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Complete Solutions to OBJ - A of chapter RADIOACTIVITY AND NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Natural radioactivity was discovered by a)Schmidt b)Curie c)Becquerel d)Rutherford

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  2. Radioactivity is due to a) Stable electronic configuration b) Unstable electronic configuration c) Stable nucleus d) Unstable nucleus

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  3. Radioactivity is essentially:

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  4. Radioactivity is generally not found in a)Light nuclei b)Stable nuclei c)Heavy nuclei d)Nuclei of intermediate mass

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  5. The activity of radioisotope changes with:

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  6. The rays are given off by a radioactive element from A)Nucleus B)Valence electrons C)All the orbits D)Outer orbit

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  7. The alpha particles are A)High`-` energy electrons B)Positively charged hydrogen ions C) High`-` energy `X-` rays radiations D)Double positively charged helium nuclei.

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  8. The emission of beta particle is from A)The valence shell of an atom B)The inner shell of an atom C)The nucleus due to the nuclear conversion `:`
    Proton `rarr` neutron`+` electron D)The nucleus due to the nuclear conversion `:`
    neutron `rarr` proton `+ ` electron

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  9. Identify the nuclear reaction that differs from the rest:

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  10. Gamma rays are:

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  11. Radium is a radioactive substance. It dissolves in dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` and forms a compound radium sulphate. The compound is a)No longer radioactive b)Half as radioactive as the radium content c)As radioactive as the radium content d)Twice as radioactive as the radium content.

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  12. The velocity of `alpha`-rays is approximately:

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  13. `alpha`-rays have ionization power because they possess
    a. Lesser kinetic energy
    b. Higher kinetic energy
    c. Lesser penetration power
    d. Higher penetration power

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  14. The radiation from naturally occuring radioactive substance as seen after deflection by a magnetic field in one direction are :

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  15. Which of the following statements about radioactivity is are true? a)It involves outer electrons activity b)It is not affected by temperature of pressure. c)It is an exothermic process. d)The radioactivity of an element is not affected by any other element compounded by it.

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  16. The radioactivity of uranium mineras is usually more in comparison to pure uranium. This is due to presence of … in the mineral.

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  17. The correct order of ionising capcity of `alpha, beta` and `gamma`-rays is

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  18. which of the following radiations have least effect on both the photographic plate and zinc sulphide screen?

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  19. In `alpha-` decay , `n//p` ratio `:` a)May inrease or decrease b) Remains constant c)Decreases d)Increases

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  20. In `beta-` decay `n//p` ratio` :` a)May inrease or decrease b) Remains constant c)Decreases d)Increases

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  21. A device used for the measurement of radioactivity is

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  22. Which of the following does not contain material particles?

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  23. If by mistake radioactive substance gets into human body, then from the point of view of radiation damage, the most harmful will be one that emits.

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  24. Emission of `beta`-particle by an atom of an element results in the formations of:

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  25. The particles not emitted by radioactive susbstace are:

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  26. Successive emission of an `alpha`-particle and two `beta`-particles by an atom of an element result in the formation of its

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  27. The isotope `._(92)^(235)U` decays in a number of steps to an isotope of `._(82)^(207)Pb`. The groups of particle emitted in this process will be:

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  28. The number of `alpha` and `beta`-particles emitted in the nuclear reaction `._(90)^(210) Th to ._(83)^(212)Bi` are:

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  29. `._(84)^(210)Po rarr _(82)^(206) Pb + ._(2)^(4)He` in this reaciton predict the positon of group of `Po` when lead is the the `IVB` group:

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  30. When `._(88)^(226)Ra` emits an `alpha`-particle, the new element formed belongs to:

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  31. The radius of nucleus is:

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  32. The end product of `4n` series is a)`._(82)Pb^(208)` b)`._(82)Pb^(207)` c)`._(82)Pb^(209)` d)`._(82)Pb^(204)`

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  33. 4n + 2 series is known as:

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  34. A radioactive element A on disintegration gives two elements B and C. If B is helium and C is the element of atomic number 90 and atomic mass 234, the element A is:

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  35. `.^(234)U` has 92 protons and 234 nucleons total in tis nucleus. It decays by emitting an alpha particle. After the decay it becomes:

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  36. Starting from radium, the radioactive disintegration process terminates when the following is obtained a)radon b)lead c)uranium d)thorium

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  37. The only, most stable nucleus formed by bombarding either `._(13)^(27)Al` by neutrons of `._(11)^(23)Na` by deutrons is

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  38. The number of `alpha`-particles emitted per second by 1g fo `.^(226)Ra` is `.7 xx 10^(10)`. The decay constant is:

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  39. The decay constant of `Ra^(226)` is `1.37xx10^(-11)s^(-1)`. A sample of `Ra^(226)` having an activity of `1.5` millicurie will contain

