2,2,-1) to ( 4,3,1) . The work done by the forces, is

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  35. A groove is in the form of a broken line ABC and the position vectors fo the three points are respectively ` 2hati -3hatj +2hatk , 3hati -hatk , hati +hatj +hatk`, A force of magnitude ` 24sqrt3` acts on a particle of unit mass kept at the point A and moves it angle the groove to the point C. If the line of action of the force is parallel to the vector ` hati +2hatj +hatk` all along, the number of units of work done by the force is

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  36. A paticle acted on by constant forces `4hati=hatj-3hatk and 3hati+hatj-hatk` is displaced from the point `hati+2hatj+3hatk to 5hati+4hatj+hatk`. Find the work done

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  37. If ` |veca.vecb|= |veca xx vecb|` , then the angle between `veca and vecb` is

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  38. If ` vecu and vecv ` are unit vectors and `theta` is the acute angle between them, then ` 2 uvecu xx 3vecv` is a unit vector for

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  39. Let ` A_(1) , A_(2) ,…..,A_(n) ( n lt 2)` be the vertices of regular polygon of n sides with its centre at he origin. Let `veca_(k)` be the position vector of the point ` A_(k) ,k = 1,2,….,n`
    if `|sum_(k=1)^(n-1) (veca_(k) xx veca_(k) +1)|=|sum_(k=1)^(n-1) (vecak.vecak+1)|` then the minimum value of n is

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  40. Let O be the origin , and `vec(OX),vec(OY),vec(OZ) ` be three unit vector in the directions of the sides ` vec(OR) , vec(RP) , vec(PQ) ` respectively, of a triangle PQR, Then , ` |vec(OX) xx vec(OY)|` =

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  41. If the angle between the vectors `veca and vecb " is " pi/3` and the area of the triangle with adjacemnt sides parallel to `veca and vecb` is 3 is

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  42. If `veca = 2hati -3hatk and vecb =hati + 4hatj -2hatk " then " veca xx vecb` is

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  43. For any vector ` veca`
    ` |veca xx hati|^(2) + |veca xx hatj|^(2) + |veca xx hatk|^(2) ` is equal to

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  44. `(veca.hati)(vecaxxhati)+(veca.hatj)+(veca.hatk)(vecaxxhatk)` is equal to

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  45. A unit vector perpendicular to the plane of ` veca = 2hati -6hatj -3hatk and vecb = 4hati +3hatj-hatk ` is

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  46. The number of vectors of unit length perpendicular to the vectors ` hata = hati +hatj and vecb = hatj + hatk` is

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  47. A unit vector making an obtuse angle with x-axis and perpendicular to the plane containing the points `hati +2hatj +3hatk, 2hati +3hatj +4hatk and hati +5hatj +7hatk` also makes an obtuse angle with

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  48. Let `vecu= hati + hatj , vecv = hati -hatja and hati -hatj and vecw =hati + 2hatj + 3 hatk` If ` hatn` isa unit vector such that `vecu .hatn=0 and vecn .hatn =0 , " then " |vecw.hatn|` is equal to

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  49. If `veca =hati + hatj-hatk, vecb = - hati + 2hatj + 2hatk and vecc = - hati +2hatj -hatk` , then a unit vector normal to the vectors `veca + vecb and vecb -vecc`, is

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  50. A unit vector perpendicular to both ` hati + hatj and hatj + hatk` is

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  51. Let `veca =2hati +hatj -2hatk and vecb = hati +hatj . " Let " vecc` be vector such that ` |vecc -veca|=3, |(veca xx vecb) xx vecc|=3` and the angle between `vecc and veca xx vecb " be " 30^(@)` Then , ` veca . Vecc` is equal to

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  52. If ` veca , vecb, vecc` are the position vectors of the vertices. A,B,C of a triangle ABC. Then the area of triangle ABC is

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  53. If ` vec(AB) = vecb and vec(AC) =vecc` then the length of the perpendicular from A to the line BC is

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  54. The perpendicular distance of the point `vecc` from the joining ` veca and vecb` is

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  55. If the diagonals of a parallelogram are represented by the vectors ` 3hati + hatj -2hatk and hati + 3hatj -4hatk`, then its area in square units , is

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  56. if ` veca , vecb ,vecc ` are three vectors such that ` veca +vecb + vecc = vec0` then

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  57. Let `veca, vecb ,vecc` be unit vetors such that `veca + vecb + vecc = vec0` , which one of the following is correct ?

