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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLES of chapter VOLUMETRIC CALCULATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions74
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Calculate the number of m.e of `H_(2)SO_(4)` present in 10 mL of N/2 `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution.

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  2. Calculate the number of m.e and equivalent of NaOH present in 1 litre of N/10 NaOH solution .

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  3. Calculate the weight of `NaOH` in `75` mill-equivalents.

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  4. Calculate number of m.e of the acids present in
    (i) 100 mL of `0.05` M oxalic acid solution ,
    (ii) 50 mL of `0.1` M sulphuric acid solution .

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  5. A 100 mL solution of KOH contains 10 milliequivalents of KOH .Calculate its strength in normality and grams /litre .

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  6. Calculate the normality of a solution of `FeSO_(4).7H_(2)O` containing 2.4g/100 mL (Fe=56,S=32,O=16,H=1) which converts to ferric form in a reaction .

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  7. Calculate the number of milliequivalents, gram eq., weight in grams and number of moles contained in 10 litres of `0.5` M `Na(OH)_(2)` solution. (Ba=137) .

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  8. What is the strength in grams/litre of a solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)` ,12 c c of which neutralises 15 c c of `N/10` NaOH solution ?

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  9. What weight of `KMnO_(4)` will be required to prepare 250 mL of its `N/10` solution if eq.wt of `KMnO_(4) " is " 31.6` ?

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  10. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted `0.42` g of the ore into its ferrous form . This required `42.00` mL of `0.1` N solution of `KMnO_(4)` for titration.
    How many milliequivalents of `KMnO_(4)` does `42.00` mL of `0.1 ` N solution represent ?

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  11. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted `0.42` g of the ore into its ferrous form . This required `42.00` mL of `0.1` N solution of `KMnO_(4)` for titration.
    How many equivalents of iron were present in the sample of the ore taken for analysis ?

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  12. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted `0.42` g of the ore into its ferrous form . This required `42.00` mL of `0.1` N solution of `KMnO_(4)` for titration.
    How many grams of iron were present in the sample ?

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  13. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted `0.42` g of the ore into its ferrous form . This required `42.00` mL of `0.1` N solution of `KMnO_(4)` for titration.
    What is the percentage of iron in the ore?

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  14. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted `0.42` g of the ore into its ferrous form . This required `42.00` mL of `0.1` N solution of `KMnO_(4)` for titration.
    What is the molarity of `KMnO_(4)` solution used ?

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  15. In a quantitative determination of iron in an ore, an analyst converted `0.42` g of the ore into its ferrous form . This required `42.00` mL of `0.1` N solution of `KMnO_(4)` for titration.
    How many moles of `KMnO_(4)` were used for titration ? (Fe =56)

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  16. Grams of a sample of ferrus sulphate was dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid and water and its volume was made up to 1 litre . 25 mL of this solution required 20 mL of `N/10 KmnO_(4)` solution for complete oxidation . Calculate the percentage of `FeSO_(4). 7H_(2)O` in the sample .

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  17. `5.39` of a mixture of `FeSO_(4). 7H_(2)O` and anhydrous ferric sulphate requires 80 mL of `0.125` N permangnate solution for complete conversion to ferric sulphate . Calculate the individual weights of each component of the original mixture .

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  18. 100 g of HCI solution with relative density 1.117 g/ml contains 33.4 g of HCI. What volume of this HCI solution will be required to exactly neutralize 5 litre of N/10 NaOH solution?

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  19. Derive a formula to calculate the normality of an acid of sp. Gr 'd' containing x % by weght . The eq. wt of the acid is E .

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  20. A sample of `H_(2) SO_(4)` (density `1.787 g mL^(-1)`) si labelled as 86% by weight. What is the molarity of acid? What volume of acid has to be used to make `1 L` of `0.2 M H_(2) SO_(4)` ?

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  21. How many millilitres of concentrated sulphuric acid of sp. `1.84` containing 98 % `H_(2)SO_(4)` by weight are required to prepare 200 mL of `0.50` N solution ?

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  22. A piece of `Al` wieghing `2.7 g` is titrated with `75.0 mL` of `H_(2) SO_(4)` (specific gravity `1.8 mL^(-1)` and 24.7% `H_(2) SO_(4)` by weight). After the metal is completely dissolved, the solution is diluted to `400 mL`. Calculate the molarity of free `H_(2) SO_(4)` solution.

