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Complete Solutions to Problem Practices of chapter RADIOACTIVITY AND NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

OP TANDONProblem Practices
Number Of Questions44
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Half life of `.^(24)Na` is 14.8 hours. In what period of time will a sample of this element lose 90% of its activity?

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  2. A `beta`-particle emitter has a half life of 60.6 min. At any instant of time, a sample of this element registers 2408 counts per second. Calculate the counting rate after 1.5 hours.

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  3. Consider an `alpha-` particle just in contact with a `._(92)U^(238)` nucleus. Calculate the coulombic repulsion energy (i.e., the height fo coulombic barrier between `U^(238)` and `alpha-` particle.)Assume that the distance between them is equal to the sum of their radii.

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  4. The acitivity of a certain sample of raidoactive element 'A' decreases to `1 sqrt(2)` of its value in 4 days. What is its life? Assuming that,
    `._(Z)^(M)A - ._(2)^(4)He to ._(Z - 2)^(M - 4)B`
    What mass of the sample will be left over after 24 days if we start with one gram of 'A' ? calaculate this in terms of M.

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  5. The half life of `._(92)^(238)U` is `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years. Uranium emits an `alpha`particle to give thorium. Calculate the time required to get the product which contains equal masses of thorium and uranium.

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  6. 32 mg of pure `._(94)^(238)PuO_(2)` has an activity of `6.4 xx 10^(7) sec^(-1)`
    (i) What will be the half life of `._(94)^(238)Pu` in years?
    (ii) What amount of `PuO_(2)` will remain if 100 mg `PuO_(2)` is kept for 500 years?

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  7. A radioactive isotope decays as:
    `._(Z)^(M)A to ._(Z - 2)^(M - 4)B to ._(Z - 1)^(M - 4)C`
    The half lives of A and B are 6 and 10 months respectively. Assuming that initially only A was precent, will it be possible to achieve the radioactive equilibrium for B ? If So, what would be the ratio of A and B at equilibrium? What would happen if the half lives of A and B were 10 and 6 months respectively?

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  8. An analysis of the rock shows that the relative number of `Sr^(87)` and `Rb^(87) (t_(1//2)=4.7 xx10^(10)` year) atoms is 0.05 . What is the age of the rock? Assume all the `Sr^(87)` have been formed from `Rb^(87)` only

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  9. Hydrolysis of ester was studied by isotopic labelling method. Write down the structures of products A and B in the given reaction.
    `CH_(3) - overset(O)overset(||)(C )-overset(18)(O)-H + HOH to A to B`

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  10. Arrange the following species in decreasing order of chemical reactivity and radioactivity,
    `._(1)^(1)H, ._(1)^(2)H, ._(1)^(3)H`

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  11. The half life of `.^(212)Pb` is 10.6 hour. It undergoes decay to its daughter (unstable) element `.^(212)Bi` of half life 60.5 minute. Calculate the time at which the daughter element will have maximum activity.

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  12. Radioactive elements is spread over a room, its half life is 30 day, Its activity is 50 times the permissible value. After how many days will it be safe?

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  13. Calculate the energy released in joules and `MeV` in the following nuclear reaction:
    `._(1)H^(2) + ._(1)H^(2) rarr ._(2)He^(3) + ._(0)n^(1)`
    Assume that the masses of `._(1)H^(2)`, `._(2)He^(3)`, and neutron `(n)`, respectively, are 2.40, 3.0160, and 1.0087 in amu.

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  14. Radiactive element due to accident in research laboratory gets embedded in its floor and walls. The initial rate of decay is 64 times the safe limit. The half life of the element is 32 days. Calculate the time after which the laboratory will be safe for use.

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  15. Radium has a half life 1600 years and its daughter elements radon has a half life 3.82 days. In an enclosure, the volume of radon was found constant for a week. Explain and calculate the ratio of the number of radium and radon nuclei. Will the ratio be constant after 400 years?

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  16. Calculate the radius and density of `._(92)^(235)U`

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  17. `._(92)^(235)U` decays with emission of `alpha` and `beta`- particles to form ultimately `._(82)^(207)Pb`. How many `alpha` and `beta`-particles are emitted per atom of Pb produced?

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  18. The half life of radium is 1600 years. After how much time, `(1)/(16)th` part of radium will radium will remain undisintergrated in a sample?

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  19. The half life of polonium is 140 days. In what time will 15 g of polonium be disintegrated out of its initial mass of 16 g?

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  20. The activity of a radioactive isotope falls to `12.5%` in 90 days. Compute the half life and decay constatn of isotope.

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  21. The radioactivity of an element was found to be one millicurie. What will be its radioactivity after 42 days if its has half life of 14 days?

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  22. A sample of a radioactive substance has `10^(6)` radioactive nuclei. Its half life time is 20 s How many nuclei will remain after 10 s ?

