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Complete Solutions to PROBLMES (ANSWERS BRACKTED WITH QUESTIONS) of chapter SOLID AND LIQUID STATES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Potassium metal crystallizes in a face-centred arrangement of atoms where the edge of the unit cell is 0.574 ran, What is the shortest separation of any two potassium nuclei? [Hint: Calculate diameter of K]

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  2. A simple cubic lattice consists of eight identical spheres of radius R in contact, placed at the corners of a cube. What is the volume of the cubical box that will just enclose these eight spheres and what fraction of this volume is actually occupied by the spheres?

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  3. Calculate the packing fraction for the K unit cell. K crystallizes in a body-centred cubic unit cell.

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  4. Calculate the percentage of vacant space in a Si unit cubic cell. The unit-cell content for Si is 8 and `r=(sqrt(3)a)/8`.

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  5. Calculate the packing factor for spheres occupying (a) a body-centred cubic structure, and (b) a simple cubic structure, where closest neighbours in both cases are in contact.

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  6. Silicon crystallizes in a unit cell to that of diamond. Find the unit-cell content for Si.
    [Hint: Diamond has a face-centred cubic unit cell containing a tetrahedron of atoms.]

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  7. The intermetallic compound LiAg crystallizes in a cubic lattice in which both Li and Ag atoms have coordination numbers of 8. To what crystal class does the unit cell belong?

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  8. A compound formed by elements `A` and `B` crystallizes in cubic structure, where `A` atoms are at the corners of a cube and `B` atoms are at the face `-` centre. What is the formula of the compound ?

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  9. A cubic solid is made up of two elements A and B. Atoms B are at the corners of the cube and A at the body centre. What is the formula of compound.

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  10. A mineral having the formula `AB_2` crystallizes in the cubic close-packed lattice, with the A atoms occupying the lattice points. What are the coordination numbers of the A and B atoms?

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  11. Calculate the Avogadro constant from the following data: Density of solid NaCl = 2.165 g/cc.
    Distance between centres of adjacent `Na^(+)` and `Cl^(-) = 0.2819 nm.`
    Also, calculate the edge length of a cube containing 1 mole of NaCl and the number of ions (`Na^+ Cl^(-)`) along one edge of the cube.

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  12. Metallic rhodium crystallizes in a face-centred cubic lattice with a unit-cell edge length of 3.803 A. Calculate the molar volume of rhodium including the empty spaces.

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  13. The atomic radius of palladium is 1.375 A. The unit cell of palladium is a face-centred cube. Calculate the density of palladium.

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  14. The unit cell of tungsten is a face-centred cube having a volume of 31.699 A3. The atom at the centre of each face just touches the atoms at the corners. Calculate the radius and atomic volume of tungsten.

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  15. Aluminium crystallizes in a face-centred cubic unit cell with an edge length of 4.094 A. Calculate the approximate Avogadro constant.

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  16. An unknown metal is found to have a specific gravity of 10.2 at `25^(@)C`. It is found to crystallize in a body centered cubic lattice with a unit cell edge length of `3.147 Å`. Calculate the atomic weight.

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  17. Zinc selenide, ZnSe, crystallizes in a face-centred cubic unit cell and has a density of 5.267 g/cc. Calculate the edge length of the unit cell.

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  18. A face-centred cubic element (atomic mass `60`) has a cell edge of `400` pm. What is its density?

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  19. Polonium crystallises in a simple cubic unit cell .It has atomic mass 209 and density `91.5 kg m^(-3)` .What is the edge length of its unit cell ?

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  20. A metallic element has cubic lattice. Each edge of the unit cell is 3.0 A. The density of the metal is 8.5 g/cc. How many unit cells will be present in 50 g of the metal?

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  21. The `d_(111)` spacing for crystalline K is 0.3079 ran, Calculate the length of the cubic unit cell.

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  22. Calculate the Miller indices of crystal planes which cut through the crystal axes at (a, b, c), (2a, b, c) and (2s, - 3b, - 3c).

