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Complete Solutions to Examples On Electrolysis of chapter ELECTROLYSIS AND ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RC MUKHERJEEExamples On Electrolysis
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. From the following data calculate the value of Avogadro constant. Charge of an electron `= 1.6 xx 10^(-19)` coulomb. (1 faraday = 96500 coulombs)

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  2. From the values of 1 faraday anf Avogadro constant, show that 1 faraday may be called 1 mole of electricity.

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  3. A metal wire carries a current of `1` ampere. The number of electrons passing a given point in the wire in `1` second is

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  4. How many electrons are lost and gained by 2 g of `Cl^(-)` ions and 1 g of `Zn^(2+)` ions as the result of electrolysis respectively ? (Cl = 35.5, Zn = 65)

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  5. Calculate the quantity of ferrous and ferric ions that would be deposited by 1 faraday. `" (F = 56)"`

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  6. 0.2864 of Cu was deposited on passage of a current of 0.5 ampere for 30 minutes through a solution of copper sulphate. What is the electrochemical equivalent of copper ? `" (1 F = 96500 coulombs)"`

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  7. Calculate how much current is necessary to produce hydrogen gas at the rate of 1 cc per second under standard conditions.

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  8. In an industrial electrolytic cell it is desired to produce `36 Kg` of magnesium metal per hour. The current required will be

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  9. How long a current of 3 amp has to be passed through a solution of `AgNO_(3)` to coat a metal surface of `80 cm^(2)` with 0.005 mm thick layer ? Density of Ag is `10.5 g//cm^(3)`.

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  10. A 100-watt, 110-volt incandescent lamp is connected in series with an electrolytic cell containing cadmium sulphate solution. What weight of cadmium will be deposited by the current flowing for 10 hours ?

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  11. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is evolved when a dilute solution of NaOH is electrolysed. How many moles of each gas would be liberated by a current which deposited 20.942 of Ag ?

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  12. A current of `3.7` amper is passed for 6 hre between Pt electrodes in `0.5` litre, 2M solution of `Ni(NO_(3))_(2).` What will be the molarity of solution at the end of electrolysis?

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  13. A current of 1.70 A is passed through 300.0 mL of 0.160 M solution of a `ZnSO_(4)` for 230 s with a current efficiency of 90% . Find out the molarity of `Zn^(2+)` after the deposition Zn. Assume the volume of the solution to remain cosntant during the electrolysis.

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  14. A current of 0.0965 ampere is passed for 1000 seconds through 50mL of 0.1M NaCl, using inert electrodes the average concentration of `OH^(-)` in the final solution is:

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  15. When a current of 1.5 amp was passed for 30 minutes through a solution of a salt of a trivalent metal, 1.071 g of the metal was deposited at the cathode. Calculate the atomic weight of the metal.

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  16. 19 g of molten `SnCl_(2)` is electrolysed for same tine, using inert electrodes. 0.119 g of Sn is deposited at the cathode. No substance is lost during the electrolysis. Find the ratio of the weight of `SnCl_(2)` and `SnCl_(2)` after electrolysis (Sn = 119)

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  17. Ten grams of a fairly concentrated solution of cupric sulphate is electrolysed using 0.01 faraday of electricity. Calculate (i) the weight of the resulting solution and (ii) the number of equivalent of acid or alkali in the solution. (Cu = 63.5, F = 96500 coulombs)

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  18. An acidic solution of `Cu^(2+)` salt contaning `0.4` of `Cu^(2+)` is electrolyzed untill all the copper is deposited. The electrolysis is continued for seven more minutes with the volume of solution kept at 100mL and the current at `1.2` amp. Calculate the volume of gases evolved at NTP during the entire electrolysis.

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  19. The electrode reactions for charging of a leas storage battery are :
    `PbSO_(4) + 2e^(-) = Pb + SO_(4)^(2-)`
    `PbSO_(4) + 2H_(2)O = PbO_(2) + SO_(4)^(2-) + 4H^(+) 2e^(-)`
    The electrolyte in the battery is an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid. Before charging, the specific gravity of the liquid was found to be 1.11 (15.7% `H_(2)SO_(4)` by weight). After charging for 100 hours, the sp. gr. of the liquid was found to be 1.28 (36.9% `H_(2)SO_(4)` by wr.). If the battery contained two litres of the liquid, calculate the average current used for charging the battery.
    NB. `(e^(-))` denotes electrons. Assume that the volume of the battery liquid remained constant during charging. 1 faraday = 96500 coulombs.

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  20. During the discharge of a lead storage battery, the density of sulphuric acid fell from `1.294 g mL^(-1)` to `1.139 g mL^(-)`. Sulphuric acid of density `1.294 g mL^(-1)` is `39%` by weight and that of density `1.139 g mL^(-1)` is `20%` by weight. The battery hold `3.5` litre of acied and discharge. Calculate the no. of ampere hour for which the battery must have been used. The charging and discharging reactions are:
    `Pb+SO_(4)^(2-) rarr PbSO_(4)+2e` (charging)
    `PbO_(2)+4H^(+)+SO_(4)^(2-)+2e rarr PbSO_(4)+2H_(2)O` (discharging)

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  21. A lead storage battery has initially 200 g of holf and 200 g of `PbO_(2)`, plus excess `H_(2)SO_(4)`. Theoretically, how long could this cell deliver a current of 10 amp, without reacharging, if it were possible to operate it so that the reaction goes to completion.

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  22. Suppose 250 mL of a 0.433 M solution of `CuCl_(2)` is electrolysed. How long will a current of 0.75 A have to run in order to reduce the concentration of `Cu^(2+)` to 0.167 M? What mass of Cu(s) will be deposited on the cathode during this time ?

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  23. A current of 10 A is applied for 1 h to 1 litre of a solution containing 1 mole of HCl. Calculate the pH of the solution at the end of this time.

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  24. Calculate the minimum number of kilowatt-hours of electricity required to produce 100 kg of Al by electrolysis of `Al^(3+)` if the required emf is 4.50 V.

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Examples On Electrolysis questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROLYSIS AND ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12