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Complete Solutions to Objective Problems of chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND RADIOACTIVITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RC MUKHERJEEObjective Problems
Number Of Questions66
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The frequency of a green light is `6 xx 10^(14)Hz`. Its wavelength is

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  2. The ratio of energy of a photon of `2000Å` wavelength radiation to that of `4000Å` radiation is

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  3. The values of charge on the oil droplets experimentally observed were `-1.6 xx10^(-19), -2.4 xx10^(-19) and -4 xx 10^(-19)` coulomb. The value of the electronic charge, indicated by these results is

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  4. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

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  5. For which of the following species, Bohr theory does not apply?

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  6. The radius of the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom is r. The radius of the 3rd orbit would be

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  7. The electronic velocity in the fourth Bohr orbit of hydrogen is v. The velocity of the electron in the first orbit would be

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  8. The ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is `13.6 eV`. The energy required to remove an electron in the `n = 2` state of the hydrogen atom is

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  9. The energy of the second Bohr orbit in the hydrogen atom is `-3.41eV.` The energy of the second Bohr orbit of `He^(+)` ion would be :

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  10. The ratio of the radii of the first three Bohr orbit in H atom is

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  11. The ratio of the difference in energy between the first and second Bohr orbits to that between the second and third Bohr orbit is

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  12. For 1=3, which value of m is not possible?

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  13. The designation of an orbital with n=4 and l=1, is

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  14. Which of the following orbitals is meaningless?

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  15. Which one of the following sets of quantum number is possible for electron in a 4f- orbital?

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  16. The maximum number of electrons in an atom with quantum number n=3, l=2 is

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  17. The number of orbitals in n=3 are

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  18. If the nitrogen atom has electronic configuration `1s^(7)`, it would have energy lower than that of the normal ground state configuration `1s^(2)2s^(2)2p^(3)` because the electrons would be closer to the nucleus. Yet `1s^(7)` is not observed because it violates

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  19. Rutherfords experiments , which established the nuclear model of atom , used a beam of:-

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  20. Total number of nodal planes are same in :

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  21. The minimum number of waves made by an electron moving in an orbit having maximum magnetic quantum number `+3` is.

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  22. The electronic transition from n = 2 to n = 1 will produce shortest wave length in (where n = principle quantum state)

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  23. The first emission line of Balmer series in `He^(+)` - spectrum has the wave no .in `(Cm^(_1))` (R-Rydberg constant)

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  24. If the radius of first Bohr orbit is r, the wavelength of an electron in the third orbit of a hydrogen atom is equal to

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  25. If the shortest wavelength of H-atom in Lyman series is `x`, then longest wavelenght in Balmer series of `He^(2+)` is :

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  26. Consider a large number of hydrogen atoms with electron randomly distributed in the n=1,2, 3 and 4 orbits. How many different wavelengths of light are emitted by these atoms as the electrons fall into lower energy orbits

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  27. How many times larger is a hydrogen atom than the radius of an H atom in its ground state if the H atom with an electron characterised by a quantum number of 106?

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  28. Which s larger, an `He^(+)` ion with electron in 3rd orbit or `Li^(2+)` ion with electron in 5th orbit ?

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  29. which of the following set of quantum numbers is impossible for an electron?

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  30. Number of stable isotopes is least when the number of neutrons and htat of protons in the isotopes are respectively

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  31. A radioactive nuclide generally disintegrates by `alpha`-emission when its N/P ratio is

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  32. `""_(8)^(x)X` atom is isotone to `""_(9)^(17)Y` atom. The value of x is

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  33. If 5g of a radioactive substance has a `t_((1)/(2))=14h`, 20g of the same substance will have a `t_((1)/(2))` equal to

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  34. The designations of a proton and neutron are `""_(1)^(1)H and ""_(0)^(1)n` respectively. Are the two particles of equal mass?

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  35. The nuclides `""_(18)^(40)Ar and ""_(19)^(41)K` are

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  36. Which of the following nuclides are isobars?

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  37. To what stable isotope would `""_(103)^(257)Lr` decay?

