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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS (Answers bracketed with questions) of chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND RADIOACTIVITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RC MUKHERJEEPROBLEMS (Answers bracketed with questions)
Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Using Bohr theory, calculate the radii of the first and the tenth orbits in the hydrogen atom

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  2. Calculate the velocities of the electron in the first and the tenth orbits of the hydrogen atom

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  3. Calculate the energy in calories required to produce, from neutral He atoms, 1 mole of (a) `He^(+)` ions (b ) `'He^(+ +)` ions using Bohr's equations

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  4. Calculate the energy in eV required to ionise 1 mole of hydrogen

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  5. Calculate the frequency of the spectral line when an electron from the fifth orbit jumps to the second orbit in a hydrogen atom (R= 109737 `cm^(-1)`)

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  6. Find (i) the total number of neutrons (ii) the total mass of neutrons in 7mg of `""^(14)C` (Assume the mass of a neutron = mass of a hydrogen atom)

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  7. Calculate the wave number and frequency of radiation having wavelength `5800+E65Å`

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  8. What total amount of energy in calories would be required to shift all the electrons from the first Bohr orbit to the sixth Bohr orbit in 1 mole of hydrogen ?
    Through what distance would each electron have to move? What frequency of radiation would be emitted if the electrons returned to their initial state ?

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  9. The ionisation energy of H atom is `13.6 ` eV. What will be the ionisation energy of `He^(o+)` and `Li^(2+)` ions ?

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  10. Calculate the frequency, energy and wavelength of the radiation corresponding to the spectral line of lowest frequency in Lyman series in the spectra of hydrogen atom. Also, calculate the energy for the corresponding line in the spectra of `Li^(2+)` (`R_(H)=1.09678 xx 10^(7) m^(-1), c= 3 xx 10^(8) m//s, h= 6.625 xx 10^(-24)J.s`)

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  11. considering the shape of a Ca nucleus like a sphere, calculate the density of the nucleus of Ca of mass number 40

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  12. For `He^(+) and Li^(2+)`, the energies are related to the guantum number, n, through an expression `E_(n)= - (Z^(2)B)/(n^(2))`, where Z is the atomic number of species and `B=2.179 xx 10^(-18)J`
    What is the energy of the lowest level (n=1) of a `He^(-)` ion?

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  13. For `He^(+) and Li^(2+)`, the energies are related to the guantum number, n, through an expression `E_(n)= - (Z^(2)B)/(n^(2))`, where Z is the atomic number of species and `B=2.179 xx 10^(-18)J`
    What is the energy of the level n=3 of a `Li^(2+)` ion?

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  14. The line at 434nm in the Balmer series of the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to a transition of an electron from the `n^(th)` to second Bohr orbit. What is the value of n?

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  15. Predict the type of radioactive decay process that is likely for each of the following nuclides
    (a) `""_(92)^(228)U` (b) `""_(5)^(8)B` (c ) `""_(29)^(68)Cu`

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  16. Oif 28.0% of a sample of Ag-112 decays in 1.52h, what is the half-life of this isotope?

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  17. `""_(90)^(232)Th` disintegrates to `""_(y)^(x)Pb` by emitting six `alpha`-and four `beta`-particles. Find x and y

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  18. The uranium (mass no. 238 and at no. 92) emits an `alpha`-particle, the product has the mass no. and at .no:

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  19. To which series will the following elements belong? `""_(103)^(257)Lr, ""_(99)^(254)Es, ""_(95)^(243)A m`

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  20. A sample of carbon from an ancient frame gives 7 counts of `""^(14)C` per minute per gram of carbon. If freshly cut wood gives 15.3 counts of `""^(14)C` per minute per gram, what is the age of the frame ? (Half-life period of `""^(14)C=5770` years)

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  21. Calculate the number of atoms disintegrating per minute in a mass of 0.001 g of radium which is an `alpha`-emitter with a half-life period of 1620 years.

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  22. In a sample of pitchblende the atomic ratio is `""^(206)Pb, ""^(238)U= 0.23: 1`. Calculate the age of the mineral, if half-life of uranium is taken as `4.5 xx 10^(9)` years. All lead originated from uranium.