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  23. For a primitive cubic crystal with `a = 3 xx 10^10` m, what are the smallest diffraction angles 6 for (a) (1 0 0) and (b) (1 1 1) planes for `lambda = 1.50 xx 10^(-10) m`?

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  24. Potassium crystallizes with b.c.c. lattice and has a density of `0.856 xx 10^3 kg m^(-3)`. What is the length of the side of the unit cell, a, and what is the distance between (2 0 0), (1 1 0), and (2 2 2) planes? What is the closest distance between atoms, and what is the potassium atom radius, r?

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  25. The ionic radii of `A^(+) and B^(-)` ions are `0.98 xx 10^(-10) and 1.81 xx 10^(-10) m` .The coordinatyion number of each ion in `AB` is

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  26. What is the critical radius ratio for the CsCl structure?

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  27. Calculate the fractional void volume in the c.c.p. and h.c.p. structures of hard spheres.

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  28. The surface tension of glacial acetic acid was determined using the "bubble pressure' method in which the pressure needed to dislodge bubbles of air from the end of a capillary tube immersed in the liquid is measured. Given that the radius of the tube (r) is 1.1 mm, the depth of the tube in the liquid (h) is 3.56 cm, the pressure is 420 Pa and density (`CH_3COOH) = 1.0492^(-3)`. Determine `gamma`

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  29. The surface tension of toluene at 298 K is `0.0284 Nm^(-1)` and its density is 0.866 g/cc. What is the largest radius of the capillary that will permit the liquid to rise `2 xx 10^(-4)` m? Assume `theta =0` .

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  30. Calculate the capillary depression of Hg in a tube of diameter 1.0 mm. Assume that the contact angle is zero. The density of Hg is `13.6 xx 10^3 kg m^(-3)` and the surface tension of Hg is `0.460 Nm^(-1)`.

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  31. The time taken by a metal ball to drop through a liquid A of height h is 5.0 s, whereas that in liquid B is 7.5 s. If the densities of the metal ball, liquids A and B are `7.8 xx 10^(3), 1.5 xx 10^3` and `4.6 xx 10^3 kgm^(-3)` respectively, calculate the viscosity of liquid A. `eta(B) = 2.5 cP`

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  32. A certain liquid lias a viscosity of `1.0 xx 10^4` poise and a density of 3.2 g/mL. How long will it take for a platinum ball with a 2.5-mm-radius to fall 1.0 cm through the liquid? The density of platinum is 21.4 g/cc.

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  33. Two capillary tubes of radius 0.2 and 0.1 mm were placed into a sample of liquid `H_2O_2`. The difference between the heights of the liquid in the tubes is 5.50 cm. Given that density (`H_2O_2) = 1.41 g cm^(-3)` determine `gamma`.

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  34. 50 drops each of water and ether, weigh 3.64 g and 0.852 g respectively. Determine the surface tension of ether if the surface tension of water is `72.75` dyne `cm^(-1)`

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  35. The number of drops of water, counted in falling-drop method using stalagmometer is 100, whereas the number of drops of an organic liquid is 280. Calculate the surface tension of the organic liquid if the surface tension of water is `0.07275 Nm^(-1)` and the densities of water and the organic liquid are `0.998 xx 10^3 kg m^(-3)` and `0.755 xx 10^3 kg m^(-3)` respectively.

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  36. The viscosity of olive oil at 293 K is `0.084 Nm^(-2)` s and density is `1.1 xx 10^3 kg m^(-3)`. How long will it take to pass through a viscometer if water under the same conditions takes 30 seconds? `(eta_(H_(2)O) = 0.00101 Nm^(-2)s, d_(H_(2)O) = 0.998 xx 10^(3) kg m^(-3)`)

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  37. An organic liquid rises 1.0 cm in a capillary tube of radius r. How much will it rise if the cross-sectional area of the tube is halved?

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  38. A crystalline solid of pure substance has a face-centred cubic structure with a cell edge of 400 pm. If the density of the substance in the crystal is `8 g cm^(-3)` then the number of atoms present in 256 g of the crystal is `N xx 10^24`. The value of N is...............

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