Complete Solutions to High order thinking skills 9.2 of chapter FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

POONAM GANDHIHigh order thinking skills 9.2
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A busines that doesn't grow dies, says Mr. Shah, the owner of Shah Marble Ltd. With glorious 36 months of its grand success having capital base of `Rs 80` crore. Within a short span of time, the company could generate cash flow which not only covered fixed cash payment obligations but also create sufficient buffer. the company is on the gorwth path and new breed of consumers is eager to buy the Italian marble sold by Shah Marable Ltd. to meet the increasing demand, Mr.Shah decided to expand his business by acquiring a mine. this required an investment of `Rs120` crore. to seek advice in this matter, he called his financial advisor Mr.Seth who advished him about the judicious mix of equity `(40%)` and Debt `(60%)` . Mr. Seth also suggested him to take loan from a financial institution as the cost of rasising funds form financial instituations is low. Though this will increase the financial risk but will also rasie the return to equity shareholders. He Also appraished him that issue of debt will not dilute the control of equity shareholders. at the same time, the interset on loan iws a tax deductible expense for computation of tax liability. After due deliberations with Mr. Seth, Mr.Shah decided to raise funds form a financial institution.
    (a) Identify and explain the concept of Financial Management as advished by Mr. Seth in the above situation.
    (b) State the four factors affecting the concept as identified in part (a) above which have been discussed between Mr. Shah and Mr. Seth.

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  2. These directions of a manufactering company are thinking of issusing `Rs 20` crore worth additional debentures expansion of their production capacity. This will lead to an increase in debt equity ratio from `2:1` to ` 3:1` What are the risks involved in it ? Explain any four factors other than risk do yo think the direcations should keep in view.

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  3. Viyo Ltd. ' is a company manufacturing textiles. It has a share capital of `₹ 60` lakh. The earning per share in the previous was `₹ 0.50`. For diversification requires additional captial of `₹ 40` lakh. The company raised funds by issuning `₹ 10%` debentures for th same. During the current year the company earned profit of `₹ 8` lakh on capital employed. It paid tax `@40%`.

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  4. The Return on investment (Rol) of a company ranges between `10%-12%` for the past three years. To finance its future fixed capital needs, it has the following options for borrowing dept:
    Option 'A': Rate of interest `9%`
    Option 'B' : Rate of interest `13%`
    Which source of dept. Option A or Option B, is better ? Give reson in support of your answer. Also state the concept being used in taking the decision.

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High order thinking skills 9.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12