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  23. A sample of radon emitted initially `7 xx 10^(4) alpha`-particles per second. After some time, the emission rate became `2.1 xx 10^(4)`. If `t_((1)/(2))` for radon is 3.8 days, find the age of the sample

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  24. `""^(222)Rn` has a half-life period of 3.83 days. What fraction of the sample will remain undecoposed at the end of 10 days?

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  25. The number of `alpha`-particles emitted per second by 1g of radium is `3.608 xx 10^(10)`. Calculate decay constant and `t_((1)/(2))`

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  26. The rate of radioactive decomposition corresponding to `3.7 xx 10^(10)` disintegration per second is called a curie. What weight of `""^(225)Ra`, whose `t_((1)/(2))=1620` yr, will be required to yield 1 millicurie of radiation?

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  27. Calculate the weight of `""^(14)C (t_((1)/(2)) =5720yr)` atoms which will give `3.70 xx 10^(7)` disintegrations per second (dps)

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  28. Calculate the number of disintegrations which 1g of `""^(226)Ra (t_((1)/(2))=1600yr)` would undergo per second. What quantity of `Na^(24)` (`t_((1)/(2))=15` hours) would undergo the same no. of disintegrations per second

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  29. A piece of wood was found to have `""^(14)C//^(12)C` ratio 0.7 times that in a living plant. Calculate the period (in years) when the plant died. (`t_((1)/(2)) " for " C^(14)= 5760yr`)

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  30. 10.0 gram-atom of an `alpha`-active radioisotope is disintegrating in a sealed container. In one hour, the He gas collected at STP is 11.2 litres. Calculate the half-life of the isotope supposing each nucleus yielding one He atom.

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  31. The disintegration rate for a sample containing `""_(27)^(60)Co` as the only radioactive nuclide, is found to be 240 atoms/minute. `t_((1)/(2))` of Co is 5.2 years. Find the number of atoms of Co in the sample. How long must this radioactive sample be maintained before the rate falls to 100 disintegrations/minutes

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  32. Sample containing `""_(88)^(234)Ra`, which decays by `alpha`-particle emission, is observed to disintegrate at the following rate expressed as counts per minute (cpm). Calculate half-life of this nuclide. t=0, 1000 cpm, t=1h, 992 cpm, t= 10h, 924 cpm, t=100h, 452cpm, t= 250h, 138 cpm

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  33. The thorium radioactive decay series produced one atom of `""^(208)Pb` as the final disintegration product of an atom of `""^(232)Th`. `t_((1)/(2))` of `""^(232)Th` is `1.39 xx 10^(10)` years. A certain rock is found to have a mass ratio of `""^(208)Pb and ""^(232)Th` as `14:1`. Determine the age of the rock.

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  34. The ratio of the number of atoms of two radioactive elements A and B, in equilibrium with each other, is `3.1 xx 10^(9): 1`. If `t_((1)/(2))` of element B is 6.45 yrs, calculate that of element A.

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  35. Which nucleus has higher binding energy per nucleon: `""_(28)^(58)Ni` (57.941 amu) or `""_(25)^(55)Mn` (54.939amu) ? Mass of neutron is 1.00867 amu and that of proton is 1.00728 amu.

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  36. For `""_(92)^(238)U` the binding energy per nucleon is 7.576 MeV. What is the atomic weight of this isotope? Use the mass of neutron and proton

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  37. The atomic masses of He and Ne are 4 and 20 amu respectively . The value of the de Broglie wavelength of He gas at`-73.^(@)C` is ''M'' times that of the de Broglie wavelength of Ne at `727.^(@)C.` M is

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  38. In an atom, the total number of electrons having quantum numbers
    `n = 4,|m_(l)| = 1` and `m_(s) =- (1)/(2)` is

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  39. The periodic table consists of 18 groups. An isotope of Cu, on bombardment with protons undergoes a nuclear reaction yielding element, X as shown below. To which group element X belongs to in the periodic table?
    `""_(29)^(63)Cu + ""_(1)^(1)H rarr 6 ""_(0)^(1)n + ""_(2)^(4)alpha + 2 ""_(1)^(1)H + X`

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  40. A closed vessel with rigid walls contains 1 mole of `._(92)^(238)U` and 1 mole of air at `298K`. Considering complete decay of `._(92)^(238)U` to `._(82)^(206)Pb`the ratio of the final pressure to the initial pressure of the system at `298K` is

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PROBLEMS (Answers bracketed with questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND RADIOACTIVITY of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12