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Complete Solutions to Evaluation Based of chapter PLANNING of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

POONAM GANDHIEvaluation Based
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A company is manufacturing garments. The manager wants to increase profits by purchasing new high speed machines or increasing the sale price or using waste material in manufacturing stuffed toys.
    He decided that' using waste material to increase the profit is the best solution for him.
    `(a)` Identify the concept of management involved.
    `(b)` Mention the steps involved in the above process by quoting the lines from the question.
    `(c )` To complete the process of the concept identified in `(a)`, what two next steps does the manager have to take ? Expalin.

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  2. Sushasini a home science graduate from a reputed college has recently done a cookery course. She wished to start her own venture with a goal to provide 'health food' at reasonable price. She discussed her idea with her teacher (mentor) who encouraged her. After analyzing various options for starting her business venture, they shortlised the option to sell ready made and 'ready to make' vegetable shakes and sattu milk shakes. Then, they both weighed the pros and cons of both the shortlisted options.
    `(i)` Name the functions of management being discussed above and give any one of its characteristics.
    `(b)` Also briefly discuss any three limitations of the function discussed in the case.

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  3. Super Fine Rice Ltd.has the largest share of `55%` in the market. The company's policy is to sell only for cash. In `2015`, for the first time company's number one position in the industory has been threatended because other companies started selling rice on credit also. But the managers of Super Fine Rice Ltd. continued to rely on its previously tried and tested successful plans which didn't work because the environment is not static. This led to decline in sales of Super Fine Rice Ltd. The above situation is indicating two limitations of planning which led to decline in it sales. Identify these limitations.

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  4. Having transformed `2500` Kirana stores across eight cities in to virtual super markets, the start up Quick Bizz further decided in advance, to challenge with `15000-20000` store owners in top `30` cities of the country by the end of this year. The company has set its eye on digitzing over `100000` kirana stores over next `18-24` months.
    `(a)` Identify and explain the step in the process of one of the functions of management discussed above.
    `(b)` Also explain the last step to be performed by Qucik Bizz as part of the process.

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  5. On the introduction of Goods and Services Tax Act, experts in the field of business started analysing and forecasting its impact on various sectors and industries. Vivek, an established businessman, attended a few seminars and conferences organised by such experts to familiarise himself with this information. He wanted to use these forecasts to reduce the uncertainty in making decisions for the future in his business. Name the step in the planning process that is being discussed in the above paragraph.

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  6. Saurabh decided to start a chocalates manufacturing business. He set the target of earning `10%` profit on sales in the first year. As a good businessman, he was concerned about the future of the business, which was uncertain. He gathered information that the demand for chocalates is increasing day by day. He used this information as the base for future planning and shared it with his team. On the basis of the gathered information, he decided a meeting in the following week to find innovative ways to achieve the objectives.
    List the first two steps, which have been followed by Saurabh that are related the process of one of the functions of management.

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  7. In `2015`, Naveen left his luxurious life in Mumbai, where he worked as a manager for Blue Birds Ltd. He shifted to Begampur, Chhattisgarh to fulfil his grandmother's dream of converting their `25`-arce ancestral land into a fertile farm. For this he set out specific goals along with the acitivites to be performed to achieve the goals.
    Every activity was a challenge since he was clueless about farming. He learnt every activity from filling the land to sowing the seeds. To aid farmers he launched his own company 'Innovative Agriculture Solutions Pvt.Ltd'.
    It was difficult initially as no one trusted an urban youth telling farmers about farming. But when everything was discussed in detail the farmers started taking interest. He wanted to ensure that the future events meet effiectively in the best interests of the company. Through sales forecasting, he prepared an annual plan for production and sales.
    He also found that the farmers grew only paddy, which was an acitivity of `3-4` months and the land remaind idle for the rest `8-9` months of the year. He not only identified but evaluated various alternatives through which the farms could be utilised for the remeaining months of the year. Through correct forseight and logical and systematic thinking based on analysis of all facts, all alternatives were examined and evaluated. He presented a plan to the farmers, where after harvesting paddy, vegtables could be grown.
    The above case highlights the features of one of the functions of managment. By quoting lines from the above identify and explain these features.

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  8. Expalin the following statements related to the planning function of management :
    `(i)` Planning is closely connected with creativity and innovation.
    `(ii)` Planning will be a futile exercise if it is not acted upon or implemented.
    `(iii)` Planning is the most challenging activity for the management.
    `(iv)` Planning is a pre-requisite for controlling.
    `(v)` Planning is purposeful.
    `(vi)` Planning is not an exclusive function of top management.

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  9. Answer the following questions :
    `(a)` What would be the consequences if there was no planning ?
    `(b)` How does planning provide the basis of control ?
    `(c )` What does 'primary of planning' refer to ?
    `(d)` Why is planning an intellectrual activity of thinking rather than doing ?
    `(e)` Can planning eliminate changes/uncertain events? Give reason.