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  58. Let `triangle PQR` be a triangle. Let ` veca = vec(QR) , vecb = vec(RP) and vecc= vec(PQ) . " if " |veca| = 12, |vecb| = 4sqrt3 and vecb , vecc = 24` , then which of the following is ( are ) true ?

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  59. Let ` veca ` be a unit vector perpendicular to unit vectors `vecb and vecc` and if the angle between `vecb and vecc " is " alpha , " then " vecb xx vecc` is

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  60. If the vectors ` veca.veca = xhati + y hatj + zhatk and vecb =hatj` are such that ` veca, vecb ,and vecb` from a right handed system , then ` vecc ` id

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  61. If the area of parallelogram whose diagonals coincide with the following pair of vectors is `5sqrt3`,then vectors are

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  62. Let `veca -2hati + hatj +hatk , vecb =hati + 2hatj +hatk and vecc = 2hati -3hatj +4hatk . A " vector " vecr " satisfying " vecr xx vecb = vecc xx vecb and vecr . Veca =0` is

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  63. vectors `veca and vecb` are inclined at an angle ` theta = 60^(@). " If " |veca|=1, |vecb| =2 , " then " [ (veca + 3vecb) xx ( 3 veca -vecb)] ^(2)` is equal to

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  64. Let ` veca , vecb , vecc` be unit vectors such that ` veca .vecb =0=veca.vecc` . If the angle between `vecb and vecc " is " pi/6 , " then " veca ` equals

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  65. Let ` vecu = u_(1) hati + u_(2) hatj` be a unit vector in xy plane and ` vecw = 1/sqrt6 (hati +hatj +2hatk)` . Given that there exists a vector `vecc` " in " `R_(3)` " such that `|vecu xx vecv|=1` and `vecw `. `(vecu xx vecv) =1` , then

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  66. Let `vecu=u_(1)hati +u_(3)hatk` be a unit vector in xz-plane and ` vecq = 1/sqrt6 ( hati + hatj + 2hatk) `. If there exists a vector `vecv` in such that ` |vecu xx vecu|=1 and vecw . (vecu xx vecc)` .Then

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  67. Let ` vecu = u_(1)hati + u_(2)hatj +u_(3)hatk` be a unit vector in ` R^(3) and vecw = 1/sqrt6 ( hati + hatj + 2hatk)` , Given that there exists a vector `vecv " in " R^(3)` such that ` | vecu xx vecv| =1 and vecw . ( vecu xx vecv) =1` which of the following statements is correct ?

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  68. IF the force represented by ` 3hati +2hatk` is acting through the point ` 5hati +4hatj -3hatk` , then its moment about th point (1,3,1) is

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  69. The moment of the couple formed by the forces ` 5hati +hatj and -5hati - hatk` acting at the points (9 ,-1,2) and ( 3,-2,1) respectively, is

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  70. A force of 39 kg. wt is acting at a point p ( -4,2,5) in the direaction ` 12hati -4hatj -3hatk` . The moment of this force about a line through the origin having the direction of ` 2hati -2hatj + hatk` is

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  71. The moment about a line through the origin having the direction of `1 12hati -4hatj -3hatk` is

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  72. The moment of the couple consisting of the force through the point `2hati -3hatj -hatk` is

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter SCALER AND VECTOR PRODUCTS OF TWO VECTORS of OBJECTIVE RD SHARMA MATHS VOL I (HINGLISH) of Class 12