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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS of chapter VOLUMETRIC CALCULATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Calculate the strength in g/L of 3 N HCl and `N/2 H_(2)SO_(4)` solutions .

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  2. How many mL of 1.M sulphuric acid is required t neutralise 10 mL of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution ?

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  3. 2 litres of ammonia at `13^(@)` and `0.90` atmospheric pressure is neutralised by 134 mL of `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution .Find the normality of the acid .

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  4. What weight of `CuSO_(4).5H_(2)O ` must be taken to be make `0.5` litre of `0.01` M copper (II) ion solution ?

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  5. Calculate the molarity og hudrogen chloride in a solution when `0.365` g of it has been dissolved in 100 mL of the solution .
    3 g of a salt of molecular weight 30 is dissolved in 250 g of water . The molarity of the solution is …

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  6. Derive a formula for the volume of water `V_(2)` which must be added to `V_(1)` mL of concentrated solution of molarity `M_(1)` to give a solution of molarity `M_(2)` .

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  7. Find out the equivalent weight of `H_(3) PO_(4)`in the reaction:
    `Ca(OH)_(2) + H_(3) PO_(4) rarr CaHPO_(4) + 2 H_(2) O`

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  8. A 250-mL sample of `0.20` M hydrochloric acid to be made by diluting the approximate amount of the concentrated reagent `11.7` M .What volume of the latter should be used ?

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  9. How many mL of each of two hydrochloric acids of strengths 12 N and 3 N are to be mixed to make one litre of 6 N solution ?

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  10. What volumes of 2 M and 6 M solutions of HCl have to be mixed to prepare 500 mL of a 3 M solutions? Disgard the change in the volume in mixing .

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  11. One litre of a solution contains 18 .9 g of `HNO_(3)` and one litre of another solution contains 3.2 g of NaOH. In what volume ratio must these solution be mixed to obtain a neutral solution?

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  12. `10ml` of sulphuric acid solution `(` contains `98%` weight of pure acid. Calculate the volume of `2.5 M NaOH` solution required to just neutralise the acid.

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  13. What is the molarity and molality of a 13 % solution ( by weight ) of `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution ? Its density is `1.490` g/mL To what volume should 100 mL of this acid be diluted in order to prepare `1.5` N solution ?

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  14. How many mL of concentrated suphuric acid of sp. Gr `1.84` containing 98 % `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution by weight is required to prepare 200 mL of `0.5` N solution ?

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  15. 26 mL of a 1 N `NaCO_(3)` solution is neutralised by the acids A and B in different experiments .The volumes of the acids A and B required were 10 mL and 40 mL respectively . How many volumes of A and B are to be mixed in order to prepare 1 litre of normal acid solution ?

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  16. 25 mL of a solution of `Fe^(2+)` ions was titrated with a solution of the sxidising agent `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)`. 32.45 mL of `0.0153` M `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` solution war required .What is the prepare 1 litre of normal acid solution ?

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  17. Upon heating a litre of a `N/2 ` HCl solution , `2.675` g of hydrogen chloride is lost and the volume of the solution shrinks to 750 mL .Calculate (i) the normality of the resultant solution (ii) the number of milliequivalents of HCl in 100 mL of the original solution .

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  18. `0.9546` g of a Rochelle salt , `NaKC_(4)H_(4)O_(6).4H_(2)O` on ignition ,gave `NaKCO_(3)` , which was treated with `41.72` mL of `0.1307` N `H_(2)SO_(4)` . The unreacted `H_(2)SO_(4)` was then neutralised by `1.91` mL of `0.1297` N NaOH. Find the percentage purity of the Rochelle salt in the sample .

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  19. A mixture of `KMnO_(4) and K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` weighing `0.24` g on being treated with KI in acid solution liberates just sufficient `I_(2)` to react with 60 mL of `0.1` N `Ha_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` solution . Calculate percentage of Cr and Mn in the mixture .

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  20. Fedral regulations set an upper limit of 50 parts per millison (ppm) of `NH_(3)` in the air in a work environment ( that is , 50 mL `NH_(3)` per `10^(6)` mL of air).The density of `NH_(3)(g)` at room temperature is `0.771` g/L .Air from a manufacturing operation was drawn through a solution containing 100 mL of `0.0105` M HCl . The `NH_(3)` reacts with HCl as follows:
    After drawing air through the acid solution for 10 minutes at a rate 10 litres/min the acid was titrated .The remaining acid required `13.1` mL of `0.0588` M NaoH to reach the equivalence point .
    Is this manufacturer in compliance with regulations ?

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  21. Fedral regulations set an upper limit of 50 parts per millison (ppm) of `NH_(3)` in the air in a work environment ( that is , 50 mL `NH_(3)` per `10^(6)` mL of air).The density of `NH_(3)(g)` at room temperature is `0.771` g/L .Air from a manufacturing operation was drawn through a solution containing 100 mL of `0.0105` M HCl . The `NH_(3)` reacts with HCl as follows:
    After drawing air through the acid solution for 10 minutes at a rate 10 litres/min the acid was titrated .The remaining acid required `13.1` mL of `0.0588` M NaoH to reach the equivalence point .
    Is this manufacturer in compliance with regulations ?

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  22. Fedral regulations set an upper limit of 50 parts per millison (ppm) of `NH_(3)` in the air in a work environment ( that is , 50 mL `NH_(3)` per `10^(6)` mL of air).The density of `NH_(3)(g)` at room temperature is `0.771` g/L .Air from a manufacturing operation was drawn through a solution containing 100 mL of `0.0105` M HCl . The `NH_(3)` reacts with HCl as follows:
    After drawing air through the acid solution for 10 minutes at a rate 10 litres/min the acid was titrated .The remaining acid required `13.1` mL of `0.0588` M NaoH to reach the equivalence point .
    Is this manufacturer in compliance with regulations ?

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  23. A compound `H_(2)X` with molar weigth of 80g is dissolved in a solvent having density of `0.4 g mol^(-1)`. Assuming no change in volume upon dissolution, the molarity of a `3.2` molar solution is

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  24. To measure the quantity of `MnCl_(2)` dissolved in an queous solution, it was completely converted to `KMnO_(4)` using the reaction
    `MnCl_(2)+K_(2)S_(2)O_(8)+H_(2)O to KMnO_(4)+K_(2)SO_(4)+HCl`(equation not balanced).
    Few drops of concentrated HCl were added to this solution and gently warmed. Further , oxalic acid (225 mg) was added in portions till the colour of the permanganate ion disappeared. Calculate the quantity of `MnCl_(2)` (in mg) presence in the initial solution.
    ( Atomic weights in g `mol^(-1)`: Mn=55,Cl=35.5)

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PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter VOLUMETRIC CALCULATIONS of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12