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  23. Two litres of ammonia at `30^(@) C and 0.90` atmosphere pressure neutralised 134 mL of a solution of sulphuric acid . Calculate the normality of the acid .

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  24. Calculate the strength of 20 V of `H_(2)O_(2)` in terms of
    (i) normality

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  25. Calculate the strength of 20 V of `H_(2)O_(2)` in terms of
    grams per litre

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  26. Calculate the strength of 20 V of `H_(2)O_(2)` in terms of
    molarity and

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  27. Calculate the strength of 20 V of `H_(2)O_(2)` in terms of

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  28. (b) Calculate the volume strength of `3.58 N H_(2)O_(2)` solution .

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  29. Calculate the `%` of free `SO_(3)` in oleum ( a solution of `SO_(3)` in `H_(2)SO_(4)`) that is labelled `109% H_(2)SO_(4)` by weight.

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  30. A solution of a `0.4` g sample of `H_(2)O_(2)` reacted with `0.632 ` g of `KMnO_(4)` in the pressure of sulphuric acid .Calculated the percentage purity of the sample of `H_(2)O_(2)` .

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  31. A 1.00 g sample of `H_(2)O_(2)` solution containing x percent `H_(2)O_(2)` by weight required x ml of a `KMnO_(4)` solution for complete oxidation under acidic condition. Calculate normality of `KMnO_(4)` solution.

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  32. 50 mL of an aqueous solution of `H_(2)O_(2)` was treated with an excess of KI solution and dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)`. The liberated iodine required 20 mL 0.1 N `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` solution for complete interaction. Calculate the concentration of `H_(2)O_(2)` in `g//L`.

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  33. Calculate the percentage amount of oxalate in a given sample of oxalate salt when `0.3` g of salt was dissolved in 100 mL and 10 mL of which required 8 mL of `N/20 KMnO_(4)` solution .

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  34. One gram - atom of Ca burnt in excess of oxygen was dissolved in water to make up a litre solution. Calculate the normality alkaline solution .

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  35. How much AgCl will be formed byadding `1.70 " g of " AgNO_(3)` in 200 mL of 5 N HCl solution ? (Ag = 108, N = 14 , O= 16)

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  36. A mixture of aluminium and zinc weighning `1.67` g was completely dissolved in acid and evolved `1.69` litres of hydrogen at NTP . What was the aluminium in the original mixture ? (Al = 27, Zn = `65.4`)

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  37. A mixture of aluminium and zinc weighning `1.67` g was completely dissolved in acid and evolved `1.69` litres of hydrogen at NTP. What was the weight of

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  38. `7.35` g of a dibasic acid was dissolved in water and diluted to 250 mL. 25 mL of this solution was neutralised by 15 mL of N NaOH solution . Calculate eq. wt and mol.wt of the acid .

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  39. `2.0` g of mixture of carconate , bicarbonate and chloride of sodium , on heating , produced 56 mL of `CO_(2)` at NTP . `1.6` g of the same mixture required 25 mL of N HCl solution for neutralisation . Calculate the percentage of `Na_(2)CO_(3), NaHCO_(3)` and NaCl in the mixture from the given data .

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  40. How many of 0.1 N HCl are required to react completely with 1 g mixture of `Na_2CO_3 and NaHCO_3` containing equimolar amounts of two ?

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  41. `5 mL` of `8 N HNO_(3), 4.8 mL` of `5N HCl` and a certain volume of `17 M H_(2)SO_(4)` are mixed together and made upto `2 "litre"`. `30 mL` of this acid mixture exactly neutralizes `42.9 mL` of `Na_(2)CO_(3)` solution containing `1 g Na_(2)CO_(3)`. `10 H_(2)O "in" 100 mL` of water. Calculate the amount of sulphate ions in `g` present in solution.

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  42. `1.42 ` g of a mixture of `caCO_(3) and MgCO_(3) ` was dissolved in 200 mL of `0.2 `N HCl solution which was then diluted to 250 mL . 10 mL of this solution was neutralised by 12 mL of (N/30) `Na_(2)CO_(3)` .Find out the percentage of each in the mixture . ( Ca = 40 , Mg = 24 , C = 12 , O = 16)

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  43. `3.68 ` g of mixture of `CaCO_(3) and MgCO_(3)` , on reaction with 1000 mL of N/10 HCl solution produced `1.76 " g of " CO_(2)` . Calculate the percentage of each in the mixture .

