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Complete Solutions to Objective problems of chapter CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RC MUKHERJEEObjective problems
Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The heat of formation of HCl (g) from the reaction
    `H_(2)(g)+Cl_(2)(g)=2HCl(g),DeltaH=-44kcal` is

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  2. Given
    `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g)=2NH_(3)(g),DeltaH^(@)=-22 kcal`. The standard enthapy of formation of `NH_(3)` gas is

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  3. If `H_(2)(g)=2H(g),DeltaH=104cal` , then heat of atomisation of hydrogen is

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  4. Heats of combustion of `CH_(4),C_(2)H_(4), C_(2)H_(6)` are -890, -1411 and -1560 kJ/ "mole" respectively. Which has the lowest fuel value in kJ/g ?

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  5. `2.1g` of `Fe ` combines with `S` evolving `3.77KJ` . The heat of formation of `FeS` in `KJ//mol` is

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  6. When a certain amount of ethylene was combusted, 6226 kJ heat was evolved. If heat of combustion of ethylene is 1411 kJ, the volume of `O_(2)` (at STP) that entered into the reaction is :

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  7. `{:[(H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)=H_(2)O(g),DeltaH=-241.8kJ),(CO(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)=CO_(2)(g),DeltaH=-283 kJ):}]`
    the heat evolved in the combustion of 112 litres of water gas (mixture of equal volumes of `H_(2)` and CO) is

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  8. `{:[(H_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)=H_(2)O(g),DeltaH=-241.8kJ),(C_(2)H_(2)(g)+2(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)=2CO_(2)(g)+H_(2)O(g),DeltaH=-1300 kJ):}]`
    Equal volumes of `C_(2)H_(2)` and `H_(2)` are combusted under identical conditions. The ratio of heats evolved in the two cases is

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  9. Heat of neutralisation of a strong dibasic acid in dilute solution by NaOH is nearly :

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  10. The temperature of a `5mL` of strong acid increases by `5^(@)` when` 5 mL` of strong base is added to it . If `10mL` of each are mixed, temperature should increase by `:`

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  11. Heat of neutralisation of a strong acid by a strong base is equal to `DeltaH` of

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  12. In which case of mixing of a strong acid and a base each of `1N` concentration, temperature increase is highest ?

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  13. The heat of neutralisation of HCl by NaOH is -55.9 kJ//"mole". If the heat of neutralisation of HCN by NaOH is -12.1 kJ//"mole", the energy of dissociation of HCN is

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  14. The dissociation energy of `CH_(4)` and `C_(2)H_(6)` are respectively `360` and `620 kcal//mol.` The bond energy of `C-C` bond is `:`

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  15. In which of the following cases entropy decreases?

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  16. In which of the following reactions `DeltaS` is positive?

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  17. The `Delta G` in the process of melting of Ice at `-15^(@) C` is

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  18. In a reaction , `DeltaH` and DeltaS both are more than zeron. In which of the following cases would the reaction be spontaneous ?

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  19. In which case is a reaction possible at any temperature ?

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  20. In which case is a reaction impossible at any temperature ?

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  21. The difference between the heats of reaction at constant pressure and a constant volume for the reaction `2C_(6)H_(6)(l) + 15O_(2)(g) rarr 12CO_(2)(g) + 6H_(2)O(l)` at `25^(@)C` in `kJ` is

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  22. Molar heat capacity of water in equilibrium with ice at constant pressure is

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  23. Standard molar enthalpy of formation of `CO_(2)` is equal to `:`

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  24. When steam condenses to water at `90^(@)C`, the entropy of the system decreases. What must be true if the second law of thermodynamics is to be satisfied ?

