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Complete Solutions to Problems of chapter ELECTROLYSIS AND ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions47
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Molten `AlCl_(3)` is electrolysed with a current of 0.5 amp to produce 27.0 g Al. (i) How many g eq. of all were produced ? (ii) How many gram-atoms of Al were produced ? (iii) How many atoms of Al were atoms of Al were produced ? (iv) How many electrons were required ? (v) What is the no. of faradays of electricity consumed ? (vi) How long did the electrolysis take place ? (vii) How many litres of `Cl_(2)` at NTP were produced ?

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  2. In the electrolysis of an aqueous `Cr_(2)(SO_(4))_(3)` solution using a current of 2 amp, the mass of cathode is increased by 8 g. How long was electrolysis conducted ?

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  3. A spoon used as a cathode is dipped in `AgNO_(3)` solution and a current of 0.2 amp is passed for one hour. Calculate
    how much silver plating has occurred ?
    (b) how many electrons were involved in the process ?
    (c) what amount of copper would have been plated under similar conditions ?

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  4. A steady current passing through a solution of `AgNO_(3)` solution deposits 0.50 g of Ag in 1 h. Calculate the number of coulombs. What volume of hydrogen at `27^(@)C` and 750 mm pressure would the same current liberate in one hour ?

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  5. At the Nagnal fertilizer plant in Punjab, hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water. The hydrogen is used for the production of ammonia and nitric acid (by oxidation of ammonia). If the avrage production of ammonium nitrate is 5000 kg/day, estimate the daily consumption of electricity per day.

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  6. In an electrolysis experiment, current was passed for 5 hour through two cells connected in series. The first cell contains a solution of gold and second contains `CuSO_(4)` solutions. 9.85 g of gold was deposited in the first cell. If the oxidation number of gold is +3, find the amount of Cu deposited on the cathode of the second cell. Aso calculate the magnitude of the current in ampere. (If = 96500 coulomb) (Au = 197, Zn = 65.4)

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  7. A constant current flowed for 2 hours through a potassium iodide solution oxidising the iodide ion to iodine `(2I^(-) rarr I_(2) + 2e^(-))`.
    At the end of the experiment, the iodine was titrated with 21.75 mL of 0.0831 M soldium thiosulphate solution.
    `(I_(2) + 2S_(2)O_(3)^(2-) rarr 2I^(-) +S_(4) O_(6)^(2-))`
    What was the average rate of current flow in apmeres ?

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  8. During the electrolysis of `CrCl_(3)`, chlorine gas is evolved at the anode and chromium is deposited at the cathode. How many grams of Cr and how many litres of chlorine (at NTP) are produced, when a current of 6 amperes is passed for one hour ?

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  9. What weight of water will be decomposed by a current of 100 amp in 12 h ?

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  10. How many grams of `H_(2)` and `O_(2)` are produced during the electrolysis of water under a 1.30 amp of current for 5 hours ? What volumes of dry gases are produced at NTP ?

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  11. The water is electrolysed in a cell, hydrogen is liberated at one electrode and oxygen is simultaneously liberated at the other. In a particular experiment hydrogen and oxygen so produced were collected together and the total volume measured 16.8 mL at NTP. How many coulombs were passed through the cell in the experiment ?

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  12. Ag is electrodeposited on a metallic vessel of surface area `800 cm^(2)` by passing a current of 0.2 amp for three hours. Calculate the thickness of silver deposited, given its density is 10.47 g/cc.

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  13. 50 mL of hydrogen gas was collected over at `23^(@)C`, 740 mm Hg baromatric pressure `H_(2)` was produced by the electrolysis of water. The voltage was constant at 2.1 volts the current averaged 0.50 amp for 12 minutes and 20 seconds. Calculate Avogadro constant.

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  14. A current of 0.5 amp is sent through a solution of `CuSO_(4)` for 20 minutes using Pt electrodes.
    (a) Calculate the weight of Cu deposited.
    (b) Find out the total number of copper atoms deposited.
    (Cu = 6.57, Av. constant = `6.022 xx 10^(23)`, 1 F = 96500 coulombs)

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  15. What current is required to pass 1 mole of electrons per hour through an electrolytic bath ? How many grams of Al and Cd will be liberated by 1 mole of electrons ?

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  16. How many hour are required for a current of `3.0` ampere to decompose `18 g` water?