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  44. `1.25` of a mixture of `Na_(2)CO_(3) and Na_(2)SO_(4)` was dissolved in 25o mL of water. 25 mL of this solution required 20 mL of `0.01 " N " H_(2)SO_(4) ` solution for exact neutralisation .Calculate the percentage of `Na_(2)CO_(3)` in the mixture .

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  45. `4.35` g of a mixture of NaCl and `Na_(2)CO_(3)` was dissolved in 100 mL of water , 20 mL of which was exactly neutralised by `75.5 ` mL of N/0 solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)` . Calculate the percentage of NaCl and `na_(2)CO_(3)` in the mixture .

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  46. `1.216` g of a sample of `(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)` was boiled with excess of NaOH and the ammonia gas so produced was absorbed in 100 mL of N `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution .The unreacted `H_(2)SO_(4)` requied `81.6` mL of normal solution of a base for exact neutralisation . Calculate percentage amount of ammonia in ammonium sulphate .

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  47. A solution contains `Na_(2)CO_(3) and NaHCO_(3)` . 10 mL of the solution requires `2.5` mL of `0.1 " M " H_(2)SO_(4)` for neutralisation using phenlphthalein as an indicator . Methyl orange is added when a further 2.5 mL of `0.2 " M " H_(2)SO_(4)` was required . calculate the amount of `Na_(2)CO_(3) and NaHCO_(3) ` in one litre of the solution .

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  48. A solution contained `Na_(2)CO_(3) and NaHCO_(3)`. 25 mL of this solution required 5 mL 0.1 N HCl for titration with phenophthalein as indicator . The titration was repeated with the same volume of the solution but woth methyl orange .12.5 mL of 0.1 N HCl was required this time . Calculate the amount of `Na_(2)CO_(3) and naHCO_(3)` in the solution .

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  49. A mixutre solution of KOH and `Na_2CO_3` requires 15 " mL of " `(N)/(20)` HCl when titrated with phenolphthalein as indicator.But the same amoound of the solutions when titrated with methyl orange as indicator requires 25 " mL of " the same acid. Calculate the amount of KOH and `Na_2CO_3` present in the solution.

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  50. 50 mL of a solution , containing 1 g each of `Na_(2)CO_(3) ,NaHCO_(3) and NaOH ` was titrated with N HCl . What will be the titre readings if
    only phenophthalein is used as indicator ?

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  51. 51 mL of a solution , containing 1 g each of `Na_(2)CO_(3) ,NaHCO_(3) and NaOH ` was titrated with N HCl . What will be the titre readings if
    only methyl orange is used as indicator from the very beginning ?

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  52. 52 mL of a solution , containing 1 g each of `Na_(2)CO_(3) ,NaHCO_(3) and NaOH ` was titrated with N HCl . What will be the titre readings if
    methyl orange is added after the first end point with phenolphthalein ?

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  53. 1.245 g of `CuSO_(4). xH_(2)O` was dissolved in water and `H_(2)S` gas was passed through it will till CuS was completely precipitated . The `H_(2)SO_(4)` produced in the filtrate required 100 ml of 0.1 M NaOH solution . Calculate x (approximately)

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  54. A 10 mL of `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` solution , liberated iodine from KI solution . The liberated iodine was titrated by 16 mL of M/25 sodium thiosulphate solution . Calculate the concentration of `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` solution per litre .

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  55. Mercuric iodate `[Hg_(5)(IO_(6))_(2)]` reacts with a mixture of KI and HCI according to the following equation .
    `Hg_(5)(IO_(6))_(2) +34 KI +24 HCl to 5K_(2)HgI_(4) +8I_(2) +24KCl +12H_(2)O `
    The liberated odine is treated with `na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` solution , 1 mL of which is equivalent to `0.0499` g of `CuSO_(4).5H_(2)O ` .What volume( in mL ) of `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` solution will be required to react with iodine liberated from `0.7245` g of `[Hg_(5) (IO_(6))_(2)]` ? [Hg = 200.5 , Cu = 63.5 ,I = 127 ]

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  56. Calculate the concentration of `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3) . 5H_(2)O ` solution in grams per itre .
    10 mL of which just decolourised 15 mL of N/20 iodine solution .