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  38. The half-life of a radioisotope is 1.5 hours. If its initial mass is 32g, the mass left undecayed after 6 hours is

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  39. The radioactivity due to `C-14` isotope (half-life = 6000 years) of a sample of wood form an ancient tomb was found to be nearly half that of fresh wood. The bomb is there for about how many years old? a)3000 b)6000 c)9000 d)12000

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  40. If half-life of a radioactive element is `3` hours. After `9` hours its activity becomes

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  41. If `3//4` quantity of a radioactive element disintegrates in two hours, its half life would be

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  42. A sample of rock from moon contains equal number of atoms of uranium and lead `(t""_(1//2)for U=4.5xx10""^(9)`year). The age of the rock would be a)`4.5xx10""^(9)` year b)`9xx10""^(9)` year c)`13.5xx10""^(9)` year d)`2.25xx10""^(9)` year

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  43. A radioactive isotope having a half life of 3 days was received after 12 days. It was found that there were 3 gm of the isotopes in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when packed was a)12 gm b)24gm c)36 gm d)48 gm

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  44. If `N^(0)` is the initial number of nuclei, number of nuclei remaining undecayed at the end of `n^(th)` half-life is

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  45. Radioactive material is deacign with `t_(1//2) = 30` days on being, separated into two fractions , one of the fracation, immediately after separation decays with `t_(1//2) = 2` days. The other fraction, immediately after separation, would show:

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  46. A radioactive substance has a constant activity of 2000 disintegrations/minute. The material is separated into two fractions one of which has an initial activity of 1000 disintegrations per minute while the other fraction decays with `t_((1)/(2))=24` hours. The total activity in both samples after 48 hours of separation is

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  47. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in`2s`orbital is

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  48. For a d-electron, the orbital angular momentum is

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  49. `._(13)Al^(27)` is a stable isotope. `._(13)Al^(29)` is expected to disintegrate by

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  50. Which of the following relates to photon both as wave motion and as a stream of particles ?

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  51. The kinetic energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is [`a_(0)` is Bohr radius] :

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  52. Energy of an electron is given by `E= -2.178 xx 10^(-18)J ((z^(2))/(n^(2)))`. The wavelength of light required to excite an electron in a hydrogen atom from level n=1 to n=2 will be (`h= 6.62 xx 10^(-34)Js, C= 3.0 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)`)

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  53. The first ionisation potential of `Na` is `5.1eV`. The value of electrons gain enthalpy of `Na^(+)` will be

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  54. The correct set of four quantum numbers for valence electrons of rubidium atom (Z=37) is

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  55. Which of the following is the energy of a possible excited state of hydrogen?

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  56. A stream of electrons from a heated filament was passed between two charged plates kept at a potential difference V esu. If c and m are charge and mass of an electron repectively, then the value of `h//lambda` (where `lambda` is wavelength associated with electron wave) is given by :

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  57. Which of the following atoms has the highest first ionisation energy ?

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  58. P is the probability of finding the 1s electron of hydrogen atom in a spherical shell of infinitesimal thickness, dr at a distanc, r from the nucleus. The volume of this shell is `4pi r^(2) dr`. The qualitative sketch of the dependence of P on r is

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  59. The radius of the second Bohr orbit for hydrogen atom is : (Plank'c const. `h = 6.6262 xx 10^(-34) Js` , mass electron ` = 9.1091 xx 10^(-31)` Kg , charge of electron ` e = 1.60210 xx 10^(-19)` , permittivity of vaccum ` in_(0) = 8.854185 xx 10^(-12) kg^(-1) m^(-3) A^(2))`

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  60. The group having isoelectronic species is :-

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  61. For the given orbital in column 1, the only correct combination for any hydrogen like species is

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  62. For hydrogen atom, the only correct combination is

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  63. Bombardment of Al by `alpha`-particles leads to artificial disintegration in two ways (i) and (ii) as shown. Products are respectively X, Y and Z

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  64. In the nuclear transmutation :
    `._(4)^(9) Be + X rarr _(4) ^(8) Be +Y`
    (X,Y) is (are)

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  65. A plot of the number of neutrons `(n)` against the number of protons `(p)` of stable nuclei exhibits upward deviation from linearity for atomic number, `Zgt 20.` For an unstable nucleus having `n//p` ratio less than 1, the possible mode `(s)` of decay is `(are)`

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  66. Ejection of the photoelectron from metal in the photoelectric effect experiment can be stopped by applying 0.5 V when the radiation of 250 nm is used. The work function of the metal is

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Objective Problems questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND RADIOACTIVITY of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12