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  17. 50 mL of a 0.1 M `CuSO_(4)` solution is electrolysed for 12 minutes at a current of 0.06 amp. If Cu is produced at one electrode and `O_(2)` at the other, what will be the pH of the final solution ? For `HSO_(4)^(-) = H^(+) + SO_(4)^(2-), K_("diss") = 1.3 xx 10^(-2)`

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  18. For the electrolytic production of `NaClO_(4)` from `NaClO_(3)` as per reactions :
    `ClO_(3)^(-) + H_(2)O rarr ClO_(4)^(-) + 2H^(+) + 2e^(-)`
    (i) How many faradays of electricity would be required to produce 1 mole of `NaClO_(4)` ?
    (ii) What volume of `H_(2)` at STP would be liberated at the cathode in the time that it takes to form 12.25 g of `NaClO_(4)` ?

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  19. Electric current is passed through two cells 'A' and 'B' in series. Cell 'A' contains an aqueous solution of `Ag_(2)SO_(4)` and platinum electrodes. The cell 'B' contains aqueous solution of `CuSO_(4)` and Cu electrodes. The current is passed till 1.6 g of oxygen is liberated at the anode of cell 'A'.
    (i) Give equations for the reaction taking place at each electrode.
    (ii) Calculate the quantities of substances deposited at the cathodes of the two cells. (Ag= 108, Cu = 63.5)

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  20. One hundred millilitres of 0.8 M copper sulphate is electrolysed for 30 minutes by passing a current of 5 amp. Calculate the amount of copper sulphate in grams in the solutions.

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  21. Anthracene can be oxidised anodically to anthraquinone. What weight of anthraquinone can be produced by the passage of a current of 1 amp for 60 minutes if the current efficiency is 100%

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  22. To reduce nitrobenzene to aniline, 20 g of `C_(6)H_(5)NO_(2)`, 30 cc of an alcohol, 250 cc of water , 11 g of HCl and 1g of `SnCl_(2).2H_(2)O` were placed in the cathode space. After passing current at a rate of 26.5 amp-hour through the lead cathode electrolytic cell, 12-76 g of aniline was produced. Determine the current yield.

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  23. 0.2964g of Cu was deposited on passage of a current of 0.5 amp for 30 min through a solution of copper sulphate. Calculate the atomic weight of Cu.

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  24. Most of the copper used to make wire has been electrically refined by depositing it from copper salts solution (divalent) on to a cathode. What is the ost of electrical energy required per kg of copper if the cost of electricity is Rs. 0.25 per kWh and the cell operates at 0.2 volt ? The electrochemical equivalent of copper is 0.00033 g/coulomb.

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  25. How long should a current o 0.5 amp be passed through 50 mL of a 0.10 M NaCl solution in order to make its pH 12, assuming no volume change ?

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  26. Lake Cayuga has a volume of water estimated to be `8.2 xx 10^(12)` litres. A power station not so far above Cayuga's waters produces electricity at the rate of `1.5 xx 10^(6)` coulombs per second at an appropriate voltage. How long would it take to electrolyse the kale ?

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  27. A 200-watt, 110-volt incandescent lamp is connected in series with an electrolytic cell of negligible resistance containing a solution of zinc chloride. What weight of zinc will be deposited from the solution on passing the current for 30 minutes ? (Zn = 63.5, 1 faraday = 96500 coulombs)

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  28. 40 mL of 0.125 M of `NiSO_(4)` solution is electrolysed by a current of 0.05 amp for 40 minutes. (i) Write the equation for the reactions occurring at each electrode. (ii) How many coulombs of electricity passed through the solution ? (iii) How many grams of the product deposited on the cathode ? (iv) How long will the same current have to pass through the solution to remove completely the metal ions from the solution ? (v) At the end of electrolysis how many grams of the product would appear at the anode ?

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  29. An electric current is passed through a solution of (i) silver nitrate, (ii) solution of 10 g of copper sulphate `(CuSO_(4).5H_(2)O)` crystals in 500 mL of water, platinum electrodes being used in each case. After 30 minutes it was found that 1.307 g of silver has been deposited. What was the concentration of copper, expressed as grams of copper per litre in the copper sulphate after electrolysis ?

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  30. In a fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen react to produce electricity. In process, hydrogen gas is oxidized at the anode and oxygen at the cathode. If `67.2L` of `H_(2)` at `STP` reacts in `15mi n` , what is the average current produced ? If the entire current is used for electro`-` deposition of copper from copper `(II)` solution, how many grams of copper will be deposited ?
    Anode reaction `: H_(2)+2overset(c-)(O)Hrarr2H_(2)O+2e^(-)`
    Cathode reaction `:O_(2)+2H_(2)O+2e^(-) rarr 4overset(c-)(O)H`

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  31. 3A current was passed through an aqueous solution of an unknown salt of `Pd` for 1hr. `2.977 g` of `Pd^(+n)` was deposited at cathode. Find n.

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  32. A total of 69500 C of electricity was required to reduced 37.7 g of `M^(3+)` to the metal. What is M ?

