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Complete Solutions to Question Bank (Building the knowledge) of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

R SHARMAQuestion Bank (Building the knowledge)
Number Of Questions53
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the reaction, `2NO(g)+O_(2)(g)rarr2NO_(2)(g)`, the rate to change of concentration of NO is

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  2. The specific rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the

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  3. In a reaction `2A rarr B` the concentration of A decreases from `0.3 mol L^(-1) to 0.2 mol L^(-1)` in 10 minutes. The reaction rate during trhis interval is mol `L^(-1) minute^(-1)`

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  4. For an elementary process

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  5. For a first order reaction, the half-life period is independent of

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  6. Consider the reaction `2N_(2)O_(5)rarr 4NO_(2)+O_(2)` If the conc. Of `N_(2)O_(5)` is reduced from `2.33 M to 2.08M` after 184 minutes, the rate of production of `NO_(2)` during this period will be ------- mol `L^(-1) min^(-1)`.

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  7. The average rate of a reaction iws calculated from the

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  8. The gas phase reaction `2NO_(2)+O_(3)rarrN_(2)O_(5)+O_(2)` has the rate constant `k = 2.0xx10^(-4) dm^(3) mol^(-1) s^(-1)` at 300 K. The order of the reaction is

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  9. Which of the following statements is correct ?

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  10. The rate of a reaction increases eight times when the concentration of the reactant increases four times. The order of the reaction is

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  11. For a first - order reaction, the rate of reaction is `1.0xx10^(-2) mol L^(-1) s^(-1)` and the initial concentration of the reactant is 1 M. The half-life period for the reaction is

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  12. The half life for a given reaction was doubled as the initial concentration of a reactant was doubled. What is the order of reaction.

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  13. A transition state represents a transition between the

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  14. For an endothermic reaction, where `Delta H` represents the enthalpy of reaction in `kJ mol^(-1)`, the minimum value for the energy of activation will be

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  15. Activation energy of a chemical reaction can be determined by

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  16. The experiment data for the reaction `2A + B_(2) rarr 2AB` is
    `|{:("Experiment",[A] M,[B_(2)] M,"Initial rate" (mol L^(-1) s^(-1)),),(I,0.50,0.5,1.6 xx 10^(-4),),(II,0.50,1.0,3.2 xx 10^(-4),),(III,1.00,1.0,3.2 xx 10^(-4),):}|`
    Write the most probable rate equation for the reacting giving reason for you answer.

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  17. The activation energy for a simple chemical reaction `A rarr B` is `E_(a)` in the forward reaction: The activation of the reverse reaction

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  18. The plot of concentration of the reactant vs time for a reaction is a straight line with a negative slope. This reaction follows

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  19. A chemical reaction has catalyst X. Hence X

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  20. For an exothermic reaction, the energy of activation of the reactants is

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  21. Higher order `(gt3)` reaction are rare due to :

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  22. The rate of a reaction doubles when its temperature changes form `300 K` to `310 K`. Activation energy of such a reaction will be:
    `(R = 8.314 JK^(-1) mol^(-1) and log 2 = 0.301)`

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  23. Plots showing the variation of the rate constant `(k)` with temperature `(T)` are given below. The plot that follows the Arrhenius equation is

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  24. For a first order reaction `A rarr P`, the temperature `(T)` dependent rate constant `(k)` was found to follow the equation `log k = -2000(1//T) + 6.0`. The pre-exponential factor `A` and the activation energy `E_(a)`, respective, are

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  25. Conisder a reaction `aG+bH rarr` Products. When concentration of both the reactants `G` and `H` is doubled, the rate increases eight times. However, when the concentration of `G` is doubled, keeping the concentration of `H` fixed, the rate is doubled. The overall order of reaction is

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  26. The time for half-life period of a certain reaction, `A rarr` products is `1 h`. When the initial concentration of the reactant `'A'` is `2.0 "mol" L^(-1)`, how much time does it take for its concentration to come from `0.50` to `0.25 "mol" L^(-1)`, if it is zero order reaction ?

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  27. Rate of a reaction can be expressed by Arrhenius equation as:
    `k = Ae^(-E_(a)//RT)`
    In this equation, `E_(a)` represents:

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  28. The reaction `M_(2)(g) rarrN(g)+(1)/(2)R(g)` shows increase in pressure from 100 mm to 120 mm in 5 minutes. The rate of reaction is ------- mm `min^(-1)`

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  29. The raction `2FeCl_(3) + SnCl_(2) rarr 2FeCl_(2) + SnCl_(4)` is an example of

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  30. A first order gas reaction has `k = 1.5 xx 10^(-6) s^(-1)` at `200^(@)C`. If the reaction is allowed to run for `10 h`, what have changed in the Product? What is the half-life of this reaction?

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  31. While studying the decompoistion of gaseous `N_(2)O_(5)`, it is observed that a plot of logarithm of its partial pressure versus time is linear. What kinetic parameters can be obtained form this observation?