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  25. A certain reaction is spontaneous at `85^(@)C` . The reaction is endothermicby 34 kJ. The minimum value of `DeltaS` for the reaction is

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  26. For the reaction,
    `(1)/(2)A_(2)+(1)/(2)B_(2) to AB,DeltaH=-50 kcal`
    If the bond energies of `A_(2),B_(2)` and AB are respectively `x,(x)/(2)` and x kcal, the value of x is

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  27. One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state (2.0 atm, 3.01, 95K)`to`(4.0 atm, 5.01, 245K) with a change in internal energy, `DeltaU=30.0L` atm. The change in enthalpy `DeltaH` of the process in L atm is.

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  28. Which of the following thermodynamic varibles is extensive ?

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  29. Which of the following is an intensive property ?

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  30. Which of the following is an intensive property ?

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  31. Which of the following is not a thermodynamical function

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  32. Which among the following is not an exact differential?

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  33. Which of the following is a state function and also an extensive property ?

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  34. Which of the following is not equal to zero in a cyclic process ?

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  35. The reversible expansion of an ideal gas under adiabatic and isothermal conditions is shown in the figure, which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct

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  36. For an ideal gas consider only p -v wok in group in going from initial state X to the final state Z . The final state Z can be reached by either tby of the two paths shown in the figure.

    ( take `DeltaS` as change in entropy and W as work done )
    Which okf the following choice(s) is (are) correct ?

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  37. A piston filled with `0.04` mol of an ideal gas expands reversibly from `50.0 mL` to `375 mL` at a constant temperature of `37.0^(@)C`. As it does so, it absorbs `208 J` of heat. The value of `q` and `w` for the process will be:
    `(R=8.314J//molK)(ln 7.5=2.01)`

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  38. Benzene and naphthalent form an ideal solution at room temperature. For this process, the true statement(s) is (are

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  39. A fixed mass m of a gas is subjected to transformation of states from K to L to M to N and back to K as shown in the figure.

    The successive operations that enable this transformation of states are

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  40. Refer to Q. 39. The pair of isochoric processes among the transformation of states is

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  41. For the complete combustion of ethanol, `C_(2)H_(5)OH(l)+3O_(2)(g)rarr2CO_(2)(g)+3H_(2)O(l)` the amount of heat produced as measured in bomb calorimeter is `1364.47KJ mol^(-1)` at `25^(@)C` . Assuming ideality, the enthalpy of combustion, `DeltaH_(C)` , for the reaction will be

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  42. For the process `H_(2)O(l) to H_(2)O(g)` at `T = 100^(@)C` and 1 atmosphere pressure, the correct choice is

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  43. 1 mole of an ideal gas at 300 K in thermal contact with surroundings expands isothermally from 1.0 L to 2.0 L against a constant pressure of 3.0 atm. In this process, the change in entropy of surroundings (`DeltaS_("sur"))` in `J K^(-1)` is (1 L atm=101.3 J)

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  44. `deltaU` is equal to

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  45. An ideal gas is expand from `(p_(1),V_(1),T_(1))` to `(p_(2),V_(2),T_(2))` under different conditions. The correct statement(s) among the following is (are):

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  46. For a reaction taking place in a container in equilibrium with its surroundings, the effect of temperature on its equilibrium constant Kin terms of change in entropy is described by

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  47. Using the data provided, calculate the multiple bond energy (`kJ "mol"^(-1)`) of a `C equiv C` bond in `C_(2)H_(2)`.That energy is (take the bond enrgy of a C-H bond as 350 kJ ` "mol"^(-1)`):
    `2C(s) + H_(2)(g) to C_(2)H_(2)(g), DeltaH = 225 kJ "mol"^(-1)`
    `2C(s) to 2C(g), DeltaH = 1410 kJ "mol"^(-1)`
    `H_(2)(g) to 2H(g), DeltaH = 330 kJ "mol"^(-1)`

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  48. The standard enthalpies fo formation of `CO_(2) (g), H_(2) O (1)`, and glucose (s) at `25^(@)C` are `- 400 kJ mol^(-1), - 300 kJ mol^(-)`, and `- 1300 kJ mol^(-1)`, respectively. The standard enthalply of combustion per gram of glucose at `25^(@)C` is