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  33. A solution containing Cu(I), Ni and Zn cyanide complexes was electrolysed and a deposit of 0.175 g was obtained. The deposit contained 72.8% Cu, 4.3% Ni and 22.9% Zn. No other element was released. Calculate the number of coulombs passed through the solution.

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  34. Calculate the minimum number of kWh of electricity required to produce 1.0 kg of Mg from electrolysis of molten `MgCl_(2)` if the applied emf is 5.0 V. `(1kWh = 3.6 xx 10^(6)J)`

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  35. A sample of `Al_(2)O_(3)` dissolved in a molten fluoride bath is electrolysed using a current of 1.20 A. What is the rate of production of Al in g/hour ? The oxygen liberated at the positive carbon electrode reacts with the carbon to form `CO_(2)`. What mass of `CO_(2)` is produced per hour ?

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  36. The specific conductance of a `N//10 KCI` solution at `18^(@)C` is `1.12 xx 10^(-2) mho cm^(-1)`. The resistance of the solution contained in the cell is found to be 65 ohms. Calculate the cell constant.

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  37. When a solution of conductance 1.342 mho `"metre"^(-1)` was placed in a conductivity cell with parallel electrodes, the resistance was found to be 170.5 oh. The area of the electrodes is `1.86 xx 10^(-4)` sq metre. Calculate the distance between the two electrodes in metres.

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  38. The resistance of two electrolytes X and Y ere found to be 45 and 100 respectively when equal volumes of both the solutions were taken in the same cell in two different experiments. If equal volumes of these solutions are mixed in the same cell, what will be the conductance of the mixture?

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  39. The resistance of an aqueous solution containing `0.624g` of `CuSO_(4).5H_(2)O` per `100 cm^(3)` of the solution in a conductance cell of cell constant `153.7` per meter iss 520 ohms at 298K. Calculate the moalr conductivity. `(CuSO_(4).5H_(2)O = 249.5)`

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  40. An aqueous solution of 0.02 M KCl solution is filled in a 25-cm-long capillary tube of internal radius 0.01 cm. The solution was found to have a specific conductance of `0.0027 "mho cm"^(-1)`. What will be the current in amp when a potential of 2 volts is appled across the capillary tube ?

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  41. Given the equivalent conductance of sodium butyrate sodium chloride and hydrogen chloride as 83,127 and 426 mho `cm^(2)` at `25^(@)C` respectively the equivalent conductance of butyric acid at infinite dilution.

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  42. A dilute aqueous solution of `KCI `was placed between two electrodes 10 cm apart, across which a potential of 6 volt was applied. How far would the `K^(+)` ion move in 2 hours at `25^(@)C`? Ionic conductance of `K^(+)` ion at infinite dilution at `25^(@)C` is `73.52 ohm^(-1) cm^(2) "mole"^(-1)`?

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  43. For `0.0128 N` solution fo acetic at `25^(@)C` equivalent conductance of the solution is 1.4 mho `cm^(3) eq^(-1)` and `lambda^(oo) = 391` mho `cm^(2)eq^(-1)`. Calculate dissociation constant `(K_(a))` of acetic acid.

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  44. The specific conductance at `25^(@)C` of a saturated solution of AgCl in water is `1.826 xx 10^(-6) "mho cm"^(-1)`. If `Lambda_(AgCl)^(@)` is equal to 138.26 mho `cm^(2)`, find out the solubility of AgCl in water in grams per litre.

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  45. Specific conductance of pure water at `25^(@)C` is `0.58 xx 10^(-7)` mho `cm^(-1)`. Calculate ionic product of wter `(K_(w))` if ionic conductances of `H^(+)` and `OH^(-)`ions at infinite are `350` and `198` mho `cm^(2)` respectively at `25^(@)C`

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  46. The molar conductivity of a solution of a weak acid `HX(0.01 M)` is 10 times smalller than the molar conductivity of a solution of a weak acid `HY (0.10 M)`. If `lamda_(X^(-))^(@) =lamda_(Y^(-))^(@)`, the difference in their `pK_(a)` values, `pK_(a)(HX) - pK_(a)(HY)`, is (consider degree of ionisation of both acids to be `ltlt 1`):

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  47. The conductance of a 0.0015 M aqueous solution of a weak monobasic acid was determined by using a conductivity cell consisting of Pt electrodes. The distance between the electrodes is 120 cm with an area of cross section of `1 cm^(2)`. The conductance of this solution was found to be `5 xx 10^(-7)S`. The pH of the solution is 4. The value of limiting molar conductivity `(Lambda^(@))` of this monobasic acid in aqueous solution is `Z xx 10^(2)S cm^(-1) mol^(-1)`. The value of Z is ......... .

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Problems questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROLYSIS AND ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12