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  57. 25 mL of `0.017 " M " H_(2)SO_(3)^(-) ` in strongly acidic required the addition of 16.9 mL of `0.01` M `MnO_(4)^(-)` for its complete oxidation t `SO_(4)^(2-)` or `HsO_(4)^(-)` .in neutral solution it required 28.6 mL . Assign oxidation numbers to Mn in each of the products .

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  58. A polyvalent metal weghing 0.1 g and having atomic weight 51 reacted will dil `H_2SO_4` to give 43.9 " mL of " `H_2` at STP. This solution containing the metal in the lower oxidation state was found to require 58.8 " mL of " 0.1 permanganate for complete oxidation. What are the valencies of the metal.

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  59. `4.08 ` g of a mixture of BaO and an unkonwn carbonate `MCO_(3)` was heated strongly .the residence weighted `3.64 g ` .this was dissolved in 100 mL of 1 N HCl . The excess of acid required 16 mL of `2.5` N NaOH for complete neutralisation .Identify the metal M.

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  60. (i) A sample of `MnSO_(4).4H_(2)O ` is strongly heated in air . The residue is `Mn_(3)O_(4)`
    (ii) The residue is dissolved in 100 mL of `0.1 ` N `FeSO_(4)` containing dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)`
    (iii) The solution reacts completely with 50 mL of `KMnO_(4)` solution .
    (iv) 25 mL of the `KMnO_(4)` solution used in step (ii) requires 30 mL of 0.1 N `FeSO_(4)` solution for complete reaction .

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  61. `0.5` g of fuming `H_(2)SO_(4)` (oleum ) is diluted with water . The solution is completely neutralised by `26.7` mL of 0.4 N naOH .Find the percentage of free `SO_(3)` in the sample of oleum.

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  62. A mixture of `H_(2)C_(2)O_(4)` and `NaHC_(2)O_(4)` weighing `2.02 g` was dissolved in water and the solution made uptp one litre. `10 mL` of this solution required `3.0 mL` of `0.1 N NaOH` solution for complete neutralization. In another experiment `10 mL` of same solution in hot dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)` medium required `4 mL` of `0.1N KMnO_(4) KMnO_(4)` for compltete neutralization. Calculate the amount of `H_(2)C_(2)O_(4)` and `NaHC_(2)O_(4)` in mixture.

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  63. A solution of `0.2 g` of a compound containing `Cu^(2+)` and `C_(2)O_(4)^(2-)` ions on titration with `0.02M KMnO_(4)` in presence of `H_(2)SO_(4)` consumes `22.6mL` oxidant. The resulting solution is neutralized by `Na_(2)CO_(3)`, acidified with dilute `CH_(3)COOH` and titrated with excess of `KI`. The liberated `I_(2)` required `11.3 mL "of" 0.05M Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` for complete reduction. Find out mole ratio of `Cu^(2+)` and `C_(2)O_(4)^(2+)` in compound.

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  64. `1.25 ` g of a sample chlorine in 25 mL of water and 25 mL of which are treated with KI solution . The iodine so liberated required `12.5` of which are treated with KI solution . The iodine so liberated required `12.5` mL of N/25 hypo solution in titration . Find the percentage of chlorine available from the sample of bleaching powder .

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  65. An equal volume of reducing agent is titrated separately with `1 M KMnO_(4)` in acid, neutral and alkaline medium. The volumes of `KMnO_(4)` required are `20 mL, 33.3 mL` and `100 mL` in acid, neutral and alkaline medium respectively. Find out oxidation state of `Mn` in each reaction product. Give balance equation. Find the volume of `1 M K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` consumed if same volume of reductant is titrated in acid medium.

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  66. A `1 g` sample of `Fe_(2)O_(3)` solid of `55.2%` purity is dissolved in acid and reduced by heating the solution with zinc dust. The resultant solution is cooled and made upto `100 mL`. An aliquot of `25 mL` of this solution requires `17 mL` of `0.0167M` solution of an oxidant for titration. Calculate no.of electrons taken up by oxidant in the above titration.

