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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Relating the different ways of expressing reaction
    rates: Ethanol `(CH_(3)CH_(2)OH)`, the avtive ingredient in alcoholic beverges and an octane booster in gasoline, is yielded by fermentation of glucose. The balance chemical equation is `C_(6)H_(12)O_(6)(aq.)overset("zymase")rarr 2CH_(3)CH_(2)OH(aq.)+2CO_(2)(g)` How is the rate of formation of ethanol related to the rate of consumption of glucose ?
    Strategy : The rate of disappearance of a reactant X is `-Delta[X]//Delta t` while the rate of appearance of a product Y is `Delta[Y]//Delta t`. We can express the rate of the reaction in terms of either rate expressoin. To find the relative rates, look at the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation. These rate expressions can be equated , if we first divide each by the coefficient of the corresponding substance in the chemical equation.

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  2. Calculating the average reaction rate : Calculate the average rate of decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` by the reaction
    during the time interval from `t=600s` `t=1200s`, using the following data:
    Time , `[N_(2)O_(5)]`
    `600s` , `1.24xx10^(-2)M`
    `1200s` , `0.93xx10^(-2)M`
    Strategy : Calculater a `Delta` quantity in concentration, `[N_(2)O_(5)]`, by taking the final value minus the value. Then, divide it by the time interval, `Delta t`.

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  3. Average rate of reaction : From the concentrations of R at different times given below, calculate the average rate of the reaction :
    `R rarr P`
    During different intervals of time
    `{:(t//s,0,5,10,20,30),(10^(3)xx[R]//mol L^(-1),160,80,40,10,2.5):}`
    Strategy : Determine the difference in concentration, `Delta[R]` over different intervals of time. Divide `Delta[R]` by `Delta t` to determine the average reaction rate.

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  4. Reaction rate : At some time, we observe that the reaction
    `2N_(2)O_(5)(g)rarr 4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)`
    is forming `NO_(2)` at the rate of `0.0072 mol L^(-1)s^(-1)`.
    (i) What is the rate of reaction at this time ?
    (ii) What is the rate of formation of `O_(2)` at this time ?
    (iii) What is the rate of consumption of `N_(2)O_(5)` at this time ?
    Strategy : For expressing the rate of such reaction where stoichiometric coefficents of reactants or products are not equal to one, rate of any of the products is divided by their respective stoichiometric coefficients. Use the mole ratios from the balanced equation to determine the rates of change of other products and reactants.

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  5. The decompoistion of `N_(2)O_(5)` in `C CI_(4)` solution at `318 K` has been studied by monitoring the concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` in the solution. Initially, the concentration of `N_(2)O` is `2.33 M` and after `184 min`, it is reduced to `2.08 M`. The reaction takes place according to the equation:
    `2N_(2)O_(5) rarr 4NO_(2) + O_(2)`
    Calculate the average rate of this reaction in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds. What is the rate of Production of `NO_(2)` during this period?

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  6. For the reaction `:`
    `2A+B rarr A_(2)B`
    the rate `=k[A][B]^(2)` with `k=2.0xx10^(-6)mol^(-2)L^(2)s^(-1)`. Calculate the initial rate of the reaction when `[A]=0.1 mol L^(c-),[B]=0.2 mol L^(-1)`. Calculate the rate of reaction after `[A]` is reduced to `0.06 mol L^(-1)`.

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  7. Determining the order of reaction from the rate law: Bromide ion is oxidized by bromate ion in acidic solution. `5Br^(-)(aq.)+BrO_(3)^(-)(aq.)+6H^(+)(aq.)rarrBr_(2)(aq.)+3H_(2)O(l)`
    The expermentally determined rate law is
    `"Rate" = k[Br^(-)][BrO_(3)^(-)][H^(+)]^(2)`
    What is the order of reaction with respect to each of the reactants and what is teh overall reaction order ?
    Strategy : To find the reaction order with respect to each reactant, look at the exponents in the rate law, not the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation, and then sum the exponents to obtain the overall reaction order.

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  8. Interpration of the rate law: For a hydrothertical reaction `X+Y+Zrazrr` products
    the rate law is determined to be
    `"Rate" =k[X][Y]^(2)`
    What happens to the reaction rate when we make each of the following concentration changes ?
    (a) We dobule the concentration of X without changing the concentration of Y or Z.
    (b) We double the concentration of Y without changing the concentration of X or Z.
    (c ) We double the concentrations of Z without changing the concentration of X or Y.
    (d) We double all three concentrations simultaneously.
    Strategy: Interpret the law to predict the changes in reaction rate. Remember that changing concentrations does not change the value of k.