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  10. Identify and state the steps involved in planning process from the following :
    `(i)` If the end result it clear it becomes easier to work towards the goal.
    `(ii)` Alternatives are weighed in the light of their feasibility and consequences.
    `(iii)` This is the real point of decision making. The best paln has to be adopted and implemented.
    `(iv)` This is the step where other managerial functions also come into the picutre. This step would also involve organising for labour and purchase of machinery.
    `(v)` Base material upon which plans are to be drawn in the form of forecasts, i.e.a technique of gathering information about the demand for a particular product, policy change, interest rates, prices of capital goods tax rates etc.

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  11. Two years ago, Madhu completed her degree in food technology. She worked for some time in a company manufacturing chutneys, pickels and murables. She was not happy in the company and decided to have her own orgainc food processing unit for the same. She set the objectives and the targets and formulated action plan to achieve the same.
    One of her objective was to earn `10%` profit on the amount invested in the first year. It was decided that raw materials like fruits, vegtables, spices etc. will be purchased on three months credit from framers cultivating organic crops only. She also decided to follow the steps required for marketing of the products through her own outlets. She appointed Mohan as Production Manager who decides the exact manner in which the production activites are to be carried out. Mohan also prepared a statement showing the number of workers that will be required in the factory throughout the year. Madhu informed Mohan about her sales target for different products, areawise for the forthcoming quarter. While Working on the production table a penalty of `100rs` per day for not wearing the cap, gloves and apron was announced.
    Quoting lines from the above para ideantify and explain the different types of plans discussed.

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  12. Laxmi Chemicals Ltd., a soap manufacturing company wanted to increase its market share from `30%` to `55%` in the long run. A recent report submitted by the Research and Development Department of the company has predicted a growing trend of herbal and organic products. On the basis of this report the company decided to diversify into new variety of soaps with natural ingredients having benefits and fragrances of Jasmine, Rose,Lavendear, Mogra,Lemon Grass, Green Apple, Strawberry etc. The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) was to promote eco-friendly living in the contemporary life style. The company decided to allocate `30rs` crores to achieve the objective.
    Identify the type of the one of the functions of management mentioned above which will help the company to acquire dominant position in the market.

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  13. After completing her studies in product design, Sarita wishes to start her own business to design products to cater to the mobility and communication requirements of persons with special needs. She told her friend that she wanted to focus on supplying high quality products at affordable prices. The Unique Selling Proposition (U.S.P) of the products would be sensitivity of the challenges and needs of the differently abled people.
    She wants to employ only differently abled person in her factory and sales officies across the country. This decision of Sarita provides the base for interpreting her strategy. This also defines the broad parameters within which the company may recruit the persons. Sartia has also to decide about the exact manner and the chronological order to how the selection of the differently abled applicants will be done.
    In the above lines, Sarita is discussing about one of the functions of management. This is function has several types. Identify and explain the types Sarita is discussing in the above lines.

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  14. Vardan Patel started the business of preparation and supplying sweets through home delivery at a production cum show-room 'Express Sweets' at Ahmedabad. He made a plan forecasting the sales of different types of sweets in various localities of Ahmedabad for each month of year to earn a profit of `20%` on Capital employed.
    He sets a sales target of `2000000rs` in the current year with a` 10%` increase every year.
    He then set the criteria for selecting suppliers from whom he would make purchases of raw material.
    The planning paid off and the business was able to achieve its targets.
    `(a)` Identify any two types of plans by quoting the lines from the above.
    `(b)` Also give the meaning of types of plans identified in part `(a)` above.

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  15. Gunjan is the director of Zyesha Ltd., a ladies garments manufacturing company. In a Board's meeting, she addresses certain questions such as
    - What is the demand for the product ?
    -Which channel of distribution to use ?
    - What is the pricing policy ?
    -How do we advertise the product ?
    Identify and explain the type of plan highlighted above.

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  16. Panorma Ltd. Is a company selling LED television sets. Shivek, a manager of the company, makes certain decisions in the nature of manufacturing of buying decisions, should the company make or buy its requirements of packages, priniting of labels, selection of vendors for procuring supplies ?
    Identify and explain the type of plan highlighted above.

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  17. Define 'Budget' as a type of plan. Why is budget also a control device ? Why is it regarded as a fundamental planning instrument ?

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  18. Why is policy called a basis for interpreting strategy ?

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  19. Identify the types of plan.
    `(i)` It may consist of identifying steps procedures required for opening a new department to deal with the minor work.
    `(ii)` It is a statement of expenses, revenue and income for a specified period.
    `(iii)` It specifies the organisation's response to a certain situation.
    `(iv)` It describes the specified steps to be followed in particular circumstances.
    `(v)` It provides the manner in which a task has to be performed.
    `(vi)` It clearly states as to exactly what has to be done.
    `(vii)` It is a general plan prepared by top manangement outlining resourece allocation, priorities and takes into consideration the business envirnoment and competition.
    `(viii)` It serves as a guide for overall planning.

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Evaluation Based questions and complete solutions for chapter PLANNING of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12