POONAM GANDHI | Think as you Read |
Number Of Questions | 32 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is meant by 'financial management'?
What is the primary aim of financial management ?
Why is shareholders' wealth maximisation linked to the market price of a company's shares?
Financial management aims at __________
(a) ensuring availibility of enough funds
(b) reducing the cost of funds procured
(c) effective deployment fo fun
(d) All of these
A proper matching of funds requirements and their availability is sought to be achieved by one of the concepts of financial management. It takes into consideration the growth, performance, inverstments and requirements of funds for a given peroid. Identify the concept.
How does financial planning make the evaluation of actual performanc easier ?
What are the essential ingredients of sound working capital management ?
A long -term investment decision is called is __________
(a) capital budgeting decision
(b) working capital decision
(c) finacial decision
(d) dividend decision.
Why are capital budgeting decisions called 'irreversible' decisions?
Capital budgeting decisions involve a number of calculations List them.
Which is the most important criterion to select a project while taking investment decision ?
What is finacial risk?
What is the riskless source of finance?
What is meant by floatation cost ?
Compaines with a higher growth pattern are likely to :
(a) pay lower dividends
(b) pay higher dividends
(c) dividends not affected by growth considersattions
(d) None of the above.
A decision is taken in financial management to disturbe ceratain parts of the profit to shareholders after paying tax. What is this decision called ?
Name the major determiant of the dividend decision.
Which compay is in a positionof declare high dividend ?
What is meant by 'Capital Structrue '?
Name the concept of financial management which involves determining the relative proportionof various types of funds.
Name the two types of capital whicha are part of captial structure.
What is financial leverage ?
How is financial leverage computed ?
When is financial leverage favourave ?
What is trading on equity ?
What is optimum capital structure ?
What does a high debt service coverage ratio indicate ?
Explain why the requirements of fixed capital for a trading concern are different from that of a manufacturing organisation.
Current assets are those assets which get converted into cash__________.
a. within six months
b. within one year
c. between three and five years.
d. between three and five years.
How does 'level of competition' effect the working captial requirement of an organisation ? State.
How does the availability of leasing facilities in a developed financial market affect the fixed capital requirements of a firm ? For what kind of business, such a strategy is suitable ?
A bank may use another's ATM or some of them many jointly establish particular facility. Name of the factor affecting the fixed capital requirements of each bank.
Think as you Read questions and complete solutions for chapter FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT of VK GLOBAL PUBLICATION BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12