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Complete Solutions to Problems of chapter CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions48
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the work done when 2 moles of hydrogen expand isothermally from 15 to 50 litres against a constant pressure of 1atm at `25^(@)C` .

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  2. 100 g of argon is allowed to expand from a pressure of 10 atm to 0.1 atm at `100^(@)C` . Calculate the heat which is obsorbed, assuming ideal behaviour.

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  3. The molar volumes of ice and water are respectively 0.0196 and 0.0180 litres per mole at 273 K. If DeltaH for the transition of ice to water is 1440 calories per mole at 1 atm pressure, find Delta u.

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  4. For the reaction, `C_("graphite")+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)=CO(g)` at 298 K and 1 atm, DeltaH=-26416 cal. If the molar volume of graphite is 0.0053 litre, calculate DeltaH.

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  5. One mole of an ideal gas at 300 K expands isothermally and reversibly from 5 to 20 litres. Calculate the work done and heat absorbed by the gas.

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  6. Calculate of heat of formation of ethylene from the following data at `20^(@)C` :
    `H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to H_(2)O(l),DeltaH=-65 kcal`
    `C(s)+O_(2)(g) to CO_(2)(g),DeltaH=-97 kcal`
    `C_(2)H_(4)(g)+3O_(2)(g) to 2CO_(2)(g)+2H_(2)O(l), DeltaH=-340 kcal`

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  7. Calculate the heat of formation of carbon monoxide from the following data :
    `C(s)+O_(2)(g) to CO_(2)(g), DeltaH=-94kcal`
    `2CO(g)+O_(2)(g) to 2CO_(2)(g), DeltaH=-136 kcal`

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  8. The heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol is `-300 kcal.` If the heats of formation of `CO_(2)(g)` and `H_(2)O(l)` are`-9.3` and `-68.5 kcal` respectively, calculate the heat of formation of ehtyl alcohol.

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  9. The heats of formation of `CO_(2)(g)` and `H_(2)O(l)` are -94.05 kcal and -68.32 kcal respectively. The heat of combustion of methyl alcohol (l) is -173.65 kcal. Calculate the heat of formation of liquid methyl alcohol.

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  10. At constant volume at `27^(@) C`,
    `2C_(6)H_(6)(g)+150_(2)(g) to 12CO_(2)(g)+6H_(2)O(l), Delta u=-1600 kcal`
    `2C_(2)H_(2)(g)+5O_(2)(g) to 4CO_(2)(g)+2H_(2)O (l), Deltau=-620 kcal`
    Calculate the heat of polymerisation of acetylene to benzene at constant pressure.

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  11. Calculate the heat of formation of `CH_(3)COOH `(l) at `25^(@)C` from the following data :
    `CH_(3)COOH (l)+2O_(2)(g) to 2CO_(2)+2H_(2)O (l), DeltaH=-208.34 kcal`
    `C(s)+O_(2)(g) to CO_(2)(g), DeltaH=-94.05 kcal`
    `H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2) to H_(2)O(l), DeltaH=-68.32 kcal`

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  12. For the reaction at `25^(@)C`
    `NH_(3)(g) to (1)/(2)N_(2)(g)+(3)/(2)H_(2)(g),DeltaH^(0)=11.04 kcal`
    Calculate `Deltau^(0)` of the reaction at the given temperature.

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  13. From the following equations, calculate the standard molar heat of formation of AgCl at `25^(@)C`.
    `Ag_(2)O(s)+2HCl (g) to 2AgCl(s)+H_(2)O(l), DeltaH^(0)=-77.61 kcal`
    `2Ag(s)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to Ag_(2)O(s), DeltaH^(0)=-73.1 kcal`
    `(1)/(2)H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)Cl_(2)(g) to HCl (g), DeltaH^(0)=-22.06 kcal`
    `H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O(g) to H_(2)O(l),DeltaH^(0)=-68.32 kcal`

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  14. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of HBr (g) from the following data :
    `SO_(2)(aq)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to SO_(3)(aq), DeltaH=-63.7 kcal`
    `2Br(g)+SO_(2)(aq)+H_(2)O(l) to 2HBr (aq)+SO_(3)(aq), DeltaH=-54 kcal`
    `H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to H_(2)O (l), DeltaH=-68.4 kcal`
    `HBr(g)+aq to HBr (aq), DeltaH=-20 kcal`

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  15. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of `Ca(OH)_(2)` (s) from the following data :
    `H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to H_(2)O(l), DeltaH=-68.3 kcal`
    `CaO(s)+H_(2)O(l) to Ca(OH)_(2)(s), DeltaH=-15.3 kcal`
    `Ca(s)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to CaO(s), DeltaH=-151.8 kcal`

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  16. Calculate heat of formation of `KOH(s)` using the following equations
    `K(s) +H_(2)O(l) +aq rarr KOH(aq)+1//2 H_(2)(g),DeltaH =- 48.0 kcal …(i)`
    `H_(2)(g) +1//2O_(2)(g) rarr H_(2)O(l),DeltaH =- 68.4 kcal …(ii)`
    `KOH(s) +(aq) rarr KOH(aq),DeltaH =- 14.0 kcal ....(iii)`

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  17. Calculate the heat of formation of `C_(6)H_(6)`, given that the heats of combustion of benzene, carbon and hydrogen are 754, 94 and 68 kcal respectively.