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  9. Method of intial rates: Given the following data, determine the rate law expression and the value of the rate constant for the reaction. `2X+Y+ZrarrU+V`

    Strategy: The rate law is of the from
    `"Rate" = k[X]^(a)[Y]^(b)[Z]^(c )`
    We must evaluate a,b,c, and k by using the reasoning outlined earlier. Thus, to determine order with respect to X, we must select those experiments in which concentration of X changes but the concentrations of Y and Z are kept onstant and so on. Note that the coefficient of U in the balenced equation is 1, so the rate of reaction is equal to the rate of formation of U.

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  10. Intitial rate method: Use the following initial rate data determine the form of the rate law expressoin for the reaction `3X+2Yrarr2U+V`

    Strategy: The rate law is of the form
    `Rate = k[X]^(a)[Y]^(b)`
    No two experiments have the same in initial [Y], thus, use the alternative method discussed earlier to evalaute a and b.

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  11. Writing the overall chemical equation from a mechanism: Carbon tetrachloride, `C CI_(4)`, is obtained by chlorinating methane or an incompletely chlorinated methane such as chloroform, `CHCI_(3)`. The mechanism for the gas phase chlorination of `CHCI_(3)` is
    `CI_(2)hArr2overset(.)(C )I` , Elementary reaction
    `overset(.)(C )I+CHCI_(3)rarrHCI+overset(.)(C )CI_(3)` , Elementary reaction
    `overset(.)(C )I+overset(.)(C )CI_(3)rarrC CI_(4)` , Elementary reaction
    Obtain the net, or overall, chemical equation from this mechanism
    Straregy : The overall chemical equation, which represents the net result of the elementary reaction in the mechanism, is obtined by adding the steps together and cancelling species that occur on borth sides.

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  12. Determining the overall reaction and the molecularity of an elementary reaction : The following two - step mechanism hqas proposed for the gas-phase decomposition of nitrous oxide `(N_(2)O)` :
    Step 1: `N_(2)O(g)rarrN_(2)(g)+O(g)`
    Step 2: `N_(2)O(g)+O(g)rarrN_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)`
    (i) Write the chemical equation for the overall reaction
    (ii) Identify any reaction intermediates
    (iii) What is the molecularity of each of the elementary reactions ?
    (iv) What is the molecularity of the overvall reaction
    Strategy : The step-by -step pathway by which a reaction occurs is called its mechanism. Some reactions takes place in a single step, but most reactions occur in a series of elementary steps. To identify intermediates and molecularity, look at the indicidual steps

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  13. Determining the rate law from a mechanism with an initial slow step: Ozone reacts with nitrogen dioxide to produce oxygen and dinitrogen pentoxide
    The proposed mechanism is
    `O_(3)(g)+NO_(2)(g)overset(slow)rarr NO_(3)(g)+O_(2)(g)`
    What is the rate law predicted by this mechanism ?
    Strategy : The designations "slow" and "fast" indicate the relative rates of the steps. The rate is determined completely by the slow step, or rate-determining sterp.

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  14. Prediction of reaction mechanism: The following reaction has a second - order rate law : `H_(2)(g)+2ICI(g)rarrI_(2)(g)+2HCI(g)`
    `Rate = k[H_(2)][ICI]`
    Devise a possible reaction mechanism
    Strategy: The reaction doesn't occur in a single elementary step because, if did, the rate law would be third order: Rate `= k[H_(2)][ICI]^(2)`. The observed rate law would be obtained if the rate determining step involves the bimolecular reaction of `H_(2)` and ICI.

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  15. Determining the law from a mechanism with an initial fast, equilibrium step: The oxidation of iodide ion by hydrochlorite ion : `CIO^(-)(aq.)+I^(-)(aq.)rarrCI^(-)(aq.)+IO^(-)(aq.)` has been postulated to occur by the two step mechanism :
    1. `CIO^(-)(aq.)+H_(2)O(l)hArrHCIO(aq.)+OH^(-)(aq.)` fast, equilibrium
    2. `I^(-)(aq.)+HCI(aq.)overset(k_(2))rarr(HIO(aq.)+CI^(-)(aq.)` slow
    What rate law is predicted by this mechanism ?
    Strategy : Write the rate equation for the rate determining (slow) step. However, in this case the equation contains a species that does not appear in the overall eqwuation for the reaction. We need to eliminate it from the final from of the rate law. For this purpose we use the fast and equilibrium step.