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  40. A sample of `._(19)^(40)K` contains invariably `._(18)^(40)Ar`. This is because `._(19)^(40)K` has tendency to undergo:

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  41. If the amount of radioactive substance is increased three times, the number of atoms disintegrated per ubit time would :

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  42. The decay constant of a radioactive sample is `'lambda'`. The half-life and mean life of the sample are respectively a)`1/lamda,("in"2)/lamda` b)`("in"2)/lamda,1/lamda` c)`"in"2,1/lamda` d)`lamda/("in"2),1/lamda`

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  43. Radium has atomic weight 226 and a half-life of 1600 Yr. The number of disintegrations produced per second from one gram are

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  44. A radioactive sample has a half life 1500 years. A sealed tube conataining 1g of the sample will contain after 3000 years,

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  45. `C^(14)` has a half`-` life of 5760 years. `100mg` of the sample containing `.^(14)C` is reduced to `25mg` in a)11520years b)2880years c)1440years d)17128years

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  46. If `3//4` quantity of a radioactive substance disintegrates in 2 hours, its half`-` life period will be a)`15 mi n` b) `30 mi n` c)`60 mi n` d)`90 mi n`

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  47. Half life of radium is 1580 years. It remains 1/16 after the…..

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  48. If half life period of radium is 1600 years, its average life period will be:

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  49. A radioactive isotope having a half life of 3 days was received after 12 days. It was found that there were 3 gm of the isotopes in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when packed was a)12 gm b)24gm c)36 gm d)48 gm

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  50. Radioactivity of a radioactive element remains `1//10` of the original radioactivity after `2.303` seconds. The half life period is

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  51. A freshely prepared radioactive source of half 2 hours emits radiations of intensity which is 64 times the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is a)6 hours b)12 hours c)24 hours d)128 hours

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  52. A radioisotope has a half life of 10 days. If today there is `125 g ` of it left, what was its mass 40 days earlier ? a)600g b)1000g c)1250g d)2000g

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  53. The half`-` life periods of four isotopes are give below `:`
    `(i) 7.6 years` , ` ii. 4000 years`
    `iii. 6000 years`,`iv. 3.2xx10^(5) years`
    Which of the above isotope is most stable ?

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  54. The first stable which was transmuted b artificial means was:

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  55. When `._(13)^(27)Al` is bombarded whith `alpha`-particles, a radioactive isotope of phosphorus `._(15)^(30)P` with the emission of …. Is formed

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  56. Which of the following transformation is not correct?

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  57. The reaction `._(92)U^(235) + ._(0)n^(1) rarr ._(56)Ba^(140) + ._(36)Kr^(93) + 3 ._(0)n^(1)` represents a)Artificial radioactivity b)Nuclear fission c)Nuclear fusion d)None of these

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  58. `._(6)C^(14)` in upper atmosphere is generated by the nuclear reaction

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  59. In the transformation of `""_(92)""^(238)U` to `""_(92)""^(234)U`, if one emission is an `alpha` particle, what should be the other emission(s)? a)Two `beta""^(-)`Two `beta""^(-)` b)Two `beta""^(-)` and one `beta""^(-)` c) One `beta""^(-)` and one `gamma` d)One `beta""^(+)` and one `beta""^(-)`

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  60. A positron is emitted from `._(11)Na^(23)` . The ratio of the atomic mass and atomic number of the resulting nuclide is

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  61. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of

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  62. Which of the following is not a fissionalbe material?

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  63. The fuel in atomic pile is :

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  64. The energy released in an atom bomb explosion is mainly due to

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  65. One gram of mass is equal to:

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  66. Liquid sodium is used in nuclear reactor. What is its function?

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  67. A sample of rock moon contains equal numbers of atoms of uranium and lead `t_(1//2)` for `U` is `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years. The age of rock would be
    a. `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years b. `9.0 xx 10^(9)` years
    c. `13.5 xx 10^(9)` years d. `2.25 xx 10^(9)` years

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  68. In treatment of cancer, which of the following is used?

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  69. Wooden article and freshly cut tree show activity 7.6 and 15.2 `min""^(-1)g""^(-1)` of carbon (`t""_(1//2)=5760`year) respectively. The age of the article is a)5760 year b)`5760xx15.2/7.6year` c)`5760xx7.6/15.2year` d)`5760xx15.2-7.6year`

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  70. Which one of the following statement is wrong?

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  71. Neutrons are more effective projectiles than protons because they

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  72. The source of enormous energy of sun is a)Fusion of hydrogen to form helium b)Fission of uranium c)Fusion of deuterium and tritium d)Fusion to tritium ot form helium

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  73. In the neutron`-`induced fissioin reaction of `._(92)U^(235)` one of the products if `._(37)Rb^(95),` in this mode, another nuclide and three neutrons are also produced. Identify the nuclide.