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  67. A sample of hard water contains `96 pp m."of" SO_(4)^(2-)` and `183 pp m "of" HCO_(3)^(-)`, with `Ca^(2+)` as the only cation. How many moles of `CaO` will be required to remove `HCO_(3)^(-)` from `1000 kg` of this water? If `1000 kg` of this water is treated with the amount of `CaO` calculated above, what will be the concentration (in ppm)of residual `Ca^(2+)` ions (Assume `CaCO_(3)` to be completely insoluble in water)? If the `Ca^(2+)` ions in one litre of the treated water are completely exchange with hydrogen ions, what will be its `pH` (One ppm means one part of the substance in one million part of water, weight`//`weight)?

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  68. A sample of `Mg` was burnt in air to give a mixure of `MgO` and `Mg_(3)N_(2)`. The ash was dissolved in `60 Meq`. of `HCl` and the resulting solution was back titrated with `NaOH`. `12 Meq`. Of `NaOH` was then added and the solution distrilled. The ammonia released was then trapped in `10 Meq`. of second acid solution. Back titration of this solution required `6 Meq`. of the base Calculate the percentage of `Mg` burnt to the nitride.

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  69. Hydrogen peroxide solution `(20 mL)` reacts quantitatively with a solution of `KMnO_(4) (20 mL)` acidified with dilute of `H_(2)SO_(4)`. The same volume of the `KMnO_(4)` solution is just decolourised by `10 mL` of `MnSO_(4)` in neutral medium simultaneously forming a dark brown precipitate of hydrated `MnO_2`. The brown precipitate is dissolved in `10 mL` of `0.2 M` sodium oxalate under boiling condition in the presence of dilute `H_(2)SO_(4)`. Write the balanced equations involved in the reactions and calculate the molarity of `H_(2)O_(2)`.

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  70. You are given a `2.18g` sample containing a mixture of XO and `X_2O_3`. It takes 0.015 " mol of "`K_2Cr_2O_7` to oxdise the sample completely to form `XO_4^(ɵ)` and `Cr^(3+)`. If 0.0187 " mol of "`XO_4^(ɵ)` is formed, what is the atomic mass of X?

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  71. The arsenic in a `1.22 ` g sample of pesticide was converted to `AsO_(4)^(3-)` by suitable chemical treatment .it was then titrated using `Ag^(+)` to form `Ag_(3)AsO_(4)` as a presipitate .If it took 25 mL of `0.102 " M " Ag^(+)` to reach to equivalence point in this titration , what is the percentage of arsenic in the pestcide ? (As = 75)

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  72. A mixture containing `As_(2)O_(3) and As_(2)O_(5)` required 20 mL of `0.05` N iodine for titration .the resulting solution is then acidified and excess of KI was added . The liberated iodine required 1.0 g of `Na_(2)S_(2).5H_(2)O ` fr complete reaction .Calculate the weight of the mixture .(As = 75 , O = 16 , S = 32 , Na =23)

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  73. 0.5 g of an oxalate was dissolved in water and the solution made to 100 mL. On titration 10 mL of this solution required 15 mL of `(N)/(20)KMnO_(4)`. Calculate the percentage of oxalate in the sample .

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  74. A `50 mL` sample of hard water containing `Ca^(2+)` and `Mg^(2+)` ions is titrated with `50 mL. 0.005 M EDTA` solution at `pH=10`, using eriochrome balck`-T` indicator to reach equivalence point.
    In a equal amount of hard water sample, `Mg^(2+)` ions are precipitated as `Mg(OH)_(2)` by adding suitable amount of `NaOH`. the solution, after precipitation of `Mg(OH)_(2)`, is stirred and then titrated with `EDTA` solution using calcon as indicator, and it requires `10 mL` of above `EDTA` solution to reach equivalence point.
    a. Calculate the strength of `Ca^(2+)` and `Mg^(2+)` ions present in hard water.
    b. Calculate the hardness due to `Ca^(2+)` ions in p p m of `CaCO_(3)`.
    c. Calculate the hardness due to `Mg^(2+)` ions in p p m of `CaCO_(3)`.
    d. Calculate the total hardness of water in p p m of `CaCO_(3)`.

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EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter VOLUMETRIC CALCULATIONS of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12