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  32. `99%` at a first order reaction was completed in `32 min`. When will `99.9%` of the reaction complete.

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  33. If the rate constant for a reaction repreasented by `2HI rarr H_(2)+I_(2)` is denoted by k then for the same reaction if represented by
    `HI rarr (1)/(2) H_(2)+(1)/(2)I_(2)`, the rate constant shall be equal to

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  34. In an exothermic reaction `A rarr B`, the activation energy of the forward reaction is `200 kJ mol^(-1)`. The enthalpy of the reaction is `280 kJ mol^(-1)`. The activation energy of the reverse reaction `B rarr A` is

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  35. In Arrhenius equation `k = Ae^(-E_(a)//RT))`, A is the value of the rate constant

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  36. Two reaction proceed at `35^(@)C` at the same rate. The temperature coefficient of the first reaction is 4 and thatr of the second is 2. The ratio of the rates of these reaction at `75^(@)C` is

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  37. A substance 'A' decomposes by a first order reaction starting initially with `[A]= 2.00M` and after 200 min, [A] becomes `0.15M`. For this reaction, `t1//2` is

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  38. The concentration of `R` in the reaction `R rarr P` was measured as a function of time and the following data were obtained. What is the order of the reaction?
    `|{:([R] (mol),1.0,0.75,0.40,0.10),(T (min),0.0,0.05,0.12,0.18):}|`

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  39. Under the same reaction conditions, the intial concentration of `1.386 mol dm^(-3)` of a substance becomes half in `40 s` and `20 s` theough first order and zero order kinetics, respectively.
    The ratio `(k_(1)//k_(0))` of the rate constants for first order `(k_(1))` and zero order `(k_(0))` of the reaction is

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  40. Consider a reaction, `2A + B rarr` Products
    When concentration of `B` alone was doubled, the half-life did not change. When the concentration of `A` alone was doubled, the rate increased by two times. The unit of rate constant for this reaction is :

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  41. The energies of activation for forward and reverse reaction for `A_(2)+B_(2) hArr 2AB` are `180 kJ "mol"^(-1)` and `200 kJ "mol"^(-1)` respectively. The presence of catalyst lowers the activation energy of both (forward and reverse) reactions by `100 kJ "mol"^(-1)`. The enthalpy change of the reaction `(A_(2) + B_(2) rarr 2 AB)` in the presence of catalyst will be (in `kJ "mol"^(-1)`):

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  42. `NH_(3)` gaws is adsorbed on the metal surface like tungsten This follows …. order kinetics.

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  43. The rate law for a reaction between `A` and `B` is given by rate `= k[A]^(n)[B]^(m)`. On doubling the concentration of `A` and halving the concentration of `B`, the ratio of the new rate to the earlier rate of the reaction becomes

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  44. In a first order reaction, the concentration of the reactant decreases form `0.8 M` to `0.4 M` in `15 min`. The time taken for the concentration to change form `0.1 M` to `0.025 M` is

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  45. The hydrogenation of vegetable ghee at `25^(@)C` reduces the pressure of `H_(2)` form `2 atm` to `1.2 atm` in `50min`. Calculate the rate of reaction in terms of change of
    (a) Pressure per minute
    (b) Molarity per second

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  46. t some temperature, the rate constant for the reaction of the type
    `2A rarr` Products
    is `0.08 Ms^(-1)`. The time it takes for the concentration of A to drop from `1.50M to 0.30M` is

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  47. For first order reaction involving `2A rarr` products the specific reaction rate is `0.0084 s^(-1)`. If `2.50` moles of A are taken in a `5.0` litre flask, then moles of A remaining after 60 seconds will be

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  48. The rate of first order reaction is `0.04 mol L^(-1) s^(-1)` at `10 min` and `0.03 mol L^(-1) s^(-1)` at `20 min` after initiation. Find the half life of the reaction.

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  49. The rate expression for an nth - order reaction `(n != 1)` is

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  50. The general expression for half-life period of an nth order reaction `(for n != 1)` is

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  51. In the reaction, `P+Q rarr R+S`
    the time taken for `75%` reaction of `P` is twice the time taken for `50%` reaction of `P`. The concentration of `Q` varies with reaction time as shown in the figure. The overall order of the reaction is

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  52. Which or the following is correct for the first order reaction ?
    (i) The concentration of the reactant decreases exponentially with time.
    (ii) The half life of the reaction decreases with increaseing temperature.
    (iii) The half life of the reaction depends on the initial concentration of the reactant.
    (iv) The reaction proceeds to `99.6%` completion in eigth half-life duration.

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  53. For the reaction system `2NO(g) + O_(2)(g) rarr 2NO(g)` volume is suddenly produced to half its value by increasing the pressure on it. If the reaction is of first order with respect to `O_(2)` and second order with respect to `NO`. The rate of reaction will

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Question Bank (Building the knowledge) questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of R SHARMA CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12