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  16. Using the concentration time equation for a first order reaction : The decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` to `NO_(2)` and `O_(2)` is first order, with a rate constant of `4.80xx10^(-4)//s att 45^(@)C`
    (a) If the initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5) is 1.65xx10^(-2)mol//L`, what is its concentration after 825 s ?
    (b) How long would it take for the concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` to decrease to `100xx10^(-2) mol L^(-1)` from its initiqal value, given in (a) ?
    Strategy : Since this reaction has a first order rate law, `d[N_(2)O_(5)]//dt = k[N_(2)O_(5)]` , we can use the corresaponding concentration time equation for a first order reaction :
    `k = (2.303)/(t) log ([N_(2)O_(5)]_(0))/([N_(2)O_(5)]_(t))`
    In each part, we substitute the know quantities into this equation and solve for the unkbnown.

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  17. The initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` in the following first order reaction:
    `N_(2)O_(5)(g) rarr 2NO_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)`
    was `1.24 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(-1)` at `318 K`. The concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` after `60 min` was `0.20 xx 10^(-2) mol L^(-1)`. Calculate the rate constant of the reaction at `318 K`.

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  18. Calculating fraction : The rate constant of a first order reaction is `0.0231 min^(-1)` . What fraction of the reactant remains after 70 minuts ?
    Strategy : If 'f' is the reaction of the reactant reacting after 70 minutes, then the fraction of the reactant remaining after 70 minutes will be 1 - f.

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  19. Calculating time requireed to complete a definite fraction of first order reaction : A first order reaction is `20%` complete in 10 minutes. Calculate the time taken for the reaction to go to `75%` completion.
    Stratagy : First calculate the rate constant (k) using frist data and then calculate the required time to complete `75%` of the reaction by using the value of rate constant :

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  20. The following data were obtained during the first thermal decompoistion of `N_(2)O_(5) (g)` at constant volume.
    `2N_(2)O_(5) (g) rarr 2N_(2)O_(4) (g)+O_(2)(g)`
    `|{:("S.No.","Time (s)","Total pressure (atm)"),(i.,0,0.5),(ii.,100,0.512):}|`
    Calculate the rate constant.

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  21. The half life for radioactive decay of `.^(14)C` is 5730 years. An archaeological artifact containing wood had only `80%` of the `.^(14)C` found in a living tree. Estimat the age of the sample.

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  22. Findingf concentration and time : The rate constant for the decomposition of gasous `N_(2)O_(5) at 55^(@)C is 1.7xx10^(-3)s^(-1)` . If the initial concentration of `N_(2)O_(5)` after five half-lives ? How long will it take for the `N_(2)O_(5)` concentration to fall to `12.5%` of its initial values ?
    Strategy : Because the unit of rate constant is `time^(-1)` , the decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)` is a first order reaqction. To find `[N_(2)O_(5)]` after n half lives, multiply its initial concentration by `(1//2)^(n)` since `[N_(2)O_(5)]` drops by a factor of 2 during each successive haslf-life.

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  23. The hydrolyiss of methyl acetate in aqueous solution is has been studied by titrating the liberated acetic acid against `NaOH`. The concentration of ester at different times is given below:
    `|{:("t (min)",0,30,60,90),(C (Mol L^(-1)),0.8500,0.8004,0.7538,0.7096):}|`
    Show that it follows a pseudo first order reaction, as the concentration of water remains nearly constant `(55 mol L^(-1))` during the course of the reaction . What is the value of `k'` in the equation ?
    Rate `= k'[CH_(3)COOCH_(3)][H_(2)O]`

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  24. Pseudo approach : At `25^(@)C` and at a constant pH of 5, the hydrolysis of reactant, A, proceeds with a constant half-life of 500 min. At this temperature, but at a pH of 4, the half life ios constant at 50 min. Find the rate law.
    Strategy : `C_(H^(+))= 10^(-pH)mol//L`, since half life `(t_(1//2)prop 1//rate constant)` changes with change of pH, it impiles that reaction rate also depends upon `[H^(+)]`. Thus, the rate law should of the following type
    To find this rate law, we need to determine two unknowns : x and y. We can simplify the situation by pseudo approach which allows us to find x and y stepwise.

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  25. Using the Arrhenius equation : The rate constant fot the formation of hydrogen iodide from the elemewnts
    is `2.7xx10^(-4)L//(mol.s)at 600 k and 3.5xx10^(-3)L//(mol.s) at 650 k` .
    (a) Find the activation energy `E_(a)` . (b) Calculate the rate constant at 700 k .
    Strategy : (a) Substitute the data given in the problem statement into the Equation `(4.37)` noted just before this example, then solve for `E_(a)` . , (b) Use the same equation, but substitute for `k_(1), T_(1), T_(2)` and `E_(a)` obtained in (a) and solve for `k_(2)` .

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of R SHARMA CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12