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  23. Radioactive elements decays at such a rate that after 68 minutes only one-fourth of its original amount remains. Calculate its decay constant and half life period.

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  24. One gram of a radioactive element decays by `beta`-emission to 0.125 in 200 hours. How much more time will elapse only 0.10 g of it is left?

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  25. A wooden article found in a cave has only 40% as much `.^(34)C` activity as a fresh piece of wood. How old is article?
    (`t_(1//2)` for `.^(14)C = 5760` year)

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  26. One `mu g` of a radioactive iodine contained in thyroxine is injected into the blood of a patient. How long will it take for radioactivity to fall to 50%, 25% and 10% of the initial value?
    (`t_(1//2)` for `._(53)^(131)I = 8.052` days)

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  27. One gram of radium is reduced by `2` miligram in `5` yers by `alpha`-decay. Calculate the half-life of radium.

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  28. The activity of a radioactivity substance fall to 87.5% of the initial value in 5 years. What is the half life of the elements?
    calculate the time in which the activity will fall by 87.5%.

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  29. Starting with 1.0g of a radioactive sample, 0.25 g fo its is left after 5 days. Calculate the amount which was left one day.

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  30. A sample of wooden artifact is found to undergo 9 disintegration per minute per gram of carbon. What is the approximate age of the artifact? The half life of `._(6)^(14)C` is 5730 years and radioactivity of wood recently cut is 15 disintegrations per minute per gram of carbon.

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  31. Xenon-127 has a half life of 36.4 days. How much of a sample of xenon that orginally weighed 1.0g remains after 20 days?

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  32. Calculate the ratio of `(N)/(N_(0))` after n hour has passed for a radioactive material of half life 47.2 seconds.

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  33. The activity of the hair of an Egyptian mummy is 7 disintegration `"min"^(-1)` of `C^(14)`. Find age of Egyptian mummy. Given `t_(0.5)` of `C^(14)` is 5770 years and disintegration rate of fresh sample of `C^(14)` is 14 disintegration `"min"^(-1)`.

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  34. On analysis a sample of `.^(238)U` ore was found to contain 20.6g of `._(82)^(206)Pb` ad 23.8g of `._(92)^(238)U`. The half life period `.^(238)U` is `4.50 xx 10^(9)` years. If all the lead were assumed to have come from decay of `._(92)^(238)U`, what is the age of the ore?

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  35. It is known that 1g of `.^(226)Ra` emits `11.6 xx 10^(17)` atoms of `alpha` per years. Given, the half life of `.^(236)Ra` to be 1600 years, compute the value of Avogadro's number.

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  36. A uranium mineral contains `.^(238)U` and `.^(206)Pb` in the ratio of 4 : 1 by weigh. Calculate the age of the mineral, `t_(1//2) .^(238)U = 4.5 xxx 10^(9)` years. Assume that all the lead present in the mineral is formed from disintegration of `.^(238)U`.

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  37. In a sample of pitchbende, the atomic ratio of `.^(206)Pb : .^(238)U` is 0.23 : 1. Calculate the age of the mineral if half life of uranium is `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years. Assume that all lead has originated from uranium.

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  38. The ratio of the atoms of two elements A and B at radioactive equilibrium is `5.0 xx 10^(5)` : 1 respectively. Calculate half life of B if half life of A is 245 days.

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  39. Calculate the energy released in MeV during the reaction `._(3)^(7)Li + ._(1)^(1)H to 2[._(2)^(4)He]` if the masses of `._(3)^(7)Li, ._(1)^(1)H` and `._(2)H_(4)He` are 7.018, 1.008 and 4.004 amu respectively.

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  40. The half life period of `._(58)^(141)Ce` is 13.11 days. It is a `beta`-particle emitter and the average energy of the `beta`-particle emitted is 0.442 MeV. What is the total energy emitted per second in watts by 10 mg of `._(58)^(141)Ce`?

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  41. A sample of `._(38)^(90)Sr` has an activity of 0.5 mCi. What is its specific activity? (`t_(1//2)` of `._(38)^(90)Sr = 19.9` years)

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  42. The disintegrationn rate of a certain radioactive sample at any instant is 4750 dpm which becomes 2700 dpm 5 min later. Calculate the half life to sample?

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  43. One of the hazards of nuclear explosion is the generation of `.^(90)Sr` and its subsequent incorporation in bones. This nuclide has a half-life of `28.1` year. Suppose one micro-gram was absorbed by a new-born child, how much `Sr^(90)` will remain in his bones after 20 year?

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  44. To which radioactive families do the following nuclides belong?
    `.^(222)Rn`, `.^(228)Ra`, `.^(307)Pb`, `.^(209)Bi`, `.^(233)Pa`

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Problem Practices questions and complete solutions for chapter RADIOACTIVITY AND NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATION of G.R. BATHLA & SONS CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12