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  18. Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction
    `Fe_(2)O_(3)+3CO to 2Fe+3CO_(2),` from the following data :
    `2Fe+(3)/(2)O_(2) to Fe_(2)O_(3),DeltaH=-177.1 kcal`
    `C+(1)/(2)O_(2) to CO, DeltaH=-32.8 kcal`
    `C+O_(2) to CO_(2), DeltaH=-94.3 kcal`

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  19. The heats of formation of `Na_(2)B_(4)O_(7)` (s) and `Na_(2)B_(4)O_(7).10H_(2)O` (s) are -742 and -1460 kcal respectively. Calculate the heat of hydration of `Na_(2)B_(4)O_(7)` in forming decahydrate.

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  20. The heat of combustion of graphite at 298 K is -393.795 kJ/mole, while that of diamond's combustion at the same temperature is -395.692 kJ/mole. The specific heats for these substances are 720.83 and 505.58 `J kg^(-1)K^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the heat of graphite's transformation into diamond at 273 K.

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  21. The enthalpies of neutralisation for `CH_(3)COOH` with NaOH and `NH_(4)OH` with HCl are `-50.6` and -51.4` kJ `"eq"^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the enthalpy of neutralisation of `CH_(3)COOH` with `NH_(4)OH`.

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  22. Calculate the fuel efficiency in kJ/ gram of `C_(2)H_(4)` and `C_(4)H_(10)`. The heats of formation of `C_(2)H_(4), C_(4) H_(10), CO_(2)` and `H_(2)O` are 52.3, -126.1, -393.5 and -285.8 kJ `"mole"^(-1)` respectively.

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  23. The heat of formation of `Fe_(2)O_(3) "is" -821.32 kJ "mole"^(-1)` at 298 K and 1 atm and that of `Al_(2)O_(3)` is -1675.60 kJ ` "mole"^(-1)` under the same condition. Calculate the heat of reaction of reduction of 1 "mole" of `Fe_(2)O_(3)` with metallic aluminium.

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  24. A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a piston. Weights are added to the piston, giving a total mass of 2.20 kg. As a result the gas is compressed and the weights are lowered 0.25 m. At the same time, 1.50 J of heat evolved from the system. What is the change in internal energy of the system ?

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  25. Calculate `Delta G^(0)` for the reaction
    `CaF_(2)(s) hArr Ca^(2+)(aq)+2F^(-)(aq)`
    Given that, `DeltaG_(f)^(0)(CaF_(2)(s))=-1162 kJ//"mole"`
    `DeltaG_(f)^(0)(Ca^(2+)(aq))=-553.0"and" DeltaG_(f)^(0)(F^(-)(aq))=-276.5kJ//"mole"`
    Also calculate `K_(sp)` for this reaction at `25^(@)C`.

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  26. Predict the direction in which `Delta G^(0)` for the equilibrium
    `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g) hArr 2NH_(3)(g),DeltaG_(298)^(0)=-33.32 kJ`
    will change with increase in temperature. Calculate `DeltaG^(0)` at `500^(0)C`, assuming that `DeltaH` and `DeltaS` do not change with temperature, that is `DeltaH_(298)^(0)=Delta H_(793)` and `DeltaS_(298)^(0)=DeltaS_(793)`
    `DeltaH^(0)=-92.38kJ"and"DeltaS^(0)=-198.2 J//K`

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  27. A heat pump is used to draw water from a well. The temperature of the water is `15^(@)C` and that of the atmosphere is `40^(@)C` . If the amount of water drawn is 10 kg from the depth of 12 m, Calculate the amount of heat supplied to the well.

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  28. Given the following reactions with their enthalpy changes, at `25^(@)C`,
    `N_(2)(g)+2O_(2)(g) to 2NO_(2)(g),DeltaH=16.18 kcal`
    `N_(2)(g)+2O_(2)(g) to N_(2)O_(4)(g),DeltaH=2.31 kcal`
    Calculate the enthalpy of dimerisation of `NO_(2)` . Is `N_(2)O_(4)` apt to be stable with respect to `NO_(2)` at `25^(@)C` ?

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  29. A system is changed from an initial state to a final state to a final state by a maaner such that `DeltaH=q` . If the same change from the initial state to the final state were made by a different path, would `DeltaH` be the same as that to the first path ? Would q ?

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  30. Two moles of an ideal gas are held by a piston under 10 atm pressure at 273 K. The pressure is suddenly released to 0.4 atm and the gas is allowed to expand isothermally. Calculate W,q`Deltau` and `DeltaH`.

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  31. Show that the differential dV of the molar volume of an ideal gas is an exact differential and hence V is a state function.

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  32. Assume that the only change in volume is due to the production of hydrogen and calculate the work done in joules when 2.0 moles of Zn dissolve in hydrochloric acid, giving `H_(2)` at `35^(@)C` and 1 atm.
    `Zn(s)+2HCl(aq) to ZnCl_(2)(aq)+H_(2)(g)`

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  33. A Carnot engine has an efficiency of `40%` . If the temperature of the reservoir is `280` K, what is the temperature of the source ?