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  49. The heats of combustion of carbon and carbon monoxide are `-393.5and-283.5kJmol^(-1)` respectively. The heat of formation (in kJ) of carbon monoxide per mole is:

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  50. Given `C_(("graphite"))+O_(2)(g)toCO_(2)(g),`
    `Delta_(r)H^(0)=-393.5kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    `Delta_(r)H^(0)=-285.8" kJ "mol^(-1)`
    `Delta_(r)H^(0)=+890.3kJ" "mol^(-1)`
    Based on the above thermochemical equations, the value of `Delta_(r)H^(0)` at at 298 K for the reaction
    `C_(("graphite"))+2H_(2)(g)toCH_(4)(g)` will be:

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  51. The standard state Gibbs free energies of formation of ) C(graphite and C(diamond) at T = 298 K are
    `Delta_(f)G^(@)["C(graphite")]=0kJ mol^(-1)`
    `Delta_(f)G^(@)["C(diamond")]=2.9kJ mol^(-1)`
    The standard state means that the pressure should be 1 bar, and substance should be pure at a given temperature. The conversion of graphite [ ) C(graphite ] to diamond [C(diamond)] reduces its volume by `2xx10^(-6)m^(3) mol^(-1).` If ) C(graphite is converted to C(diamond) isothermally at T = 298 K, the pressure at which ) C(graphite is in equilibrium with C(diamond), is
    `["Useful information:"1J=1kg m^(2)s^(-2),1Pa=1kgm^(-1)s^(-2),1"bar"=10^(5)Pa]`

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  52. The combustion of benzene (l) gives `CO_(2)(g)` and `H_(2)O(l)`. Given that heat of combustion of benzene at constant volume is `–3263.9 kJ mol^(–1)` at `25^(@)C`, heat of combustion (in kJ` mol^(–1)`) of benzene at constant pressure will be
    (R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1)

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  53. `Delta G^(@)` at 500 K for substance 'S' in liquid state and gaseous state are +100.7 kcal `mol^(-1)` and +103 kcal `mol^(-1)` respectively vapour pressure of liquid 'S' at 500 K is approximately equal to :
    `(R=2 cal K^(-1) mol^(01))`

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  54. Given
    (i) `2Fe_(2)O_(3)(s) rarr 4Fe(s)+3O_(2)(g)`,
    `DeltaG^(@)=+1487.0 kj mol^(-1)`
    (ii) `2CI(g)+O_(2) rarr 2CO_(2)(g)`,
    `Delta_(r )G^(@)=-514.4 kj mol^(-1)`
    Free energy change `Delta_(r)G^(@)` for the reaction
    `2Fe_(2)O_(3)(s)+6CO(g) rarr 4Fe(s)+6cO_(2)(g)` will be :

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  55. For which of the following reactions, `DeltaH` is equal to `DeltaU` ?

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  56. An ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process as shown in figure.

    `DeltaU_(BC)=-5"kJ mol"^(-1),q_(AB)=2"kJ mol"^(-1)`
    `W_(AB)=-5"kJ mol"^(-1),W_(CA)=3"kJ mol"^(-1)`
    Heat absorbed by the system during process CA is,

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  57. A reversible cyclic process for an ideal gas is shown below. Here p,V and T are pressure, volume and temperature , respectively. The thermodynamic parameters, q,W,H and U are heat, work, emthalpy and internal energy and internal energy, respectively

    The correct option (s) is (are)

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  58. For a reaction, `A hArr P, the plot of [A] and [P] with time at temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` are given below :

    If `T_(2)gtT_(1)`, the correct statement (s) is (are)
    (Assume `DelltaH^(@)` and `DeltaS^(@)` are independent of temperature and ratio of in K at `T_(1)` to 1n K at `T_(2)` is greater than `T_(2)//T_(1)`. Here `T_(2)//T_(1)`. Here H,S,G and K are enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy and equilibrium constant, respectively )

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Objective problems questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS of BHARATI BHAWAN CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12