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  74. `._(88)^(228) X - 3 alpha - beta to Y`. The element Y is:

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  75. Which radioactive isotope is used to detect tumours?

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  76. Natural uranium consists of `.^(235)U`:

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  77. `._(92)^(238)U` atom distintgrates to `._(84)^(214) Po` with a half life of `4.5xx10^(9)` years by emitting six alpha particles and n electrons. Here n is -

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  78. A parent nucleus X is decaying into daughter nucleus Y which in turn decays to Z. The half lives of X and Y are 40000 years and 20 years respectively. In a certain sample, it is found that the number of Y nuclei hardly changes with time. If the number of X nuclei in the sample is `4 xx 10^(20)`, the number of Y nuclei present in its is–

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  79. `._(13)Al^(27)` is a stable isotope. `._(13)Al^(29)` is expected to disintegrate by

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  80. Which of the following is the man-made radioactive disintegration series?

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  81. The density of a nucleus is of the order of

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  82. Radioactive material is deacign with `t_(1//2) = 30` days on being, separated into two fractions , one of the fracation, immediately after separation decays with `t_(1//2) = 2` days. The other fraction, immediately after separation, would show:

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  83. Radioactive substance has a constant activity of 2000 disintegrations per minute. The material is separated into two fractions, one of which has an initial activity of 1000 disintegration per second while the other fraction decays with `t_(1//2) = 24` hours. The total activity in both sample after 48 hours of separation is :

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  84. A radioactive element `X` has an atomic number of 100. It decays directly into an element `Y` which decays directly into an element `Z`. In both the processes either one `alpha` or one `beta-` particle is emitted. Which of the following statement could be true?

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  85. Enrichment of uranium is made by :

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  86. Let us consider emission of `alpha`particle from uranium nucleus:
    `._(92)^(235)U - ._(2)He^(4) to ._(90)Th^(231)`
    `{:(e = 92, e = 0, e = 90),(p = 92, p = 2, p = 90),(n = 143, n = 2, n = 141):}`
    shortage of two electorns in thorium is due to:

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  87. Artifical radioactive element are present in:

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  88. The `.^(60)C` isotope decays with a half life of 5.3 years. How long would it take for 7/8 of a sample of 500 mg of `.^(60)Co` to disintegrate?

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  89. Which among the following is wrong about isodiaphere?

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  90. At radioactive equilibrium, the ratio between two atoms of radioactive elements `A` and `B` is `3.1 xx 10^(9) : 1`. If the half-life period of `A` is `2 xx 10^(10)` years, what is the half-life of `B`?

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  91. The decay constant for an `alpha-` decay of `Th^(232)` is `1.58xx10^(-10)s^(-1)`. How many `alpha-`decays occur from `1 g` sample in 365 days ?

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  92. The number of neutrons accompanying the formation of `._(54)Xe^(139)` and `._(38)Sr^(94)` from the absorption of a slow neutron by `._(92)U^(235)`, followed by nuclear fission is

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  93. Thiosulphate ion `(S_(2)O_(3)^(2-))` on acidification changes to `SO_(2)` along the precipitation of sulpur,
    `.^(35)S^(32) SO_(3)^(2-) + 2H^(+) to H_(2)O + SO_(2) + S`
    Which is the correct statement?

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  94. A radioactive element `X`, decays by the sequence and with half-lives, given below,
    `X underset(30"min")overset(alpha)(rarr) Y underset(2"days")overset(beta)(rarr)`
    Which of the follwing statemetns about this system are correct?

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  95. Identify [A] and [B] in the following:
    `._(29)^(227)Ac overset(-beta)(to) [A] overset(-alpha)(to)[B] overset(-alpha)(to)Rn`

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  96. `beta`-particle is emitted in radioactivity by

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  97. The nuclear reaction
    `""_(29)^(63)Cu +""_(2)^(4)He rarr ""_(17)^(37)Cl + ""_(1)^(1)H + 16""_(0)^(1)n`
    is referred to as

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  98. `""^(226)Ra` disintegrates at such a rate that after 3160 years, only one fourth of its original amount remains . The half life of `""^(226)Ra` will be

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  99. `""_(92)U^(235)` nucleus absorbs a neutron and disintegrates into `""_(54)Xe^(139) .""_(38)Sr^(94)` and X. What will be the product X ?

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  100. The radioisotope , tritium `(""_(1)^(3)H)` has a half-life of 12.3 years. If the initial amount of tritium is 32 mg , how many milligrams of it would remain after 49.2 years ?

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OBJ - A questions and complete solutions for chapter RADIOACTIVITY AND NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATION of G.R. BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12