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  34. A Carnot engine, whose temperature of the source is `400K` receives `200 calories` of heat at this temperature and rejects `150 calaroies` of heat to the sink. What is the temperature of the sink? Also, calculate the efficiency of the engine

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  35. One mole of an ideal gas at 22.4 litres is expanded isothermally and reversibly at 300 K to a volume of 224 litres at a constant pressure. Calculate W,q,DeltaH, DeltaG and Delta S.

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  36. `K_(sp)` of AgCl at `25^(@)C` is `1.782 xx10^(-10)`. At `35^(@)C, K_(sp)` is 4.159xx10^(10)`. What are `DeltaH^(0)` and `DeltaS^(0)` for the reaction : `AgCl(s)=Ag^(+)(aq)+Cl^(-)(aq)` ?

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  37. For the reaction
    `C(s)+O_(2)(g) to CO_(2)(g)`
    `DeltaH^(0)=-393.51` kJ//"mole" and `DeltaS^(0)=2.86` J//"mole" . K at `25^(@)C`. Does the reaction become more or less favourable as the temperature increases ?

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  38. The `DeltaH^(0), DeltaG^(0)` and `DeltaS^(0)` values for the reaction
    `2H_(2)O_(2)(l) to 2H_(2)O(l)+O_(2)(g)`
    at `25^(@)C` are - 196.0 KJ//"mole"-233.6 kJ//"mole" and +125.6 J//"mole". K respectively . Is there any temperature at which `H_(2)O_(2)(l)` is stable at 1 atm ? Assume that `DeltaH` and `DeltaS` values do not change with temperature.

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  39. For each of the following processes, tell whether the entropy of the system increases, decreases or remains constant.
    (a) Melting one mole of ice to water at `0^(@)C`
    (b) Freezing one mole of water of ice at `0^(@)C`
    (c ) Freezing one mole of water to ice at `-10^(@)C`
    (d) Freezing one mole of water to ice at `0^(@)C` and then cooling it to `-10^(@)C`

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  40. The heat of formation of ethane is -20.3 kcal. Calculate the bond energy of C-C bond in ethane if the heats of atomisation of carbon and hydrogen are respectively 170.9 and 52.1 kcal per mole and bond energy of C-H bond is 99.0 kcal.

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  41. The heat of reaction of `N_(2)+3H_(2) to 2NH_(3)` is -20 kcal. If the bond energies of H-H and N-H bonds are 104 and 93 kcal/ mole respectively, calculate the bond energy of N-=N bond.

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  42. Calculate the heat of formation of acetone from the following data :
    `(1)/(2)H_(2)(g) to H(g), DeltaH=52.1 kcal`
    `(1)/(2)O_(2)(g) to O(g),DeltaH=59.16 kcal`
    `C(s) to C(g),DeltaH=171.7kcal`
    Bond energies:
    C-H=99 kcal
    C-C=80 kcal
    C=O=81 kcal

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  43. Calculate the heat of formation of methyl alcohol (liquid) from the following data :
    Heat of atomisation of C=170.9 kcal
    Heat of atomisation of H=52.1 kcal
    Heat of atomisation of O=59.6 kcal
    Bond energies : C-H=99 kcal
    C-O=84 kcal
    O-H=110.55 kcal
    Heat of liquefaction of 1 mole of `CH_(3)OH=-8.4` kcal.

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  44. Calculate the heat of the following gaseous reaction :
    `CH_(4)+4F_(2) to CF_(4)+4HF`
    The bond energies of C-H, F-F, C-F and H-F bonds are 99.3, 38, 116 and 135 kcal/ "mole" respectively.

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  45. Estimate the heat of formation of gaseous isoprene
    `(H_(2)C=overset(CH_(3))overset(|)(C)-overset(H)overset(|)(C)=CH_(2))` from the following data :
    Bond energies :
    C-H=98.8 kcal/"mole"
    H-H=104.0 kcal/"mole"
    C-C=83.1 kcal/"mole"
    C-C=147.0 kcal/"mole"

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  46. Using the required bond-energies data from the above problems, calculate the heat of hydrogenation of ethene to ethane.

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  47. Calculate the heat of the following homogeneous gaseous reaction
    `CH_(3)COCH_(3)+2O_(2) to CH_(3)COOH+CO_(2)+H_(2)O`
    from the following data :
    Bond energies (kJ):
    `{:(C-H=414.49,,C-O=967.13),(C-C=347.92,,"Resonance energy"),(C=O=724.32,,-COOH=117.23),(O=O=494.04,,CO_(2)=138.16),(O-H=62.64,,(-554.33kJ)):}`

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  48. Calculate the resonance energy of `N_(2)O` from the following data :
    `DeltaH_(f)^(@)` of `N_(2)O = 82 kJ mol^(-1)`, Bond energies of `N equivN`, `N = N , O =O and N =O` bonds are 946, 418, 498 and 607 `kJ mol^(-1)` respectively.

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Problems questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12